2004-10-08, 04:00
bugfucker strikes back.
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7 String?
Oh god, why do I even ask? I know i'll probably go with an Ibanez 7. What are some other good brands that make 7 string guitars that aren't TOO high priced? Probably 700 is the max for me.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-10-08, 04:07
Pirate Lawd
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Ibanez 7, get it... A KORN 7 

2004-10-08, 04:09
bugfucker strikes back.
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Oh fucking blow me, all right? Don't you have work tomorrow, Petty Officer?
I might shell out the money for a Jem. The price on that won't be pretty, though.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-10-08, 04:12
bugfucker strikes back.
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Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-10-08, 04:18
Pirate Lawd
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Yes, I must go soon because I do have to be there at 7:30, but I will be leaving early tomarrow to get back here and post whore my drunken self to death. I have a Ibanez 7 that I completely rebuilt with fiber optic lights for side dot inlays. I have a pic but its B&W and you can't realy see the blue lights. It's nice now that I've put $300 into it. Jackson made a 7 string RR once and I wish I could find one to see if they are worth playing.

2004-10-08, 04:36
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Ibanez RG7620
Just pop in an Evolution in the bridge and Air Noton in the neck.
I have that setup.. fucking nice, neck fits my hand PERFECT, sounds great, the Edge Lo Pro kicks so much ass.
Just an all around good guitar.
Al together I paid about $400 for an extremely high quality guitar.
"Believe the word
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2004-10-08, 10:50
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i played an esp ltd h207 and liked it a lot

2004-10-08, 13:43
bugfucker strikes back.
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Bls, where can I find the 7620? Ibanez doesn't even have it on their site, but I do remember seeing it.
To be honest, I think my guitar teacher has the same one.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-10-08, 13:48
bugfucker strikes back.
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You do realize that you recommended a discontinued guitar, correct? I have to buy it used. But I'm assuming that it would still be a good deal if its in great condition.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-10-08, 19:40
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yeah , i know its discontinued. hard to find on ebay, even.

2004-10-08, 19:50
Pirate Lawd
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Just like the Jackson RR7.

2004-10-08, 21:03
The Stings of Conscience
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Originally Posted by BLS
Ibanez RG7620
Just pop in an Evolution in the bridge and Air Noton in the neck.
I have that setup.. fucking nice, neck fits my hand PERFECT, sounds great, the Edge Lo Pro kicks so much ass.
Just an all around good guitar.
Al together I paid about $400 for an extremely high quality guitar.
i agree in full. i havnt gotten a chance to do so, but when i get the money im doing exactly what BLS did. even same pickups.
EDIT: my friends got one and hes selling it to me for $500 when i get the money. im getting screwed on the price, but its worth it cuz they're hard to find

2004-10-08, 23:29
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Originally Posted by Soulinsane
Jackson made a 7 string RR once
Coincidence of the day!
I got home from some kind of school music thingy an hour ago, and one of the guys playing there had a Jackson 7 string RR w/ reversed head. I was going to ask here if it was a custom or something, but it seems someone saved me the trouble... Thanks!
seems like you got a case of stupidphobia

