2004-09-13, 05:45
Legio Draconorum Orkian
Join Date: Jan 2004
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The other night i was arrested for practically nothing. Heres what i mean:
I was with three friends and two of them skateboard. I had drank some beer before we left the house. We pulled up to this one spot after having already been to a couple of others. As we were pulling up i was arguing with my friend about something. You know those kind of friends you have the most tense arguments with over the dumbest thing, but neither refuses to give in due to a number of reasons: pride, whats true, victory, etc. So when we got out of the car i started yelling while he was walking away. Yelling pretty loud, after about 6 seconds of yelling i was caught up to him. I stopped yelling and spoke normally for about 3 seconds. All of the sudden a fat, disgusting, phsycho cop is CHARGING at me. He grabs my arms holds them behind me and slams me against the wall. He his really out of it. Im trying to ask him what the hell hes doing and he cant even get a hold on my still hands. Next he throws me to the ground and holds my hands behind me with his knee digging into my back. My friend aproaches and tries to talk some since into the pig. Resulting in a very frantic "SIR YOU BETTER GET BACK RIGHT NOW OR IM BRINGING YOU DOWN TOO!" So he throws me in the car and then goes back and talks to my three friends and to 2 middle aged ladies who saw it all. Ten minutes, later he gets in the car unable to correctly shift into drive before slamming the gas. So the car roars without motion, he tries another shift, nope wrong again, ok, he gets it the next time. Races to the station, gets me out of the car and has me fill out a bunch of papers. He smells that ive been drinking but he does not include that in the report. Most likely this is out of sympathy once he had realized how fucked up he had been. So ill skip past the parts from the phone call they didnt let me make to the steel bed with no matress. I plead not guilty to the judge in the morning so ill have a coart date mailed to me.
After my dad heard the story, he wasnt going to be so patient. Hes interested in bringing hell to the cheif of police. The only problem is he doesnt know about the beer i had. But im thinking since that wasnt mentioned in the officers report, will he even bring it up? Because if he does he will probably be in some sort of trouble for not reporting that. Im not sure right now. Im thinking i have a chance of winning due to the way the officir handled everything. I recieved no breath test or anyway they can prove how much i had. I plan on stating that i only had 4 SIPS of beer. So there are 3 friends and 2 middle aged wemon as witness to the officer's actions. He didnt read me my rights, he didnt even speak before he arrested me. Sorry for the length but details make things easier to understand. Any advice, questions, or comments?

2004-09-13, 06:08
Forum Daemon
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I have a friend who got off for public drunkenness despite the fact that he yelled 'I'M SO DRUNK, I'M SO FUCKING DRUNK' over and over, and it was in the arrest report. You can get off for anything. That said, when I see cops come I am an excellent runner. Especially since I have a tendency to piss off people with cop uncles and fathers.
What's the charge? And don't worry, we all get jailed at some point. I haven't yet, but I won't be surprised if I do. If you get a decent lawyer it shouldn't be any problem, and even so, since it's unclear what exactly you did to break the law except exercise freedom of speech at too high a volume, it should be cool. And even if it isn't, the worst you can expect is some kind of fine. It's easy as hell to plead it down to something almost entirely innocuous, and it's probably fairly easy to get off, so don't worry.

2004-09-13, 07:32
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my mate is lives in a bogan suburb, he lives in a unit opposite some huge yobbos. anyway at 3am one time we were all drunk and singing and such and my mates mate, he got arrested for stealing a ladder from outside a paint shop. it wasnt like near the doors or anything it was right out the front. 3am, no-one guarding, had a few B&Cs, so he nicked it hahahaha!! the cops came to his place like an hour later but they dropped the charges because he was polite and agreed to give the ladder back without any fuss.
as for you timedragon good luck with the trial and such.

2004-09-13, 07:46
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when im down in melbourne we hand around in Kew, so there isn't much shit, apart from the ocasional gang-land assasination
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2004-09-13, 08:07
Dog farts
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I've been arrested. Never jailed. 12 hours community service, I did my part for society. Cunts.
I don't quite understand. I don't even see what the charge could be, in your case. Either way, it is likely you'll get off.

