2004-10-02, 20:24
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constant quality releases
you know, i have all Skyfire albums. yeah, i know, good stuff.
anyways, i was listening to them and i noticed how good all albums were, from Timeless to Spectral. they all had good musicianship and none of them really stands out, since they're all good.
SO, point is, what bands do you feel have kept their quality intact since their debut albums?
aside from Skyfire, i'll also throw Bal Sagoth, Amon Amarth, Immolation and Nile. never was dissapointed with their work.

2004-10-02, 20:52
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Nile,Morbid Angel,Dying Fetus,Cryptopsy,
Pantera, and Nevermore

2004-10-02, 21:14
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i havnt heard all the opeth album but the ones i have all are extremly good i can listen to them all and not have to skip a song cause i dont like it
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2004-10-02, 21:28
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Originally Posted by guitar_demon
Yes!How did I forget!
Last edited by HELLBLASTER-666 : 2004-10-02 at 21:30.

2004-10-02, 21:49
Schrodinger's Cat
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Cryptopsy and Nile certainly. I'd also thow Suffocation in there along with Meshuggah, Morbid Angel and At The Gates. That's all I can think of right now.
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-10-02, 21:58
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Originally Posted by johnmansley
ditto, ditto.

2004-10-02, 22:16
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For metal: Cephalic Carnage, Cryptopsy, Death, Opeth, and Dying Fetus. I believe there alot of other bands that should be listed by only have a small number of releases under their neck and can't be determined yet.
As for other genres: Bjork, Tool, Rage Against The Machine, Radiohead, and then some.
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2004-10-02, 22:42
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Blind Guardian
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2004-10-02, 23:09
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i almost forgot two titans of the power metal scene: Rhapsody and Edguy.
quality album after quality album is what those two give us.

2004-10-03, 00:55
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Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, Anthrax, and Forbidden. Okay, maybe not.
Morbid Angel, Suffocation, Cannibal Corpse, Malevolent Creation, Monstrosity.
Those guys are for real. I'll probably think of more later, but fuck it.
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2004-10-03, 01:37
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Originally Posted by guitar_demon
i havnt heard all the opeth album but the ones i have all are extremly good i can listen to them all and not have to skip a song cause i dont like it
Death, obviously. Tool, Agalloch (although the newer BS EPs suck much ass), and some of the other ones you guys said.
And VS The World bored be to death.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-10-03, 02:27
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Originally Posted by johnmansley
At The Gates.
Have you heard Gardens Of Grief by them? poor quality, not that bad musicianship, but quite repetetive. I suppose it's still listenable though.
Falconer, all two of their albums are excellent, although the sound quality on Falconer (selftitled) is a miniscule little bit below what you'd expect from a folk/power metal band.
Kalmah, excellent. All three. Excellent.
The Crown, i believe there is only; Crowned In Terror, Crowned Unholy, Possessed 13, Crown Of Thorns? plus there is that Invades Karlsruhe DVD. All of them are great.
Helloween, one of the greats of Power metal, 'nuff said
Ten Ton: How many Skyfire albums are there? I've got Spectral and i absolutely love it.
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2004-10-03, 02:40
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Originally Posted by Severed_Head_Stoner
Ten Ton: How many Skyfire albums are there? I've got Spectral and i absolutely love it.
demos and EP aside, there are 3 full lenghts:
- Timeless Departure
- Mind Revolution
- Spectral
get the other 2, they're great.
and The Crown also has Deathrace King and Hell Is Here, as far as i know.
Last edited by Ten Ton Alien : 2004-10-03 at 02:44.

2004-10-03, 02:45
Gangster Rapper
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Duh, i knew of DRK, never heard of the other one. And i'll be grabbing those Skyfire albums ASAP 
We live thinking we will never die.
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Cut it out.
- Jason Becker

2004-10-03, 03:12
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Cryptopsy?! Did you all forget about Whisper Supremacy and "And then...."?

