2004-08-02, 02:18
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Deep Vocals...
I was listening to a Nile song today, Sarcophogus, to be exact and I was curious is a lot of their deep vocals helped through production or do they actually sound like that live? Since I've never seen them live or for that fact a lot of these kinds of bands I was curious. I've got somewhat of a bassy voice and I can do it pretty easy but was curious about people with higher pitched voices...anyways....yeah dumb question.

2004-08-02, 02:53
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I just found out from another thread that the more you scream/sing high, the lower your voice will/can be. Or something like that. I'm pretty sure they do it like that live, but I wouldn't know because this town sucks and no one plays here..
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2004-08-02, 03:39
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hmmm screaming incorrectly would fuck up your voice...i don't know about lowering it...hehe

2004-08-02, 04:23
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Id bet they do it just as good live. I dont like when people use production to change things. Cause then theres only dissapointment when it comes to playing live. I can get pretty close to most vocalist in pitch, not exactly into the detail of their specific voice. Anyway, i think they sound like that live

2004-08-02, 04:47
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Everyone sounds like that on CD, Live, or just doing it outloud

2004-08-02, 06:20
Dog farts
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Doing it out loud? It varies from person to person. Generally, it'll sound much better through a mic.

2004-08-02, 06:35
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Indeed. Microphones do make your voice sound a lot lower if you're growling, plus you can cheat & stuff it right up to your mouth & cover it with your hands, but it sounds pretty obvious when you do that. Machines make your voice sound funny if you're using them to deepen it, just listen to 'Just Let Me Rot' by Pungent Stench & you'll be able to tell when the machine kicks in. If you want to hear seriously, seriously deep vocals, listen to either (or both) of these two songs:
'Taste the Dying' by Decomposed, or
'Rotten Body Fluids' by Embalmer.
Decomposed are cooler than Embalmer however. And I suspect that the Embalmer frontman is doing the afore-mentioned hand covering, mouth-mic-stuffing thing.

2004-08-02, 06:43
Dog farts
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Mic cupping is an age-old trick of "brutal" vocalists. Also -- quite a few inhale, instead of exhaling. Inhaling "loudly" without a mic is next to impossible, so therefore.. uh, you need one. Many people call this cheating, but whatever creams your cake.
The only thing in the production side of things that alters the voice, is the use of pitch shifters. But they are also used live, so it will sound pretty much the same.
I have seen quite a few bands use deep vocals live, and it sounds exactly the same, if not better than the CD.

2004-08-02, 06:57
The Stings of Conscience
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yea i saw The Black Dahlia Murder, and they use some pretty deep vocals. they were 10 times better live i think

2004-08-02, 07:00
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i inhale for high black metalish vox and gore gurgles, and exhale fornormal death vox
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2004-08-02, 17:03
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hmmmm i've never inhaled for vocals. I usually just change my mouth shape inorder to change how deep it is or not...also a few other factors in there i can't explain. I'll have to try that inhaling thing sometime...
I saw a Black Dahlia Murder live video and it turned me off a bit from them. I don't know how long ago it was but they played Funeral Thirst and they screwed up on the solo a bit and just didn't have tons of energy (i.e. headbanging and yelling etc). They just kind of partially headbanged while playing the guitar. Only the bassist and the vocalist did anything but there are so many lyrics i could see why the vocalist would have trouble...yeah

2004-08-02, 18:42
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It's very do-able. I sound quite a bit like Frank Mullen (Suffocation).
But Nile goes quite low... yet it isn't aided in the studio, that I'm sure of. Carcass used to do it all the time on their first two albums (especially Reek...)

2004-08-02, 19:19
Schrodinger's Cat
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Nile sound just as deep live as they do on record. All vocal contributors Jon, Dallas and Karl play instruments so there is no mic-cupping going on either. I can highly recommend seeing them live and witness it for yourself - if you have to, sell your granny for a ticket.
BoC: Jason Mendonca from Akercocke uses the inhalation method when he does some of his deeper stuff. Sounds pretty good, in my opinion.
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn
Last edited by johnmansley : 2004-08-02 at 19:57.

2004-08-02, 19:37
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Originally Posted by BeastOfCarrion
i inhale for high black metalish vox and gore gurgles, and exhale fornormal death vox
damn, you just tought me how do do shreiks!!!! I never tried it till you said it just then. Fuck man, thanks! hahaha
i never knew what anyone was talking about with inhaling for vocals.

2004-08-02, 20:05
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i can't do shrieks very well i don't have that kind of a range. Best i can do is probably a bit lower version of The Black Dahlia Murder higher pitched vocals. hmmmm could show examples but who gives a shit right? also recorded some lyrics from some nile song...not sync with the song but just for the shit of it.
so if you care to hear let me know.

