2004-07-16, 16:23
New Blood
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 31
7 string
Now for quite a while I've been looking for a 7 string guitar. Ofcourse I like Ibanez and such, since I mostly play Progmetal. But then there's also the music man jp signature, but here in Denmark, where I live, guitars cost 3 times more or even more than that, than in America. For a long long time I've been searching the net for a place where it's possible to buy the jp signature, but all i've found is the 6 string. I don't know which guitar I'll end up with in the end, all I know is that a 7 string is what I'm looking for.
What guitar dya think would be the best for prog and such?
And does anyone knows where on the net I can find the jp sig 7 string? And If it would be safe to buy it over the net - My dad says it isn't, and in some way I agree, but knowing that guitars is so much more expensive here in denmark, makes me consider buying on the net...
(Sorry for my not so good english - Hope ya understand)
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2004-07-16, 17:09
Pirate Lawd
Join Date: May 2004
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Check Ran Guitars out. They can custom build a 7 string for the price you might pay for a US guitar where you live. They are safe because I got a guitar from them online. They can make it anyway you want it.
Last edited by Soulinsane : 2004-07-16 at 17:29.

2004-07-16, 17:15
New Blood
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 31
Well, sounds nice, but dad wont allow me to buy a guitar which cost more than like the music man jp sig 7 string... 
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2004-07-16, 17:27
Pirate Lawd
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 I understand, but if I lived in Europe thats what I would save my money up for, because they are nice handmade guitars and will go up in value over time. They are a bitch to get into the US, but very worth the trouble for me. Just tell your dad that it is a investment that will gain value, like a savings account, except you can play it. Maybe he would understand or maybe not?
I hope you do find a good 7 string guitar, though. Good luck!

2004-07-16, 17:29
New Blood
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 31
Heh - I'm pretty sure that won't help much - Dya know any other good 7 string guitars?
Thanks for your help, so far.
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2004-07-16, 18:35
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Maybe check ebay?
I dont know how ebay works over there though.
This is my signature.

2004-07-17, 07:23
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where do you live anyway? if you live in poland, go with the ran guitars! i bet the guy probably lives down the street from you or something.

2004-07-17, 07:24
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I too am in the market for a 7 string..still deciding though. Shops don't usually carry a wide variety of them.
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i'm so bonery

2004-07-17, 08:07
Pirate Lawd
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I got one, but it was just a POS very low end 7 string Ibanez G10. I payed $100 fot it at a pawn shop and completely rebuilt it. New 6100 fret job with leveling and polish, black MOP inlays, Blaze 7 pickups, quality electronics, reshaped headstock, nut, new finish on the neck, and bridge rebuild. It is worth at least $400-$500 now with all the upgrades. It even has blue LED side fretbourd markers now.

2004-07-17, 08:25
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Originally Posted by Darko
I too am in the market for a 7 string..still deciding though. Shops don't usually carry a wide variety of them.
I played the Schecter C-7 Blackjack at guitar center, it was the only 7 string they had besides the JP model. Badass guitar for a fair price. It also has my pickups already installed (JB and Jazz) 
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2004-07-17, 08:25
New Blood
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 31
Originally Posted by atifman
where do you live anyway? if you live in poland, go with the ran guitars! i bet the guy probably lives down the street from you or something.
Well I Dont live in Poland...I live in denmark
Ibanez RG7420? - RG7620? - RG1527?
Any of those any good?
Or maybe an UV7..?
Strange How Eyes Can Judge You To Be Nothing Worth
Last edited by King_of_loss : 2004-07-17 at 08:49.

2004-07-17, 09:08
Pirate Lawd
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RG1527 would be the best.

2004-07-17, 09:23
New Blood
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 31
Seen the guitar Petrucci plays on in the Lie video?
I actually like that now, which i didn't around a year or two ago...
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2004-07-17, 09:41
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UV777 is nice.
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2004-07-22, 20:34
Join Date: Jul 2004
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The UV777 or RG7420. The RG7420 is custom made but I see them all the time in stores. Any Ibanez 7 string will do.
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2004-07-24, 21:11
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Barrie Ontario
Posts: 76
I own an Ibanez RG7 string, though when I removed the neck to find the model, there was 2 numbers, 7420 and 7621, so I dont know exactly what model my guitar is, it plays absolutly amazing, I would suggest to anyone who does ger a lower Ibanez 7, to change the pickups of it, I do quite like the sound of mine, but they could be so much better, I am thinking Dimarzio Evolutions for it, but its hard to get those in my town.... I dont really know how I was able to find the guitar in the forst place....
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