2004-10-03, 04:22
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Originally Posted by Darko
For metal: Cephalic Carnage, Cryptopsy, Death, Opeth, and Dying Fetus. I believe there alot of other bands that should be listed by only have a small number of releases under their neck and can't be determined yet.
As for other genres: Bjork, Tool, Rage Against The Machine, Radiohead, and then some.
Meh RATMs Battle of Los Angelos.. well, I didnt really like compared to their selftitled. Damn. That was 34782903 times better.
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2004-10-03, 06:03
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Vehemence, Opeth, Cannibal Corpse, Tool, Type O Negative, Gardenian, As I Lay Dying, Cattle Decapitation, Vader, Dies Irae, and of course Cephalic Carnage.
ps: CANNIBALCORPSE, what's up with your sig?
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able, and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" - Epicurus
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2004-10-03, 12:56
Schrodinger's Cat
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Originally Posted by AbbathGS
Cryptopsy?! Did you all forget about Whisper Supremacy and "And then...."?
No. They are the precise reason that I said Cryptopsy. Both are monstrously difficuly records to absorb completely but that's what makes them great records: even after the 100th listen, you find something new that you didn't hear before. The composition and technicality is mind blowing on those albums and even the vocals don't seem out of place as you get acclimatised to what Cryptopsy are doing.
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-10-03, 14:02
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Darkthrone (Well, the new album and Hate Them aren't as good as their (un)holy three albums: A Blaze in the Northern Sky, Under A Funeral Moon and Transilvanian Hunger, but still great though)
Morbid Angel (bit same as above, there will never be another 'Blessed Are the Sick', though the quality has been kept)
Graveland (I still like their new stuff, even though it is not quite good as their old stuff)
Deathspell Omega (the new album is different style, but amazing)
Rotting Christ

2004-10-03, 17:11
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Originally Posted by johnmansley
No. They are the precise reason that I said Cryptopsy. Both are monstrously difficuly records to absorb completely but that's what makes them great records: even after the 100th listen, you find something new that you didn't hear before. The composition and technicality is mind blowing on those albums and even the vocals don't seem out of place as you get acclimatised to what Cryptopsy are doing.
I don't really have anyone new to add, except maybe Testament. I can't think of a bad record they've released, but then again, they do have some recordings that tower over others. Still, I think if you get a Testament record, you'll probably be satisfied.
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2004-10-03, 22:23
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vader and behemoth have always been good but get better with each new album.

2004-10-03, 22:26
The Stings of Conscience
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haha, someone said Metallica. bad call. before the black album i would agree though

2004-10-03, 22:32
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I can't think of a bad release from Testament. Aside from that it's all been said.
Immense in my girth, erect I stand tall

2004-10-03, 22:39
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Certainly not Metallica.
Suffocation, Death and Cryptopsy are quite constant.

2004-10-04, 05:32
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I dont think that maybe I might be joking.

2004-10-04, 05:45
Dog farts
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Deeds of Flesh
I'm done.
edit: Whoops, and Disgorge.

2004-10-04, 07:03
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Originally Posted by Andrew1331
haha, someone said Metallica. bad call. before the black album i would agree though
I said Metallica, the very next sentence I made it obvious I was kidding. I forgot to mention Led Zeppelin. I never heard anything bad from them.
Trust in god, he'll give you shoes!

2004-10-04, 07:55
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Originally Posted by Credit to Dementia
I can't think of a bad release from Testament. Aside from that it's all been said.
the ritual...?
oh well, i agree with at the gates and opeth, also atomizer is consistently brilliant and unique with each CD, and pantera put out 5 consecutive brilliant studio albums.

2004-10-04, 10:39
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the ritual has indeed a bad production.
Dark angel has bad productions, same as slayer... (show no mercy)
about darkthrone and graveland...also lots of bad productions!!
Good productions:
Kalmah, Skyfire, Ensiferum, Blind Guardian, Children of Bodom...
Join the hordes!!