2004-10-09, 06:46
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Originally Posted by Dissection
You do realize that you recommended a discontinued guitar, correct? I have to buy it used. But I'm assuming that it would still be a good deal if its in great condition.
Buying used is smart.
Last week their was several on ebay all for around $300. The stock pickups should do until you save up for better (it comes stock with custom dimarzio's.. but their kinda muddy) Whatever you do just stay away from the rg7420 its a pos, crappy pickups, horrible bridge.. just a cheap version of the rg7620.. and its not even that much cheaper.
I can guarentee you wont be dissapointed with the RG7620.
"Believe the word
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2004-10-09, 16:09
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look at this page:
i'd say go for the washburn WG587! it seems cheap, but the price was slashed from 900$, and it got 4.5 stars from 25 customer reviews. you can also check other reviews on the net, like harmonycentral and stuff.
here are the brands and models of 7 string you can get:
RG 7620 ,buy it if you can find it!
RG 7321
RG 1527 (it's about 670 on the music123 page, but you can most definitely find it cheaper), this is a current version of the rg7620.
Avoid K7 at all costs, it's just a dressed up version of the 1527, that's 600$ more expensive.
AX 7221 sucks, i've played it. the neck is not good for soloing at all, they even say it on the website. i'd say spend the extra 50 bucks on the 7321.
C7 blackjack
i have a review of the blackjack from a reputable magazine (Guitar Player), here it is:
"The C-7's wide neck will take some getting used to if you don't normally play a 7-string, but if you're looking for heavy low end, the B to E tuning delivers the goods. The bridge pickup tones are bright and balanced with plenty of midrange burnish, and the neck pickup's PAF-level output yields good clarity when riffing with a lot of distortion. But even if your'e not trying to summon Satan with gut-shaking grind, the 7-string format is ideal for anyone interested in extended range. The rumbling textures obtainable from this ax are amazing--especially with feedback--and the shimmering clang of the split-coil settings makes the C-7 alluring even when played through very clean amps."
Here are other brands, which i don't really know about, but you should check out:
BC Rich:
Platinum Warlock
Platinum Pro Warlock

2004-10-09, 16:52
bugfucker strikes back.
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Thanks for the site, Atif!
I would never touch a K7, even IF it were free. The fact that it is an over priced version of the 1527 with the KoRn name on it makes it one of the worst deals ever. I'll look through the site though.
oh, and I hate the Ibanez AX series. Not my style.
After looking at the site, I've narrowed it to two guitars:
The Ibanez 7321 and the Warlock Pro 7 String. I'll probably go with the 7321 because of its price and the fact that the Dimarzio will make it scream. I don't want to be another kid with an EMG packed Warlock.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.
Last edited by Dissection : 2004-10-09 at 16:55.

2004-10-09, 16:53
Pirate Lawd
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If the K7 was free I would take it, sell it, and get another guitar.

2004-10-09, 16:58
bugfucker strikes back.
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I'll be honest, without that K7 at the 12th and the fact that its a Korn signature guitar, it would be one of the sexiest 7 strings i've come across. I like the colors.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-10-09, 17:06
Pirate Lawd
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The K7 inlay and the fact the thing is missing a few knobs. Also that dumb wammy bar too. But after that it is a good guitar I bet.

2004-10-09, 17:34
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The K-7 is a fuckign RG7620 with the u-bar (easy mod), matching headstock(ugly colors) and some different dimarzios that sound shitty.
Oh and that awesome inlay!!
I also love the Schecter c-7 blackjack, has sustain for days.. looks sexy, and has me favorite pickup conig. JB AT BRIDGE JAZZ AT NECK =  BUTT SEX WITH NO LUBE
"Believe the word
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2004-10-09, 18:39
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Originally Posted by Dissection
After looking at the site, I've narrowed it to two guitars:
The Ibanez 7321 and the Warlock Pro 7 String. I'll probably go with the 7321 because of its price and the fact that the Dimarzio will make it scream. I don't want to be another kid with an EMG packed Warlock.
the 7321 does not have dimarzios and the warlock doesn't have EMG's.....
for most of the guitars we've mentioned, you're probably gonna want to buy after-market pickups...
You could easily put Dimarzios into the Warlock, but after further inspection on http://www.bcrich.com/platpro.asp , it has a licensed floyd rose....that's bad news, especially for the price you're paying for the guitar. if you want a double-locking trem, pay the extra money for the RG1527, their trems are great
I'd still go with the Washburn though, for 200$-free shipping you can't lose.....since you're gonna probably pay 100-150$ on pickups, the max total is 350 for a new 7 string guitar with good pickups. that's a steal
Last edited by atifman : 2004-10-09 at 18:44.