2004-09-13, 08:42
Gangster Rapper
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Don't worry at all timedragon, with your two mates to testify that you didn't harm them, and where only fooling around, and the two unbiased women to testify of the cop's behaviour they cant to shit to you.
I don't have any interesting run in's with the law yet, but i'm sure they'll come 
We live thinking we will never die.
We die thinking we had never lived.
Cut it out.
- Jason Becker

2004-09-13, 11:38
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I have only been fined for drinking in public, I was 17 and said I was 18. I even gave my correct date of birth and I still didn't get fined for being underage, dumb cunts.

2004-09-13, 15:28
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Im hoping, and kind of figure, the case will get dropped before im ever sent the court date. Today or tomarrow im going to talk to the cheif of police with my dad. The ONLY reason i care about any of this is because its hard enough for me to get a job (i still havnt been hired after 2 months of looking) but i might have to check the little box that says i have been arrested before. Thats really gonna help with getting hired somewhere huh.

2004-09-13, 16:37
Senior Metalhead
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On your job apps they only ask if you've been convicted of a felony so you won't have to check that box just yet. Did you sign anything? What does your citation say, about charges? I don't even think you committed a crime (aside from underage drinking) If you didn't sign anything than you really have nothing to worry about.
Man fuck the law, I got arrested with a bowl of weed, just one bowl and I got fucked, seriously they are attempting to ruin my life because of it, I nearly lost my job cause they took away my drivers license for 6 months and I wasn't even driving at all wasn't even near my car, 500 dollar fine, 300 dollar probation fee, 12 months of probation, drug classes which are 50 dollars a class and I just have to take them once a week until they say I can stop, and when I can finally get my license back I have to pay 300 dollars for a reinstatement fee, fuck the law I hate the whole system, they are treating me like a fucking heroin addict or something I'm not a bad person you assholes I just smoke herbs, I still work 10 hours a day 5 days a week, I pay my taxes what the fuck.
I'm the Trillest HAUS from the mean streets of Sandy dog.

2004-09-13, 17:21
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Originally Posted by timedragon
The other night i was arrested for practically nothing. Heres what i mean:
I was with three friends and two of them skateboard. I had drank some beer before we left the house. We pulled up to this one spot after having already been to a couple of others. As we were pulling up i was arguing with my friend about something. You know those kind of friends you have the most tense arguments with over the dumbest thing, but neither refuses to give in due to a number of reasons: pride, whats true, victory, etc. So when we got out of the car i started yelling while he was walking away. Yelling pretty loud, after about 6 seconds of yelling i was caught up to him. I stopped yelling and spoke normally for about 3 seconds. All of the sudden a fat, disgusting, phsycho cop is CHARGING at me. He grabs my arms holds them behind me and slams me against the wall. He his really out of it. Im trying to ask him what the hell hes doing and he cant even get a hold on my still hands. Next he throws me to the ground and holds my hands behind me with his knee digging into my back. My friend aproaches and tries to talk some since into the pig. Resulting in a very frantic "SIR YOU BETTER GET BACK RIGHT NOW OR IM BRINGING YOU DOWN TOO!" So he throws me in the car and then goes back and talks to my three friends and to 2 middle aged ladies who saw it all. Ten minutes, later he gets in the car unable to correctly shift into drive before slamming the gas. So the car roars without motion, he tries another shift, nope wrong again, ok, he gets it the next time. Races to the station, gets me out of the car and has me fill out a bunch of papers. He smells that ive been drinking but he does not include that in the report. Most likely this is out of sympathy once he had realized how fucked up he had been. So ill skip past the parts from the phone call they didnt let me make to the steel bed with no matress. I plead not guilty to the judge in the morning so ill have a coart date mailed to me.
After my dad heard the story, he wasnt going to be so patient. Hes interested in bringing hell to the cheif of police. The only problem is he doesnt know about the beer i had. But im thinking since that wasnt mentioned in the officers report, will he even bring it up? Because if he does he will probably be in some sort of trouble for not reporting that. Im not sure right now. Im thinking i have a chance of winning due to the way the officir handled everything. I recieved no breath test or anyway they can prove how much i had. I plan on stating that i only had 4 SIPS of beer. So there are 3 friends and 2 middle aged wemon as witness to the officer's actions. He didnt read me my rights, he didnt even speak before he arrested me. Sorry for the length but details make things easier to understand. Any advice, questions, or comments?
you don't have shit to worry about... you didn't do anything wrong... except the drinking.. but seriously... you don't even have to say anything about it if they have no way of proving you were drunk, so don't bring it up and if it does get mentioned deny it. your word agaisnt his. in fact your word and your friends' words.
so not only will you not get in any kind of trouble with the law... but you can also probably make that officers life a living hell... if what you stated is fact, he can get in a world of trouble. like lose his job n' stuff.
and you should be able to prove his wrong doings with the witnesses and all.
give em hell...
as for the thing for your job apps... you havent been convicted. so you don't have to say anything.
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2004-09-13, 21:54
Join Date: Aug 2001
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Yeah really. What did they charge you with?
Fight it. When we stop fighting them for fucking with us, they'll walk over us.
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2004-09-13, 22:33
bugfucker strikes back.
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I was planning on calling you a moron, but since I don't hate you, and the fact that you didn't do anything wrong...
Good luck though.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-09-13, 22:37
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If he didn't read you your rights then the whole case has to be discontinued (or so I'm told). Make sure to mention that he didn't read you your rights. Also, I wouldn't say you had any beer because they can't prove it. And if the cop says that you did then ask him why you wern't breathalized or write about it in the report.
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2004-09-13, 22:43
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Originally Posted by Dissection
I was planning on calling you a moron, but since I don't hate you, and the fact that you didn't do anything wrong...
Good luck though.
a moron for being arrested?
today i heard that the same cop has done this kind of thing to other people. My dad actually hired a detective cause he wants to get the cop in trouble, if that happens, im sure ill be just that much better off.
To who asked: i think the charges were disturbing the peace (it was 11). I got the police report today and it mentions alcohol, but thats not part of the charges. Its still going to cost points, but hopefully the judge thinks this is all as stupid as i do.

