2004-09-13, 22:57
Senior Metalhead
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Six Feet Under
I recently saw them live And chris barnes was a total douche,. any one else have this problem. I have lost a lot of respect for them

2004-09-13, 23:07
Gangster Rapper
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I never got into SFU, i think it may have been thier crappy guitars, sub standard drums, lack of solo's, vocal's that sound like God only knows what, and the fact that they play too slow to be a decent grind band
We live thinking we will never die.
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Cut it out.
- Jason Becker

2004-09-13, 23:09
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Originally Posted by Severed_Head_Stoner
I never got into SFU, i think it may have been thier crappy guitars, sub standard drums, lack of solo's, vocal's that sound like God only knows what, and the fact that they play too slow to be a decent grind band
since my experience i have come to realize that

2004-09-13, 23:23
Lo, they do call to me...
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yeah, they fucking suck, i wouldnt ever go see them live, unless they were, for some godawful reason, playing with slayer or something
Too grim to function

2004-09-13, 23:28
Join Date: Jul 2003
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Ive seen em live, good show but this was before they sucked.
I still listen to Maximum Violence alot... good cd IMO.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-09-13, 23:30
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Originally Posted by MoonRaven
yeah, they fucking suck, i wouldnt ever go see them live, unless they were, for some godawful reason, playing with slayer or something
thats called "Bar Time"
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2004-09-13, 23:37
Lo, they do call to me...
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: virginia beach, VA
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Originally Posted by BeastOfCarrion
thats called "Bar Time"
im only 17, and in america, thats illegal, plus i dont drink, but i could have a good time if i brought my g/f, she likes slayer, so i prolly would
Too grim to function

2004-09-14, 00:37
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Originally Posted by JacksonMan007
I recently saw them live And chris barnes was a total douche,. any one else have this problem. I have lost a lot of respect for them
I saw them on their last tour and Chris's vocals sucked but the rest of the band was pretty good. I think his vocals have been getting worse and worse since he left cc (probably because of the weed). But their first albums were pretty good up till Maximum Violence, the rest sucks
Hell Awaits

2004-09-14, 01:33
bugfucker strikes back.
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There, I'm done.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-09-14, 01:54
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I was at a SFU show in rhode island, not to see them, I think behemoth was playing or something...i dont remember why i was there
anyways, SFU takes the stage, and seth putnam from anal cunt was standing at the front of the stage. if you're unfamiliar with the band, they've got a song called "chris barnes is a pussy." apparently a couple of years beforehand chris barnes backed out of a fight with seth or something like that (poke around http://www.sethputnam.com for more on it). so seth was there at the show, shouting in between songs, "chris barnes is a pussy!" after 3 or 4 songs chris barnes slammed the mic down and stormed off stage. putnam waited out in front of the SFU tour bus with a standing challenge to fight barnes.
the event was well documented at http://www.returntothepit.com search for six feet under pics, and i think the show was august 03 in providence, RI

2004-09-14, 03:39
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Originally Posted by SixfeetUnder420
I saw them on their last tour and Chris's vocals sucked but the rest of the band was pretty good. I think his vocals have been getting worse and worse since he left cc (probably because of the weed). But their first albums were pretty good up till Maximum Violence, the rest sucks
Dude, then why is your username SixfeetUnder? if you havnt liked anything since maximum violence, how can you justify having this username, and having signed one here recently. I dont mean to mean to be a dick, but really, come on!!!

2004-09-14, 03:52
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Originally Posted by omdthrash
I was at a SFU show in rhode island, not to see them, I think behemoth was playing or something...i dont remember why i was there
anyways, SFU takes the stage, and seth putnam from anal cunt was standing at the front of the stage. if you're unfamiliar with the band, they've got a song called "chris barnes is a pussy." apparently a couple of years beforehand chris barnes backed out of a fight with seth or something like that (poke around http://www.sethputnam.com for more on it). so seth was there at the show, shouting in between songs, "chris barnes is a pussy!" after 3 or 4 songs chris barnes slammed the mic down and stormed off stage. putnam waited out in front of the SFU tour bus with a standing challenge to fight barnes.
the event was well documented at http://www.returntothepit.com search for six feet under pics, and i think the show was august 03 in providence, RI
Seth Putnam is a waste of human life. It's a shame to see all that flesh go to waste on such an immature loser. As for Six Feet Under, they are terrible beyond words (and always were IMO), but there are worse bands, and since I don't consider SFU to be a death metal band, I see no point in really berating them for being the shitty musicians they are.

