View Poll Results: Mayhem vs Emperor
24 |
53.33% |
8 |
17.78% |
0 |
0% |
I hate BM and I will stab you in the eye with a fork for liking it.
13 |
28.89% |

2004-10-17, 12:44
Join Date: Jun 2004
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Mayhem vs. Emperor, hehehehehehe >:D
Yes! Personally, I love both, but Emperor will always get my preference, because I like the symphonic parts, and their work always made me drool just that tiny bit more than Mayhem.
I <3 12 year olds.

2004-10-17, 13:07
Gangster Rapper
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Come on now BC, there's no competition whatsoever in that poll. If you'd done Emperor vs Immortal, that could have been harder. But Mayhem aren't my cup of tea.
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2004-10-17, 13:32
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mayhem suck, emperor destroys them

2004-10-17, 15:52
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no challenge
Uncontested winner by technical knockout, and still world IBC heavyweight champion of the world:  Emperor.

2004-10-17, 15:55
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whats the fuck is with all these VS threads recently??
although mayhem is good emperor is far superior for one reason maniac sucks so much balls on vocals and emperor knows how to write so much better
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
Now My Legacy Shall Live Forever!!

2004-10-17, 17:22
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Emperor vs. Mayhem is so lopsided it's not even funny. You should add three other bands to the Mayhem side just to even out the scale a little bit. I mean, don't get me wrong, I like some Mayhem, but it's just wrong to compare them to Emperor.
It's wrong to compare ANY other black metal band to Emperor, because nobody even comes close. Emperor were so good they were better than most death metal bands, nevermind black metal.
That being said, obviously if it weren't for bands like Mayhem, bands like Emperor might not have existed in the first place.
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2004-10-17, 17:35
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Anthems is a great album.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2004-10-17, 17:42
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emporer for sure. But mayhem has a weird/insane history, and pretty much invented black metal with the help of venom.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-17, 18:00
Schrodinger's Cat
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In The Nightside Eclipse is one of my favourite albums so my vote goes to Emperor. I generally dislike black metal so any BM band who can get me to sit up and listen is worthy of some adulation from me.
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-10-17, 18:20
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even i like Emporer, and i despise most black metal. i do believe there are many on this forum who feel the same

2004-10-17, 19:11
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emperor are better than mayhem but both bands bow down tho Darkthrone!!! lol 
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2004-10-17, 19:45
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Mayhem has only one good album (DMDS), and all others are mediocre or crap. Emperor has many good ones, and they have kept their dedication to their music, even though it didn't help them to produce good music on IX.. or Prometheus.

2004-10-17, 19:58
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BrokenCrimson: I thought you wanted a challenging poll. Mayhem has maybe two songs I can get into at all; Emperor can put out an album that I not only can sit through without getting annoyed, but I can enjoy hearing. There should be two choices:
1. Emperor
Unless you intend to follow Chris's advice and give Mayhem a few other bands to even it up.
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2004-10-17, 20:01
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Emperor even though i only heard one song by them but it was fuckin awesome
Originally Posted by Paddy
Please excuse me for I currently have a terminal erection, and the only cure is midget-cunny.

2004-10-17, 20:10
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My Dear!"
- by Devil Doll (The Girl who was... Death)
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an Insane Man,
MUST appear Insane,"
- Alien 3

2004-10-17, 20:51
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My vote goes to Mayhem(except from
De Mysteriis... I like very much Grand Declaration Of
I don't like Emperor that much anyway(only
IX Equilibrium).

2004-10-17, 22:22
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Originally Posted by Credit to Dementia
BrokenCrimson: I thought you wanted a challenging poll. Mayhem has maybe two songs I can get into at all; Emperor can put out an album that I not only can sit through without getting annoyed, but I can enjoy hearing. There should be two choices:
1. Emperor
Unless you intend to follow Chris's advice and give Mayhem a few other bands to even it up.
I was trying to make a point -_-.
Also, someone is ought to kick Maniac in the nuts so he can hit all of the high growls on Deathcrush, however, his vocals do remind me of Varg's vocals a bit, and I love Varg's vocals. Mayhem do have some very, very high points. While Emperor put assloads of effort into their work and created complex pieces, Mayhem write songs which are beautiful in their simplicity and can stick in your head for ages. I had Chainsaw Gutsfuck in my head for a few days in a row once.
I <3 12 year olds.

2004-10-18, 00:15
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"I hate BM and I will stab you in the eye with a fork for liking it."
well, not hate but it's not my cup of tea.

2004-10-18, 01:01
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i went for mayhem because of influence they really were the first "true" black band. but its hard for me due to the line up changed mayhem has had. de mysteriis wasnt that good, deathcrush slayed, GDoW was pretty sucky. however, maniacs vocals are putrid these days and not in a good way. he sounds like the worst part of a flushing toilet whereas samoth was a consistently good vocalist.
by either way in my opinion, burzum beats the hell out of mayhem with an iron bar, and anorexia nervosa does the same to emperor.

