2004-08-10, 19:37
New Blood
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 25
I need your help
Ok i have a BC Rich Warlock with 2 BDSM Pickups and i wanted to buy new pick ups with a heavy sound, like something like DevilDriver,Slipknot,Dying Fetus. And also with a clean sound, but i have no clue which..If you guys could give me some information....thanks

2004-08-10, 19:51
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theres so many pickups to choose from, u could go with active emgs-81/85 if u want the typical common metal type sound, or maybe some passive seymour duncans eg invaders for bridge, 59 for neck, very good pickups. Anyways wat warlock u got, cos if its a bronze/platinum, then the wood most likely sucks so active pickups would most likely be your best choice.
"many a time newcastle brown hath cometh to my rescue" blizzard beast
Sold my shit, now its time to PARTY!!!!! 

2004-08-10, 20:08
New Blood
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Yah its a bronze, and what do u mean the wood most likely sucks....
thank you

2004-08-10, 20:17
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Means good pickups would be a waste on it
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-08-10, 20:24
New Blood
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Then idk what the fuck to buy, all i want is pick ups with a heavy ass sound. hmm...

2004-08-10, 20:34
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Originally Posted by Sic Metal Corpse
Then idk what the fuck to buy, all i want is pick ups with a heavy ass sound. hmm...
personally, i'd say save up for a new guitar. those bronze warlocks suck.... otherwise emg it..... that will help hide the fact it's a cheap p.o.s., but active pickups will only help so much. they're not miracle pickups or anything. 
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2004-08-10, 20:53
New Blood
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Posts: 25
I would buy a new guitar but dont got money. So your saying put emgs on it...Do you think it will have a heavier and cleaner sound? i hope so.....hmm

2004-08-10, 21:27
Wasted Custom User title
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If you really want to keep this guitar then I would suggest EMGs. EMGs will end up costing about what the guitar is worth (if not more).
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2004-08-10, 21:33
New Blood
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Posts: 25
Yah i know it is, but i dont have enough for a new guitar. So i guess ill go with the EMGs.

2004-08-11, 03:08
New Blood
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I was reading around for those EMGs and it says it needs a battery or something and it last 1000 hours..Does this battery die out??? And if so how is it replaced? Like a normal battery???...

2004-08-11, 03:51
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Originally Posted by Sic Metal Corpse
I was reading around for those EMGs and it says it needs a battery or something and it last 1000 hours..Does this battery die out??? And if so how is it replaced? Like a normal battery???...
you kinda answered your question... they do die out.... after about 1000 hours...... it's just a 9v battery...
you say you don't have money for a new guit.... yet a pair of new emg's would probably cost about $100-200, which is what your guitar costed in the first place... so... i was going to suggest selling your current guitar+ the money you'd save up for emg's, then buying a used guitar that is a bit nicer.
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2004-08-11, 06:07
New Blood
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
you kinda answered your question... they do die out.... after about 1000 hours...... it's just a 9v battery...
you say you don't have money for a new guit.... yet a pair of new emg's would probably cost about $100-200, which is what your guitar costed in the first place... so... i was going to suggest selling your current guitar+ the money you'd save up for emg's, then buying a used guitar that is a bit nicer.
Yah but i like my guitar, i really dont see nothing wrong with it, just needs new humbuckers....And my question before was if the battery dies out do i just replace it with a new one...Also how many 9vs.
Last edited by Sic Metal Corpse : 2004-08-11 at 06:10.

2004-08-11, 06:15
New Blood
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Posts: 25
Ok so i decide to go with your idea what guitar should i get for a cheap price..

