2004-07-31, 16:48
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Cannibal Corpses
Old Cannibal Corpse (Chris Barnes) or New Cannibal Corpse?
Hell Awaits

2004-07-31, 17:04
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as far as vocals you mean??
definitally corpsegrinder (i dont know his real name)
thats one of the main reasons i hate 6FU i cant stand the guys vocals
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2004-07-31, 17:36
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Originally Posted by guitar_demon
definitally corpsegrinder (i dont know his real name)
I think its george fisher.Ill go with chris barnes.

2004-07-31, 23:29
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Hard Choice
Nowadays Fisher vocals has Barnes beat, back in the early 90's...Barnes was better than Fisher in Monstrosity. But you have to give credit to Barnes for his work with the band as it helped make CC what they are today...at least he wrote lyrics, Fisher himself said he's a lazy fuck and plays too many video games to bother writing lyrics. 

2004-07-31, 23:46
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2004-08-01, 01:53
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I'd have to say I'm an old Barnes fan but his voice has gone to shit in SFU, although I do like them a little bit. George Fisher has a good growl though but I have more respect for Chris

2004-08-01, 02:01
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Barnes, he had the BEST dm vocal's back in CC and he writes some funny ass songs.
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And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2004-08-01, 02:07
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tr00 dat

2004-08-02, 00:22
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Barnes with CC is the best. Now he just sucks. Corpsegrinder is good but I like Barnes better.
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2004-08-02, 00:30
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their vocal styles are different really, George has (what i think is) a more full voice, making him sound different to Barnes who sang lower and with many goat noises, but he is crap now, as from what i have listened to of the last album, he sings more like a hardcore vocalist now than he did before, which really sucks
all up i would have to say that i prefer Corpsegrinder to Barnes
and from a couple of the interviews i have read, Corpsegrinder is a lazy bum, who cant be bothered writing lyrics, but i dont think anyone really cares, and they are all too busy hiding pineapples in eachother's beds.
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2004-08-02, 00:48
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George "Corpsegrinder" Fisher.

2004-08-02, 01:11
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I don't think i've heard any cannibal corpse without barnes. Barnes ruled. Six Feet Under are pretty cool too.
Originally Posted by Infinity
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2004-08-02, 08:04
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i enjoy both of them heaps, but i prefer corpsegrinder, i think he's a better vocalist.

2004-08-04, 01:58
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Barnes in Cannibal was better than Fisher in Monstrosity.
Fisher in Cannibal is better than Barnes in SFU. (I hate SFU. They are as death metal as Slipknot.)
Fisher in Cannibal is better than Barnes was in Cannibal.
Fisher in Monstrosity is better than Barnes in SFU (Did I mention SFU suck? Besides the 8th grade power chord "riffs", Barnes vox are very bad).
Overall Fisher is better, but there was a point when he wasn't. His vox were not anything to rave about in Monstrosity, he was just bland and generic back then. Good thing everybody else in the band owned ass and picked up his slack, Monstrosity ruled then and they still do. By the way, Barnes wrote the most generic, inconsistent (jumping around from topic to topic), worst death metal lyrics I've ever seen. No offense, any Barnes fans, I'm sure you're out there.

2004-08-04, 04:41
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Corpsegrinder is a much better vocalist. He was amazing back in the day with Monstrosity. Imperial Doom is an amazing classic DM release.

2004-08-04, 06:19
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Barnes had a great voice in The Bleeding, especially in the songs Fucked With A Knife and Stripped, Raped, Strangled
Fisher can't do those songs justice
but on the other hand, Barnes can't do "Fisher-era" Corpse songs justice either, imo. Jack Owen has admitted that Fisher can do way more with his voice than Barnes.

2004-08-04, 09:56
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Originally Posted by BeastOfCarrion
they are all too busy hiding pineapples in eachother's beds.
and losing their weed when they get holes in their pockets. moo. 

