2004-05-17, 00:56
Pirate Lawd
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Location: Hanger 18
Posts: 6,520
Hey, I have ordered one of these guitars. It will be done in 4 days and shipped in a hard shell case. They built it custom for be. It's a dream come true since Jackson was going to change $4,000+.
> > > Invader guitar: 900 EURO
> > > Hard case: 70 EURO
> > > Shipping: 80 EURO
> > > Total amount: 1050 EURO
> > >
> > > Specification:
> > > R or L Handed - Right Handed
> > > Body Shape - Invader
> > > Construction - Neck Thru
> > > Material - Mahogany
> > > Body Binding - No
> > > Body Finish - Satin Black
> > > Headstock Shape - Jackson Style
> > > Neck - Material Maple
> > > Reverse - No
> > > Headstock Finish - Match Body Finish
> > > Neck Finish - Match Body Finish
> > > Fngerboard - Ebony
> > > Number of Frets - 24
> > > Fret Size - Extra Jumbo
> > > Inlays - Sharkfins
> > > Fingerboard End - Square
> > > Fingerboard Binding -Yes black
> > > Headstock Binding - No
> > > Nut - Locked
> > > Width - 1 11/16''
> > > Hardware Color - Black
> > > Bridge System - Kahler 2300 Pro Trem
> > > Tuning Machines - Schaller M6
> > > Pickups - EMG 85 - 81
> > > Control Pattern - 2 x Volume, 1 x Tone, 3-way switch
Cool isn't it?

2004-05-17, 01:35
Pirate Lawd
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Yup, the shipping wasn't as much as I thought it was going to be either, but it did cost me an extra $35 to convert and transfer the money to them. They had not become an official member of th unified Europe when I ordered so I couldn't use paypal with them. Everything has changed over there now I think, so if you do get one it might be easier to pay for it. If not then let me know and I can give you some info about getting the money to them.
The Kalher was brand new and I sent it to them for instellation ( another $15 ). I found it on E-bay ages back and was saving it for just this kind of thing!
Thanks for letting me know you like it, BLS. I will post here again once I get it and let everyone know if it really rocks or not. I pray it does because I have never bought a guitar without first playing it.

2004-05-17, 14:30
Pirate Lawd
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3 more days! Ya 

2004-05-18, 17:36
Pirate Lawd
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2 more days... and you bet there will be pics. I know that you guys can truely appreciate this guitar.

2004-05-19, 13:10
Pirate Lawd
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Construction of mine started back on 2 Feb this year. They need about 3 months for custom builds, plus shipping time, about a week to the US, but even that is way shorter then the Jackson, ESP, or B.C. Rich custom shops wait time. I could die of old age before they get finished. I ordered a custom Jackson KV-1 in 98' with the only thing different being the 6100 fret size and it took forever.
If you E-mail Ran Guitars with their custom price quote from the web site then Dariusz ( great guy to work with ) will answer any question about shipping cost, build time, and fine details after his first reply. Also, their custom price includes a hard shell case. They can do just about anything.
Tomarrow it should be finished and on its way to me. Once I get it, ask as much as you like about it. US custom shops are nice but they really try to butt rape you with cost and wait time, so I would like to help a fellow Metalhead from this happening to them.
Last edited by Soulinsane : 2004-05-19 at 21:35.
Reason: fucked up spelling

2004-05-20, 16:13
Pirate Lawd
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2004-05-24, 16:27
Pirate Lawd
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No it hasn't got here yet. I would give it about a week if not longer, but I don't care if it takes a month as long as it gets here in one piece.
It freaks me out that postal people are handling it 'cause they don't give a damn about how fragile it is. I will get a call once it gets to the US and then I go pick it up.
The hard shell case should protect it.... I hope! I keep telling myself that guitars are shipped all around the world and make it just fine, so mine will be OK too. I just keep getting the mental picture of it bring thrown into the back of a mail truck. 