2004-08-03, 00:34
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lord worm's best vocal trick is when he inhales
he does it in phobophile a few times...

2004-08-03, 00:39
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Originally Posted by Transient
lord worm's best vocal trick is when he inhales
he does it in phobophile a few times...
He shreiks are funky. Although I'm not a huge fan of his vocals (awsome lyric writer), I must respect him for it because they aren't easy.
The one that puzzles me the most is Ross Dolan's (Immolation). It's a grunt/growl/talk. SImply amazing.

2004-08-03, 13:17
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hey! someone who doesnt really like worm either! hes alright... but kind of tired sounding. the lyrics are hilarious though! "my semen and teeth have betrayed me"
hey listen to tracks six and seven on close to a world below....wtf is wrong with his voice? is it a pitch shifter hes using? im afraid his vox might be fake...

2004-08-03, 13:20
Dog farts
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Who cares if it is fake.

2004-08-03, 14:09
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Fuck man Lord Worm is way sicker than Mike DiSalvo, that mother fucker ruined Cryptopsy, I still can't listen to Whisper Supremecy or And then you'll beg. It's sounds like he is constipated and trying to shit out of his mouth. It's all about George Fisher fuck yeah.
I'm the Trillest HAUS from the mean streets of Sandy dog.

2004-08-03, 14:15
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hey man this videos pretty good

2004-08-03, 14:40
Dog farts
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What the hell are you on about now?

2004-08-03, 14:53
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me? nothing...

2004-08-03, 20:09
Schrodinger's Cat
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Originally Posted by BOSE
Fuck man Lord Worm is way sicker than Mike DiSalvo, that mother fucker ruined Cryptopsy, I still can't listen to Whisper Supremecy or And then you'll beg.
I'm starting to reap the rewards of persisting with those albums. The vocals put me off at first but you eventually manage to see past them and relish in the masterclass that lies underneath. Besides, the vocals aren't that bad. However, I still prefer Lord Worm - his intensity is quite simply awesome at times.
On the subject of Ross Dolan, he has the most "understandable" growl that I've come across. It makes a change to be able to pick out some of the lyrics rather than have to read through the inlay all the time for them. Good stuff!
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-08-03, 23:16
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Originally Posted by Transient
hey listen to tracks six and seven on close to a world below....wtf is wrong with his voice? is it a pitch shifter hes using? im afraid his vox might be fake...
On those tracks, maybe... the rest of the time it's all him (I saw them live and it was perfect.)

2004-08-04, 01:32
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oh man i wanna see them live, cant wait for the dvd!!

2004-08-04, 01:59
New Blood
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hmm...i woulda never even thought of inhaling...hehe...anybody know how the heck chuck schuldiner (death) did his vocals? and what about screaming? people tell me to just yell as loud as i can like im mad at sombody, but i think my voice is too low...
I am war...I am pain...I am all you've ever slain....I am tears in your eyes...I am grief...I am lies. ~Dimmu Borgir 

2004-08-04, 04:24
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Yelling at the top of your lungs all the time is gonna mess up your chords in the long run. Don't try to sound like what you hear on cd and then try to do it sitting at your computer. Get a mic and a PA and then it'll be more brutal. And sucking in when you growl is a very good technique to get a looooow sound. Don't try to be loud but be rather quiet when you do this. And kinda stiffen up your lips. You can be like Dying Fetus in no time...
And if you can't growl at all...Try doing real short bursts of the best growl you can get. Don't try to sing just do real short 1/2 second bursts. Do that for a couple hours a day and you'll get a good growl goin'.

2004-08-04, 04:34
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Antti Bowman of Demilich had the most fucked up vocals ever. It's a fart/burp combo that blows my mind every time. Awsome stuff.

2004-08-04, 14:24
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Originally Posted by Mindfreak
hmm...i woulda never even thought of inhaling...hehe...anybody know how the heck chuck schuldiner (death) did his vocals? and what about screaming? people tell me to just yell as loud as i can like im mad at sombody, but i think my voice is too low...
lol....which albums? TSoP was just him screeching because he had screwed up his vocal chords so bad..... and the earlier ones are just simple death vocals. i did notice that he does this thing where he prounounces R weird...
sppiriitt..... crush ARRRRRRRRRRRRRR - RUH

2004-08-04, 16:59
New Blood
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i have sound of perservearance and symbolic - ive never heard any other death vocals like that before....
I am war...I am pain...I am all you've ever slain....I am tears in your eyes...I am grief...I am lies. ~Dimmu Borgir 

2004-08-05, 01:37
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symbolic is pretty good vocal wise. i prefer human to all of death's work though.
tsop...do you like the vocals in that? i hated them! to screechy. try to keep the voice coming from the back of your throat, screech, and make the way he talks... like he says R in an odd way...