2004-09-14, 11:58
New Blood
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Sfu are alright not the best i admit but victim of the paranoid deserves a listen to every now and then
 Raaar I shall strum you all to your doom 

2004-09-14, 18:11
Schrodinger's Cat
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Originally Posted by timedragon
Dude, then why is your username SixfeetUnder?
Maybe he likes the TV show...
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-09-14, 20:31
Supreme Metalhead
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It's kind of funny (okay, I find it really funny) that when I listen to a Six Feet Under riff, I can't help but thinking about how much of a "text book" riff it is and it sounds like the music was recorded for one of those "Metal 101" guitar books.
As if it were hard enough to get past that bland "text book" feeling in the first place, I next have to deal with Barne's lyrics. I love it how he went from nonsensical in CC to bland and repetitive in SFU...listen to the song "Non-Existance" (perfect example of a Metal 101 book song). The lyrics seem to consist solely of 2 whole phrases: "We just want the truth out"...or some POS lyric like that and some line about jamming forks into ears and gouging out eyes. Plus the fact that Barnes just keeps getting lamer and lamer and lamer...just as those stupid fucking dreadlocks get longer and longer and longer...if you haven't gotten the point yet that I really dislike SFU then I'll come to your house and recite this post to you through a bullhorn repeatedly in the middle of the night.

2004-09-14, 22:01
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Theyre good for a listen every once in a while. I dont think theyre THAT bad. Not great at all though.
This is my signature.

2004-09-14, 22:23
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Originally Posted by timedragon
Dude, then why is your username SixfeetUnder? if you havnt liked anything since maximum violence, how can you justify having this username, and having signed one here recently. I dont mean to mean to be a dick, but really, come on!!!
The new inflames sucks i guess that means their old shit sucks too? 
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-09-14, 22:30
The Stings of Conscience
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^^^ agreed

2004-09-15, 20:14
Senior Metalhead
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Originally Posted by timedragon
Dude, then why is your username SixfeetUnder? if you havnt liked anything since maximum violence, how can you justify having this username, and having signed one here recently. I dont mean to mean to be a dick, but really, come on!!!
Because when i made my name i was really into Six Feet Under.
Hell Awaits

2004-09-15, 21:21
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 1,068
Originally Posted by SixfeetUnder420
Because when i made my name i was really into Six Feet Under.
Is there a way to change your name? I want to change mine, because when I registered I didn't think I was going to be an active member. Just someone who screwed around for a couple days then carried on.
( ( ) )

2004-09-15, 23:33
Pokémon Master
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PM nomad, he will fix you up

2004-09-16, 00:23
bugfucker strikes back.
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Originally Posted by ChrisRezendes
Seth Putnam is a waste of human life. It's a shame to see all that flesh go to waste on such an immature loser. As for Six Feet Under, they are terrible beyond words (and always were IMO), but there are worse bands, and since I don't consider SFU to be a death metal band, I see no point in really berating them for being the shitty musicians they are.
Agreed. And this song proves it:
"2. EASY E. GOT A.I.D.S. FROM f. MERCURY" Anyone who makes fun of Freddie Mercury is a cunt.
And to be honest, I do like "Victim of the Paranoid," but that is only because of the guitar in the song. Six Feet Blunder should not be called music.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-09-16, 03:59
Attorney at Bird Law
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Originally Posted by Dissection
Agreed. And this song proves it:
"2. EASY E. GOT A.I.D.S. FROM f. MERCURY" Anyone who makes fun of Freddie Mercury is a cunt.
And to be honest, I do like "Victim of the Paranoid," but that is only because of the guitar in the song. Six Feet Blunder should not be called music.
Their sometimes entertaining song titles are eclipsed by the fact that their music is horrifically bad, as are the actual lyrics. Not only that, but as funny as a few of the song titles are, there are just as many that are not funny at all, and the majority of them are extremely repetitive, which quickly kills any novelty that there once might have been. Ditto for Impaled Northern Moon Forest, it's funny for about 30 seconds, then it's not funny for another 30 seconds, becomes irritating within the next 30 seconds, and causes you to want to MURDER Putnam's worthless ass in the next 30 seconds. I have no idea how his novelty act managed to survive for that long. I have no idea how Barnes' SFU novelty act has survived this long, either.

2004-09-16, 06:02
Gangster Rapper
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INM is hilarious, i can listen to about three tracks before having to change to The Crown STATT! IS it still around? It shouldn't be....
We live thinking we will never die.
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2004-09-16, 22:11
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