2004-10-23, 00:35
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floyd rose help, just a little bit
ok, i just replaced my strings, and i noticed that the bridge is now at an angle, is there something wrong?? when i first got my beast, the bridge was sorta parallel to the body, and now its sort of at an angle, did i do anything wrong while changing strings, if i did, plz can some one help me. does it have anything to do with the gauge of the string, cuz the strings i was previously using were a bit smaller now i am using D'addario 11 gauge, and i noticed the problem. there's nothing wrong is there??

2004-10-23, 00:40
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yup, this ones easy. Tighten your trem spring. Stock guitars usually come loaded with 10s or 9s, and now that youre using 11s, the spring is stretching. Tighten it, or get a couple more springs and tighten it.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-23, 00:44
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Originally Posted by Cattlefan#1
ok, i just replaced my strings, and i noticed that the bridge is now at an angle, is there something wrong?? when i first got my beast, the bridge was sorta parallel to the body, and now its sort of at an angle, did i do anything wrong while changing strings, if i did, plz can some one help me. does it have anything to do with the gauge of the string, cuz the strings i was previously using were a bit smaller now i am using D'addario 11 gauge, and i noticed the problem. there's nothing wrong is there??
heavy gauged strings will have more tension causing the bridge to tilt forward. Thats because the guitar had lighter gauge strings before and now that you have heavier ones, the springs dont have as much tension as the strings. You can help this my either tightening the screws in the spring cavity that the springs are attacted to OR simply down tuning a bit. Like if you in standard now, just tune to Eb or D or something.
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2004-10-23, 01:42
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I put an extra spring on my floyd and it seemed to have fucked the neck a bit, the high e buzzed terribly, I took the spring off, and now it is fine. Does anyone know why this happened?
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2004-10-23, 01:48
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Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
I put an extra spring on my floyd and it seemed to have fucked the neck a bit, the high e buzzed terribly, I took the spring off, and now it is fine. Does anyone know why this happened?
I'm not entirely sure.
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2004-10-23, 01:58
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The action is better now and it doesnt buzz, so Im happy anyway. It just doesnt seem to make sense.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2004-10-23, 02:10
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The extra spring mustve fucked the action up causing the strings to be real close to the frets, making it real easy for buzzing to occur.
Thats my theory.
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2004-10-23, 02:46
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If you just throw an extra string in the back without adjustng it then you will have problems.
Since you just threw an extra string in, you caused the bring to lean back which caused the buzzing.
"Believe the word
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And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-10-23, 05:46
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Originally Posted by Innards-Decay
yup, this ones easy. Tighten your trem spring. Stock guitars usually come loaded with 10s or 9s, and now that youre using 11s, the spring is stretching. Tighten it, or get a couple more springs and tighten it.
i would have to open the back of the guitar for that right? and how would i tighten it? would i have to use an allen wrench or something like that, my beast came with an extra spring, and if i needed it, how would i put it in. or do u think i am better off taking it to guitar center and asking them? i am quite new with the floyd rose and i am just looking for help, but i really appreciate ur patience and feedback.  thx a lot guuys!!

2004-10-23, 05:50
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Originally Posted by Cattlefan#1
i would have to open the back of the guitar for that right?
Most likely.
Originally Posted by Cattlefan#1
and how would i tighten it?
Tighten the screws clockwise
Originally Posted by Cattlefan#1
would i have to use an allen wrench or something like that
Phillips screwdriver
Originally Posted by Cattlefan#1
my beast came with an extra spring, and if i needed it, how would i put it in.
Take off the cavity cover and look, its obvious.
Originally Posted by Cattlefan#1
or do u think i am better off taking it to guitar center and asking them?
Why? What do they know?
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-10-23, 05:52
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Originally Posted by Cattlefan#1
i would have to open the back of the guitar for that right? and how would i tighten it? would i have to use an allen wrench or something like that, my beast came with an extra spring, and if i needed it, how would i put it in. or do u think i am better off taking it to guitar center and asking them? i am quite new with the floyd rose and i am just looking for help, but i really appreciate ur patience and feedback.  thx a lot guuys!!
Just open up the spring cavity cover. See where the springs go to. That metal dealy that the springs are hooked to (not the bridge) should have screws on it (screwing into the guitar body). Tighten those and that should help. OR you could just tune down a bit. The thicker strings are made more lower tuning so..
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2004-10-23, 05:54
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Originally Posted by BLS
Why? What do they know?
absolutely nothing.
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2004-10-23, 06:00
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thx again guuys, all your advice, input and tips r much appreciated!!!! but one thing, when i went to guitar center, they seemed to know wut they were doing, hmm....... 

