2004-10-13, 02:41
Crusher of Skulls
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Bloody finger
I don't know if this has ever happened to anybody else...but it just happened to me. Have you ever sliced your finger open on a slide up the board??? I just cut my ring finger wide open......now I'm savoring the taste of BLood!!!!!
My Trust is in WHISKEY and WEEDand SLAYER
Long live DIMEBAG
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Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
You thought of mixing wheat flour with saturated fat, and putting it the resultant shit in a styrofoam cup. Shine on, you crazy dead yellow diamond.
Originally Posted by johnmansley
May the best cunt win.

2004-10-13, 02:58
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well once, but it has already been cut and was in the process of healing and i slide up and the high e and it cut in the cut, it hurt like a mother fucker
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Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
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2004-10-13, 09:17
New Blood
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Yeah, that happens, and it's a real bitch because you tend to open the healing wound every time you play, and then the wound just gets aggravated. You just have to play more, so your hands become thick as boot leather all around.
But hey, it's not like you're the first one to experience such a thing. Stevie Ray Vaughn used to play 13-gauge strings, and they'd sometimes rip his fingers open. That's why he'd fix his fingertips with SUPERGLUE, so he couldn't wound them while playing. Must have been fun! 

2004-10-13, 11:59
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Yeah man, I did this playing a Slayer solo 

2004-10-13, 12:08
Life is pain.
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Dont wash the fretboard either, you gotta pour your blood into the guitar. and keep playing you little sissy bitch, pain is good. jk

2004-10-13, 13:28
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It happens to me all the time, and every time it does, I grow a level in my musicianship. If you can't cut your finger on a string at least 3 times a week, then artficially do it with, say, a razor or utility knife. Then cleanse the wound with vinegar, bleach, and rubbing alcohol. This will make the wound feel much better, and it will also strengthen your fingers.
You can also mix some bleach with ammonia and inhale the fumes. This will cause you to reach a godly state where you will be allowed to play with Chuck Shuldiner, Paul Baloff, John Bonham, Jimi Hendrix, and tons of other great people. The catch is that you don't get to see your family or friends for a really long time after you do it. But dude, it is SO worth it.
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2004-10-13, 15:24
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Schuldiner AND Baloff??  Ok, if you say so...
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2004-10-13, 17:06
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Ergh ive never cut my finger on the strings, my fingers skin is fucking thick. Those things that diabethics (or how you spell it) use to make a hole in their fingers dont work on me, you press a button and a needle kinda shoots out, it didnt even hurt man.
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2004-10-13, 18:44
Schrodinger's Cat
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Originally Posted by LostAtLakeBodom
Stevie Ray Vaughn used to play 13-gauge strings, and they'd sometimes rip his fingers open.
Serves him right for using 13's in standard tuning (or whatever tuning he used - I know it wasn't a level whereby he'd need 13's).
Oh, I've never cut my fingers whilst playing. You don't get anywhere by playing 'til you bleed - stop if you feel like the strings are grating and then resume playing the next day when they have recovered somewhat. This way you'll be able to play every day rather than once every two weeks when your cut has healed properly.
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2004-10-13, 18:50
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Originally Posted by johnmansley
Serves him right for using 13's in standard tuning (or whatever tuning he used - I know it wasn't a level whereby he'd need 13's).
It was all for the tone...

2004-10-13, 19:18
Join Date: Aug 2004
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I've never cut my fingers by playing the guitar.
There are two kinds of peoble in this world, those who like me and those who can go to hell

2004-10-13, 19:46
Senior Metalhead
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Cut my fingers?
My strings are too fucking thick to acctually cut my fingers open! Even the high e String!
I have more wounds on the side of my middle finger because of moving up and down fast. 
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and without War
there's no Victory
My Dear!"
- by Devil Doll (The Girl who was... Death)
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2004-10-13, 19:49
Senior Metalhead
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i never cut my fingers playing guitar, i have really thick skin all over the place, it takes alot for me to bleed... wait yeah, just last week i cut myself while sliding... oops 
R.I.P. Dime
scream when u feel the pain. i probly wont stop.

2004-10-13, 20:54
Senior Metalhead
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you know what really sucks, is when you use those super slinky ass .9s and get poked in the eye the with high e....damn 

2004-10-13, 21:03
The Stings of Conscience
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ive never cut my finger on the string but once i had a recent wound on the side of my finger and i reopened it on one of the frets. twas quite a pain

2004-10-13, 21:13
New Blood
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Posts: 11
the only time ive cut open a finger playing guitar was when i was drunk and didnt even notice it how it happened

2004-10-13, 21:51
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Never had a Problem

2004-10-13, 22:00
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I cut my finger when strings break...

2004-10-13, 22:19
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Once, my band was covering Sabbath's "Black Sabbath" and I was REALLY getting in to it. I started slamming those G5 Chords hard as I could and cut the thumb of my picking hand. I got blood all over my guitar and shirt. I tried to tell them to keep playing anyways but everyone stopped!! It really killed the vibe.
Originally Posted by Infinity
Everything is funny you just gotta look at it the right way.
You know I believe in a ruling class, particuarly since I rule.
-Randal, Clerks