2004-09-13, 23:01
bugfucker strikes back.
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A moron for getting arrested; like you did something seriously stupid. But that wasn't the case.
And time doesn't matter with disturbing the peace.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-09-13, 23:09
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Originally Posted by Dissection
A moron for getting arrested; like you did something seriously stupid. But that wasn't the case.
And time doesn't matter with disturbing the peace.
Oh, i thought you meant that even after you read the description. About the peace thing, HAH, not that anyone here would have known this, but a football game had just let out. Peace,
But yeah, i guess thats irrelevant

2004-09-13, 23:12
Wasted Custom User title
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That sucks man.
Good luck with everything.
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2004-09-14, 01:59
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Originally Posted by CANNIBALCORPSE
That sucks man.
Good luck with everything.
yeah, its not exactly a good thing is it. But you can bet your loose asses ill post the conclusion of everthing here when it comes to that.

2004-09-14, 13:44
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Originally Posted by timedragon
To who asked: i think the charges were disturbing the peace (it was 11). I got the police report today and it mentions alcohol, but thats not part of the charges. Its still going to cost points, but hopefully the judge thinks this is all as stupid as i do.
well, if nobody complained about you disturbing their peace, it isnt really disturbing the peace.... and it certainly isnt any reason for a piggy to tackle you. he was way out of line... and like darko said..the fact that he didn't read you your rights does make the whole case a joke.
as for the alcohol... he has no way of proving it... seriously, if there was no test then he can't justify it. him saying he smelt beer wont hold in a respectible court room.. it's not proffesional, if a cop smells beer on a minor and he wants to do something about it... he'll give you the breath test or something.
i think you're in the clear... in fact with how sloppily this is being handled i think you might come out better than you were. you can give them hell.
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2004-09-14, 19:10
Schrodinger's Cat
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It seems that the policeman was a little too eager to arrest you. I don't think you have a case to answer. Good luck either way.
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-09-14, 23:50
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Sue that pig's ass!
( ( ) )

2004-09-15, 00:08
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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It would be damn nice to get money out of this, but for now i just want to be let off.

