2004-09-02, 18:22
New Blood
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: 20 minutes away from THE lake
Posts: 40
I'm not familiar with how to exress this in ASCII, but I'll try.
The gallop rhytm (aka. Iron maiden or Dio-Holy diver rhytm) goes like this:
/X-XX/X-XX/X-XX/ ...so inside of one 1/4 note, you'll first play 1/8 note and 2 * 1/16 notes. The first note of the gallop is twice as long as the 2 notes after it. Listen to the rhytm in Dio's Holy Diver, it has gallops galore.
In a triplet, you play 3 notes inside one 1/4 note, so in notation it'll look like /XXX/ with a "3" over them. All the 3 notes are as long in duration. Listen to Kirk Hammet on Metallica's For whom the bell tolls, before the first verse. His lead break is completely made of triplets.
Hope this helps at least a little. 
Last edited by LostAtLakeBodom : 2004-09-02 at 18:25.