2004-05-25, 00:51
Pirate Lawd
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Thanks for you're prayers, but I don't think there is such a thing as insurance form Poland to the US or I would have got it
I got everything for shipping that could be had. Do you think I'm a stupid... Of course you do... You're the great Undying_Hate... I have crossed you before.
I thought you wanted one, right? You started this thread! Well, I got one, will you? Maybe yours will get stolen by a black-african Canadian because you live in Nigger, Alaska US fuckin super A. I bet you would just love that?
I like you, Undying_Hate, so please keep in contact. No hard feelings, right? 

2004-05-31, 01:43
Pirate Lawd
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Still waiting, but soon, very soon, I will have it. Believe me, I'm more anxious than you are, but what's a few more days wait for a dream guitar?

2004-05-31, 05:35
Pirate Lawd
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AAHHH!!! Don't tell me that Ran only did a half ass job before I get the thing! I will not be able to sleep at night. I'm nurvious enough about this guitar. I'm sure that they have done a good job building it, but the shipping part has about made me loss my mind. It's all I have thought about for over a week! This is worse then waiting to know if some girl you didn't like to begin with is pregnant by you. 

2004-06-04, 17:14
Pirate Lawd
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Damn the US Customs office, DAMN THEM TO HELL!!!!!!!!
I should have got the guitar yesterday, which would have been on time, but oh no... US Customs had to keep it. They want their cut in the deal too. Can't get something nice from Poland without paying for it in the US as well!
Those fuckers put a $109 tax and duty charge on my guitar and are keeping it in New York.  It's my guitar but they are going to keep it forever if I don't pay, so I bent over and took up the ass and payed the damn $109  But now I have to wait another week or longer until everything clears with Customs and it is finally sent UPS to my front door. I AM SO PISSED OFF!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe the IRS or the democratics or the ATF or the FBI or the CIA will want their cut too
Has anyone every had to deal with this shit before? I have brought stuff back that cost even more than this guitar from over seas before and didn't get charged a dime! What the fuck changed?
PISSSSSSSSED OOOOOOOOOFFF, shit! shitshitshitshit 

2004-06-04, 21:08
Pirate Lawd
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Your right! I will not care once I get it, but only if it's as good as I hope it will play and sound. It had better rock my world.
I thought I had all this Customs shit done with, but at the last fucking second, pow, "fuck you, pay us or we keep it". God dammit I payed for it so they should let me have it. Foggot ass bastards  Maybe Canada wouldn't be such dickholes about customs. I know that this is all because it's from Poland. Next time I'm flying there to get it personally!
I have been raging all day about this shit! I'm feeling better but those fuckers are lucky that I just don't drive up to NY and kick someones ass for this! I know where they are at.
My shipping cost does include insurence so if any thing happens to this guitar while they have it then... fuck... I don't know what I will do. US Customs will just claim they didn't do it. Plus, paper work and shit gets lost by those fuckers for years some times. Right, like I'm sure they would just loss it, those crooked assheads.
They said it's going to take a week + for the paper work to go through and for the guitar to get to me from NY, so maybe next week I will be able to post my review and pics. Sorry people 

2004-06-05, 00:50
Pirate Lawd
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Well if they just wanted to play it they could come by my house. I would be glad to let them... Not really, not after this.
Either way, it had better show up spotless after customs handles it or else I will contact some of my peeps and get shit delt with, to hell with what Bush might think. I work for the government too. I have been here longer than Bush and I can make shit hit the fan from the inside out, because this is BS! No one should have to deal with this shit over a guitar. It's a guitar not a Polish battle tank being shipped to me! I have tracked this guitar half way across the world and now it's stuck in NY. Every time someone does something with it a barcode is scanned and I can track it online. Well just today the bar code has been scanned 9 times, only 3 from Poland to NY, and is still in NY and being held by Customs. I can't get an answer as to what is being done with it except it's being held, to pay them, and that I might get it next week.
I hope everything works out. How ever long it takes it had better get to me in perfect condition. I will pester them every day until I get it.

