2004-09-17, 02:44
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 92
Maybe My other Intro thread wasn't good enough!
MY other thread wasn't about compllimenting the tabs. I was just in a hurry to introduce myself.
I also meant to say that I thought, "Gee, this forum has alot of Black/ Death metal tabs. Maybe the people here will be more open-minded than other forums."
Yes I like Nu metal! I also like Classic rock, Rock and blues (Something I don't think is real but is a good way to describe hendrix and Billy Peek) Classical music, and I had just started listening to some Black metal friends one of my friends introduced me to. And I have been exploring ever since.
I'm not some poser shithead that came here to ruin your good time.
Other information:
I play drums in this garage band I'm in, I play guitar during my freetime, Tuba in a band (Bass sounds are the best). I'm working towards building my set to the one you see at the bottom. Not entirely acurate, but gives a good idea.
From my last thread I got the Idea that most of you don't take too kindly to Nu metal. Sorry, but that's who I am.
I'm not saying all this to be cool, I'm saying it to give a good Idea of who I am musically. I can be a good conversationallist at times.
That's me. If there was an introduction forum here, I'm sorry that I missed it.