2004-07-24, 23:35
Join Date: Jul 2002
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how to read this shit
on www.looknohands.com go to the scales part and tell me how to read that fretboard with dots on it saying the numbers. I cant figure it out because the numbers that are off the fretboard to the left throw me off.

2004-07-25, 01:47
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i believe the numbers that are off the fretboard mean play that string open and the number indicates what the note # is in the scale. same with the other dots with numbers
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2004-07-25, 01:52
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Yeah its a little confusing but the best way to do it, is just look at a scale that you know and see how it shows it. So you can make sence of it all.
Then go to a scale that you want to learn and try figuring it out.
Just stare at it for awhile until it makes sence helps too.
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2004-07-25, 02:48
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: pretty damn close to Cephalic Carnage.
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Fuck I still can't figure it out.
When you first go on that page, click on the C major scale to the right. Its the first one in that colomn to the right. If someone could go through the trouble of tabbing that out it'd help a lot.

2004-07-25, 04:55
Gangster Rapper
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Originally Posted by guitar_demon
i believe the numbers that are off the fretboard mean play that string open and the number indicates what the note # is in the scale. same with the other dots with numbers
Guitar Demon is correct. Thats how i interperet it anyway
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2004-07-25, 05:18
Join Date: Jul 2002
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So #1 means C?

2004-07-25, 05:22
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I don't see what you are having trouble with...
The dots on the strings are where your fingers go. Who would have ever thought hey?
Every single one of those notes is in the scale or at least a mode in the scale.
Now you learn it

2004-07-25, 05:35
Gangster Rapper
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Location: The Jason Becker Monastery
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Just get your tabs from somewhere else then if u still cant read them.
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- Jason Becker

2004-07-25, 05:40
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2004-07-25, 06:54
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: pretty damn close to Cephalic Carnage.
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Originally Posted by ShredIsNotDead
I don't see what you are having trouble with...
The dots on the strings are where your fingers go. Who would have ever thought hey?
Every single one of those notes is in the scale or at least a mode in the scale.
Now you learn it
Yeah I know that but I want to know how to play it by doing runs. I just need to know what those friggin numbers mean

2004-07-25, 11:10
Gangster Rapper
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Location: The Jason Becker Monastery
Posts: 961
M=L I spanked my monkey to your profile picture. thanks
We live thinking we will never die.
We die thinking we had never lived.
Cut it out.
- Jason Becker
Last edited by Severed_Head_Stoner : 2004-07-25 at 14:56.

2004-07-25, 14:48
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 381
Learn the scale up one string at a time, just follow the dots. The numbers are the intervals, you can change them to the note names if the intervals are confusing. Over time though you will go back to looking at the intervals as everything in music ultimately comes down to them. Modes of a scale are simply note groups derived from the original scale. In the case of c major the first mode is ionian, the c major scale is the only scale where the name of the first mode differs from the scale name, c-d-e-f-g-a-b. The second mode is d dorian, and it's derived from the c major scale starting on the second interval, d-e-f-g-a-b-c. It is important to think of the modes as different note groups rather than patterns, as any mode and any scale can ultimately be played in any position on the fretboard. Have fun.
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2004-07-26, 00:25
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: pretty damn close to Cephalic Carnage.
Posts: 3,648
Originally Posted by Severed_Head_Stoner
M=L I spanked my monkey to your profile picture. thanks
As did I, as did I...
And thanks peeps I gots it nows so i'mn gonna goes plays my guitars.
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