2004-09-15, 00:30
Wasted Custom User title
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yeah, I bet youll just be let off.
Keep us posted though.
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2004-09-15, 02:46
Join Date: May 2004
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Originally Posted by timedragon
It would be damn nice to get money out of this, but for now i just want to be let off.
Yes, you want to bet let off NOW. Just keep it in mind 
( ( ) )

2004-09-15, 03:20
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
if nobody complained about you disturbing their peace, it isnt really disturbing the peace....
actually it is. There're bylaws in many places (here is one of them) that state that noise over a certain decibal is illegal after 11.
So dragon, looks like you could be fucked. and rights don't have to be read all the time. when you're charged with certain things. You were held, not arrested. That's how they can get away with it man.
Here's a hard lesson in life man. There are cops and there are pigs.
you just met a pig.
Imagine there's no countries,
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Last edited by Trendkill_420 : 2004-09-15 at 03:22.

2004-09-15, 03:30
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umm... yeh you do have to be read your rights... he was arrested.... it's his right....
and for yelling, a cop cannot tackle him to the ground and threaten his friend.... i mean, it's pretty much a bullshit case period, but the cop WAS way out of line and he has witnesses to prove it. so even if the case goes through, he can give the cop, hell, the pd a world of shit. in more ways than one...
i seriously doubt he wont get off easy though.
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2004-09-15, 03:52
Join Date: Aug 2001
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actually man. you have to be read your rights when you are arrested.
he was technically held
so stop speaking out your ass.
It sounds wrong
it is wrong.
but there's justice.
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2004-09-15, 05:08
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Trendkill: damn, am i wrong? i thought i was arrested from the moment i had the cuffs and was put in the car. Is there more to it? you sound kind of educated in this area...

2004-09-15, 17:15
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: canada eh
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There is actually a difference between arresting and holding someone.
They can legally hold someone for 24 hours. (Drunk tank for example). If A cop is arresting you, he reads you your miranda rights. I'm no lawyer but A friend of mine had a similiar complaint when He was thrown in the drunk tank.
If you are going to check into it, I'd contact a lawyer. Not some guys on a metal board 
Imagine there's no countries,
It isnt hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace...

2004-09-15, 17:25
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Originally Posted by Trendkill_420
There is actually a difference between arresting and holding someone.
They can legally hold someone for 24 hours. (Drunk tank for example). If A cop is arresting you, he reads you your miranda rights. I'm no lawyer but A friend of mine had a similiar complaint when He was thrown in the drunk tank.
If you are going to check into it, I'd contact a lawyer. Not some guys on a metal board 
HAHA, yeah, but i was just looking for some quick advice, my dad got a detective or something though.

2004-09-15, 21:23
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well, he said he was arrested... i'm not talking out of my ass...
i'd assume being tackled handcuffed and taken to the station and being charged with some shit would count as being arrested right?...
i still doubt he'll get into to much trouble either way... i mean, being outdoors and yelling for few seconds??? how serious do you think any non half retarded judge will take that?
Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2004-09-15, 21:26
Join Date: May 2004
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My dad got fined for a driving thing (not sure what, prolly speeding), and it turns out the pig just lied about the entire thing. Everyone knew it, but he got fined anyway because that's one way they make all the money they have.
BTW: Trendkill is from canada and Timedragon is from USA. Do you think the laws are any different?

2004-09-15, 21:33
Wasted Custom User title
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Yeah I was just thinking that. Canadians have some fucked up laws.
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2004-09-15, 21:36
Forum Daemon
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Miranda rights deal with questioning. Any evidence you give against yourself before you've been mirandized is inadmissable, and afterwards you can force them to hold off questioning until a lawyer is present. That's basically what it means. I'm pretty certain even an arrest can be valid so long as there's no questioning before you've been advised of your rights, but I might be wrong. I think that's how it was originally instituted, but I don't keep up on things that don't matter to me, and when they do I've got a lot of legal resources at my disposal to check up.