2004-10-18, 01:45
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2004-10-18, 01:52
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fuck immortal, DARK FUNERAL
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-18, 02:23
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2004-10-18, 03:41
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haha, the stab in the eye option has more votes than Mayhem. owned

2004-10-18, 08:46
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Originally Posted by Innards-Decay
fuck immortal, DARK FUNERAL
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2004-10-18, 09:09
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I vote for eye stabbing, because I feel the same way towars Black Metal as Lenin(sp?) felt towards the Tzars(sp?)
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2004-10-18, 09:17
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You want to replace it with a communist state in which a small group of intellectuals guide the majority of the population toward a future Utopia, ignoring the fact that they missed the supposedly necessary step of capitalism? Sounds like fun.
And you spelled everything fine. It's all transliterated from Cyrillic, which means that various spelling are acceptable because, otherwise, the planet would fall out of orbit.
Immense in my girth, erect I stand tall

2004-10-18, 10:03
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Originally Posted by Innards-Decay
fuck immortal, DARK FUNERAL
I would expect someone who likes Ryan Parry and is into that e-gang bullshit to say that.

2004-10-18, 11:02
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Originally Posted by BeastOfCarrion
I vote for eye stabbing, because I feel the same way towars Black Metal as Lenin(sp?) felt towards the Tzars(sp?)
the funny thing here is that you got the spelling right for the words you werent sure of, but screwed up with "towards"

I, Himself - An asshole's gotta do what an asshole's gotta do!!!

2004-10-18, 11:31
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Oh no, fuck dark funeral, they are bearable but not fantastic.
I <3 12 year olds.

2004-10-18, 19:59
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dark funeral and enthroned are the only good black metal besides emporer and the legion.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-18, 23:03
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Originally Posted by corroded_soul
the funny thing here is that you got the spelling right for the words you werent sure of, but screwed up with "towards"

ha ha ha, that was just a typo, due to the incredible speed of my typing, and concequently a lack of properly pushing keys  
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2004-10-18, 23:41
bugfucker strikes back.
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They are both mediocre. Here, I'll explain.
I woke up after a good nights rest. After cleaning my room, I popped in the "Emperor - Live" DVD that I rented from Netflix. And I'll say this: I've been deathly bored before, but never by music. And their "Best of" was another snoozefest for me. Although I really need to explore "Nightside..." and "...Equillibrium" for myself, they have two good songs to my knowledge: Curse You all Men; and some other song that I forget the name of.
Mayhem got my vote because Hellhammer plays so fucking good, and the fact that he plays for Winds; another one of my favorite Atmospheric Metal artists. Mayhem, IMO, fucking own in the music department. The vocals are obviously lacking. Wait, who am I shitting? They fucking suck more than Dani Filth's high pitched-no-ball wailing. But listen to "You Must Fall" and tell me they don't fucking slay any other BM band in the music department.
PS - I actually own "Prometheus" by Emperor. Another one of those times I wish that I had a vagina so I wouldn't have been so bored.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-10-19, 01:02
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Emperor is clearly the most revolutionary and fresh BM artist... them and Darkthrone.
They still kill DT.

2004-10-19, 01:04
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Originally Posted by Dissection
They are both mediocre. Here, I'll explain.
I woke up after a good nights rest. After cleaning my room, I popped in the "Emperor - Live" DVD that I rented from Netflix. And I'll say this: I've been deathly bored before, but never by music. And their "Best of" was another snoozefest for me. Although I really need to explore "Nightside..." and "...Equillibrium" for myself, they have two good songs to my knowledge: Curse You all Men; and some other song that I forget the name of.
Mayhem got my vote because Hellhammer plays so fucking good, and the fact that he plays for Winds; another one of my favorite Atmospheric Metal artists. Mayhem, IMO, fucking own in the music department. The vocals are obviously lacking. Wait, who am I shitting? They fucking suck more than Dani Filth's high pitched-no-ball wailing. But listen to "You Must Fall" and tell me they don't fucking slay any other BM band in the music department.
PS - I actually own "Prometheus" by Emperor. Another one of those times I wish that I had a vagina so I wouldn't have been so bored.
Very well done, writing up that long paragraph.
Too bad that's nowhere near being true.

2004-10-19, 05:15
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If Hellhammer is so wonderful, why does he trigger? I also like Mayem's vocals for their alien roughness, same with CoF vocals. Emperor have a lot of wonderfull skill and diversity in their music. Also, vaginas aren't THAT fun. Having too much fun with one -> Loose -> Not so fun (fanny farts, wizard sleeves)-> months of kegel exersises.
I <3 12 year olds.