2004-10-23, 06:01
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Well they dont..
Stick around here for a few weeks and you'll know more than them.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-10-23, 06:03
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Originally Posted by BLS
Well they dont..
Stick around here for a few weeks and you'll know more than them.
Word. I like to go there and pretend I know nothing. Its funny how they try to make you think a shitty guitar is really awesome.
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2004-10-23, 06:29
Pirate Lawd
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Originally Posted by BLS
Well they dont..
Stick around here for a few weeks and you'll know more than them.
Yhea!! Your problem spring was easy dude! Take a Floyd guitar with no strings and a fuck'dup intonation to Guitar Centar and see what happens.
It might come back as a Floyd tune-O-matic.

2004-10-23, 06:35
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Originally Posted by Soulinsane
Yhea!! Your problem spring was easy dude! Take a Floyd guitar with no strings and a fuck'dup intonation to Guitar Centar and see what happens.
Theyd probably burn it.
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2004-10-23, 06:36
Pirate Lawd
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And blame it on faulty wiring 

2004-10-23, 06:39
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Yeah, and say you need a $1500 guitar.
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2004-10-23, 06:42
Pirate Lawd
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PRS, of course.

2004-10-23, 06:48
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!But! This BC rich bronze warlock is REALLY an excellent guitar!
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2004-10-23, 06:51
Pirate Lawd
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In fact you look absolutely grim and like a Nu-metal rock'in roller with it even near you.... The girls are gonna love you for this Warlock 

2004-10-23, 06:53
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Originally Posted by Soulinsane
In fact you look absolutely grim and like a Nu-metal rock'in roller with it even near you.... The girls are gonna love you for this Warlock 
Yeah, the chicks love warlocks!
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2004-10-23, 06:54
Pirate Lawd
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Those and Fender guitars!

2004-10-23, 06:59
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Originally Posted by Soulinsane
Those and Fender guitars!
Yeah she'll pretty much have to suck your cock then.
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2004-10-23, 07:02
Pirate Lawd
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No kidding about that! With the high quality bolt-on neck, and MOP plastic pickgaurd... What girl could resist? Hell, your own Mama would want you with a fender guitar!

2004-10-23, 07:04
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Originally Posted by Soulinsane
No kidding about that! With the high quality bolt-on neck, and MOP plastic pickgaurd... What girl could resist? Hell, your own Mama would want you with a fender guitar!
Fuck Yeah!
Although bolt ons dont suck that much. They can still be hella high quality...
Anywho FUCK YEAH! Imma go and buy a fender and Maybe I'll get some action!
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2004-10-23, 07:07
Pirate Lawd
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Just remember to ask the friendly sales person at Guitar Centar to help you pick out the best 

2004-10-23, 07:11
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Always a good question to ask-
"which guitar would get me laid faster?"
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2004-10-23, 07:17
Pirate Lawd
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PRS, Fender, and B.C. Rich Broze Warlock. That's about it!

2004-10-23, 17:23
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Especially the warlock 
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2004-10-23, 17:38
Pirate Lawd
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Can't go wrong with the Bronze Warlock!

2004-10-23, 17:42
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Yeah, the bridge on that thing is of super high quality. AND the shape is cool so it must be an awesome guitar. If you buy this guitar, you wont suck as much. And you'll get sucked!
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2004-10-23, 17:46
Pirate Lawd
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Well that guitar rocks because the dude from Slipknot uses B.C. Rich, so that means you will rock too.

