2004-09-19, 17:04
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 92
Some of the older COF and Dimmu borgir Albums
Are they still on the market, or do I need to go online and find people who are selling their cd's? Since I had gotten into Black and Death metal, I notice that almost all the bands in this genre have a shitload of cds.
So is it possible to still see these cds that were made in like 1994 and whatnot in stores?

2004-09-19, 17:38
Dog farts
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And it belongs in bands, you twat.

2004-09-19, 18:13
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 279
Maybe not on mainstream record stores, but from metal/punk/gothic articulated stores you surely find them.

2004-09-19, 19:46
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 92
Would Vintage Vinyl have them, or is that mainstream?

2004-09-20, 02:44
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
NMB, where are you from?
there is a couple of stores in a place i can get to, which would definitely have cradles older, and probably dimmus older stuff too.

2004-09-20, 14:16
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 279
Originally Posted by NuMetalBastard
Would Vintage Vinyl have them, or is that mainstream?
I don't know that store, your location would help in this case. Just go to your local record store and ask for those following releases (För All Tid, Stormblĺst, The Principle of Evil Made Flesh, V Empire or what ever you're looking for), if they would have some. And if there's not search from other stores, some own initiative isn't for bad though.

2004-09-20, 14:51
Gangster Rapper
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Location: The Jason Becker Monastery
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Or if you get desperate go to your local CD shop, and ask them to order it in. It might be three dollars or so more, so leave it as the last resort 
We live thinking we will never die.
We die thinking we had never lived.
Cut it out.
- Jason Becker

2004-09-20, 16:19
Master Killer
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they probably give them away for free these days

2004-09-20, 21:12
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 92
Are they just as good as the latest ones?

2004-09-21, 00:12
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Atlanta Georgia a.k.a asshole of the universe
Posts: 262
Originally Posted by NuMetalBastard
Are they just as good as the latest ones?
Depends on your taste. I love Borgir's latest efforts but I cringe when I listen to For all Tid. Stormblast is a good album though. As far as Cradle goes pretty much everything is good except Damnation and a Day IMO. the Principle of Evil Made Flesh and V Empire are essential to your cradle library. 
Blizzard Beast
Suck a turd to a point and stab yourself with it..


2004-09-21, 00:42
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 92
Cooool...... Black metal is awesome on all levels!

2004-09-21, 01:04
Pokémon Master
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Location: Some grim and utterly pointless evil location(Aus)
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yep, high on the faggoty goth poser level too 
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2004-09-21, 01:13
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 92
Originally Posted by BeastOfCarrion
yep, high on the faggoty goth poser level too 
 Black metal is not on that level. Black metal is not a posing genre.

2004-09-21, 01:18
Die Young.
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Hellifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Posts: 8,633
How old are you? 12? Black Metal is for lame pussies thinking their bad because they wanna fuck the devil in the rectum and they want people to think they're tough.
Let's paint our face and look like a bunch of sissys who sleep in grave yards! How kult.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.

2004-09-21, 01:30
Pokémon Master
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Some grim and utterly pointless evil location(Aus)
Posts: 3,740
ha ha ha, the black metal bashing has started again, look i dont have a problem with their music, i can accept that thats what they want to play, and leave them to their devices to do it, but when they start dressing up, they are just leaving themselves open for insults. If you want a semi-decent BM band that doesn't get into that shit, look up Astriaal, from the grim, frostbitten (and ultimately tropical) queensland, Australia
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2004-09-21, 02:09
Gangster Rapper
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: The Jason Becker Monastery
Posts: 961
Or try 1349, few people have heard of them, but they are still very good BM. I'm not sure how they dress, but when i'm listening to the music, i doesn't matter to me.
We live thinking we will never die.
We die thinking we had never lived.
Cut it out.
- Jason Becker

2004-09-21, 03:29
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
Originally Posted by BeastOfCarrion
ha ha ha, the black metal bashing has started again, look i dont have a problem with their music, i can accept that thats what they want to play, and leave them to their devices to do it, but when they start dressing up, they are just leaving themselves open for insults. If you want a semi-decent BM band that doesn't get into that shit, look up Astriaal, from the grim, frostbitten (and ultimately tropical) queensland, Australia
yes, australian black metal doesnt do any of that satanic worshipping corpsepainted stuff. astriaal, atomizer, destroyer 666, sadistik exekution, list goes on.
one thing about black annoys me, that is its intolerance.
i quote euronymous: DEATH TO FALSE METAL!!!
was he alive today, id love to see jason p.c. or someone beat the shit out of him, it just would be good to watch more than anything else 

