2004-07-21, 00:00
Senior Metalhead
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opinions of what exactly makes nu metal?
sup all, from a few of my other posts after a long ass time of taking tabs from the site i finally registered (cxmachine is just shortened for my band crucifixion machine, and i've been told by them not to call us death/black anymore, we are sort of the doom/death with light industrial touches  ) anyway i was reading some of the posts, like the nu metal that doesn't suck etc etc and i pose to all of you a question, what do you feel constitutes nu metal, some things are obvious, and others i don't feel are as much. for example, where do some bands fall, i'll use the band Soil for example, these were the oppressor guys doing something different, i love both projects, and while soil downtunes and such, their look, influences and a good bit of their sound feel alot less like the stereotyped new metal, obviously they aren't death or anything but they have a different playstyle than much of what teenie's run after. therefore i find it hard to call them nu metal, the band chimaira is the same way, the look and attitude are metal, there are leads (nothing insane tho) and their new album is alot more epic than much of what is released today. so i don't think they are nu metal, but some people would differ with me, i'm just curious what other people feel makes nu metal and some ideas of bands they feel are nu metal. another example, i don't think machine head or fear factory(well minus digimortal) is nu metal, people will argue me there too, same with type o negative, but that is a bit more extreme case. i'm just curious to hear some other opinions on the subject since for the most part i can't stand what i consider nu metal, which is the hip hop crossover stuff or shit where the members look like they should be clubbin or at a rave instead of in a pit, etc etc, i just wanna get some ideas what people think, and maybe get a nice topic goin
oh some stuff i do consider nu metal to get an idea of what i feel it is
linkin park
limp bizkit
static x ( i know some people mentioned they liked em, but come on its three chords in drop c played at different speeds thru the whole first album)
drowning pool
and shit along that line, i can think of more but i don't even know if some of em are still around since i gave up the radio a long time ago

2004-07-21, 00:15
Join Date: Apr 2004
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i didnt read that huge post but
1.the same riff over and over and over and over. see: Disturbed
2.Rap. Limp Bizkit
3.simple lyrics usually conveying depression or angst
4. no solos
5. poor instrumentation
6. heavy rotation on mtv and radio

2004-07-21, 00:51
Gangster Rapper
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I also didnt read the long post, and im in class and have to be quick.
1-soft lyrics
2-no solos
3-no double kick
4-rap Limp Bizkit/Linkin Park
5-lots of publication
ive got more but i gotta turn of PC now or i will get in shit from tight ass teacher 
We live thinking we will never die.
We die thinking we had never lived.
Cut it out.
- Jason Becker

2004-07-21, 01:06
You gamma-minus fucktards
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(Please no-one piss and moan about this topic. Could be interesting.)
Let's see:
* Most importantly, a carefully constructed, saleable image. Nu-metal is worth money. These guys are not starving maniacs who live in their clothes.
* Down-tuned for authentic "bad-ass" sound.
* Reliance on hooks, gang-chorus and simple breakdowns rather than solos or atmosphere.
* Total lack of instrumental tracks.
* Lyrics written without metaphor or subtlety - simple and direct. Usually about how things are, like, bad. And stuff.
* Usually clean vocalled, syncopated, rap-influenced.
* Really very well produced.
* Complete absence of competent lead guitarist, blast beats, usefully-employed keyboards, guttural vocals.
* Narrow brand of experimentation sounds, usually involving turntables.
* Very few musical collaborations, 'super-groups' or EPs.
* People buy it. Stations play it.
I don't like "nu-metal". That is, the term itself. You probably already knew I don't like the music. I don't like "nu" - it's a Greek alphabet letter, not a musical designation. I don't think it means anything. I prefer pop metal - because that's what it is. It's a style commercialised to be friendlier, and sell better. And my God, doesn't it sell better??? All the stuff we listen to is played by poor people. At least Fred Durst got superannuation with his tattoos.
It's all been rather popular for a few years, but I get the sense it's dying out. Newer well-known bands like Lamb of God and Chimaira seem to be a lot less popular, and a lot more interesting. In the rabid pop-culture world, all those bands you mentioned up there seem to be dying out. They were a sell, and the sell is over. Just like pop groups - pop groups just die and fade away, bands keep playing. The media cretins have moved on to their next abomination, and we might be safe from this rubbish for a while. At least, here's hoping.
Bashing this stuff might be fun while waiting for your first pubic hair to grow, but it's something you should probably be growing out of if you're wearing long pants. There's not even enough time to listen to all the good stuff, so why would you pay attention to the shite? You'll go mad and they'll find you in a parking lot with your neck broken and an empty vodka bottle stuffed up your arse sideways with "No Funeral" written on your chest.
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2004-07-21, 01:16
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 381
i like the way you put that, kinda the way i judge it, didn't think chimaira fell into it tho, with the intrumentals and stuff on the new album, newho, sorry for the long post b4, i like hearin what other people think

2004-07-21, 02:22
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 137
I don't think fame or poor musician ship is what makes a nu metal band. Plenty death/black grind, or whatever has poor musician ship, and fame is caused by nu metal being well liked by the masses (usually stupid people), and it's not what constitutes a nu metal band. I think a nu metal band is these things
1.) generally fairly hard, but hardly ever extreme.
2.) metal that's heavily influenced by "alternative rock", a.ka. nirvana, alice in chains, or even emoish bands.
3.) rap influenced lyrical styles
4.) an utter lack of solos
5.) clean vocals, that have very emotional or angsty tunes to them
6.) lyrics, simple or not, that apply to an outcast community, to people who feel judged. I.E. korn, maralyn manson.
On a second note, I totally agree with far beyond sane (by the way, is that avatar from red dwarf?). Why bother talking about bad music. We don't sit around talking about how bad our garbage smelt today...maybe some of us do, but why waste time.

2004-07-21, 02:27
You gamma-minus fucktards
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Originally Posted by bloodredthrone
On a second note, I totally agree with far beyond sane (by the way, is that avatar from red dwarf?). Why bother talking about bad music. We don't sit around talking about how bad our garbage smelt today...maybe some of us do, but why waste time.
It's Anton LaVey. A requisite Mr. Scary Man and an interesting character.
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2004-07-21, 03:01
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 137
Oh yah, author of the satanic bible, and founder of the church of satan...well he looks alot like Charles Augins who guest starred on the british sci-fi comedy hit red dwarf on episode 5 season 2 entitled "Queeg" ( http://www.scifilm.org/tv/tvgraphics/reddwarf-queeg.jpg).well anyways he looks like a black and white version of, or at least your avatar does.