2004-10-19, 05:27
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
i dont think any of mayhem are actually that great musicians. i mean if you think about it, deathcrush was definitely an influential album and great to listen to, but the guitars are simple, the bass sounded like morticians guitars, drums arent great at all, only maniac (or messiah as it were) in his finest hour. i just like mayhem
and what are you on about dissection man? you can have the same fun with a cock, but you dont have to stop for five days at a time, they dont make you crabby and you dont have to have the risk of overusing them as BC pointed out.
but then, you could go for an allnighter without it getting sore, and you can have an excuse to eat lots of chocolate  i stand corrected  .

2004-10-19, 05:36
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I think Dissection meant a vagina that wasn't attached to himself, but rather to a nubile, Kegelized, and willing blonde who magically appeared whenever he listened to Emperor. I remember watching a movie with my then-girlfriend that got her so bored we had all kinds of sex to alleviate it. If this were to happen to Dissection every time he listened to Emperor, I'm sure he'd learn to love them.
Of course, if Dissection just wished he had a vagina: he does. But not just him. You see: Female is the blank slate gender for the human being, which means that, before a male fetus asserts its gender, it has all the things to make it female. They shrivel and become useless, but don't disappear. An obvious case of this is the nipple; we have small, useless nipples, from a utilitarian point of view. From anyone who thinks of 'useful' in terms of what can be exploited sexually, they're not completely useless. Anyway, just as we have small, useless nipples, we have a small, useless vagina tucked away somewhere. Or so I recall reading when I studied biology.
Immense in my girth, erect I stand tall

2004-10-19, 06:51
Join Date: Jan 2004
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thats fascinating stuff man, maybe i should have picked up biology instead of general maths
but as for that small useless vagina tucked away somewhere....oh wait here it is. 

2004-10-19, 21:05
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Originally Posted by BrokenCrimson
If Hellhammer is so wonderful, why does he trigger?
. Also, vaginas aren't THAT fun. Having too much fun with one -> Loose -> Not so fun (fanny farts, wizard sleeves)-> months of kegel exersises.
i dont think triggers help you playing, i think there just so for a tune effect so your drums sound the same all the time
did we really need to know all that about your vagina? 
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
Now My Legacy Shall Live Forever!!

2004-10-20, 03:58
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Mayhem got my vote not just because I enjoy their music, but the whole Dead and Varg story is one of the greatest moments in metal history. I haven't heard more than one song of Emperor so I can't really say I know for sure if I like them. Oh, anyone like my new avatar?
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able, and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" - Epicurus
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2004-10-20, 04:41
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a. Any vagina, not mine.
b. They do help you play, to quote BoC:
If a trigger can play a chicken sound, why can't it play a pre-recorded, sped up roll?
Quite a lot of people use triggers to help them play. Hellhammer triggers like a motherfucker.
Also, dicks can be overused - leather dick.
I <3 12 year olds.

2004-10-20, 06:50
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Originally Posted by andrewc
...whereas samoth was a consistently good vocalist.
Pity Isahn does vocals for every Emperor album though
Isahn's definently my favourite Black Metal vocalist though.
And i like these polls, they're good for a debate, and for seeing other people's music interests.
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2004-10-20, 08:21
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Damn it, my britne speers thread was closed.
I <3 12 year olds.

2004-10-20, 08:59
Gangster Rapper
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Yeah. That was unexpected. 
We live thinking we will never die.
We die thinking we had never lived.
Cut it out.
- Jason Becker

2004-10-20, 12:10
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Originally Posted by Severed_Head_Stoner
Pity Isahn does vocals for every Emperor album though
im an idiot. shows how much attention i pay
and j33z, dAt wAs S1lLy Ov n1Ggl3s 2 cL0s3 dA sM3LlY bUtT tHr3Ad. H3S s1LlY aNd n0T K3wLz.


2004-10-20, 20:26
Join Date: Jun 2004
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heh, I'm not saying that I'm angry that my silly thread was closed, after all, what a mod says goes, I just wish I could have had a bit more fun with that thread 
I <3 12 year olds.

2004-10-20, 21:46
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mayhem period

2004-10-20, 22:03
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Originally Posted by BrokenCrimson
heh, I'm not saying that I'm angry that my silly thread was closed, after all, what a mod says goes, I just wish I could have had a bit more fun with that thread 
There's a very fine line between funny and annoying.
Immense in my girth, erect I stand tall

2004-10-22, 08:07
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Originally Posted by Insomnium
even i like Emporer, and i despise most black metal. i do believe there are many on this forum who feel the same
I am one of them. Emperor are insane, from Nightside through to Prometheus. Into the Infinity of Thoughts, ironically, is one of the most thought-provoking songs I have ever heard. Bow down to Ihsahn! (Abbath too)