2004-08-04, 12:48
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Ya!!! One time, me and two mates scored a threefa (three grams for fifty dollars) and the stupid dealer lady ran out of grammy bags, so she put the grass in a ciggarette wrapper thing!! It was all leaking into my mates pocket which did have a hole in it  So we lost about half a gram there  But in the end we finished off our two and a half grams after mixing in about two hours (hard too judge time when you  ) and a dozen cones each
Wow, the topic wasnt really about dope was it?
Oh well, i havnt heard toooo many CC tracks, but from what i have heard, Barnes' lyrics seem to have consisted of:
"Grrrr Hrrrr Gunt HuRRRRR gnyurrrrr HA!"
I like Fisher better.
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2004-08-04, 14:27
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honestly-neither. i cant get into the simplicity of CC, they have a few good riffs but its too boring to me. i respect them and have tried to like them but the albums ive heard just dont grab my attention (butchered,tomb). the vocalist sounds like a second rate frank mullen to me

2004-08-04, 16:25
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Originally Posted by atifman
Barnes had a great voice in The Bleeding, especially in the songs Fucked With A Knife and Stripped, Raped, Strangled
Fisher can't do those songs justice
but on the other hand, Barnes can't do "Fisher-era" Corpse songs justice either, imo. Jack Owen has admitted that Fisher can do way more with his voice than Barnes.
I think Barnes has a better Screech. Fisher just seems like another run of the mill cookie monster vocalist to me, Barnes really had something special about his voice.... to bad he lost his voice
and transiet your just fuckign retarded..... simplicity????? That lame Burzum shit is simple.... cannibal corpse isent
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-08-11, 08:56
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Vocals? Corpsegrinder hands down. No contest.
Music- Depends, if barnes-era had Butchered At Bitch, Tomb Of The Mutilated so even Corpsegrinder-era had Vile, Bloodthirst.
I enjoy both eras pretty much, barring for some albums from both.

2004-08-11, 19:04
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I enjoyed Barnes in the old stuff and in some SFU however on Bringer of Blood he lost it.
For Cannibal Corpse,I'd go with Fisher since you can accually hear him insted of just mumbles and grunts. Plus he's like the fastest singer in death metal. Well he's not really superfast anymore but on Vile, he was doing vocals at supersonic speed.
The only reason he does'nt write the lyrics and stuff is because when Barnes got booted out Webster(Best bassist ever), and the other guys tried writting songs on their own. Then George came in and did'nt want to fix something that's not broken.
As for the lyrics. Barnes wrote some brutal lyrics but it was more or less random violent sentences and stuff. No real rhymes or patterns or anything. The lyrics now at least you can remember. When I was at a jam with my friends we covered "I Cum Blood" and "Disfigured". On I Cum Blood I could'nt remember the last half so I was like "Fuck it, Ragaghaha," and it sounded good to everyone even though I had no clue what I was saying. On Disfigured I could accually remember everything cause it's catchy.
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2004-08-11, 23:21
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No, after they kicked Barnes out. And got george he wasent much of a song writer, so Pat and Jack had to start writing.
A singer who cant write is useless IMO. Unless he has a good voice.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-08-12, 00:07
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i like Fisher more. I hate Barnes so much now, i cant even bring myself to take his old stuff seriously.

2004-08-13, 18:04
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Originally Posted by atifman
Barnes had a great voice in The Bleeding, especially in the songs Fucked With A Knife and Stripped, Raped, Strangled
Fisher can't do those songs justice.
are you  ???????

2004-08-13, 22:53
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both are pretty cool to me, except i hate SFU and fisher has easier vocals to understand, except in the song "F*cked w/ a knife" barnes does really heavy vocals but you can understand it clearly....instead of sounding like absolute nonsense like on tomb of the mutilated.
CC was better when barnes was in it, but i still like thier crap

2004-08-14, 07:03
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Originally Posted by BLS
No, after they kicked Barnes out. And got george he wasent much of a song writer, so Pat and Jack had to start writing.
A singer who cant write is useless IMO. Unless he has a good voice.
What difference does it make if a singer writes in a band with such horribly boring and derivative lyrics as those of Cannibal Corpse? Not only that, but to think of how much worse they were back when Barnes was in the band. The man has no ability lyrically. He could have at least gone down the humor-gore road like Carcass. Those were some badass lyrics. They actually bothered to stay within one topic on at least 50% of their songs. 