2004-07-21, 03:07
Senior Metalhead
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founder of the church of satan right? i did an ethics project on the church of satan for school this year.
I agree, why waste time complaining about "nu-metal" its just beating a dead horse
Damn you!
If you look down on me you will see a fool, If you look up at me you will see your lord, but if you Look straight at me you will see yourself-Charles Manson
They mostly come out at night...well...mostly
Keep it simple stupid

2004-07-21, 03:26
Forum Reverend
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lack of talent is a huge factor in nu-metal...you can have a nu-metal band going w/tons of songs written within 1-2 years of first picking up a guitar if your really into it...good like doing that w/any real form of metal...i mean you COULD, but it would suck...you can actually make "good" nu-metal within 2 years though.
also, to quote FBS:
* Reliance on hooks, gang-chorus and simple breakdowns rather than solos or atmosphere*
brilliant, atmosphere is a really important factor for me...one of the reasons i like doom so much is the atmosphere, and there simply is a severe lack of it in nu-metal.
un-realated sidenote - buddy got free tickets to an Evanescence show last night and the drummer had a double bass setup...of course he didn't use it ever...i remember Scrape did that too on the Extreme Steel Tour...bastards.
the patterns are everywhere...
Last edited by Father Death : 2004-07-21 at 04:17.

2004-07-21, 04:37
Pirate Lawd
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Being a fake for the sake of money is #1 for most nu-metal. I'm sure there is some nu-metalheads out there that truely love what they do and they will be around after the nu-metal shit passes the bowls of MTV, and I'm fine with them. They don't give a damn if I like them or not, because they are never going away, but the rest can kiss my ass, the fake bastards! I really dislike self-aware nu-metal posers, putting in minimum effort for fast $$$$$ 
Last edited by Soulinsane : 2004-07-21 at 04:40.

2004-07-21, 04:56
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 1,068
I've seen some local nu-metal bands. They are basically the same as pop-metal bands except they don't have any money. They sure do love Korn though!

2004-07-21, 05:00
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 1,487
Anybody see the episode of south park with Korn on it?? It's called Korn's groovy pirate ghost mystery.
It's a damn good one too, a halloween special. They make fun of Korn too.

2004-07-21, 05:06
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 281
Bwahahaha! I love the guy who said "double kick".
Because we all know double bass drumming is the epitomy of metal, and only metal.
Nu-Metal is simply music that has a heavy tinge to it that is tailored for the general public (lyrically, musically simplified). Sorta like angsty, downtuned hard rock.

2004-07-21, 05:15
Dog farts
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In my eyes, alot of this so called "nu-metal" stuff is nothing more than pop with distorted guitars.

2004-07-21, 05:23
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i like some of the opinions, i do apologize for beating a dead horse, but for the longest time i would sit here and read threads and never say anything, figured i'd jump into the conversation, and no i'm not a fan of nu metal either for the record, i have a few bands that slipped into my liking  but nothing of the steretyped variety, anyway cool coments

2004-07-21, 06:20
Pokémon Master
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i know i posted this in the other thread as well, but it also somewhat applies to this thread
1: Firstly, you need to be between the ages of 18 and 24, preferably breathing, and have two hands (not always necessary though).
2: Image is very, very important, so get kitted out with some baggy shorts or pants and a big wallet chain. Hair should be spiky, shaven or short -- no mullets or longhairs here!
3: A great name is pretty important, so write out a list of inanimate objects and combine any two for a band name. Where possible, no Cs or Ss -- only Ks and Zs. Here is a list and a few "examplez": Nose, chain, box, bleed, plank, boy, spider, wagon, trouzaz, shed, monkey, mutha, spanner, horse, fire, rocket, kill, kake, wallet, blast, chokolate, floppy. Now combine: Floppy Trouzaz, Wallet-Wagon, Kake-Box etc. This is good fun, so feel free to add more to the list.
4: Oh yeah, I almost forgot: Guitars are pretty important too so buy an Ibanez seven-string and downtune it until every string is as slack as a 50-year old Dutch prostitute. Then learn some easy single-note riffs and the occasional fifth-fret harmonic. Five minutes' practice should be enough before you are ready to play with the rest of the band. If you are a bass player, buy an Ibanez 5 or 6-string and do the same downtuning treatment as the guitar, but only use the top six frets. If you downtune it enough, then your bass should sound as low and farty as your granny after six helpings of cabbage, broccoli and sprouts at Christmas dinner.
5: Employ a pointless DJ and a singer who can "rap" (call him an Emcee) and claim you have always loved hip-hop as well as metal.
6: State that guitar solos are pointless, shit, self-indulging fretboard masturbation, when in fact you just can't play them and in secret you worship Steve Vai, Yngwie Malmsteen, Joe Satriani and Jeff Beck and the rest of the shred movement.
7: Write three-minute, commercial songs about how fucked-up your nice, steady, middle-class upbringing was, with a rap verse and a shouty chorus with loads of swearing to show how "4 REAL" you are. This is the key to success -- sell out before you even sell.
8: Claim NOT to be nu-metal and invent your own stupid-ass genre, like "Garden Core" or "Wardrobe Core" or "Nicely-Trimmed Privet Hedge-Core" and tell the press you've been in a band for ten years or so. When they question this, stating that if that is true, you must've been in a band when you were eight years old, swear loudly at them and call your agent.
9: Even if you perfect the first 8, it don't mean shit unless you move to the USA and get a cheesey gimmick. Wearing Y-fronts on your head, dressing in chef's uniforms or using poo as face paint should do the trick.
10: Number 10 is the ultimate clincher -- you MUST cover an awful 80s pop song! This will be your first single, or your second one if your first single was crap *cough, cough*Alien Ant Farm*cough, cough*. Something by MC Hammer, Spandau Ballet, Frankie Goes to Hollywood or Michael Jackson should be appropriate.
11: Congratulations! If you have done all this correctly, you should now record an album ("the heaviest fuckin' thing ever") filled with 50 guest-appearances from members of other nu-metal bands. If possible, get Ross Robinson to produce it and bribe him to say "This is the craziest, heaviest shit I've ever heard! These guys are 4 REAL!". Your album should sell 5,000,000 copies and get constant radio play before you split up because you are too rich to continue and your wallet is so heavy it hurts your "pants" (trousers) and you can't tour anymore.