2004-06-05, 07:09
Pirate Lawd
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Posts: 6,520
If I were rich I would get a guitar with a big "FUCK THE US CUSTOMS OFFICE" sticker on and have it shipped to me from Iraq. I bet they would love that.

2004-06-05, 07:42
Pirate Lawd
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Posts: 6,520
Do those fucks really need to do that shit? It's stupid to keep other stuff and this time it's personal!

2004-06-07, 21:56
Pirate Lawd
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Posts: 6,520
Well, the guitar was released form Customs today, but it's status is still "shipment held" in NY, WTF  Tomarrow is a new day and I will call and bug the hell out of them once again. Patients is my only friend right now. This had better be one great guitar for all the shit I have had to go through.
Remember kids, US Customs is the devil, so make sure that you have an extra $150 of bribe money to pay Customs if you live in the USA.

2004-06-08, 21:54
Pirate Lawd
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Location: Hanger 18
Posts: 6,520
Lastest news in the journy of the Soulinsane signature Ran guitar.
I learned today that when the shipping company went to pick it up from the Customs warehouse last night something was wrong. Customs tried to give the shipping company something in 9 pieces  Yes, I freaked out because I thought that it was the guitar, but later found out that it wasn't. It was some other parcel with 9 pieces, but with what seems to have the same waybill # as my guitar... How does that happen I ask, because my tracking waybill # has 16 digits. Well, the shipping company is asking Customs to explain where the guitar is and fast. The shipping company has been kind and helpful to me. They got all the Customs paper work done super fast. They have a rep to keep and they pride themself on fast quality shipping, so it seems they are as pissed off as I am about this, as it makes their records look like shit.
Allow me to reiterate... Damn the US Customs Office 

2004-06-09, 00:58
Pirate Lawd
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Location: Hanger 18
Posts: 6,520
Look at this shit  This is the actual tracking of my guitar:
Tue 06/08/2004 04:11 PM CI UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Shipment on hold Scan location : New-York - US
Mon 06/07/2004 11:22 AM CI UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Released from customs Scan location : New-York - US
Fri 06/04/2004 04:42 PM CI UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Shipment on hold Scan location : New-York - US
Status Code : Held Customs
Fri 06/04/2004 02:48 PM CI UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Shipment on hold Scan location : New-York - US
Status Code : Held Customs
Fri 06/04/2004 02:47 PM CI UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Shipment on hold Scan location : New-York - US
Status Code : Held Customs
Fri 06/04/2004 12:38 PM CI UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Shipment on hold Scan location : New-York - US
Status Code : Held Customs
Fri 06/04/2004 12:31 PM CI UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Shipment on hold Scan location : New-York - US
Status Code : Held Customs
Fri 06/04/2004 12:31 PM CI UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Shipment on hold Scan location : New-York - US
Status Code : Held Customs
Fri 06/04/2004 11:06 AM CI UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Shipment on hold Scan location : New-York - US
Status Code : Held Customs
Fri 06/04/2004 11:04 AM CI UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Shipment on hold Scan location : New-York - US
Status Code : Held Customs
Wed 06/02/2004 04:47 PM CI UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Awaiting payment of taxes and duties Scan location : New-York - US
Tue 06/01/2004 11:29 PM ROISSY INTER CHRONOPOST Arrival at outbound gateway
Fri 05/28/2004 01:09 PM Masterlink Poland Entry export scan Scan location : Warsaw - PL

2004-06-09, 14:54
Pirate Lawd
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Location: Hanger 18
Posts: 6,520
Just got a call from the shipping company. They located the guitar and learned why Customs still has it. It seems that they have released it, but that only means they're ready to release it once they are done with it, because I payed for it. Seems my guitar has made its way to the Customs investigation dept for further inspection, and they will not tell the shipping company why. Only told the shipping company that it looked suspicious. What is there it investigate about it? It's a guitar made for me in Poland! I guess Customs has to play it and make sure that it isn't to nice to own, because if one of those things get into the US it could ruin the guitar rip-off industry here. Don't those fuckers have anything better to do then put finger prints all over my guitar? I know they are got to open it.
The bad news is that this shit could take another week or more  I'm going to have a nervious brake down because of this shit.