2004-09-21, 17:14
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Location: upon raging waves
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Great, more black metal bashing. At least i see one of the main reasons you guys hate it: the look. Which opposes what most of you claimed in the "what you do to look metal" thread... hypocrites. And no one in my band will ever do that corpse paint and satanic shit. And if people dont like it because of my tremolo riffs or occasional synth, fuck you!!!!!
Anyway, i found it really easy to find old CoF and Dimmu. But i think The principle of evil made flesh sucks bad. For all tid is fine with me. IMO, the best Dimmu cd is Enthrone..., and the best CoF is Cruelty or Vempire(despite how short it is)

2004-09-21, 17:31
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: The Netherlands
Posts: 1,596
Just go buy those kick ass old albums at www.displeasedrecords.com
they have loads fine shit at good prices.
And fuck all of you black metal bashers... black metal cool and the best atmospheric music there is. Corpsepaint adds to that effect, although only on stage or for COOL promotional pictures, and by that I don´t mean some of the gay shit you can find on this forum. And I especially hate those 14 year old bm wannabe´s who wear corpsepaint to a concert school or bar...
oh btw, do buy Vempire of CoF and Stormblast of Dimmu Borgir
Jeg er en stolt sřnn av Óđinn

2004-09-21, 17:37
Die Young.
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Hellifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Posts: 8,633
It's just an earache to me, and the lame gimmack of looking dead doesn't help.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.

2004-09-21, 17:50
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Brazil
Posts: 1,055
getta fucking out of COF!!!
they totally SUCKS!!!!
go listen to some IMMORTAL!

2004-09-22, 00:30
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 92
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
How old are you? 12? Black Metal is for lame pussies thinking their bad because they wanna fuck the devil in the rectum and they want people to think they're tough.
Let's paint our face and look like a bunch of sissys who sleep in grave yards! How kult.
That's the ignorance point of view (No offense). I don't view it like you do. I like it because it moves me. Any music that gives me those certain chills through my body is to me good music that moves me.

2004-09-22, 02:12
The Stings of Conscience
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Lutz, FL
Posts: 2,245
Originally Posted by NuMetalBastard
That's the ignorance point of view (No offense). I don't view it like you do. I like it because it moves me. Any music that gives me those certain chills through my body is to me good music that moves me.
lol you talk like you're 2. faggot

2004-09-22, 02:29
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
Originally Posted by NuMetalBastard
That's the ignorance point of view (No offense). I don't view it like you do. I like it because it moves me. Any music that gives me those certain chills through my body is to me good music that moves me.
i second that.

2004-09-22, 18:43
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 279
Stormblĺst from Dimmu Borgir is actually very good album, good symphonic and athmospheric Black Metal. I personally got known into that album just recently, since I hated Dimmu Borgir because of their very mainstream and commercialistic policy, and therefore I wasn't really interested to get known what Dimmu Borgir was before the Enthrone Darkness Triumphant. From Cradle of Filth I have never liked, they are just crap nothing else.

2004-09-22, 22:46
bugfucker strikes back.
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Originally Posted by Severed_Head_Stoner
Or if you get desperate go to your local CD shop, and ask them to order it in. It might be three dollars or so more, so leave it as the last resort 
My local store (before they changed management  ) would do it for free, because I was ordering brutal shit that they were into. The manager was really cool about it.
Ok, now on this subject:
CoF's only release truly worth more than 1 listen (its a great album, too) is Cruelty. Midian is mediocre, IMO, as is everything they've released since. Try some Dissection and Darkthrone. They are much better. As for symphonic black suggestions, I have none. Dimmu's releases before Puritanical are very good.
Oh, and check out some of Behemoth's old stuff. "Sventivith (Storming Near the Baltic)" and "Grom" are incredibly good black metal releases.
Back to my cage. 
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-09-22, 23:59
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 92
Originally Posted by Andrew1331
lol you talk like you're 2. faggot
This is the ignorance I'm talking about.

2004-09-23, 19:32
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 138
Originally Posted by NuMetalBastard
This is the ignorance I'm talking about.
you're annoying
The Black Hand of Set - Nile (summarised)
Somebody ate our dad, we will throw rocks at him from the sky, and put black ants in his air vents. You will make me so mad that I spurt out black semen into your mouth. I will use a megaphone to tell you I'm angry, then hit the air with a hammer, while standing on snakes. I call the grim reaper to cut open his head and eat his brain like in the film Hannibal, then cut his throat and stab his chest with scorpians.
Oh Kali
Oh Sekhmet
Oh Dagon.