2004-07-21, 08:57
Gangster Rapper
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Location: The Jason Becker Monastery
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Originally Posted by AbbathGS
Bwahahaha! I love the guy who said "double kick".
Because we all know double bass drumming is the epitomy of metal, and only metal.

We live thinking we will never die.
We die thinking we had never lived.
Cut it out.
- Jason Becker

2004-07-21, 09:56
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
Originally Posted by BeastOfCarrion
4: Oh yeah, I almost forgot: Guitars are pretty important too so buy an Ibanez seven-string and downtune it until every string is as slack as a 50-year old Dutch prostitute. Then learn some easy single-note riffs and the occasional fifth-fret harmonic. Five minutes' practice should be enough before you are ready to play with the rest of the band. If you are a bass player, buy an Ibanez 5 or 6-string and do the same downtuning treatment as the guitar, but only use the top six frets. If you downtune it enough, then your bass should sound as low and farty as your granny after six helpings of cabbage, broccoli and sprouts at Christmas dinner.
my interpretation is, well, basically what every one else has said.
a way to destroy metal music by playing over produced down tuned power chord riffs and singing about fucked up kids.
kids deserve to be fucked up. metal music is not for them! dont listen to it if you cant take it. metal is an adults genre. i am the only person i know under the age of 16 who can stand all/most forms of music.
but enough about me, those are the elements i think make nu-metal, plus trendy boys trying to be trendy to a different crowd. ah i dont know any more 

2004-07-21, 10:37
New Blood
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Im Fifteen, and i can stand all forms of music.
I hate nu-metal, the concept of nu-metal, the music of nu-metal, and the fact that when nu-metal is gone, all the current nu-metal bands will break up, reform, and say they were always into whatever trend is going on at the moment.
I hate the fact that Limp Bizkit are going "brutal" I think its a load of bs, and don't bother buying a "brutal" Limp Bizkit CD, if u want brutality, get Brujeria
Nigger, Jew, Arab, Wog, Asian, Abo, Indian - These are the things i hate.

2004-07-21, 13:10
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hahah nobody here listens to limp bizkit. you dont have to worry about that 

2004-07-21, 13:40
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Originally Posted by Soulinsane
Being a fake for the sake of money is #1 for most nu-metal. I'm sure there is some nu-metalheads out there that truely love what they do and they will be around after the nu-metal shit passes the bowls of MTV, and I'm fine with them. They don't give a damn if I like them or not, because they are never going away, but the rest can kiss my ass, the fake bastards! I really dislike self-aware nu-metal posers, putting in minimum effort for fast $$$$$ 
I'd whore my music for money. Fuck, I'd play any music the world wants if they'd pay me millions.
I'm a whore 
Imagine there's no countries,
It isnt hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace...

2004-07-21, 14:13
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Wow... thats sad
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-07-21, 15:45
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Total lack of anything outstanding. Well it's pretty outstanding how pussy they are. No solos, weak weak weak drums, gay vocals usually really whiney sounding. All the songs are about two things A) How cool they are. B) How shitty their lives are cause someone made fun of them, or their boyfriend broke up with them and left them with a bleeding anus. (poor babies life is so hard when you have millions of dollars)
People need to stop connecting downtuning and 7-string guitars and 5-string basses to nu-metal, that shit has been around long before this NU-METAL, how dare they even put metal in the name, there is NOTHING metal about it at all.
I'm the Trillest HAUS from the mean streets of Sandy dog.

2004-07-21, 16:21
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Originally Posted by BOSE
how dare they even put metal in the name, there is NOTHING metal about it at all.
agree with you a 100% there
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
Join The Forum CUNT

2004-07-21, 17:45
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nu-metal... bah.
it lacks the most important thing in music: talent.

2004-07-21, 19:03
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" People need to stop connecting downtuning and 7-string guitars and 5-string basses to nu-metal, that shit has been around long before this NU-METAL, how dare they even put metal in the name, there is NOTHING metal about it at all."
correct me if i'm wrong but didn't downtuning have it's origins in black sabbath due to Iommi's fingers? then evolved to really be a mainstay of doom and death far before nu metal was around?

2004-07-21, 19:14
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 137
you may be right, tony probably made it as popular as it is today, but i doubt he was the first to try it. Lastly, carrion is right, and hilariously so...nu-metal is gay. Enough said.

2004-07-21, 21:05
Schrodinger's Cat
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Originally Posted by AbbathGS
Because we all know double bass drumming is the epitomy of metal, and only metal.
You Spin Me Round by Dead Or Alive (an 80's Liverpudlian pop group) had sections of double bass drumming. It is rare, but other genres do utilize double kick drumming.
In general, I'm very apathetic towards so-called nu-metal. It's easy to identify by but not so in order to classify or define. I'd compare it to when you know someone is lying to you but you can't quite put your finger on it - you just know.
Basically, I apply the same rule to every style of music I hear or listen to: if I like it, I listen to it. Y'see, not listening to a genre of music because your peers don't is the same as actually listening to the genre because said peers do. If you like a song, then listen to it - don't worry about the categorization.
However, I feel that I'm quite lucky because hardly any nu-metal songs are listenable in my opinion - they just don't make me think about what's going on musical. There aren't enough twists and turns and there certainly isn't any musical tension or atmosphere built up. These are qualities that lend themselves to extreme metal, so that's the area of music I tend to listen to most.
My last point: I've never considered Machine Head or Fear Factory as falling under the extensive umbrella of nu-metal. Sure, Robb was tempted by the apple of fame-whoredom but with Imperium being released within the last year, he crushed those seeds with snarling anger and spat vitriolic cyanide back at an unsuspecting public.
In summary, who cares if nu-metal exists? Listen to what you like and don't worry about what other people listen to. Also, people have got to start somewhere so it might as well be nu-metal as anything else before they discover the good stuff. I'm sure we all have some embarrasing CD's that we'd rather forget from days gone by (I'm talking beyond nu-metal here) but just think, "Would I be listening to what I'm listening to now, if I didn't have those cringe-worthy CD's?"
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-07-21, 21:16
Join Date: Aug 2001
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Posts: 1,257
Originally Posted by BLS
Wow... thats sad
If someone offers you a chance to make a million to play some shitty music, and you'd say no. Wow... that's sad.
You can still like other music and play it.
Imagine there's no countries,
It isnt hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace...

