2004-10-18, 16:42
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 472
Battle of the ...
How about some sort of battle of the guitarists/bands/whatever?
people who want to could post a short clip of themselves playing and it gets voted/graded either by specially selected judges or by anybody who feels like it.
i dunno, guitar could have marks out of ten for
not using speed efectively
bands could post songs and have marks for
then you could have a ranking list of the best players/bands on the forum
just an idea.
this needs a lot of thinking about i suppose
not sure whats the best way to do it
though i would like to know how i ranked against other guitarists.
"The complexity of the penguins' lifestyle testifies to a Divine Creator," said one commentator on Christian Answers. "To think that natural selection or even the penguins themselves could come up with the idea to migrate miles and miles multiple times each year without their partner or their offspring is a bit insulting to my intellect. How great is our God!"

2004-10-18, 18:03
Master Killer
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if you want to know how you rank among other guitars, just play shows with your band and see how you compare.
I don't think there's many people willing to put up recordings, playing guitar isn't about competition, its about having fun for most people.
Getting judges would be difficult too, plus everybody pays attention to something else, hell I don't think speed is essential at all.
I could post up some of my own band's mp3's, but I doubt you'de get enough people to participate and it would be hard getting judges that aren't asswipes. (oh, right there are like 2 or 3 of those people here haha)

2004-10-18, 22:59
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ill upload mp3's of my amateur band 

2004-10-19, 12:23
Senior Metalhead
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i wish life were that simple
yea playing guitar is about fun, but also about achievement. and without comparing yourself to others, your kind of stuck in the dark with that one.
amatuer bands around here calling themselves heavy are on the verge of approaching emo from the wrong side. thats what you get in southwest england.
but guess your right def, ill just have to carry on judging myself against the pros. bugger.
maybee if this thread takes of with more people like young guitarist...
"The complexity of the penguins' lifestyle testifies to a Divine Creator," said one commentator on Christian Answers. "To think that natural selection or even the penguins themselves could come up with the idea to migrate miles and miles multiple times each year without their partner or their offspring is a bit insulting to my intellect. How great is our God!"

2004-10-19, 12:51
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narsil mp3 is in the link in my signature
acrid semblance has me mainly on rythms in the tracks we have up on the net...and i dont remember the link 
I, Himself - An asshole's gotta do what an asshole's gotta do!!!

2004-10-21, 02:48
Wasted Custom User title
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We all know I would win... 
This is my signature.

2004-10-21, 03:42
The Devil
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Music is about personal achievement, not how you rank up against the "Great Ones". Set your own goals are try to reach them. I don't really care if some local band is more talented than i am....instead it'll just make me want to play a show with them and get to know the guys, and also congradulate them on their talent.
And posting music on here, or anywhere on the net to be viewed and judged by random nobodies is a horrible idea. I'd bet that 90% of the replies wouldn't be honest or fair, even though the music piece might be worthy of praise.
Through me you pass into the city of woe
Through me you pass into eternal pain
Through me among the people lost for ay
Justice the founder of my fabric moved
To rear me was the task of power divine
Supremest wisdom, and primeval love
Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal, and eternal I endure
All hope abandon, ye who enter here
Against the concert of the Immortals he cannot stand alone.

2004-10-21, 04:24
The Mountie From Hell
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Originally Posted by memnoch
Music is about personal achievement, not how you rank up against the "Great Ones". Set your own goals are try to reach them. I don't really care if some local band is more talented than i am....instead it'll just make me want to play a show with them and get to know the guys, and also congradulate them on their talent.
Mem. said it best there are guys in local bands here that can kick my ass any day of the week, and there are others who I can kick their ass, but the best thing is LEARNING from them, after their gig, I can go up to them and ask questions to help me learn more, and no matter how they are or how good/bad they play you can learn something from them.
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2004-10-22, 00:29
Forum Reverend
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Originally Posted by Def
Now I've been in another band for a while and we've got a demo out, we emailed them and we're playing with them again in germany coming february! Now those are contacts you can use!!
good work def, when my band has a demo out i'll give you a call...the Netherlands aren't that far away from Canada...........
the patterns are everywhere...

