2004-10-15, 21:20
dsnt trust ne1 < 30
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Home is where the <3 is
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Someone got married !!!!!!!
Yes, I'm no longer living in sin with Walpurgis dad. Although we couldn't get our divorce anulled , we did get rehitched a week before my bday because that was when Wally could get home from prototype. We were gonna do it on our old anniversary in Dec. so the ole guy wouldn't have to remember another date, but my place of business is shutting down our whole department the 25th of Oct. I'll be unemployed then. So I needed his benefits and he needed a tax write-off. Fair trade. ( Cue Tina Turner singing "What's Love Got To Do With It?" ) And the bday was out so we did it on Oct. 2nd instead.
The boys tried to talk him out of it, but I'm just too irresistable. THere was a bit of beer and a bit of JD afterwards, but just a small family thing really. We're cheap.
We did rent and Envoy and went to the Metallica/Godsmack concert in Cleveland the week before, but that was sort of a disappointment since we wanted to get out before the rowdy teen agers did and left WAAAAAY too early. The first part of Metallica's show didn't impress us at all , but I guess they kicked some butt later on. Some of Wally's friends were there and told us we missed the best part. Godsmack was excellent though.
So that's my news.
Again, I missed you all.
My eldest son's bipolar website: www.bipolarmanifesto.com
-wally: Mom, you shouldn't play after me because it makes you sound even worse than you already do. -wally:*grumbles and whispers quietly* I guess it's cuz I love you or something, but you're still a TURD
Grimm:I could read your mind but its in font size .5
Amadeus:Oh, and was there a cesserole (never mind spelling) involved?
Paddy:the fact that you didn't end up on a kids show makes me question my atheism
Dyldo: You evil strumpet!

2004-10-15, 21:23
I am a tax on the world..
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congrats and hello again. 
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2004-10-15, 21:28
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 138
lol. godsmack

2004-10-15, 21:46
Join Date: Oct 2002
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its good to see ya back!!!!! 
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
Now My Legacy Shall Live Forever!!

2004-10-15, 21:49
Dog farts
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2004-10-15, 21:54
bugfucker strikes back.
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Congrats, milf, er, I mean Bobbi!!!
Glad to see you back.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-10-15, 22:02
Join Date: Jul 2003
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"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-10-15, 23:05
Master Killer
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Congrats Bobbi! 

2004-10-15, 23:19
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I went to that show here in calgary. Godsmack was way better than I expected for a warmup. They had 2 drummers, and they did a drum war at the end. Really cool stuff.
Metallica was better, of course. They played pretty much all of their hits.
Awesome show

2004-10-15, 23:57
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
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hey nice to see you back

2004-10-16, 01:25
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Iceland
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I haven't been around here long enough to know you but still, congratulations  (well not exacly happy birthday but it was the closest thing to happy marrage)
There are two kinds of peoble in this world, those who like me and those who can go to hell

2004-10-16, 02:18
Throbbing Member
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Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2004-10-16, 02:22
Join Date: Aug 2001
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my lyrical editor
i think i'm headin your course. I'm not into the marriage thing (hey i'm married now common law). But the women love the marriage thing. (it's there "day", dreamed about since childhood, yada yada.).
Imagine there's no countries,
It isnt hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace...

2004-10-16, 02:28
Pirate Lawd
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Congrads girl! Tell Wally I send congrads to him too if he is finished with prototype. The MARF plant is a bastard to qualify at. Where is he going next?

2004-10-16, 03:33
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: the putrefying road in the nineteenth extremity
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congrats bobbi 
I, Himself - An asshole's gotta do what an asshole's gotta do!!!

2004-10-16, 06:48
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
well done ma'am. a beer for ya 

2004-10-16, 07:42
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2 beer for ya!


2004-10-16, 12:10
Gangster Rapper
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A woodstock for ya!
We live thinking we will never die.
We die thinking we had never lived.
Cut it out.
- Jason Becker

2004-10-16, 13:25
dsnt trust ne1 < 30
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Home is where the <3 is
Posts: 8,881
Thanks everybody. I'd LOVE to have a woodstock here. We've talked about that over the years at the other forum I hang out at. It seems that we have such a comraderie it's like we have met but just haven't seen each other in forever. It's like that here, too. Not so at some of the other 'uppity' forums I've visited. But yeah, I'd have all you hoodlums over for a hellacious party.
You guys RAWK !!! heehee
Wally is still at prototype til Dec. and then he will either go West coast or stay there if he's selected as an instructor in Nov. (I'm keeping my fingers crossed on that one. ) He's doing really well and harrassing the bejebus out of everyone there. He's still playing guitar and working out. And when he was home for the wedding he said he's about due for another guitar. His latest, an electric Ibanez 6-er, is a dream to play.
My eldest son's bipolar website: www.bipolarmanifesto.com
-wally: Mom, you shouldn't play after me because it makes you sound even worse than you already do. -wally:*grumbles and whispers quietly* I guess it's cuz I love you or something, but you're still a TURD
Grimm:I could read your mind but its in font size .5
Amadeus:Oh, and was there a cesserole (never mind spelling) involved?
Paddy:the fact that you didn't end up on a kids show makes me question my atheism
Dyldo: You evil strumpet!

2004-10-16, 13:30
The Mountie From Hell
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Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2004-10-16, 14:21
round the world
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Cheers Bobbi! 
I ride too fast to worry about cholesterol...

2004-10-16, 15:15
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2004-10-16, 23:35
Death to all but metal!
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Bobbi is the shit, I wish MY mom listened to metal.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2004-10-16, 23:35
Dog farts
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Join Date: Jun 2003
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Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
Bobbi is the shit, I wish MY mom listened to metal.
I have that luxury. My mum's favourite band is Spawn of Possession. Quite odd.

2004-10-16, 23:42
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
my mum tends to like whatever power metal i show her, she likes only clean vocals (except in the case of opeth.)
but one time i left my gorgoroth cd in the car so she listened to that while driving, and she called it "not even music." i found that rather funny, i suppose half of you would agree with her 

2004-10-16, 23:52
Death to all but metal!
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yea, my mom hates the screaming/growling most. Thats what most people who dont know metal listen to, the vocals
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2004-10-16, 23:52
Schrodinger's Cat
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Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-10-17, 10:31
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My mum likes Necrophagist. thats about it.

2004-10-17, 11:02
Pokémon Master
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"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?
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