2004-07-21, 21:41
El Diablo sin pantalones
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Originally Posted by Trendkill_420
You can still like other music and play it.
And make millions that way too 
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2004-07-21, 21:54
Join Date: Apr 2002
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Originally Posted by andrewc
metal is an adults genre
I don't think so.I think most people(at least here in Greece)
listen to metal until they get 20 years old ,then
they think of it like it was a disease(saying
stuff like : I was young then ,now I have matured
and can't listen to that noise).
As for nu-metal I don't like it at all(though I haven't
listened to many songs).
Burnin' and a-lootin' tonight
burnin' all pollution tonight
burnin' all illusion tonight


2004-07-22, 00:02
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 1,068
Originally Posted by Trendkill_420
If someone offers you a chance to make a million to play some shitty music, and you'd say no. Wow... that's sad.
You can still like other music and play it.
That's called selling out. You would be giving your dignity away for money. Money can only give you pleasure, not happiness.

2004-07-22, 00:04
You gamma-minus fucktards
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Originally Posted by BLS
Wow... thats sad
You hypocritical fucktard. You'd have your legs behind your ears for 4 million dollars and 10 years supply of impressionable young pussy, begging for Sony to put the rod in you.
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2004-07-22, 02:25
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: canada eh
Posts: 1,257
thank you sane.
...realism. What a concept.
Let me ask you others. What do you do for a living? I've heard half of you bitch about your jobs, so technically you are all "selling out" because you are doing something you do not like...for money. And the other half of you still on the tit. 
Imagine there's no countries,
It isnt hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace...

2004-07-22, 03:45
Senior Metalhead
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Originally Posted by johnmansley
You Spin Me Round by Dead Or Alive (an 80's Liverpudlian pop group) had sections of double bass drumming. It is rare, but other genres do utilize double kick drumming.
In general, I'm very apathetic towards so-called nu-metal. It's easy to identify by but not so in order to classify or define. I'd compare it to when you know someone is lying to you but you can't quite put your finger on it - you just know.
Basically, I apply the same rule to every style of music I hear or listen to: if I like it, I listen to it. Y'see, not listening to a genre of music because your peers don't is the same as actually listening to the genre because said peers do. If you like a song, then listen to it - don't worry about the categorization.
However, I feel that I'm quite lucky because hardly any nu-metal songs are listenable in my opinion - they just don't make me think about what's going on musical. There aren't enough twists and turns and there certainly isn't any musical tension or atmosphere built up. These are qualities that lend themselves to extreme metal, so that's the area of music I tend to listen to most.
My last point: I've never considered Machine Head or Fear Factory as falling under the extensive umbrella of nu-metal. Sure, Robb was tempted by the apple of fame-whoredom but with Imperium being released within the last year, he crushed those seeds with snarling anger and spat vitriolic cyanide back at an unsuspecting public.
In summary, who cares if nu-metal exists? Listen to what you like and don't worry about what other people listen to. Also, people have got to start somewhere so it might as well be nu-metal as anything else before they discover the good stuff. I'm sure we all have some embarrasing CD's that we'd rather forget from days gone by (I'm talking beyond nu-metal here) but just think, "Would I be listening to what I'm listening to now, if I didn't have those cringe-worthy CD's?"
wonderfully put 

2004-07-22, 04:10
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 281
Brujera is awful.

2004-07-22, 17:33
Senior Metalhead
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1. crap
2. no solos of anything
3. drop d tuning
4. simple lyrics

2004-07-22, 19:09
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 138
Originally Posted by johnmansley
My last point: I've never considered Machine Head or Fear Factory as falling under the extensive umbrella of nu-metal. Sure, Robb was tempted by the apple of fame-whoredom but with Imperium being released within the last year, he crushed those seeds with snarling anger and spat vitriolic cyanide back at an unsuspecting public.
i consider nu metal bands as wannabe metal bands who cant play music, cant write music, and cant write lyrics. fear factory who have been considered the creators of nu metal should not be considered it all - they dont fall under any of the above categories, and machine head certainly had a nu metal phase, but with their old guitarist leaving and phil demmel in they can get back to what they once were.
perhaps there are 1 or 2 good nu metal bands, though there will always be at least 1 or 2 good bands under every category.
The Black Hand of Set - Nile (summarised)
Somebody ate our dad, we will throw rocks at him from the sky, and put black ants in his air vents. You will make me so mad that I spurt out black semen into your mouth. I will use a megaphone to tell you I'm angry, then hit the air with a hammer, while standing on snakes. I call the grim reaper to cut open his head and eat his brain like in the film Hannibal, then cut his throat and stab his chest with scorpians.
Oh Kali
Oh Sekhmet
Oh Dagon.
Last edited by Nothingface4TehWin : 2004-07-22 at 19:14.

2004-07-22, 19:25
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Chicago
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Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
You hypocritical fucktard. You'd have your legs behind your ears for 4 million dollars and 10 years supply of impressionable young pussy, begging for Sony to put the rod in you.
Thier's no way i could ever play pop, no matter how much money the offer me. I doubt i could play that style, and if i could i wouldnt enjoy it. hows that make me a hypocrite?? please explain.....
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-07-22, 21:49
Pirate Lawd
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Hanger 18
Posts: 6,520
Even if I tried to play pop-metal for money I don't know where to begin. I would be on stage with the other posers and just lose control and go into playing Slayer and leads during the middle of the set. Sony would have a old priest and a young priest come out on the stage. " the power of Christ compells you", then fire my ass 

2004-07-22, 22:09
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: United States
Posts: 1,043
hmmm nu-metal...sucks...I'll admit i use to listen to that stuff but I don't anymore. Those bands are horridly repetative. Lyrics shouldn't be about shitty life. If anything do it about war and shit cuz that idea for lyrics I think are some of the coolest. i.e. amon amarth although they also sing about other norse mythology stuff which kicks ass.
I think the whole riffs being easy is true with nu-metal. But don't forget there are a lot of true metal out there that isn't exactly the most difficult to play either. take the song 1999/6661/2000 by Kataklysm...pretty basic riffs that I learned in about 1hr or less. Anyways they need to be brought out into public and disemboweled to show what worthless pieces of shit they truly are and how they are destroying music in general. And i mean we are deevolving with each little listen of this worthless shit out there. Along with most god damn rock/band driven music in the open today. These bands have been together for around 2years and already sell a shitload? That ain't fucking right while bands who bust their fucking asses put out 4 cds before they are even recognised in the underground...Fuck 'em that's all there is to it.

