Sumerian Echoes
Sumerian Echoes
Following blindly the trail of angels
Believing these are spirits
An ancient race called the nifilim were perseved as saviors
Spawned human kind on earth
For labor, slave work, mining the planet
Just beyond our system, lies the sphere of the elder gods
Worshiped and praised through prehistory
Bareing new religions through time
Perseption, and translations
Alter the story of orgin
Turning fertile soiled lands
to desert wastes of forgotten eons
Trusting we are supreme
But i know is just a dream
Left here to die, until they day that the sky
tears and cracks, and with ships so black
To come and collect there spoils
Evolution from apes
Is a means of excape
From the truth
that we were an altered species
Of primates before the dawn of man
Prometheus, from the reaches of spaces
Comes down upon man, makeing fire at hand
To further the evolution of the human
He was a god to the greeks
teaching secrets from a true sumerian past
The 10th sphere, allined upon earth
pass us by, come for the new beggining of time
Ruled again upon immortal men
The end is not,what you think
Insanity is slowly strangeling me.....