2004-09-15, 22:38
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yeh, canada does have a slightly different legal system with some fucked up laws... but the u.s. still has tons of fucked up shit laws too.... anyhow....
the miranda rights.. all pigs are required to read them to you before/while they're arresting you... it's your right as an american citizen...
Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2004-09-16, 00:52
Join Date: May 2004
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
yeh, canada does have a slightly different legal system with some fucked up laws... but the u.s. still has tons of fucked up shit laws too.... anyhow....
the miranda rights.. all pigs are required to read them to you before/while they're arresting you... it's your right as an american citizen...
Me and my friend a while ago were out stealing things from unlocked cars one time when we got caught, and the pig told us our rights AFTER we were in the police car with handcuffs. Although I don't think that matters at all.
Besides, I got off with a warning (mostly because I was a suck up, and I blamed it all on my "friend"). 
( ( ) )

2004-09-16, 01:12
Forum Daemon
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They only have to before questioning. Just listen to what your rights are. Those are 5th Ammendment rights they read you. Until they read you your rights, you can say whatever you want. For example, I have a friend who got arrested for public drunkenness a few years back. As they were cuffing him, he kept saying 'I'm so drunk, I'm so fucking drunk' over and over like a litany. But they hadn't read him his rights, so none of that counted. It also allows you to delay questioning until you have a lawyer present, which burns most officers' asses.

2004-09-16, 02:14
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Originally Posted by PST 88
They only have to before questioning. Just listen to what your rights are. Those are 5th Ammendment rights they read you. Until they read you your rights, you can say whatever you want. For example, I have a friend who got arrested for public drunkenness a few years back. As they were cuffing him, he kept saying 'I'm so drunk, I'm so fucking drunk' over and over like a litany. But they hadn't read him his rights, so none of that counted. It also allows you to delay questioning until you have a lawyer present, which burns most officers' asses.
haha... that'd be funny... i love it when people give pigs loads of attitude... it just makes me feel good on the inside...
Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2004-09-16, 02:28
Join Date: May 2004
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
haha... that'd be funny... i love it when people give pigs loads of attitude... it just makes me feel good on the inside...
There were pigs harrassing that one guy on youhavebadtasteinmusic.com. They listen to "bad christian music".
post #300
( ( ) )

2004-09-16, 02:34
Pokémon Master
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
haha... that'd be funny... i love it when people give pigs loads of attitude... it just makes me feel good on the inside...
and people wonder why the police beat the living crap out of the criminals they catch in america ...................
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2004-09-16, 02:34
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Posts: 86
its a really stupid "crime" and if you get anything out of it, you'll just end up picking up crap off the street for a weekend. if you know any friends who have real cops for fathers, not the traffic cop that this guy sounds like, just get them to bully this guy around and have it taken care of.
or wear a neck brace and hire johnny cochrane when you go to court.

2004-09-16, 02:41
Pokémon Master
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Location: Some grim and utterly pointless evil location(Aus)
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and remember to talk about your lack of free will due to the dominant personalities of your friends and your crushed ego from when your father abused you as a child 
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2004-09-16, 13:46
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Originally Posted by BeastOfCarrion
and people wonder why the police beat the living crap out of the criminals they catch in america ...................
every seen a cop get fucked up buy a kid on angel dust? lol.... now thats funny, but they never show shit like that on COPS because it makes them look like pussies. they only show the clips that make the cops look like bad asses and smart guys, but it's all just bad acting. i've only met a couple cops that were actually somewhat cools guys... but the fact they were cops kinda made me lose quite a bit of respect for them.
Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2004-09-16, 13:57
Gangster Rapper
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Location: The Jason Becker Monastery
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You start off disrespecting cops, that's stupid man.
I start off respecting cops, they work for fuck all to protect us. Sure there are some bad ones, but the majority are decent people. You just think of the bad one's more because they 'stick out' on your mind when you think of them.
We live thinking we will never die.
We die thinking we had never lived.
Cut it out.
- Jason Becker