2004-07-22, 22:15
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 281
Why the hate? I dont care if a band sucks, as long as they don't pretend to be metal. some bands ust suck and don't call themselves metal... which is fine. I just don't listen to them.

2004-07-22, 22:44
Pirate Lawd
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Location: Hanger 18
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We can't let it be that simple. We are poeple with issues here and need to bitch about stuff, sorry. Stop killing our fun 

2004-07-23, 01:41
Join Date: May 2004
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Originally Posted by Soulinsane
Stop killing our fun 
I don't think getting a job is selling out, but I do think doing the nu-metal thing would be selling out BIG TIME. I can't explain why or put my finger on it, but I strongly believe it.
17 hours of sleep this week.

2004-07-23, 04:39
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Originally Posted by mtv_is_gay
I don't think getting a job is selling out, but I do think doing the nu-metal thing would be selling out BIG TIME. I can't explain why or put my finger on it, but I strongly believe it.
17 hours of sleep this week.
do you believe in idiocy?
if you like your job (i actually do) you can make a point.
but for all the bitching i've heard.................YOU'VE SOLD OUT.!!!!!!!!!!.
you're doing someting you don't like and don't believe in....blah blah blah. oh wait,,it's differnet cuz it's music.....no it's not..
so shut the fuck up.
it's a career. u make money for work. that dirty four letter word. u may shovel shit, or you may play nu-metal riffs. fact is. if you can get paid 1 mill for a nu metal riff or 6 bucks an hour for shovelin shit, what would you pick.
and before u respond....do u still live at home?
Imagine there's no countries,
It isnt hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace...

2004-07-23, 06:10
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 1,068
Originally Posted by Trendkill_420
do you believe in idiocy?
if you like your job (i actually do) you can make a point.
but for all the bitching i've heard.................YOU'VE SOLD OUT.!!!!!!!!!!.
you're doing someting you don't like and don't believe in....blah blah blah. oh wait,,it's differnet cuz it's music.....no it's not..
so shut the fuck up.
it's a career. u make money for work. that dirty four letter word. u may shovel shit, or you may play nu-metal riffs. fact is. if you can get paid 1 mill for a nu metal riff or 6 bucks an hour for shovelin shit, what would you pick.
and before u respond....do u still live at home?
Yes(still in high school if you give a shit), but I have a summer job. You can't hate someone for doing their job, and actually earning their money. When someone is in a popular nu-metal (or anyother shitty kind of music) band, however, they contribute to the thousands of kids that listen to shitty music each day. It's getting harder and harder having all this nu-metal people shove their MTV-controlled opinions down my throat.
The fact is Jon Davis is too old and rich to complain and whine about getting ass fucked by his dad. If you are doing it because you need money for food and a home, fine. But if you are doing it because all you care about is being rich and getting all the slutty girls, you sell out.
20 hours of sleep this week.

2004-07-23, 14:45
Schrodinger's Cat
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Originally Posted by mtv_is_gay
20 hours of sleep this week.
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-07-23, 15:57
New Blood
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 11
I was reading over another forum I'm at, and it came to a very interesting post made by a really cool guy named MDK...anyway, here is his "defense to nu-metal" post:
"As I like Nu Metal (but not more then other styles) I will state my arguments about what I think about Nu Metal and why I like it but I can't make a post about Nu being better then Death or Gothic, because honestly, that's not my opnion. So no "Nu is better because..." from me.
First let's make this clear: Linkin Park is not Nu Metal. Incubus is not Nu Metal. Staind is not Nu Metal. Why? Well hear to Mudvayne, Slipknot or System Of A Down. Does that sounds like these bands can be in the same category? No. That's one of the reasons why I think that Nu Metal has a bad status inside the Metal community. Not every new bands are Nu. Having Rap elements is not the determinant point in the style. Actually you don't have to have Rap elements. You have to have Metal elements. That's what defines any Metal style.
Nu Metal isn't supposed to make you fell, happy, sad, satanic, I don't think that Nu Metal has any particular general theme, the lyrics can be political,a about daily life things or situations or the lyrics can have no meaning at all. In this new alternative style it's the sound that makes the difference, not what they say.
In Nu Metal bands you normally have regular trasitions from a fast played part to a more melodic part, like you hear on SOAD, for instance. You normally have fast guitars, fast (sometimes brutally) singed lyrics (that in some bands end up by being a screamed rap), a very deep bass sound and, in some bands, the electronic elements. There are no big guitar riffs or drumming demonstrations as the most instrumental parts tend to be full of alternative or melodic guitar elements.
In the end, Nu Metal doesn't normally have some of the typical and old Metal characteristics as the new elements this style has cut some of the older components. So, it's different and it's new. I can see only 3 real reasons for people to not like Nu Metal: either they really don't like the way it sounds, just as they can dislike Black Metal's sound or any other, either they are too linked with the "older" Metal and simply like the "old" more then the new (they can be affraid of the changes this new style brought), or finally, they just simply are stupid not-thinking-for-themselves persons that were once told that Nu Metal sucks and simply started saying it aswell.
I hope that it's a good defense of the style and I hope I made it clear that Nu is Metal. I also never wanted to sound like a fanatic of the style because honestly I'm not and, as I said before, Nu isn't my favourite style. But i can't think it sucks. I just don't understand why Nu Metal was so badly acepeted by the REAL Metal community ( like most of us) in general as I don't think that Nu's more opened and less restrict reality inflenciates the way a band sounds."
-SDK "the Metalstorm Forums"

2004-07-24, 00:55
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 1,068
Originally Posted by johnmansley
I just say that so I can keep track of how much sleep I am getting. I'll stop now because I am too tired.
PTD, I don't really get it. What exactly is the definition of nu-metal? I have never considered Korn having melodic guitar parts. If those bands are not nu-metal, than what are they?