2004-10-13, 22:21
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Ive cut my finger on the side of a fret once. Thats about it.
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2004-10-14, 01:10
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how do you do that? ive never cut myself like that, in fact, ive never cut myself purposefully either, and im using 13-56s at D right now.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-14, 02:14
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i have never cut my finger while playing, sure ive done it while changing strings, but never hile playing. You probably just need bigger calouses, go burn your fingertips or something.
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Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
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2004-10-14, 02:25
Senior Metalhead
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yeah same here, i poke the shit outta myself with the lighter strings when i change them, but i only had blisters that would fill with blood from playing. never actually cut myself, then the callouses came and now i can hold a lighter under my fingertips...
I'm Proud not to be PC
Liberals, the other terrorists
Originally Posted by Righteous_Death
Black Sabbath are so good, so I wouldnt say anything to disrespect them.
Cunt face.
Rest in Peace Dime, thank you for changing my world on vulgar display of power, thank you for being my next step after sabbath, and thank you for inspiring me to pick up that guitar and learn some heavy fucking metal \m/ your memory will live on forever 

2004-10-14, 02:46
Crusher of Skulls
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I didn't cut myself on the tip of my finger, it was on the side of my ring finger...I did a pick slide and a finger slide and it just hooked!!!!!
My Trust is in WHISKEY and WEEDand SLAYER
Long live DIMEBAG
ROGspace Cunts. Book us
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
You thought of mixing wheat flour with saturated fat, and putting it the resultant shit in a styrofoam cup. Shine on, you crazy dead yellow diamond.
Originally Posted by johnmansley
May the best cunt win.

2004-10-14, 02:48
Senior Metalhead
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Originally Posted by philkilla666
I didn't cut myself on the tip of my finger, it was on the side of my ring finger...I did a pick slide and a finger slide and it just hooked!!!!!
wow makes me glad my strings are too thick for that. i hate cutting my fingers, it has to be one of the shittiest things ever. especially playing a gig with a fucking bandage on your frethand
oh and by fingertips i meant pretty much the skin to the first knuckle so um.. yeah.. still sucks
I'm Proud not to be PC
Liberals, the other terrorists
Originally Posted by Righteous_Death
Black Sabbath are so good, so I wouldnt say anything to disrespect them.
Cunt face.
Rest in Peace Dime, thank you for changing my world on vulgar display of power, thank you for being my next step after sabbath, and thank you for inspiring me to pick up that guitar and learn some heavy fucking metal \m/ your memory will live on forever 

2004-10-14, 02:49
Pirate Lawd
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Hooked  OUCH!!!!!
I think it's time you change those strings. Get some that aren't like barb wire.

2004-10-14, 03:20
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i have the worste hitch hikers thumb i've ever seen... so when i first started playing my thumb would bend far back and i'd have to curl my index finger, when i'd play sometimes the top of my index finger would rub the strings(especially when i would get into it at a show and worry less about perfect technique..) one time in the middle of a gig the finger nail on my index finger had worn through  and blood got everywhere i was in sooo much pain, some kids just thought it was fake shit and i was trying to be hxc, then they saw me run to the bathroom the second the song was over... i had to wrap it up for about a month(until i grew a full fingernail again) and reteach my picking hand to play a differnt way. so this is a warning for players with hitch hikers thumb and sloppy technique.
other than that, my fretting hand never gets much guitar related injuries... i've had callouses for years.... the only time i cut a fretting finger on a guitar was when i was like 7 i slid my soft kid finger(you know how youngin's have soft hands) on a high e string of an old acoustic guitar and slit it open.
even my picking hand has callouses from tap technique's n' shit....
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2004-10-14, 15:20
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i never cut my finger, but i have played with a blister, and it popped, i burned my pinkie on molten chocolate in foods class, and i had to play guitar that night, and the bllister popped while i was playing, hurt like a bitch.
Too grim to function

2004-10-15, 00:13
Supreme Metalhead
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I've played to the point my fingers were searing with pain and covered with blisters, in fact one time this big ass blister soar that popped out like a water bubble that you get when you are sunburnt (Infact thats what I thought it was) but it was actually a giant callous appeared on, and then since it was deforemed looking and not natural at all I just tore it off, and I continued to play guitar, torturing my pinkie like a bitch. But if you play over wounds it doesnt worsen them it builds over them and makes them stronger.
No my finger has never blead though.

2004-10-15, 01:25
Crusher of Skulls
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I used to play in drop-b when I was a kid all the time...and I always used my middle finger for sliding around on the board....so I had this monster callous that was like a 1/4 inch extension of my finger until I went back to standard tunings.....pretty fuckin weird. It never really hurt though
My Trust is in WHISKEY and WEEDand SLAYER
Long live DIMEBAG
ROGspace Cunts. Book us
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
You thought of mixing wheat flour with saturated fat, and putting it the resultant shit in a styrofoam cup. Shine on, you crazy dead yellow diamond.
Originally Posted by johnmansley
May the best cunt win.

2004-10-19, 19:21
Join Date: Aug 2004
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shit I just cut my finger  but not on my fretting hand but my picking hand, I was fingerpicking an acoustic guitar and I cut my finger. It didn't bleed but it hurts like hell, kind of like when you cut your finger with paper 
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2004-10-19, 22:29
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i cut my finger many times.usualy dont happen any more.funny i used to do my fingers up with superglue too.

2004-10-20, 02:35
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Originally Posted by philkilla666
I used to play in drop-b when I was a kid all the time...and I always used my middle finger for sliding around on the board....so I had this monster callous that was like a 1/4 inch extension of my finger until I went back to standard tunings.....pretty fuckin weird. It never really hurt though
I said after I tore the callous off, it didn't hurt when I played with the callous, but when I tore it off it also removed some natural skin.

2004-10-21, 03:05
Join Date: Jul 2002
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i dont know how the fuck you idiots are cutting yourselves. i've played for about 8 years and never cut myself once. not while playing or when changing strings. it seems to me like you guys are doing something wrong. 
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