2004-09-24, 21:36
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 92
Originally Posted by Nothingface4TehWin
you're annoying
Why? Because I just happen to like some nu metal? God that is such a dumb reason. If everyone hated others because of their music interests.... Hell no one would be friends.
My local store (before they changed management ) would do it for free, because I was ordering brutal shit that they were into. The manager was really cool about it.
Ok, now on this subject:
CoF's only release truly worth more than 1 listen (its a great album, too) is Cruelty. Midian is mediocre, IMO, as is everything they've released since. Try some Dissection and Darkthrone. They are much better. As for symphonic black suggestions, I have none. Dimmu's releases before Puritanical are very good.
Oh, and check out some of Behemoth's old stuff. "Sventivith (Storming Near the Baltic)" and "Grom" are incredibly good black metal releases.
Back to my cage.

2004-09-25, 23:46
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 138
Originally Posted by NuMetalBastard
Why? Because I just happen to like some nu metal? God that is such a dumb reason. If everyone hated others because of their music interests.... Hell no one would be friends.
did i say you're annoying because you like nu-metal? you're annoying because you jump to conclusions. you're annoying because you're trying to back up everything you say and having a moan at everyone who says anything. you're annoying because you think people expressing their opinions is ignorance. you're also annoying because you like nu metal. this forum dont like nu metal bubba, go listen to some slipknot.
The Black Hand of Set - Nile (summarised)
Somebody ate our dad, we will throw rocks at him from the sky, and put black ants in his air vents. You will make me so mad that I spurt out black semen into your mouth. I will use a megaphone to tell you I'm angry, then hit the air with a hammer, while standing on snakes. I call the grim reaper to cut open his head and eat his brain like in the film Hannibal, then cut his throat and stab his chest with scorpians.
Oh Kali
Oh Sekhmet
Oh Dagon.

2004-09-26, 19:21
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 92
Originally Posted by Nothingface4TehWin
did i say you're annoying because you like nu-metal? you're annoying because you jump to conclusions. you're annoying because you're trying to back up everything you say and having a moan at everyone who says anything. you're annoying because you think people expressing their opinions is ignorance. you're also annoying because you like nu metal. this forum dont like nu metal bubba, go listen to some slipknot.
1. I do not jump to conclusions!
2. What do you mean "Having a moan?"
3. I find it ignorant that people hate me the minute they see the words "Numetal" in my name. I find it ignorant when someone judges a book by its cover.
And lastly, I don't give a fuck if this forum or it's owner don't like nu metal. Ok. But I do! And your gonna have to live with my respect for Bands like mudvayne, Slipknot, Korn! Let's throw in some Evanessence in there, too huh? You just hate it because I have a wider taste in music, and nu metal is music, don't fucking deny it, you cock sucking nazi! You hate it because you can't figure out why I like some of the stuff I like, and thus you hate me because you can't figure me out! Probably the same reason I hate Cock fucks like you!
PS- If your not gonna contribute to my thread, don't bother posting.

2004-10-01, 11:46
New Blood
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina ( South America)
Posts: 11
it is possible!
Originally Posted by NuMetalBastard
Are they still on the market, or do I need to go online and find people who are selling their cd's? Since I had gotten into Black and Death metal, I notice that almost all the bands in this genre have a shitload of cds.
So is it possible to still see these cds that were made in like 1994 and whatnot in stores?
look, I'm from Argentina and believe me,here everything comes like a year latter, I'm still trying to get Susperia's Unlimited! but here we can buy Russian version , new russian versions which are very good, with the complete booklet and all , and they re/editated all the CoF old albums and Dimmu old albums too.
Eventhough I know that since Cof is with Sony they released again their oldest ones (Principle...,Vempire...) which where the hardest ones to find.And if you could get the Vempire...Ah!!! thats a dream album!
With Dimmu, well personally I love all their albums so I can't be objective!
But you definetly have to go to a specialised store! 
All you people move so slow
We can tell you what you're thinking
So you played along

2004-10-02, 18:50
The Stings of Conscience
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Lutz, FL
Posts: 2,245
ur still annoying. faggot

2004-10-04, 23:21
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 92
MY god There are alot of gay bashers on this site. Jesus.

2004-10-05, 07:47
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
Originally Posted by NuMetalBastard
1. I do not jump to conclusions!
2. What do you mean "Having a moan?"
3. I find it ignorant that people hate me the minute they see the words "Numetal" in my name. I find it ignorant when someone judges a book by its cover.
And lastly, I don't give a fuck if this forum or it's owner don't like nu metal. Ok. But I do! And your gonna have to live with my respect for Bands like mudvayne, Slipknot, Korn! Let's throw in some Evanessence in there, too huh? You just hate it because I have a wider taste in music, and nu metal is music, don't fucking deny it, you cock sucking nazi! You hate it because you can't figure out why I like some of the stuff I like, and thus you hate me because you can't figure me out! Probably the same reason I hate Cock fucks like you!
PS- If your not gonna contribute to my thread, don't bother posting.
so you go and lash out just because everyone hates you for being a nu-metal punk. boo-hoo. it does annoy me when people go berserk and have a moan (  ) but then say "im sick of everyone hating me"
it doesnt matter if you like nu-metal on a personal basis, no-one can stop you, but if you go bleating it out "im so original because i respect n-m" then on a death/black/grind/power/thrash site, you can expect to be
its as easy as that mate.