2004-07-24, 01:31
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Originally Posted by mtv_is_gay
When someone is in a popular nu-metal (or anyother shitty kind of music) band, however, they contribute to the thousands of kids that listen to shitty music each day. It's getting harder and harder having all this nu-metal people shove their MTV-controlled opinions down my throat.
The fact is Jon Davis is too old and rich to complain and whine about getting ass fucked by his dad. If you are doing it because you need money for food and a home, fine. But if you are doing it because all you care about is being rich and getting all the slutty girls, you sell out.
so if you work at a fast food joint, you contribute to thousands of society getting fat with grease.
and just because someone likes' money and sex, they're selling out? um...no.
you're not gonna win.
Imagine there's no countries,
It isnt hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace...

2004-07-24, 01:35
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Originally Posted by mtv_is_gay
That's called selling out. You would be giving your dignity away for money. Money can only give you pleasure, not happiness.
I going to quote a not-too-famous line here, "You sell out whenever you sign a record contract, so basically every band or artist with a album on the shelves, even if its underground, is a sellout."
Some may think that isn't true, I have trouble with it myself. But maybe it is in some ways true.
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able, and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" - Epicurus
“I'm as firm as red clay and as constant as... drinkin'. I'm constantly drinkin'.” - Early Cuyler

2004-07-24, 02:18
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u sell out when you disagree with someone really.
so we're all selling out all the time.
"gimme all your fuckin money"
Imagine there's no countries,
It isnt hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace...

2004-07-24, 02:26
Supreme Metalhead
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Nu-Metal = Kinda whiny for kids that feel like goths but stil wanna look gangsta
Originally Posted by Infinity
Everything is funny you just gotta look at it the right way.
You know I believe in a ruling class, particuarly since I rule.
-Randal, Clerks

2004-07-24, 04:26
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 1,068
Originally Posted by Trendkill_420
so if you work at a fast food joint, you contribute to thousands of society getting fat with grease.
If I really hate everyone getting fat from fat and grease I would not work at a fast food joint myself, unless it was my only option to survive. That would be selling out if you were working at a fast food joint when you did not support what they do, all for the purpous of buying a slightly more expensive car than what you can afford.

2004-07-24, 06:56
New Blood
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Location: Kelowna B.C. Canada
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Originally Posted by BOSE
Total lack of anything outstanding. Well it's pretty outstanding how pussy they are. No solos, weak weak weak drums, gay vocals usually really whiney sounding. All the songs are about two things A) How cool they are. B) How shitty their lives are cause someone made fun of them, or their boyfriend broke up with them and left them with a bleeding anus. (poor babies life is so hard when you have millions of dollars)
People need to stop connecting downtuning and 7-string guitars and 5-string basses to nu-metal, that shit has been around long before this NU-METAL, how dare they even put metal in the name, there is NOTHING metal about it at all.
fuck yeah!

2004-07-24, 07:03
Supreme Metalhead
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Location: Glen Burnie, Maryland
Posts: 958
Downtuning = fun
Nu-Metal could die. Some is good, but it still wouldn't hurt me. Let's make a new genre for it that lacks "metal" in the name.
How about "Meecrab?"
Originally Posted by Infinity
Everything is funny you just gotta look at it the right way.
You know I believe in a ruling class, particuarly since I rule.
-Randal, Clerks

2004-07-24, 07:03
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Shut up you worthless cunt. You know you're in a Slipknot tribute band.

2004-07-24, 07:12
Supreme Metalhead
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Location: Glen Burnie, Maryland
Posts: 958
Originally Posted by Infinity
Everything is funny you just gotta look at it the right way.
You know I believe in a ruling class, particuarly since I rule.
-Randal, Clerks

2004-07-24, 07:17
Pirate Lawd
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How about nu-pop?

2004-07-24, 07:20
Join Date: Jul 2002
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la la la lala
we're goin 'round the world and la la la lala

2004-07-24, 07:23
Supreme Metalhead
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Location: Glen Burnie, Maryland
Posts: 958
Originally Posted by Soulinsane
How about nu-pop?
That works so much better than meecrab. Yes.
Originally Posted by Infinity
Everything is funny you just gotta look at it the right way.
You know I believe in a ruling class, particuarly since I rule.
-Randal, Clerks

2004-07-24, 14:20
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then i surmise that it won't be hated as much by metal-heads everywhere.
Imagine there's no countries,
It isnt hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace...

2004-07-24, 14:28
Gangster Rapper
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We live thinking we will never die.
We die thinking we had never lived.
Cut it out.
- Jason Becker

2004-07-24, 14:38
Pirate Lawd
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Posts: 6,520
Originally Posted by Trendkill_420
then i surmise that it won't be hated as much by metal-heads everywhere.
Heavy-pop! I love it. Very fitting.

2004-07-24, 15:06
Gangster Rapper
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Location: The Jason Becker Monastery
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We live thinking we will never die.
We die thinking we had never lived.
Cut it out.
- Jason Becker

2004-07-24, 16:30
But why is the rum gone ?
Join Date: Jun 2004
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Originally Posted by metal=life
la la la lala
we're goin 'round the world and la la la lala
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
Join The Forum CUNT

2004-07-24, 16:31
But why is the rum gone ?
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Keeping the Groove going and staying out of Treble
Posts: 1,778
Originally Posted by metal=life
la la la lala
we're goin 'round the world and la la la lala
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
Join The Forum CUNT

2004-07-25, 00:22
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: canada eh
Posts: 1,257
Originally Posted by Severed_Head_Stoner
then at least i'm getting some pussy

Imagine there's no countries,
It isnt hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace...

2004-07-25, 06:48
But why is the rum gone ?
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Keeping the Groove going and staying out of Treble
Posts: 1,778
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
Join The Forum CUNT

2004-07-25, 06:53
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: pretty damn close to Cephalic Carnage.
Posts: 3,648
If you lived down the street, I'd walk over and slap you.