2004-10-09, 18:47
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Stay away from the RG7321, its a pos.
And the RG1527 is a ripoff consideirng you can get a RG7620 for less.
And do i even need to say anything about the Washburn...
"Believe the word
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-10-09, 18:50
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explain why you think the RG7321 and washburn are bad

2004-10-09, 19:10
bugfucker strikes back.
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Originally Posted by atifman
the 7321 does not have dimarzios and the warlock doesn't have EMG's.....
Well, no shit, atif. I meant that I was going to end up putting those in.
And I have a Licensed Floyd Rose in my axe now. Came with it. It can be a pain in the arse, but it stays in tune. And no other pickup would make as good of a fit with a warlock as EMG 81 and 85s.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-10-09, 19:13
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Originally Posted by atifman
explain why you think the RG7321 and washburn are bad
Korean... Poor qualit control. Shitty woods use, most likely horrible fret jobs.
Crap bridges.
Just shit.
and Dissection shut up.
No pickup is perfect in ANY guitar.
First you say Dimarzio and Ibanez are the best together, now you say EMG's are the best for warlocks
"Believe the word
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-10-10, 14:06
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I'll have to agree with BLS. Stay away from the 7321!
For a while i was planning on buying a 7-string, cause i loved the low kickass growl. I also liked the RG, so the choice would have been pretty obvious, considering that i wasn't gonna pay more than about 600 for the guitar. And so I went to test the 7321 manymany times, and everytime I was disappointed. Okay, it looks nice, and it says Ibanez on the headstock, but it it's one of those cheap-crap-models. FIrst off, the pickups are horrible. I just couldn't stand them. I just kept switching from bridge to neck position, and no difference.  .Period. But you can always get new ones...
Second, it felt so cheap. Basicly it's like those cheap BC Riches, more about the looks than quality. Like dear BLS said, the Korean built is crappy, the woods don't work, the neck blows big time, and yes, the fret work is depressing.
Too bad, I really liked this guitar before I tried it. So I bought a Esp/Ltd Kirk Hammett Signature (KH-202) (KICKS ASS!!  ) , thicker strings and dropped the tuning. I love it! But seriously I can't think of any way to make this ibanez a good guitar, sorry... I'd suggest that put some more money on the line and go for some Prestige RG7 (haven't tried them myself, though...)
Originally Posted by BLS
God Bless America 

2004-10-10, 14:30
Master Killer
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^you don't make any sense. you say the LTD kh202 is kickass
a korean made, basswood body with emg-hz's and a crap floyd. sorry man, there goes your right to speak.  well at least it's a KIRK HAMMET guitar!!
You probably NEVER played Ibanez prestiges or customs, or even Ibanez's that where pre '95. or you'de know they do bring out quality stuff, and their older stuff was even better (American Master customs, J-customs, etc.)
Yet you recommend going for a prestige RG7, but you haven't tried them.
Anyways, most good guitars are way over 600 bucks. or you're getting used or a less well known brand like for instance a ran, charvel or a kramer.
Oh, and if no-one knows the story of Charvel, Jackson used to be their extreme division, and Charvel the high-end part, Jackson got bigger then charvel and bough up Charvel, old Charvel's kick serious ass.
But. Back to Ibanez, ofcourse the low end models are crap, you're not paying much for them so save up some cash if you want something semi-decent.

2004-10-10, 14:52
bugfucker strikes back.
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The 370dx is Korean made, and it is fine. So lick ass, BLS.
Yeah, def, most Ibanez models under $350 are utter crap. I got lucky with this 370, though. Plays great, and sounds great.
BLS, you also have a thing against EMG, so I don't listen to your banter about them. Dimarzio p/u's were designed for Ibanez. K THNX.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-10-10, 17:52
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You obviouly didnt read my post dumbass.
im not even gonna explain what i said so it can breach the thick outer shell of your brain.
just forget it, go buy a pos.. and pretend your happy. Good day!
"Believe the word
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And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-10-10, 21:44
bugfucker strikes back.
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I was kidding, you fool. But my guitar is still fine. Arsehole. 
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-10-10, 22:54
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Yeh, atleast yours has the Edge. Now they put that crappy TRS bullshit on them.
"Believe the word
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And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-10-10, 23:21
Master Killer
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shame the trems on the new S series are shit too 

2004-10-10, 23:25
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my friend has a k7. i realize you people dont care, but it does play kinda nice. i would never buy it for reasons that people have already mentioned (and are incredbly obvious) but its not bad to play. although i had to wash my hands afterward

2004-10-10, 23:26
Master Killer
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bwah poser
I know its not bad, its pretty much based around an rg7 prestige but with PAF's and a stupid U bar system.