2004-10-05, 08:31
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Brisbane, Australia.
Posts: 1,023
It's a matter of taste. I like DAAD most out of all of CoF's albums. CoF is releasing a new album called Nymphetamine which promises to be awesome. Dimmu Borgir to me are a great deal better than CoF, but you might want to expand your horizons with something else. You will probably like Emperor. They are fucking awesome. In my opinion, Dimmu Borgir ripped them off a bit. Or a lot, I don't care.
If you are just starting out with black metal I recomend listening to some of the more known bands first to work out what you like. I could be very annoying and give you a list of bands, but you will probably find the names out yourself. Secondhand CD stores can be goldmines at times.
Let NMB listen to what he likes. You can't change his taste in music by bashing and flaming. Atleast he's proud of what he listens to. He doesn't bash your music, does he? I bet you would get all defencive if someone bashed your taste. How about some respect for a change?
I <3 12 year olds.

2004-10-05, 09:47
Attorney at Bird Law
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Originally Posted by NuMetalBastard
1. I do not jump to conclusions!
2. What do you mean "Having a moan?"
3. I find it ignorant that people hate me the minute they see the words "Numetal" in my name. I find it ignorant when someone judges a book by its cover.
PS- If your not gonna contribute to my thread, don't bother posting.
#1. You do jump to conclusions, like the conclusion that everybody here hates you because you like nu-metal. I like grunge, there aren't a lot of people here that hate me (if any).
#2. You piss and moan anytime somebody has a different opinion than you, and you bring up some ridiculous argument or some unneeded points to try to prove why you are right or probably in your point of view, to defend yourself. People here have different opinions. If you don't like it, go back to taborama. If you do like it, go back anyway because you are an asshole.
#3. There you go jumping to conclusions. I didn't hate you the moment I saw you. I tried to help you learn how to assimilate yourself into this group. Instead, you act ignorantly. That is why I personally don't like you. I don't hate you. I don't even know you. Why should I bother wasting such a profoundly strong emotion on some jackass that I only see on a message board? I have a life. Maybe you should work on earning one as well.
PS- People can post anywhere they want regardless of whether they have an important opinion to contribute. They wouldn't always know anyway, because whether they have anything important to contribute is really subjective. Beyond that, you haven't been intelligent or nice enough to earn any respect around here. You'd need that respect in order for people to not reply even when they KNOW that they have nothing to contribute to your post.
Trust in god, he'll give you shoes!

2004-10-05, 21:25
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 92
Originally Posted by BrokenCrimson
It's a matter of taste. I like DAAD most out of all of CoF's albums. CoF is releasing a new album called Nymphetamine which promises to be awesome. Dimmu Borgir to me are a great deal better than CoF, but you might want to expand your horizons with something else. You will probably like Emperor. They are fucking awesome. In my opinion, Dimmu Borgir ripped them off a bit. Or a lot, I don't care.
If you are just starting out with black metal I recomend listening to some of the more known bands first to work out what you like. I could be very annoying and give you a list of bands, but you will probably find the names out yourself. Secondhand CD stores can be goldmines at times.
Let NMB listen to what he likes. You can't change his taste in music by bashing and flaming. Atleast he's proud of what he listens to. He doesn't bash your music, does he? I bet you would get all defencive if someone bashed your taste. How about some respect for a change?
Thank you very much, for all three things you said.

2004-10-10, 03:16
Noob lud
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Location: Upstate New Yaawwk
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And lastly, I don't give a fuck if this forum or it's owner don't like nu metal. Ok. But I do! And your gonna have to live with my respect for Bands like mudvayne, Slipknot, Korn! Let's throw in some Evanessence in there, too huh? You just hate it because I have a wider taste in music, and nu metal is music, don't fucking deny it, you cock sucking nazi! You hate it because you can't figure out why I like some of the stuff I like, and thus you hate me because you can't figure me out! Probably the same reason I hate Cock fucks like you!
\m/ nicely done my friend
Originally Posted by Paddy
Please excuse me for I currently have a terminal erection, and the only cure is midget-cunny.

2004-10-13, 17:25
New Blood
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 2
Originally Posted by obrien20
getta fucking out of COF!!!
they totally SUCKS!!!!
go listen to some IMMORTAL!
Hails to that.
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