2004-10-04, 12:04
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But that wasn't too hard, they released only one LP 
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2004-10-04, 15:16
Dog farts
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2004-10-04, 16:56
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Originally Posted by andrewc
the ritual...?
I didn't really have a problem with The Ritual. But then again I never really had a chance to give it a good listen.
Show No Mercy was fine. Nobody's first record in those days was as fantastic as their third or fourth. I wonder why it is today that so many bands only have that first record in them. But it's still a solid record, and songs like 'The Antichrist' and 'Black Magic' are still cooler than your conception.
And Nevermore. I'm not sure they're capable of a bad record, and they've yet to prove me wrong.
Immense in my girth, erect I stand tall

2004-10-04, 23:29
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The Ritual is a good cd.
As to Nevermore, im still in the Undecided category as to their last CD, i respect it as being a decent CD, but i dont think it quite compares to the direction that they were going with DHIADW, which i think is a fantastic CD. We can always wait to see whether they go the gritty or celan aproach with their next CD.
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2004-10-05, 00:08
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For some reason, I feel like saying Deicide...yeah, I know, Insineratehym and In Torment in Hell...but those albums could be much worse and are better than anything alot of bands on Roadrunner nowadays will EVER put out.

2004-10-05, 00:15
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Originally Posted by BeastOfCarrion
The Ritual is a good cd.
As to Nevermore, im still in the Undecided category as to their last CD, i respect it as being a decent CD, but i dont think it quite compares to the direction that they were going with DHIADW, which i think is a fantastic CD. We can always wait to see whether they go the gritty or celan aproach with their next CD.
I liked Enemies of Reality, but I can see the problem people might have with it. The band seems to follow Warrel's mood swings - Dreaming Neon Black's an excellent example of this - so I just figure he was very angry at everything when they made it and we can't be sure if that's going to be permanent or not. But I liked it. I also think Jeff Loomis is absurdly underrated.
Immense in my girth, erect I stand tall

2004-10-05, 01:03
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Originally Posted by SuNioj0369
For some reason, I feel like saying Deicide...yeah, I know, Insineratehym and In Torment in Hell...but those albums could be much worse and are better than anything alot of bands on Roadrunner nowadays will EVER put out.
Yeap, always EXACTLY the same, to the point that people are getting sick of it.
Originally Posted by Credit to Dementia
I liked Enemies of Reality, but I can see the problem people might have with it................... I also think Jeff Loomis is absurdly underrated.
I like the album, its just it took some getting used to after DHIADW, and Loomis is fucking briliant, i have a live video clip of them playing at Wacken, its 'spiffy'
But that is getting off topic, thus i will contribute:
Bolt Thrower - Well their latter stuff is kind of different in style after their break, but its still fairly similar
Amon Amarth - VIKINGS!
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2004-10-05, 01:06
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Necrophagist, their albums do not dissapoint.

2004-10-05, 08:04
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i forgot to add, mortician.
threads named "constant quality releases" not "constant good quality releases." so i see it as the same quality of release, not always good quality.
i stick by those above too. (these are the only bands where ive heard all/a considerable quantity)
but, although some would disagree, mortician has really grown on me and i think they could fit into both categories. (constant good quality)

2004-10-05, 09:32
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Originally Posted by andrewc
i forgot to add, mortician.
threads named "constant quality releases" not "constant good quality releases." so i see it as the same quality of release, not always good quality.
i stick by those above too. (these are the only bands where ive heard all/a considerable quantity)
but, although some would disagree, mortician has really grown on me and i think they could fit into both categories. (constant good quality)
I'd agree with you that all of their recordings are of the same quality. As long as you are considering the possibility of that fitting into the category of good quality, perhaps I should remind you that retarded horror movie intros for every song and lazy, shitty, repetitive power chords tuned like 98,198 steps down does not really take a lot of talent. I suppose whether talent equals good would be the subjective point, the only real point that could be argued.
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2004-10-05, 12:24
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its true they arent a talented band, but i do like listening to them. sometimes, simplicity can be good.
i reckon that, a lot like watching 10,000,000,000th re-runs of funniest home videos, its quality trash thats hellishly entertaining. one of lifes guilty little pleasures if you will 

2004-10-05, 17:21
New Blood
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King Diamond: any new album, rises to a superior level, every time he's introducing a new element into his music, he's the best.
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