2004-10-11, 03:24
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Originally Posted by Def
shame the trems on the new S series are shit too 
The S series is shit. Cant stand them.. 22 frets, ugly body, angled jack.. stupid switch (yes im that picky) and the trem is lame as fuck.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-10-11, 05:00
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Originally Posted by Dissection
Dimarzio p/u's were designed for Ibanez. K THNX.
where is your evidence of this? Dimarzios were made since 1972, i think i heard that hard rock bands in the 70's put Super Distortions in their Les Pauls. Ibanez started getting big in the 80s, before they were just as known as a company that made japanese knock-offs.
Basically what BLS and i are trying to convince to you is that you can put any brand of pickups you like in any brand of guitar you like, it won't make a difference.
oh well.
Last edited by atifman : 2004-10-11 at 05:02.

2004-10-11, 05:12
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"Believe the word
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And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-10-11, 09:50
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by atifman
where is your evidence of this? Dimarzios were made since 1972, i think i heard that hard rock bands in the 70's put Super Distortions in their Les Pauls. Ibanez started getting big in the 80s, before they were just as known as a company that made japanese knock-offs.
Basically what BLS and i are trying to convince to you is that you can put any brand of pickups you like in any brand of guitar you like, it won't make a difference.
oh well.
Japanese knock-offs that where so good, Gibson had to sue them 

2004-10-11, 09:52
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by atifman
where is your evidence of this? Dimarzios were made since 1972, i think i heard that hard rock bands in the 70's put Super Distortions in their Les Pauls. Ibanez started getting big in the 80s, before they were just as known as a company that made japanese knock-offs.
Basically what BLS and i are trying to convince to you is that you can put any brand of pickups you like in any brand of guitar you like, it won't make a difference.
oh well.
Agreed, kinda.
the plus is that they're lightweight and pretty fast. but they're no RG's...
the S prestiges have wonderfull necks though, but they kinda lack sustain, 1200 bucks for a flimsy guitar with a bad trem. hm.... no?

2004-10-11, 13:36
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i bought the ltd and its great. id recommend it...

2004-10-11, 13:40
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by Transient
i bought the ltd and its great. id recommend it...
and what LTD would that be? the kh202?? 

2004-10-11, 14:25
bugfucker strikes back.
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I don't find it neccessary to quote all of you, so...
I'm convinced that the K7 is probably a very good guitar, but it has too many negatives to even consider it a possibility.
Atif, I am quite aware you can put any p/u's into any guitar. Hell, I could put EMG in my old Squier if I wished to, but the fact of the matter is that Dimarzio and Ibanez were made for eachother. Without Dimarzio, Ibanez guitars would not sound as good (don't debate this, Atif, its souly based on what I've read, and my guitar teacher).
The S series play like shit. And for once, I can actually say that and back it up with proof. I played one of the higher end S series axes, and the fretboard was uncomfortable, had horrible sound playing through all three of the amps I tried out, and not to mention, its overall design is uncomfortable.
I'll look through the LTD site, tranny. I had been looking at one before I got my Ibanez a year and a half ago.
Maybe if not a 7 string, then maybe a baritone... MHB 400?
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.
Last edited by Dissection : 2004-10-11 at 14:29.

2004-10-11, 14:41
Master Killer
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eh. you think the S was uncomfortable? man I thought it was more comfortable then my RG!
I don't think they're horrible, if you get one with the wizzard II neck and some decent pickups, its basically the same as an RG only the S has less sustain (makes sense, it has a flimsy body) I don't know which high end S you played, but it sounds like one that was either badly setup or just crap in general, all the S's I've played where pretty decent, though I only played prestiges and one limited edtion blueburst prestige.
As for DiMarzio and Ibanez, yes they go way back, but there where days that Ibanez had seymour duncans in their guitars too... yes, off-factory!
DiMarzio and Ibanez are like synonims (eh don't know the spelling), they go together like chips and beer.
Its like Les Pauls and EMG's, they're the guitars I actually like EMG's in, same goes with ESP Vipers. and thats it. they just have the right feel for them and a ton of sustain, nothing fancy but pure brutal tone.
For a 7 string I'de try either an RG7 or a rare S7, but hey, its whatever you like, maybe something used could be the answer. I'm not fond of baritone guitars, but the Viper baritone I played wasn't bad at all!