2004-10-23, 17:50
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Yeah and Kerry King uses Bc richs too! And I'm 95% sure he uses a Broze warlock!!
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2004-10-23, 17:58
Pirate Lawd
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And you know that if Slipknot and King play B.C. Rich that all Warlock's must by law of Guitar Center rock as well. Plus the pickups are the best you can get. They have a natural sounding muddy bottom end that is the prized tone of all metal.

2004-10-23, 18:00
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might i get laid with a DT Super Strat?

2004-10-23, 18:05
Pirate Lawd
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As long as it says Fender on it, you betcha! And how did you change you SN?

2004-10-23, 18:08
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i r supzor 1337 h4x0r, i just asked nomad if he'd do it cause i like 'ol h4x5k8 better than haxsk8, then people wont randomly bitch me out for thinkin im some "sk8er boi", when that infact has nothing to do with my name, yea and nomad just changed it without any question. GO NOMAD 

2004-10-23, 18:52
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Imprefer Bolt On necks, if its a tighte fit you wont noticed much, if any sustain loss compared to a neck through or set neck.. and the AANJ makes it feel like their is NO heel.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-10-23, 18:58
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yeah, and if you dont like the neck on a bolt on, you can change it.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-23, 20:00
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hahahaha, just reading that funny conversation between soulinsane and cannibal corpse. but i must say, i have a bronze warlock as well, and just recently bought the nj beast. i think the warlock is pretty good for the price its at tho. i hate slipknot dearly and no way did i get that guitar cuz i like slipknot. i like the look and wanted one. but now i have a beast and it drives girls nuts!!!!!!!!!!! they r all over me 

2004-10-23, 20:22
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meh, bc richs for the most part are pretty worthless, but if you like em, whatever.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-24, 05:56
Pirate Lawd
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Yea, B.C. Rich have went to pure shit in the last few years, but I can still mod one of their guitars and make it worth playing even live.

2004-10-24, 06:38
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well again i am gonna say thank u to all u guys who gave me help on my floyd rose, i added on another spring and tightened one of the tremelo springs and now the bridge is back to the way i found it, i am soo happy, thx guyys!! 

2004-10-24, 20:12
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youre welcome cattle fan.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-10-25, 16:32
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Originally Posted by CANNIBALCORPSE
Word. I like to go there and pretend I know nothing. Its funny how they try to make you think a shitty guitar is really awesome.
God, I LIVE to do that. Just go and act like you have no idea, and just see how bad they try to rip you off.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2004-10-25, 16:44
Pirate Lawd
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I really hate going into Guitar Center because if I even look at something for 2 seconds I get some pushy sales guy following me around trying to talk me into buying it. When I was looking into maybe getting a Mesa Road King and I went to Guitar Center to try one out and I thought they weren't going to let me out of the store until I said I would buy it. They just don't stop! When I'm ready I will ask for help, but until that times comes I wish they would just leave me alone. I don't need someone telling me how good I look with a guitar... I already know I'm a sexy beast 

2004-10-25, 21:10
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Originally Posted by Cattlefan#1
well again i am gonna say thank u to all u guys who gave me help on my floyd rose, i added on another spring and tightened one of the tremelo springs and now the bridge is back to the way i found it, i am soo happy, thx guyys!! 
Cool. Good to know you got it back to normal.
I also like to go to guitar center and show off in front of the noobs (which there are ALWAYS there, usually playing crappy songs on some fender)  .
And there is sometimes this dude that likes death metal that hands out there so its cool to talk to him.
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2004-10-25, 21:59
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Originally Posted by CANNIBALCORPSE
Cool. Good to know you got it back to normal.
I also like to go to guitar center and show off in front of the noobs (which there are ALWAYS there, usually playing crappy songs on some fender)  .
And there is sometimes this dude that likes death metal that hands out there so its cool to talk to him.
same here man, except for the person who likes death metal, but its fun to play around the kids that suck, i mean, im no genius, but i am pretty good, well, so says a lot of people, anyway again, thx for all guys, I DIDNT NEED NO GUITAR CENTER!!!
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