2004-08-22, 16:12
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Originally Posted by ChrisRezendes
What difference does it make if a singer writes in a band with such horribly boring and derivative lyrics as those of Cannibal Corpse? Not only that, but to think of how much worse they were back when Barnes was in the band. The man has no ability lyrically. He could have at least gone down the humor-gore road like Carcass. Those were some badass lyrics. They actually bothered to stay within one topic on at least 50% of their songs. 
Unusual statement coming from someone who has tabbed so much of CC's Barnes era stuff...but yeah, those lyrics do get old occasionally

2004-08-23, 11:31
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Originally Posted by SuNioj0369
Unusual statement coming from someone who has tabbed so much of CC's Barnes era stuff...but yeah, those lyrics do get old occasionally
Yeah, man, I LOVE old CC, I just realize that they are a better band today. I don't tab any of their newer stuff because my guitar sucks and I can't tune down to Bb. The lowest I've tuned in the past 18 months or so is C for Suffocation. I'm not planning on tuning that low again ever, although I'm in Db right now, only a half step higher. I guess I could work on Vile stuff, though.

2004-08-23, 15:59
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Yeah, I've been meaning to tab some of the newer stuff, especially Sickening Metamorphosis or Hacksaw Decapitation (because I'm always in Bb or somewhere near it) but most of that shit's probably way out of my league.  I would try and do some of the earlier stuff that hasn't been tabbed yet but I don't like tuning up too high for too long with such thick strings. I'll probably fix up the Eaten From Inside tab after I get a few more tabs out of the way.
Last edited by SuNioj0369 : 2004-08-23 at 17:49.

2004-08-24, 06:50
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I don't know how long this is going to take me, but I am going to do a couple of tabs (that will go unnamed just in case I never finish them, nobody will get mad if they don't know what they are) in Db and then I'm going to tune back up to Eb and go through ALL of my old CC, Deicide, and whatnot and update anything that needs updating, which I'm assuming will be most of it. It should be kind of fun, since most of it is easy.

2004-08-24, 14:10
bugfucker strikes back.
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Barnes on CC was a force to be reckoned with. Now everything sounds like the song before it.
New CC has very little variety. Not that that is Fisher's fault, but I prefer Barnes anyday. Um, just not in his Six Feet Blunder band.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-08-24, 15:08
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Originally Posted by ChrisRezendes
I don't know how long this is going to take me, but I am going to do a couple of tabs (that will go unnamed just in case I never finish them, nobody will get mad if they don't know what they are) in Db and then I'm going to tune back up to Eb and go through ALL of my old CC, Deicide, and whatnot and update anything that needs updating, which I'm assuming will be most of it. It should be kind of fun, since most of it is easy.
I think I might now what Db tabs those could be...or I could just be an idiot 

2004-08-25, 05:01
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Originally Posted by SuNioj0369
I think I might now what Db tabs those could be...or I could just be an idiot 
Take a guess, I'm curious. Hopefully you're not spying on me from a window in one of the houses across the street. If you are, I'm going to moon you.

2004-09-06, 03:33
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Barnes voice is better than corpsegrinders. I know that Barnes ruined his voice but even now he still sounds better, besides Barnes has more disturbing lyrics than anything you will find in any new CC songs.
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2004-09-06, 05:27
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I REALLY like older the older stuff. Great riffs, like from 'She was asking for it', fuck that entire album has great riffs. I almost like barnes more because he is harder to understand. if you can understand clearly what hes saying then its not death metal..
Both are good. Ill go through phases of mainly barnes then mainly corpsegrinder but most of the time i find myself listening to the older stuff.
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2004-09-06, 05:46
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Originally Posted by ChrisRezendes
What difference does it make if a singer writes in a band with such horribly boring and derivative lyrics as those of Cannibal Corpse? Not only that, but to think of how much worse they were back when Barnes was in the band. The man has no ability lyrically. He could have at least gone down the humor-gore road like Carcass. Those were some badass lyrics. They actually bothered to stay within one topic on at least 50% of their songs. 
Oh cmon!!!
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-09-06, 05:50
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Staring Through The Eyes Of the Dead..
I LOVE that main riff
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2004-09-06, 06:14
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Originally Posted by ChrisRezendes
What difference does it make if a singer writes in a band with such horribly boring and derivative lyrics as those of Cannibal Corpse? Not only that, but to think of how much worse they were back when Barnes was in the band. The man has no ability lyrically. He could have at least gone down the humor-gore road like Carcass. Those were some badass lyrics. They actually bothered to stay within one topic on at least 50% of their songs. 
What about :
edible autopsy
entrails ripped from a virgins cunt
meat hook sodomy
"I've got a stiffy" - Jeff Hanneman
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2004-09-06, 06:15
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Originally Posted by ChrisRezendes
What difference does it make if a singer writes in a band with such horribly boring and derivative lyrics as those of Cannibal Corpse? Not only that, but to think of how much worse they were back when Barnes was in the band. The man has no ability lyrically. He could have at least gone down the humor-gore road like Carcass. Those were some badass lyrics. They actually bothered to stay within one topic on at least 50% of their songs. 
What about :
edible autopsy
entrails ripped from a virgins cunt
meat hook sodomy