2004-09-16, 14:42
Schrodinger's Cat
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Agreed. It's funny how people never disrespect the police when, for example, there's a burglar in the house or when their daughter has been raped by a pervert. One bad apple doesn't spoil the bunch and folk should remember that fact when disrespecting the men and women who put their lives on the line to protect us from ourselves and each other.
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-09-16, 18:32
The Stings of Conscience
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Originally Posted by PST 88
Miranda rights deal with questioning. Any evidence you give against yourself before you've been mirandized is inadmissable, and afterwards you can force them to hold off questioning until a lawyer is present. That's basically what it means. I'm pretty certain even an arrest can be valid so long as there's no questioning before you've been advised of your rights, but I might be wrong. I think that's how it was originally instituted, but I don't keep up on things that don't matter to me, and when they do I've got a lot of legal resources at my disposal to check up.
you are correct sir. in the US, police have the right to take you, hold you in a cell for 72 hours, and release you, and they never have to read you rights or tell you what you did wrong. thats America... but, if you are being CHARGED, they must read your rights before asking you any questions, and you must be informed of the charges against you. sorry man, the cop did nothing wrong LEGALLY. morals is a whole different story. he will likely recieve nothing but a slap on the wrist. you, however did nothing wrong. if the drinking was not filed, he can not bring it up at all. the yelling was grounds for nothing more than a polite request to stop, UNLESS it was after a certain hour and / or someone filed a complaint

2004-09-16, 19:45
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Originally Posted by Andrew1331
you are correct sir. in the US, police have the right to take you, hold you in a cell for 72 hours, and release you, and they never have to read you rights or tell you what you did wrong. thats America... but, if you are being CHARGED, they must read your rights before asking you any questions, and you must be informed of the charges against you. sorry man, the cop did nothing wrong LEGALLY. morals is a whole different story. he will likely recieve nothing but a slap on the wrist. you, however did nothing wrong. if the drinking was not filed, he can not bring it up at all. the yelling was grounds for nothing more than a polite request to stop, UNLESS it was after a certain hour and / or someone filed a complaint
so he was "arrested" and not just "held" right?... if he's being charged n' shit...
Originally Posted by johnmansley
Agreed. It's funny how people never disrespect the police when, for example, there's a burglar in the house or when their daughter has been raped by a pervert. One bad apple doesn't spoil the bunch and folk should remember that fact when disrespecting the men and women who put their lives on the line to protect us from ourselves and each other.
totally... they have to do some good shit right?
but if i havent done anything wrong but a pig is harassing me, i'll give him loads of attitude and bullshit.... because there is nothing he can do about it and i feel that's what he deserves.
i mean, some are just cooler than others. i've had dick head cops come up to me and my friends when we're just chilling and listening to some tunes in in a parking lot or in a neighborhood at one of our cars. he sees us all crowded around a car thinking we're doing a bunch of shit... he's all pissy and making us do shit like empty our pockets asking if we have any weapons in our car, blah blah... and then you wonder why we spit at him and give him lip as he's walking away in dissapointment? ha... some kids can take it like little bitches but i don't like being disrespected any more than most.
some officers actually do it right though, they walk by asking us if we're "being good" and being very friendly... not jumping to any conclusions. or giving us attitude. it's just polite and respectful... so in return we are polite and respectful.
it's like the golden rule or something. treat others as you would like to be treated.
i just always laugh though when i see fucked up pigs get put in their place. whether it's physically or verbally.
it's just how i am.
Originally Posted by Severed_Head_Stoner
You start off disrespecting cops, that's stupid man.
I start off respecting cops, they work for fuck all to protect us. Sure there are some bad ones, but the majority are decent people. You just think of the bad one's more because they 'stick out' on your mind when you think of them.
it's not stupid...
like i said, i've only met a couple cops that were cool... but being a cop, and some things that pretty much all cops do, make me lose alot of respect... i know alot of the time they're just doing their job.. but some of that shit is just... well.. stupid... i don't want to get to much into my political views and stuff because every body looks at it a different way.. there are cops & pigs.... and then there are police... imo.
but for example, this case...
they need to tackle and threaten real criminals committing real crimes instead of tipsy kids that talk to loud past 11:00. i wouldnt be suprised if within one block of where this was happening, something else illegal and much more "serious" was taking place that the pig could have taken care of.
a simple "quite down kids" from the cop would have done just fine... no need for ANYTHING else... unless of course after the pig told him to be quite he didn't shut up.... but that's different.
but throwing somebody to the ground for talking to loud isnt necisarry at all, and then threatening to take down his friend to for simply trying to clear up whats going on? yeh, stupid. it's those pigs especially that need what's coming to them.
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2004-09-16, 23:40
Pokémon Master
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its because he thinks he is likely to get shit from people that makes him behave that way, its a vicious circle, you are an asshole to them, they become an asshole to everyone else, and on it goes. In Australia its not so bad, because people respect the police where as in america, they are assholes because people are assholes to them.
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2004-09-17, 00:21
The Stings of Conscience
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Originally Posted by BeastOfCarrion
its because he thinks he is likely to get shit from people that makes him behave that way, its a vicious circle, you are an asshole to them, they become an asshole to everyone else, and on it goes. In Australia its not so bad, because people respect the police where as in america, they are assholes because people are assholes to them.
actually, its like that here in the US in some places. i live in a small town where basically everyone knows each other, and everyone respects the local sherrifs, and they are all totally cool. since i dont live in a city, we dont have police. its all sherrifs out here. but when i go into the main city, the police are assholes.

