2004-08-05, 10:15
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 76
Celestion Speakers
Hey guys, I want to buy a new set of speakers for my cab but i don't know which ones to buy, the only thing I know is that I want celestion, because a lot of people has told me that celestion are the best.
I have a Peavey 5150 slant cab, and i want to change the 4 apeakers that it has, for another 4 celestion speakers. I play death metal and do a lot of solos. And for the money is not a problem.

2004-08-05, 12:11
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get Vintage 30's
and give me your old speakers 

2004-08-05, 12:13
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try buying two gt-75 and two v30 speakers and crisscrossing them, that should give you a niiiice speaker.
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2004-08-05, 17:47
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Originally Posted by Slabbefusk
try buying two gt-75 and two v30 speakers and crisscrossing them, that should give you a niiiice speaker.
that's what i have in both my cabs..... grrreeeat!
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2004-08-05, 19:01
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 76
Thanks guys. And have you seen the GT-100? Is it good,better or i should stick with you, with the two gt-75 and two v30?

2004-08-05, 19:37
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Originally Posted by Azargoth
Thanks guys. And have you seen the GT-100? Is it good,better or i should stick with you, with the two gt-75 and two v30?
i personally prefer the g12t 75 + v30 setup overall... greenbacks & g12h 30's are also really good but powerhandling on them isnt high enough for me anyways.
just play different cabs with different speakers..... mesa recto cabs have v30's.... marshall 1960 cabs have g12t 75's... some select marshall cabs have green baclks.... ect......
i don't like the g12t 100's as much.... lots of headroom though....
stay away from rocket 50's....
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2004-08-05, 21:09
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my Randall is "Celestion equipped." They (at least to me) sound pretty damn good. I picked it over a peavey 5150 combo of double the price.

2004-08-05, 22:10
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I have no idea what speakers my Crate cab has. Alls I know is that it sounds 5409840894984049840x better than when I had a b-52 cab.
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2004-08-06, 06:49
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Originally Posted by ShredIsNotDead
my Randall is "Celestion equipped." They (at least to me) sound pretty damn good. I picked it over a peavey 5150 combo of double the price.
rocket 50's..... i don't like em......
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2004-08-06, 10:19
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 76
Hey thanks guys, well I think I'm going to stick with g12t-75's, do you know where I can buy them online or where to get a good deal?. Thanks.

2004-08-06, 14:42
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2004-08-06, 18:34
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Originally Posted by Necro_Butcher
you beat me to it.....
definately the best prices around for new speakers......... for g12t 75's i think they go for like $75-$90-ish shipped..... and about the same for v30's, which is amazing becuase most places sell v30's for $110+ shipping.
avatar rocks.... e-mail the dude for a quote, he's really good at getting back to you quickly, first time i sent him a line, he replied in like 10 minutes.
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2004-08-09, 04:56
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Thanks guys for the webpage!!!!!

2004-08-13, 01:44
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i was just wondering... Vintage 30's are 70 watts right? so thats 280 watt if you'v got 4 of um, so would that not be as loud as 4 100 watt speakers with a total of 400 watts? i guess my question is does it mean up to 400 or 280 watts or is the 400 watt cab louder?
.../.............................._ _..\

2004-08-13, 10:06
El Diablo sin pantalones
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Generally, more wattage means more volume, so the 100 watt speakers would be harder, though there are exceptions. It also depend on what kind of amp your playing. For example, tube amps seem percievably harder than solid state.
In the end it doesnt realy matter a lot how much watt you play. If you want 2x volume, you need 10x watt (so to multiply the volume on an 280 watt amp, you need 2800 watts)
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2004-08-13, 17:23
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Originally Posted by Angel-Of-Death
i was just wondering... Vintage 30's are 70 watts right? so thats 280 watt if you'v got 4 of um, so would that not be as loud as 4 100 watt speakers with a total of 400 watts? i guess my question is does it mean up to 400 or 280 watts or is the 400 watt cab louder?
vintage 30's are 60w speakers.... not 70w....... why mesa claims recto cabs are rated at 280w... i don't know, but celestion marks them as 60w.
and the "wattage" on speakers is the power handling...... not really have to much to do with the volume..... so a 400w cab isnt neccisarily going to be louder........ and it sure as hell wouldnt sound as good.
more power handling on a cab usually means stiffer speakers... and the stiffer the speaker the more wattage it takes to get it moving.....
but the range on some speeakers are different too.... v30's are extremely loud for some reason... louder than say, the g12 100.
i like v30's because they have nice balanced lows and highs, but it's the really sweet midrange that helps them cut through and sound so great..... which is why they make scoopy amps like rectos sound better.....
i like g12t-75's because they have tons of lows and clear highs with not too much mids for a darker/scoopy sound.... which is why they sound so damn good with midrangey marshalls......
put em together and it's a match made in hell. 
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2004-08-14, 07:35
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so if i put two gt12 75s in my ampeg cab in an x pattern it might improve my tone?
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-08-14, 17:23
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Originally Posted by Innards-Decay
so if i put two gt12 75s in my ampeg cab in an x pattern it might improve my tone?
both of my cabs have two g12t-75's and two v30's criss crossed..... sounds sooo good......
as far as an improvement in your tone.... eh, it's kinda one of those personal taste things.... it will sound different, maybe better, maybe worse.... it's your ears...
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2004-08-14, 22:14
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true, i know its not black and white like that, but would it be worth it to try it out?
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-08-15, 05:14
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Originally Posted by Innards-Decay
true, i know its not black and white like that, but would it be worth it to try it out?
i'd highly reccomend it....
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2004-08-15, 09:35
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i may when im not so strapped for cash, damn 3d cards cost a fucking bunch, but it made alot of my pc games run better. fucking money....
Originally Posted by Transient
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