"I've got a stiffy" - Jeff Hanneman
Love is for the weak, religion is for the blind.

2004-09-06, 10:12
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Originally Posted by feetunderwarpath
What about :
edible autopsy
entrails ripped from a virgins cunt
meat hook sodomy

They are fucking lame, ESPECIALLY Meat Hook Sodomy. That song exemplifies exactly what I hate about Barnes shitty lyrics- he just throws together some random, thoughtless, gory lines and calls it a "song".
"Stabbing on your life stripped of all your skin"
That's probably the stupidest fucking line I've ever heard. Have you ever stabbed ON someone's life? That doesn't even make any sense.
"Upheaveal of human entrails"
Upheaval? Of HUMAN ENTRAILS? Did Barnes even know what upheaval meant? It certainly can't be used in conjection with human entrails.
Upheaval means two things- 1. A social/political state of violence or disorder, 2. A rise of land to a higher elevation. So human entrails are staging a protest? Beats the fuck out of me.
"Treachery never ending soul ripping
Lifeless Bodies not, petrified"
Another line that appears to be just random words strung together, because neither of those lines could possible form a sentence.
I could go on and on, and if you want me to I will. I could pick apart Edible Autopsy and Entrails Ripped From a Virgin's Cunt just as well, but I'd rather not go through the effort. If you want me to PROVE why they are stupid, mindless, incoherent babble than I will. All Barnes does is take all the gory words he knows and throw them together into one song. He's horrendous lyrically.

2004-09-07, 06:57
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but thats part of the fun chris!!! 
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-09-07, 15:47
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Originally Posted by Innards-Decay
but thats part of the fun chris!!! 
I think it's part of the fun in a band like Carcass, when you know they are just being goofballs for the hell of it. Barnes is obsessed with it and his lyrics have never really matured over the years. By the way, I really don't mean to ruin the fun you find in it, so if you can somehow find that sewage enjoyable, it doesn't necessarily matter how stupid it is. After all, I enjoy pro wrestling, and that's one of the most retarded forms of entertainment (and I use that word loosely) on the face of the planet.

2004-09-07, 19:04
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fisher kills barnes
Too grim to function
Last edited by MoonRaven : 2004-09-07 at 19:06.

2004-09-07, 19:37
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Fisher ENUNCIATES (did I spell that right?  ), as oppossed to Barnes  ...but it did compliment the music somewhat back "in the day."

2004-09-07, 20:23
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Originally Posted by ChrisRezendes
"Treachery never ending soul ripping
Lifeless Bodies not, petrified"
Another line that appears to be just random words strung together, because neither of those lines could possible form a sentence.
Actually I can see a meaning in that...
I'd write it as follows:
[There is] treachery [that is] never ending [and] soul ripping
[yet the] lifeless bodies [are] not petrified [as they should be...]
Now, I'm not saying anything else makes sence, but that one, I can actually find a possible meaning in.
seems like you got a case of stupidphobia
Last edited by G_urr_A : 2004-09-07 at 20:27.
Reason: Spelling

2004-09-07, 20:33
Schrodinger's Cat
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Yeah, he probably just omits parts of the lyrics to make the overall sound of his vocals fit into the song better.
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-09-08, 00:34
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Originally Posted by G_urr_A
Actually I can see a meaning in that...
I'd write it as follows:
[There is] treachery [that is] never ending [and] soul ripping
[yet the] lifeless bodies [are] not petrified [as they should be...]
Now, I'm not saying anything else makes sence, but that one, I can actually find a possible meaning in.
You could very possibly be right about the first line, but I can't see it in the second. If that were what he meant in the second, it would have read-
"Lifeless body, not petrified"
Instead of-
"Lifeless body not, petrified"
It's certainly and interesting and original perspective, though, and I'm quite gald you chimed in with that.