2004-07-25, 11:06
Gangster Rapper
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: The Jason Becker Monastery
Posts: 961
EDIT: wow, what i had before was pretty fucked up, even by my standards
We live thinking we will never die.
We die thinking we had never lived.
Cut it out.
- Jason Becker
Last edited by Severed_Head_Stoner : 2004-07-25 at 11:43.

2004-07-25, 13:12
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: canada eh
Posts: 1,257
Originally Posted by metal=life
If you lived down the street, I'd walk over and slap you.

Imagine there's no countries,
It isnt hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace...

2005-04-05, 20:49
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: nowhere,USA
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for new metal it requires a
1. seven string guitar
2. droped D and for the bottom A droped B
3. too much distortion
4. no chops what so ever
5. palm mutes
6. 2 months of playing experince
7. screaming
8. no theory
9. a drummer with 2 bass drums
10. ask your self why u suck so much every day
11. 2 humbuckers
12. and well basically to be a shitty player

2005-04-05, 20:52
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Alabama
Posts: 1,942
Originally Posted by YJM04
for new metal it requires a
1. seven string guitar
2. droped D and for the bottom A droped B
3. too much distortion
4. no chops what so ever
5. palm mutes
6. 2 months of playing experince
7. screaming
8. no theory
9. a drummer with 2 bass drums
10. ask your self why u suck so much every day
11. 2 humbuckers
12. and well basically to be a shitty player
Old thread......

2005-04-05, 20:53
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 +  = 

2005-04-05, 20:59
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Originally Posted by BeastOfCarrion
i know i posted this in the other thread as well, but it also somewhat applies to this thread
1: Firstly, you need to be between the ages of 18 and 24, preferably breathing, and have two hands (not always necessary though).
2: Image is very, very important, so get kitted out with some baggy shorts or pants and a big wallet chain. Hair should be spiky, shaven or short -- no mullets or longhairs here!
3: A great name is pretty important, so write out a list of inanimate objects and combine any two for a band name. Where possible, no Cs or Ss -- only Ks and Zs. Here is a list and a few "examplez": Nose, chain, box, bleed, plank, boy, spider, wagon, trouzaz, shed, monkey, mutha, spanner, horse, fire, rocket, kill, kake, wallet, blast, chokolate, floppy. Now combine: Floppy Trouzaz, Wallet-Wagon, Kake-Box etc. This is good fun, so feel free to add more to the list.
4: Oh yeah, I almost forgot: Guitars are pretty important too so buy an Ibanez seven-string and downtune it until every string is as slack as a 50-year old Dutch prostitute. Then learn some easy single-note riffs and the occasional fifth-fret harmonic. Five minutes' practice should be enough before you are ready to play with the rest of the band. If you are a bass player, buy an Ibanez 5 or 6-string and do the same downtuning treatment as the guitar, but only use the top six frets. If you downtune it enough, then your bass should sound as low and farty as your granny after six helpings of cabbage, broccoli and sprouts at Christmas dinner.
5: Employ a pointless DJ and a singer who can "rap" (call him an Emcee) and claim you have always loved hip-hop as well as metal.
6: State that guitar solos are pointless, shit, self-indulging fretboard masturbation, when in fact you just can't play them and in secret you worship Steve Vai, Yngwie Malmsteen, Joe Satriani and Jeff Beck and the rest of the shred movement.
7: Write three-minute, commercial songs about how fucked-up your nice, steady, middle-class upbringing was, with a rap verse and a shouty chorus with loads of swearing to show how "4 REAL" you are. This is the key to success -- sell out before you even sell.
8: Claim NOT to be nu-metal and invent your own stupid-ass genre, like "Garden Core" or "Wardrobe Core" or "Nicely-Trimmed Privet Hedge-Core" and tell the press you've been in a band for ten years or so. When they question this, stating that if that is true, you must've been in a band when you were eight years old, swear loudly at them and call your agent.
9: Even if you perfect the first 8, it don't mean shit unless you move to the USA and get a cheesey gimmick. Wearing Y-fronts on your head, dressing in chef's uniforms or using poo as face paint should do the trick.
10: Number 10 is the ultimate clincher -- you MUST cover an awful 80s pop song! This will be your first single, or your second one if your first single was crap *cough, cough*Alien Ant Farm*cough, cough*. Something by MC Hammer, Spandau Ballet, Frankie Goes to Hollywood or Michael Jackson should be appropriate.
11: Congratulations! If you have done all this correctly, you should now record an album ("the heaviest fuckin' thing ever") filled with 50 guest-appearances from members of other nu-metal bands. If possible, get Ross Robinson to produce it and bribe him to say "This is the craziest, heaviest shit I've ever heard! These guys are 4 REAL!". Your album should sell 5,000,000 copies and get constant radio play before you split up because you are too rich to continue and your wallet is so heavy it hurts your "pants" (trousers) and you can't tour anymore.

2005-04-05, 21:01
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Originally Posted by Transient
hahah nobody here listens to limp bizkit. you dont have to worry about that 
yes your among friends. lol 

2005-04-05, 21:03
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Originally Posted by Trendkill_420
I'd whore my music for money. Fuck, I'd play any music the world wants if they'd pay me millions.
I'm a whore 
hey u remind me of metallica

2005-04-05, 21:04
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Originally Posted by BOSE
Total lack of anything outstanding. Well it's pretty outstanding how pussy they are. No solos, weak weak weak drums, gay vocals usually really whiney sounding. All the songs are about two things A) How cool they are. B) How shitty their lives are cause someone made fun of them, or their boyfriend broke up with them and left them with a bleeding anus. (poor babies life is so hard when you have millions of dollars)
People need to stop connecting downtuning and 7-string guitars and 5-string basses to nu-metal, that shit has been around long before this NU-METAL, how dare they even put metal in the name, there is NOTHING metal about it at all.

2005-04-05, 21:07
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Originally Posted by Trendkill_420
If someone offers you a chance to make a million to play some shitty music, and you'd say no. Wow... that's sad.
You can still like other music and play it.
So your gonna sell your soul to pop cuture just to make a quick buck. instead of making it the real way with hard work and dedication

2005-04-05, 21:10
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Originally Posted by Soulinsane
Even if I tried to play pop-metal for money I don't know where to begin. I would be on stage with the other posers and just lose control and go into playing Slayer and leads during the middle of the set. Sony would have a old priest and a young priest come out on the stage. " the power of Christ compells you", then fire my ass 
i would do somthing funny as shit like bust out some paganini on their ass!
like the 24 caprice that multi taping shit was fuckin crazy!