2004-08-05, 02:22
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the vocals had an element of power metalish high pitched bits at times on that CD
i dont know how people can maintain the higer vocals though, (e.g. Jeff from carcass, matt(?) from exhumed) i cant do it at all
maybe its just my manly australian accent
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?
Last edited by BeastOfCarrion : 2004-08-05 at 02:22.
Reason: poor spelling

2004-08-05, 18:18
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ive seen live videos of them. they sound just as good live.

2004-08-07, 13:37
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Inhaling? Never heard of that, that's quite strange, reminds me of "Inward Singing"
Originally Posted by johnmansley
if you have to, sell your granny for a ticket..
I'd sell my whole damn family to see Nile live!
BoC: Jason Mendonca from Akercocke uses the inhalation method when he does some of his deeper stuff. Sounds pretty good, in my opinion.
I think he sounds like a sea-lion when he does his deeper vocals, in my opinion I can do better growls than him but I certainly wouldn't have a fight with him about it 

2004-08-07, 14:56
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and the best part is, it sounds even BETTER when i inhale!

2004-08-09, 02:11
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No Nile does that live. No effects. They possibly turn the mic volume up a little bit. You wanna hear some low vocals check out Mortician or Malignancy. Even Mike Beams from Exhumed can do some killer growls.
If you want to scream insted of growl. I suggest you lift your mic up and put your head back. Opening your vocal cords. When you scream in sounds loud and raspy. Plus it accually gives sort of a Harmonizing effect. You can do two notes at the same time while doing this.
For growling do the opposite. Put the mic low. Clutch your chin to your throat and gruggle away. For a demon effect put your tounge on the roof of your mouth while you growl.
Plus it depends what you eat.
Eat hot B.B.Q. chips and root beer for growls or grindcore-like screams
and warm water for high pitched screams like Cradle of Filth
You have to be very carefull though. Turn the mic volume up if you can't hear your vocals over the music. Don't try to be louder. Look what happend to George Fisher.(Cannibal Corpse) On the Vile tour his mic was really quiet and he tried way to hard to be loud and straind his voice. Now you can listen to how different his voice sounds-sounds like he just got punched in the throat. Even when doing vocals now it's not as deep as on Vile.
But yeah for me it's not difficult and does'nt hurt to growl. I can go as low as Mortician and Nile or as high as Matt Harvey from Exhumed and Dani from Cradle of Filth. However I haven't covered Cradle in a long time so I might have lost Dani's screetch.
"I miss the days when it was acceptable to listen to everything."
-Chuck Schuldiner (R.I.P)
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2004-08-09, 04:53
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What if you play an instrument (drums) and you want to have a variety of low growls and high screams? Do you put the mic in the middle of being high and low or just somewhere and do what you can with it?
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2004-08-09, 10:31
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Originally Posted by Nihilist
...Also -- quite a few inhale, instead of exhaling. Inhaling "loudly"...
... Works for me.
Of course i wouldnt consider it cheating, becasue i do it and all, BUT all of people ive taught it to that go "wow how the fuck can you keep it up without vomiting everywhere?" - So there, it seems it takes more skill than to warrant a cheating status. IMO
Last edited by Infinity : 2004-08-09 at 14:13.

2004-08-09, 13:51
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mortician vox are fake im pretty sure

2004-08-09, 18:49
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Originally Posted by Transient
mortician vox are fake im pretty sure
Nope. I ask Will and he said they are real.
"I miss the days when it was acceptable to listen to everything."
-Chuck Schuldiner (R.I.P)
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2004-08-09, 18:50
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Originally Posted by mtv_is_gay
What if you play an instrument (drums) and you want to have a variety of low growls and high screams? Do you put the mic in the middle of being high and low or just somewhere and do what you can with it?
It depends on what type of growls and screams you want.
Who do you want them to sound like?
"I miss the days when it was acceptable to listen to everything."
-Chuck Schuldiner (R.I.P)
Truer words were never spoken.

2004-08-09, 18:58
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Originally Posted by Casketcrusher
Nope. I ask Will and he said they are real.
Ask Will Rahmer to stop raping little girls next time you see him.

2004-08-09, 19:03
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I've been singing a lot in my car lately to Deicide. Some people have heard my vocals and say I sound just like Glen Benton, but of course I've had experience with vocals since 1991 now. Ever since my first band Crepitus, I still haven't stopped doing vocals here and there. I try to practice with them anywhere between 2-3 times a week. I noticed that Forest Of Impaled needs a singer. I might go and try out with them.
I'll let you guys know if anything happens.