2004-10-22, 08:20
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Originally Posted by Insomnium
even i like Emporer, and i despise most black metal. i do believe there are many on this forum who feel the same
that sort of sums up what i would have to say. emperor is one of the few BM bands that i can get into
I'm Proud not to be PC
Liberals, the other terrorists
Originally Posted by Righteous_Death
Black Sabbath are so good, so I wouldnt say anything to disrespect them.
Cunt face.
Rest in Peace Dime, thank you for changing my world on vulgar display of power, thank you for being my next step after sabbath, and thank you for inspiring me to pick up that guitar and learn some heavy fucking metal \m/ your memory will live on forever 

2004-10-22, 08:30
Gangster Rapper
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Jah, that's the same for me aswell. My list of BM bands that actually get played are: Emperor, 1349, Dissection and Immortal.
We live thinking we will never die.
We die thinking we had never lived.
Cut it out.
- Jason Becker

2004-10-26, 01:07
bugfucker strikes back.
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Originally Posted by AbbathGS
Very well done, writing up that long paragraph.
Too bad that's nowhere near being true.
Its a fucking opinion, you moron. None of this which has been posted on these five pages can be called true. Just everyone's OPINION.
Triggers. Wow. Could you play that? Didn't think so.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-10-26, 02:04
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Originally Posted by ChrisRezendes
Emperor vs. Mayhem is so lopsided it's not even funny. You should add three other bands to the Mayhem side just to even out the scale a little bit. I mean, don't get me wrong, I like some Mayhem, but it's just wrong to compare them to Emperor.
It's wrong to compare ANY other black metal band to Emperor, because nobody even comes close. Emperor were so good they were better than most death metal bands, nevermind black metal.
That being said, obviously if it weren't for bands like Mayhem, bands like Emperor might not have existed in the first place.
I pretty much agree fully.
As for a more presonal reply from myself: Mayhem Fucking Sucks. Emperor is Fucking Good. bye bye 

2004-10-26, 16:17
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Mayhem has still done the amazing De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas, no one can argue with that.

2004-10-27, 12:11
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 387
Mayhem is the best of the two..NO DOUBT!
I don't like Emperor at all. It's not what I started to lsiten to black metal for.
Originally Posted by deMANUfacture
Avril lavigne - sk8ter boi


2004-10-28, 15:35
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Emperor hands down.
Mastering art of deception,That increases your sick addiction,It's an overactive imagination-Death

2004-11-01, 02:20
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fuck emperor and mayhem - Marduk!
but if it had to come down to it i would go for emperor, euronomous was trying to commercialise black metal (IMHO) and make money from it, so
 to Varg!
But Mayhem without Euronomous is fucking good!
Last edited by blizzard_beast : 2004-11-01 at 02:30.

2004-11-01, 02:57
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Marduk, yes! Alot of people hate them though.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-11-01, 03:07
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they're my favourite black metal band, they've kept it simple by not adding symphesizers and shit like that, and their riffs are original. They've got a new albm coming out on the 22nd November, called Plague Angel. PLUS a worldwide tour!

2004-11-01, 09:19
You gamma-minus fucktards
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Here's my opinion on Mayhem:
Who cares.
Here's my opinion on Emperor:
I voted for the fork thing anyway, because people who like BM are all gay, and have mansex, and are homosexual faggot queer poofter queens.
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2004-11-01, 15:51
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Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
I voted for the fork thing anyway, because people who like BM are all gay, and have mansex, and are homosexual faggot queer poofter queens.
I know where you live, knob jockey.

2004-11-01, 20:49
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yeah, i like black metal like marduk, to be stripped down, thats why i like dark funeral and mayhem, but emporer are still their namesake.... Emporers of black metal.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-11-02, 13:58
bugfucker strikes back.
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Originally Posted by Innards-Decay
Marduk, yes! Alot of people hate them though.
Fucking great before "World Funeral." That is poofter shit. Sounds like mainstream BM (CoF).
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-11-02, 20:37
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Originally Posted by Dissection
Fucking great before "World Funeral." That is poofter shit. Sounds like mainstream BM (CoF).
Yes, the same thing happened to Dark Funeral, whose music is bit similiar as Marduk's.
Their music was great at "Dark Funeral" EP and "The Secrets of the Black Arts" LP, but when Blackmoon left that band, they began a downfall (in the quality of music).

2004-11-02, 22:42
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i like all of dark funerals material... but im more of a death metaller so that might explain things.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-11-05, 12:11
Symbiotic In Theory
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Fuck i just realised Emperor played in my local venue about throwing distance from my flat. its a small venue and apparently they spat fake blood all over the crowd.. i cant beleive i missed it, im not a huge fan of them to be honest they dont tickle my fancy.. but there huge..
'' I'll Smother You With A Fucking Pillow!! ''
Originally Posted by metal=life
Hey don't talk back buddy. Give your dick size or don't post.
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