2004-09-08, 18:58
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I think I can safely say that while whatever we say about Barne's lyrics, vocal approach, etc...none of us would change any aspect regarding the band (including Barnes) if we could.
Last edited by SuNioj0369 : 2004-09-08 at 19:00.

2004-09-11, 05:28
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New Cannibal Corpse is kind of happy happy joy joy. Some double picked parts have a happy vibe to them, I dont know why but it sounds like it to me. Some parts from the new album are pretty good, but only if their guitars had more bass, less mids, a lil less highs, more break downs, guttural vocals, and more blast beats... the album would of been way better and actually brutal, but first of they need to stop working with Kernon, he mastered the guitar tracks for the last 3 albums (i think, or was it 2) and they sound weak.
I suck at guitar.

2004-09-11, 06:08
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More blast beats? more like the record would have been better if it had a blast beat in it. dont get me wrong, i liked that album anyway

2004-09-11, 06:14
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Originally Posted by Bones98
New Cannibal Corpse is kind of happy happy joy joy. Some double picked parts have a happy vibe to them, I dont know why but it sounds like it to me. Some parts from the new album are pretty good, but only if their guitars had more bass, less mids, a lil less highs, more break downs, guttural vocals, and more blast beats... the album would of been way better and actually brutal, but first of they need to stop working with Kernon, he mastered the guitar tracks for the last 3 albums (i think, or was it 2) and they sound weak.
yeah, that damn british person (no offense john) is ruining cannibal corpse.
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2004-09-11, 19:24
Schrodinger's Cat
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Originally Posted by CANNIBALCORPSE
yeah, that damn british person (no offense john) is ruining cannibal corpse.
Hahaha, non taken!
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-09-16, 19:05
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Not as much as another guy (*cough* Bob Rock *cough*) ruined another band which will go un-named!

2004-09-17, 03:58
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Originally Posted by SuNioj0369
Not as much as another guy (*cough* Bob Rock *cough*) ruined another band which will go un-named!
That *other* band ruined themselves, in my opinion, Rock just helped to speed the process.

2004-09-18, 16:29
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Good point

2004-09-18, 23:20
bugfucker strikes back.
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Fisher can lick my arsehole, but he can sing his ass off when he is doing old CC. New CC just has my panites in a bunch due to their lack of good writing ability.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-09-18, 23:23
bugfucker strikes back.
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Originally Posted by ChrisRezendes
That *other* band ruined themselves, in my opinion, Rock just helped to speed the process.
Therapy killed Metallica. Get it right.
They started "getting in touch" with their poofter side, and started telling eachother how they can improve themselves. Bob Rock did nothing but supervise. Enough Said.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-09-19, 16:24
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Originally Posted by Dissection
Therapy killed Metallica. Get it right.
They started "getting in touch" with their poofter side, and started telling eachother how they can improve themselves. Bob Rock did nothing but supervise. Enough Said.
They were speeding downhill years before that whole therapy thing.

2004-09-19, 22:09
bugfucker strikes back.
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No, they began therapy after "...Justice;" which was still a good album IMO. The switch from Flemming Ramusen to Bob Cock didn't help much, I'm sure. Thats why their sound went downhill.
But reguardless, therapy changed them, and they started to suck after they began it. Coincidence? I think not.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-09-20, 04:10
Attorney at Bird Law
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Originally Posted by Dissection
No, they began therapy after "...Justice;" which was still a good album IMO. The switch from Flemming Ramusen to Bob Cock didn't help much, I'm sure. Thats why their sound went downhill.
But reguardless, therapy changed them, and they started to suck after they began it. Coincidence? I think not.
Perhaps therapy somehow gave them excuses to delude themselves into thinking it was okay to pick money over their fans, the same fans that made them famous (even before they sold out, they were very well known), the same fans who supported them over the years. That therapy must have allowed them to sleep at night knowing they were money hungry grubs who screwed their fans in the ass and shit all over them.

2004-09-30, 03:00
New Blood
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Canada
Posts: 15
I personally prefer Fisher, he's amazing! 
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