2005-04-05, 21:15
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ok this is what u do to the nu metal people. make them call your house tune to droped D start playing shitty with alot of distortion and start yelling into the phone. then ask them if they can recognize the song. i did it to over 20 people and the results were
Slipknot 62%
cannibal corpse 48%

2005-04-05, 21:17
Join Date: Jan 2005
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Originally Posted by YJM04
So your gonna sell your soul to pop cuture just to make a quick buck. instead of making it the real way with hard work and dedication
He didn't say he would sell his soul,he said he wouldn't turn down the money.I sure as fuck wouldn't either.

2005-04-05, 21:18
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Originally Posted by Soulinsane
Heavy-pop! I love it. Very fitting.
heavy pop is metro/hetero sexuals dream.
whing about nothing. u can tell that blink 1893(not sure if right) is gay, my sister was watching their video and they were running naked together holding hands or somthing. i dont rember cuz i was too buisy puking 

2005-04-05, 22:17
Supreme Metalhead
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Originally Posted by BeastOfCarrion
buy an Ibanez seven-string and downtune it until every string is as slack as a 50-year old Dutch prostitute.
Do you have the phone number of this prostitute?
Originally Posted by BeastOfCarrion
Now combine: Floppy Trouzaz, Wallet-Wagon, Kake-Box etc. This is good fun, so feel free to add more to the list.
My spikey haired, baggy short wearing, key chain of a nephew's band is called Kake Box, you'll be hearing from their lawyers (or primary school teacher) very shortly! 

2005-04-05, 23:38
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Originally Posted by YJM04
So your gonna sell your soul to pop cuture just to make a quick buck. instead of making it the real way with hard work and dedication
You can't sell something that doesn't exist. Maybe over e-bay, but that's it.
I don't know if being pretentious gives you a boner or not, but cut that shit out. Nobody wants your holier-than-thou bullshit. I would hope that anybody here would take the opportunity to make millions of dollars that they can then put into buying metal merchandise. It would help the metal scene out a lot more than playing pop (or punk, or whatever music you delude yourself into thinking is inherently evil) would hurt the metal scene.
I would jump at the opportunity to make loads of money playing easy or shitty music. Then I can take that money and use it to finance making the music I really love.
Trust in god, he'll give you shoes!

2005-04-06, 02:30
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selling out implies the band in question giving up total control of the music they write, it also has a stronger connotation to bands that existed on underground labels, moving to a bigger label and then changing thier sound intentionally to go mainstream. alot of bands now are incantations of big labels, im talking committee approved shit, bands that never toured,recorded or done anything before they were signed and most importantly the videos rotate on mtv, thats the promo, thats the hype,then they go tour.................it works the other way around with small independent labels, you record<and accumulate debt>, your label may send out a few promos, you get a few reviews, then you book your tour usually<no tour support, you will lose money garenteed and your van will break down in the middle of NOWHERE, several times>make your own merchandise, hit the road and play as much as possible coz thats the factor in selling your album and creating a fanbase<this part is obvious, but to actually do it and stick wth it is an entirely different matter> lets say you run out of cds or vinyl, you have to BUY more from your label. the difference between these two worlds is what gives credit to the term "selling out", when bands cross this line, most bands put every ounce of thier being into thier music and operate at a huge loss because they love music. some self release thier material and dont even consider an independent for the total control of thier art, im on the side of never dealing with big labels if the chance arose becoz more often than not signed bands incur huge amounts of debt if they dont sell, 99% dont sell

2005-04-06, 05:53
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
Originally Posted by YJM04
heavy pop is metro/hetero sexuals dream.
whing about nothing. u can tell that blink 1893(not sure if right) is gay, my sister was watching their video and they were running naked together holding hands or somthing. i dont rember cuz i was too buisy puking 
YMCA04: there is absolutely no need to post 10 times in a row, cunt-munt. just post once, if you need all the quotes, copy and paste them. three once you get to be an older member, but you, sir newb, shall have your one post at a time.

2005-04-06, 11:18
You gamma-minus fucktards
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Originally Posted by YJM04
Slipknot 62%
cannibal corpse 48%
Add those two numbers together.
Then kill yourself.
A fucking stupid recycle!
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2005-04-16, 15:28
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Down the street from nHoE
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id dint read all the posts so dont burn me if i copy someone by accident...
1) its all simple 3 or 4 power chord song that just repeat (with minor exetions in the chorus)
2) weak vocals and lyrics
3) over expensive sets
4) appears at ozzfest (ozzy still rocks thogh)
5) played on the radio WAY TOO MUCH aka at all
6) have every one of there songs sound the same...
7) makes sure they sound low and deppressing...
8) dress in all black 'cause it makes you cool'
9) they idolise metallica not realising that theyve been around for 20 years...
10) they say that real metal is 'too heavy' (LMFAO)
Originally Posted by IlikeRiffseveryone
im 50 percent irish and 100 percent pain. (SHAKE DOWN!!!!)
Canadian Brutal Death (So you know it's good)

2005-05-12, 19:31
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: hell
Posts: 82
would u guys call stone sour nu-metal just becouse it has corey taylor and jim root form slipknot?
i would call it that becouse that band actually had sometalent it was too heavy but at least it had sum nice solos and i dont think it has rap influential lyrics
But what do you think?

2005-05-12, 20:38
Lo, they do call to me...
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: virginia beach, VA
Posts: 2,209
Originally Posted by HatecrewESP
would u guys call stone sour nu-metal just becouse it has corey taylor and jim root form slipknot?
i would call it that becouse that band actually had sometalent it was too heavy but at least it had sum nice solos and i dont think it has rap influential lyrics
But what do you think?
fuck you
Too grim to function

2005-05-12, 20:43
El Diablo sin pantalones
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Yggdrassyl
Posts: 4,321
Originally Posted by HatecrewESP
But what do you think?
that you should stop reviving old thread.
And no-one cares enough about stone-sour to even make the effort to call it nu-metal or nuish-metal or metal with nu influences.
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!
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