2004-08-09, 19:04
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Originally Posted by BestialWarrior
I've been singing a lot in my car lately to Deicide. Some people have heard my vocals and say I sound just like Glen Benton, but of course I've had experience with vocals since 1991 now. Ever since my first band Crepitus, I still haven't stopped doing vocals here and there. I try to practice with them anywhere between 2-3 times a week. I noticed that Forest Of Impaled needs a singer. I might go and try out with them.
I'll let you guys know if anything happens.

Good luck dude.
"I miss the days when it was acceptable to listen to everything."
-Chuck Schuldiner (R.I.P)
Truer words were never spoken.

2004-08-09, 19:05
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Originally Posted by AbbathGS
Ask Will Rahmer to stop raping little girls next time you see him.
Shut up! Will and Roger are two fucking cool guys.
"I miss the days when it was acceptable to listen to everything."
-Chuck Schuldiner (R.I.P)
Truer words were never spoken.

2004-08-09, 19:24
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who raped little girls?

2004-08-09, 22:18
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Originally Posted by Transient
who raped little girls?
Will Rahmer of Mortician is a suspected Child Molester. This stems from accusations of soliciting underaged girls for sex, etc...
Plus Mortician sucks.

2004-08-09, 22:54
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doesn't suprise me iny any way

2004-08-09, 23:23
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yeah, they suck

2004-08-10, 01:51
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Originally Posted by Casketcrusher
It depends on what type of growls and screams you want.
Who do you want them to sound like?
High pitched screams like from Magrudurgrind and Pig Destroyer, and low growls like from Deicide and Cannibal Corpse (Chris Barnes).
Oh well, I can't practice vocals for a while (fucked up jaw), so I have a while to learn and memorize everything again.
( ( ) )

2004-08-10, 03:03
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Originally Posted by mtv_is_gay
High pitched screams like from Magrudurgrind and Pig Destroyer, and low growls like from Deicide and Cannibal Corpse (Chris Barnes).
Oh well, I can't practice vocals for a while (fucked up jaw), so I have a while to learn and memorize everything again.
Benton's are very easy. Do the deepest voice you can ("Meuh" sound), add a bit of gruffness, and there you have Benton.

2004-08-10, 04:31
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Originally Posted by AbbathGS
Benton's are very easy. Do the deepest voice you can ("Meuh" sound), add a bit of gruffness, and there you have Benton.
Who is Benton? Deicide? Yeah I do that easily. I can go as low as Nile sometimes (almost), but only if my face is the right way. It is harder to do it when my head is back like when I would do a high pitched scream.
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2004-08-10, 05:30
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the inhalation thing gets real low, but its obvious when you do it because it sounds like a bull frog or a pig. a cool effect with that is you do the inhalation and then put the mic up to your neck around the adam's apple.
john gallagher from dying fetus doesn't have a particularly low speaking voice from what i remember when i met him at a show, but hes the guy that does the atrocious burp vocals. he puts his chin to his neck, shapes his mouth a certain way, then does the exhale in the deepest voice possible. im not a vocalist but ive tried doing these things for fun, the more you practice the stronger it seems to sound.

2004-08-10, 13:10
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Originally Posted by mtv_is_gay
High pitched screams like from Magrudurgrind and Pig Destroyer, and low growls like from Deicide and Cannibal Corpse (Chris Barnes).
Oh well, I can't practice vocals for a while (fucked up jaw), so I have a while to learn and memorize everything again.

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2004-08-10, 14:01
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shut the fuck up disincarnate- youre the shittiest poster we have here. holy shit just dont post anymore goddamn

2004-08-10, 16:42
But why is the rum gone ?
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..!. .!..
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
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2004-08-11, 19:11
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Originally Posted by AbbathGS
Will Rahmer of Mortician is a suspected Child Molester. This stems from accusations of soliciting underaged girls for sex, etc...
Plus Mortician sucks.
Where the hell did you hear this?
And Mortician does'nt suck, they are just different.
"I miss the days when it was acceptable to listen to everything."
-Chuck Schuldiner (R.I.P)
Truer words were never spoken.

2004-08-11, 19:12
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Originally Posted by BeastOfCarrion
doesn't suprise me iny any way
Why cause he writes violent lyrics? Accually they are not violent at all.
Why would you say it does'nt suprise you?
"I miss the days when it was acceptable to listen to everything."
-Chuck Schuldiner (R.I.P)
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2004-08-12, 01:03
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someone ban disincarnate for a week

2004-08-12, 10:41
But why is the rum gone ?
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stfu asshole
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
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2004-08-12, 14:15
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you are the most worthless poster ive ever seen in any forum

2004-08-12, 20:59
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Originally Posted by Transient
you are the most worthless poster ive ever seen in any forum
I second that. BOSE is second.
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