2004-09-17, 01:59
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: canada eh
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I always treat a cop like a person. When they talk to me or bust me, I respect them, and if the guys a human, he'll see that i've accepted that i've fucked up, and respect me for my maturity.
But if the guys an asshole while I'm curtious to him. He's a pig. (Usually the young pups). So then I'll only co-operate to a degree. Fact is they can fuck you around as much as we let them. I was drunk on canada day with an open beer. A cop caught me. I was polite, yet my friend wasn't. My friend started to argue and the cop simple said "are you trying to lie to me? I can make this worse". And he could. He coul've got me for possesion of alcohol in public, public drunkenness, thrown me in the fucking drunk tank etc. But i was curteous and he let me off with a open liquour fine. Though he was still quite rude, he was a pig. But i was smart. Give him lip and spend the rest of the night in a fucking cell. Fuck that, the pig went around the corner and i cracked another beer (hid this one though  )
The sad part is, a cop has never helped me in my life. I've had shit stolen, had friends have the shit kicked outta them, etc. I just filed a fucking report that went into their drawer. The only time the fucking guys are around is to bust me for doing something that i believe i'm doing with my rights to freedom. I'm never malicious or hurting someone (but myself).
Imagine there's no countries,
It isnt hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace...

2004-09-17, 22:16
Alumni Staff
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Originally Posted by BeastOfCarrion
its because he thinks he is likely to get shit from people that makes him behave that way, its a vicious circle, you are an asshole to them, they become an asshole to everyone else, and on it goes. In Australia its not so bad, because people respect the police where as in america, they are assholes because people are assholes to them.
actually you have it backwards.... the cops are usually the ones being dick in the first place, but yes it is a huge circle of bullshit...
if the cop's being an asshole then he'll get as much lip from me as possible without getting myself into trouble. because he doesnt mean dick to me and he started that shit... if a cop is being respectful to me i'll treat him or her like a person instead of a stupid pig.
i don't often find myself getting in trouble because i'm normally a good guy( or smart enough to not get caught)... but i still get harrassed by pigs occassionally.
i've not had to many cases where i've needed help from the police... but occasionally there job does require them to use their powers for good.
Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2004-09-17, 23:28
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: West Virginia
Posts: 744
Vengence in most cases just circles, eveyone usually just wants to "justify" everything.
Ive ALMOST been arrested 3 times:
This one time, my friend dragged me along to this gay ass "teen night" thing at a college campus. He was gonna "set me up" w/ some girl, but that never happened and the whole time I just stood around being irritated by the mass amount of wiggers. So anyways, he came after i did and he brought this crappy camel back water thing in his back pack and some spices at the bottom. Your not aloud to bring back packs and shit, so this campus police cop searched his back pack, and thought the water thing was a bong so he arrested him. Later on, while he was being held by the cops, i came and said "hey dude, whats going on?" and he said "Long story, could you get me a pizza?" so i did and when i gave it to him this redneck cop w/ scars all over his face came and said "HEY YOUR NOT SUPPOSED TO TALK TO THEM, SIT DOWN" and so i did and he questioned and crap, but i was let free because of this woman who saw everything said i was involved.
there are alot of nice cops but west virginian ones are always like "GRRRR I GOTTA BEAT SOME POT SMOKIN HIPPIES"

2004-09-18, 02:19
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: canada eh
Posts: 1,257
west virginia. eh
play me "deliverance"

Imagine there's no countries,
It isnt hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace...
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