2004-10-12, 23:48
bugfucker strikes back.
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The one I posted in your thread is fucking beautiful. Great S series.
I tried a low end one, I think. Can't remember.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-10-17, 03:46
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I have a Schecter A-7 which is okay. Really cheap too (250ish). I'd suggest getting a Jackson though. I dunno the model, but I played a REALLY nice one at a Daddy's Junky Music. Price was about 400 if I remember.

2005-02-18, 17:33
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Anfd what do you think about schecter 7 elite or omen 7.
SOrry for the rescue of this thread, but i wanna buy one cheap and regular guitar.

2005-02-18, 17:44
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Originally Posted by Dissection
Oh god, why do I even ask? I know i'll probably go with an Ibanez 7. What are some other good brands that make 7 string guitars that aren't TOO high priced? Probably 700 is the max for me.
Out of the ones I've played and tried, the ESP LTD H-207 was by far the best. It had such an angry growl to it, and didn't have any mud to it whatsoever like most 7's. It really does sound like a 6 string, plus it has a very flat neck so it's fast. I dunno if anybody has seen these custom guitars, but go to www.ricojrguitars.com and check those out. Expensive, but pretty sweet to look at.

2005-02-21, 15:39
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Hey guys how do you think is the better of these ones?
(I,m going to buy a 7 string, and if i donīt like it then sell)
Ibanez k-7 second handed +-400 + (USA-Europe transport)
Ibanez rg7321=460
Schecter elite 7 =680
Schecter omen 7 =400
Schecter c7=600 USD(460)+ (usa europe transport)
I didnīt found second handed universes.
I like the Schecter c7 but we havenīt got it here
HELP, please

2005-02-21, 16:08
New Blood
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I dont like 7 strings but from the ones ive played (a Jackson DX7 and an Ibanez RG7321) i would suggest the Ibanez the necks much slicker and easier to play if ur used to 6 strings like me, and the action isnt a mile off the fretboard.

2005-02-21, 20:02
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I have the Washburn 7, was only $230 with a HSC, it deff. isnt the best but it really isnt pure shit either. Great deal for the $.

2005-02-21, 20:51
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What about Carvin seven strings?

2005-02-21, 21:12
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Carvin makes great stuff, but if you get a 7 string from them and it has a floyd make sure you get a locking nut... they like to put graphite nuts on some models.. and graphit nuts just dont cut it.
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2005-02-21, 23:31
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Originally Posted by BLS
Carvin makes great stuff, but if you get a 7 string from them and it has a floyd make sure you get a locking nut... they like to put graphite nuts on some models.. and graphit nuts just dont cut it.
Wait ... they prefer to combine a Floyd Rose tremelo bridge, and an ordinary, non-locking graphite nut, as opposed to a locking one?
I'm not the sort who prefers Floyd's, but still ...

2005-02-22, 00:53
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They seem to believe that a graphite nut and locking tuners will keep ther guitar in tune.. ifact it wont and it will only put extra strain on the headstock.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-02-22, 14:59
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Originally Posted by BEHEMOTH
Hey guys how do you think is the better of these ones?
(I,m going to buy a 7 string, and if i donīt like it then sell)
Ibanez k-7 second handed +-400 + (USA-Europe transport)
Ibanez rg7321=460
Schecter elite 7 =680
Schecter omen 7 =400
Schecter c7=600 USD(460)+ (usa europe transport)
I didnīt found second handed universes.
I like the Schecter c7 but we havenīt got it here
HELP, please
I donīt like Carvins at all, and i donīt find Washburn here.
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