2004-08-11, 06:34
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Originally Posted by Sic Metal Corpse
Ok so i decide to go with your idea what guitar should i get for a cheap price..
i dunno... something you like guess...
what a perfect guitar in my mind wont exactly be perfect to you...
go to some stores and get an idea of a guitar you want... then see if you can find a good deal on ebay or at a pawn shop....
i got my early 90's ibanez rg570 for like $150 at a pawn shop because it's old and has wear. but thats good for me, it's already broken in... sanded down neck(would've done it myself), lots of nicks and chips.... that kinda shit. but plays like a dream and has character... they go new for $500-$600.... i bought mine used for $150, then $100-$150 in upgrades(new brigde pockup, new switch, wiring,& sperzle locking tuners)... walla great guitar. for dirt cheap.
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2004-08-11, 13:38
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"Believe the word
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And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-08-11, 16:37
Senior Metalhead
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hell yeah BLS is right ebay is the shit for guitars. Just type bc rich or ibanez and it will bring up and assload of stuff.
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2004-08-11, 18:45
New Blood
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Posts: 25
I kinda have a problem, my tone and volume knobs came loose, does any one no how to fix it....shit!

2004-08-11, 19:25
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Originally Posted by Sic Metal Corpse
I kinda have a problem, my tone and volume knobs came loose, does any one no how to fix it....shit!
ha, another problem with cheap guitars.... you could tighten them back up....
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2004-08-11, 19:32
New Blood
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Posts: 25
Yah lol, how do i thighten them tho, i opened that piece on the back. im confused

2004-08-11, 20:08
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 yeah, old ibanezes are good, but i suggest either a jackson Dxmg or Dkmg. Faster neck, (to me anyway) better stock Pickups, they are emgs so you can change em even easier. although if you get the money, pick up the jeff hanneman or kirk hammet signiture Esps, those are great guitars.

2004-08-11, 20:11
New Blood
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Posts: 25
Can any1 tell me how to tighten the knobs on my guitar....And thanks for the information ill check those guitars out.

2004-08-11, 20:31
Master Killer
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Eh, don't yours have little screws in them?

2004-08-11, 20:36
New Blood
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2004-08-11, 20:40
Master Killer
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well, that shaft thing where the knob slides onto, it has a little eh space between it on top, if you take a screwdriver and push both halfs further from each other they'll hold the knobs tight.
I dunno how to explain it decently, but I think its those kinda knobs. well if that doesn't work, use somekinda glue, but not superglue or something, you might wanna take them off someday

2004-08-11, 20:44
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yeah defs right, unless the pots scratchy, which means you can clean em with a little rubbing alchohol i think... never done it myself though.

2004-08-11, 20:51
Wasted Custom User title
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I got this electronic cleaner stuff that works good on bad pots and pick up selectors.
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2004-08-11, 21:00
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cool, hey cannibal, you tried any exciters or eqs on your crate? i hear that thing used some circuitry from the infamous ampeg vh140c (suffocation, dying fetus, internal bleeding, pyrexia).

2004-08-11, 21:14
New Blood
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Posts: 25
FUCK!!!!!!!!! I cant fix it,,,,i dont understand what u guys r trying to say....fuck im going to smash this shit.

2004-08-11, 21:20
Master Killer
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well, you could do that too, but I doubt it will solve anything. it are just knobs, can't be that difficult.

2004-08-11, 21:23
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Ibanez POWERSOUND 1 and 2 yeah! 
they came with my ibanez grx20L and they aren't to bad...doubt you could find them alone though and I don't think they'd give you that band sound...oh well i like em.

2004-08-11, 21:31
New Blood
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 25
Ok before i go on and smash this motha fucka can some1 just explain one more time how to fix these stupid cheap ass knobs.......

2004-08-11, 22:44
Supreme Metalhead
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Well I am with everyone on this, sell the thing. Those warlocks aren't good man. I have an old westone guitar (pretty old and not made anymore) but it looks like brand new and NO dings or nothing in it and play's really nice. Go with a Gibson Black Beauty, it's only around 3,000 or more  Nah just messing but yeah a Jackson would be pretty nice too man. Look on ebay because they have a lot of amps, guitars, ect.
walk through nature's dwelling
hide from obscure trees listening
winter brings gloom, brings remnants of our shadows
twilight casts spells on those who espouse their fate
ice pricks necks like knives, leaving shards of cadaverous skin
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2004-08-12, 04:09
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Originally Posted by Sic Metal Corpse
Ok before i go on and smash this motha fucka can some1 just explain one more time how to fix these stupid cheap ass knobs.......
if you're just going to sell it anyways, glue it.... or take it to somebody that know what they're doing....
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