2004-10-22, 09:19
Master Killer
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Haha!  well if you ever want to play a couple of shows here in a holiday or something, we would be able to arrange something if you have a demo that I can use to get you guys sorted here! I guess Holland would be a fun place to play for Canadians!!!
we're not really metal though, more like metal/hardcore kinda eh stuff! It's still good fun though, I'm pressing the metal influences in the band 

2004-10-22, 15:17
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That's awesome Def....the band I'm in is like Slayer meets Death. My deathlike screaming with lots of thrash heavy riffs.
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2004-10-24, 22:50
Forum Reverend
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[QUOTE=Def]Haha!  well if you ever want to play a couple of shows here in a holiday or something, we would be able to arrange something if you have a demo that I can use to get you guys sorted here! I guess Holland would be a fun place to play for Canadians!!!
deal. be prepared for good death metal though.
the patterns are everywhere...

2004-10-24, 22:58
Master Killer
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good death metal will allways be welcome at gigs here! though my band doesn't exactly fit the metal genre that well, If you get me your demo, I'de probably be able to arrange some gigs! theres allways a demand for non-european metal bands here.

2004-10-25, 23:20
Forum Reverend
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sweet, all we need is a new drummer and we're set to record...then alot of $$$$ to actually travel cross the ocean...
i downloaded all 4 ataglance songs...not bad, i enjoyed most of it. however i'd say track 1 is the weakest, and unfortunately for you that track has double the hits of any other track...so if i only heard the first track i mgiht have not downloaded any other as well. but overall pretty good. the only thing i don't like is the singing...thats not to say he sucks, by all means he is your average hardcore vocalist that does the job well, buti find your music has alot more melodic or even emo riffs then hardcore...i think a normal singer w/occasional yelling would be better then your current hardcore style vocals.
the patterns are everywhere...

2004-10-26, 07:37
Master Killer
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Last edited by Def : 2004-10-31 at 18:11.

2004-10-27, 14:28
Forum Reverend
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that new song is awesome man...i tihnk the vocals will fit better in that one...alright i'm sold let me know if you ever record a full length.
well the drummer didn't leave, we're just kicking him out cause he isn't dedicated enough. that and he just doesn't have the chops for it. he's good, but he'd be perfect in a nu-metal/hard rock maybe thrash setting, but we need a really good death metal drummer. we're trying out some kid this weekend so we'll see what happens.
no test recordings, only once one of the bands bro's filmed us jamming but we were all out of tune and were experiecning tech difficulties that day.
don't know anything about labels, just try to stay true to the music, don't jump through thier hoops dammit!!
the patterns are everywhere...

2004-10-27, 15:10
Master Killer
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Thanks! I think the vocals will be better for this one too and it definetly has more of a metal ring to it I think!!
We've talked to the label guy yesterday and made a deal, the deal is, they press 500 of our demo's and we supply artwork and shit, we have to sell 200, and above that we start making profit (from off there, we get money, the first 200 are for him for the costs and the little profit he wants and the shit he does for promotion) We can sell a least 100 to friends, as in 5 bandmembers have at least 20 people they can sell too, my guess is we'll sell some more to friends anyways, the other 100 we can sell at stores and we're selling 50 to a webstore who wants to do distribution. Anyways, I don't think it's a problem to sell the 200. 500 I don't know, but we've got the time to sell it anyways and its not costing us one cent. The demo's will be 5 euro's a piece, so thats like 6/7 usd. Though we won't rely on the demo to get us money, its the shows that do it.
Anyways, we'll see how that runs, the booklet and artwork/pressing will be done late january/early february so it'll take some time. (doesnt matter since we're starting gigs again in january.)
so you got a film man? that's cool! if you've got it uploaded somewhere I'de like to see it anyways, practise recordings are allways fun, I might be able to get some too next week!

2004-10-28, 15:33
Forum Reverend
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hey congrats man, i'll order one up in feb.
i like how you get a free deal, does that count even if you sell less than 200 copies?
as for my practice recordings...no, it was a while ago w/all old songs i think and its better suited for the garbage dump than anywhere else.
the patterns are everywhere...
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