2004-06-10, 00:25
Pirate Lawd
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Originally Posted by MoonRaven
thats really fuckin gay, you had better post some damn pictures of this ghuitar after making me wait akll this time, and it had better be tthe most killer guitar on the fucking planet.
That's was I think too. I will post pics, promise, if I ever get the thing. Ppppff, maybe next year at this rate 

2004-06-10, 02:09
Pirate Lawd
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Originally Posted by CANNIBALCORPSE
OMG, maybe theres a bomb in your guitar. Or MAYBE there are terrorists hiding in the hardshell case trying to sneek into the US. 
If Bin Laden is hiding in my guitar case then I want the reward for him.
Really, I bet they think I'm having a assult rifle sent to me. Ever seen those movies where the mobster pulls a tommy gun from the guitar case? I'm sure this has happened before and they just want to make sure, because nice rifles come in hard shell cases just like guitars. I wish they would just scan the thing with an X ray machine and sent it on it's way. It just a damn guitar and no reason to freak out like they are.

2004-06-11, 22:51
Pirate Lawd
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It's been 2 days and nothing new. I have to wait until next week before I get an up date. Customs still has it on hold for exsamination (spelling? ). They are not telling the shipping company how long it will take or any real date for release. I'm as pissed off as a goth in a Easter Sunday dress. 

2004-06-12, 03:21
Pirate Lawd
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Monday. If Customs doesn't give some news, then they will wish they had because the shipping company and I both will be call them over and over until they can't stand it.
 I'm going to the Customs web site to find out how to bug them even more. I will get this guitar, by next week or it well only get even worse for them  It doesn't take 2 fuckin weeks to inspect a little guitar.

2004-06-14, 22:16
Pirate Lawd
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2004-06-17, 14:25
Pirate Lawd
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Nothing  I'm hoping that today I get a real date for when Customs will inspect it. Right now it is just sitting and waiting in a holding warehouse. Once inspected it will be released to the shipping Company that same day and they said they would send it over night delivery to me.

2004-06-23, 01:16
Pirate Lawd
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Location: Hanger 18
Posts: 6,520
Originally Posted by BLS
Now thier gonna charge you for "rent" cause they held your guitar for ya. SO nice of them.
They had better not even think about trying that shit or else they will get a law suit  I have already payed them the ransom, so it's their fault for not getting the guitar to the shipping company faster.
It may be this week, but I have thought that before, so take your bets.
Last edited by Soulinsane : 2004-06-23 at 22:51.

2004-06-23, 22:49
Pirate Lawd
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3 days I hope. I got word that Customs has started inspecting and clearing shit today, so it can't be much longer 

2004-06-25, 20:50
Pirate Lawd
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Posts: 6,520
Haha! I've been all up in Customs ass today. I got some shit rolling.
This morning a called the shipping company and had no update on my guitar  , so I asked for all the info on my guitars shipping. Found out some specific details, like Customs has it on PPQ ( Plant Protection Quaratine )hold, a USDA run program, so I did some research, 6 hours worth of study on their rules and procedures, chain of operations, that kind of stuff. Next, I started to make some government calls to get some contacts; I'm so glad I work for the government and have secret secuity clearance, because it helped. My guitar is just sitting in a warehouse, talked to the warehouse staff and inspectors, because they are not sure what kind of woods it's made of. They believe that the mohogany is what caused the problem , because it could be Hondurian mohogany, and that they were not sure if any rose wood, especialy Bazilian, was in it. USDA has some worries about parasites being imported via rose wood and mohogany right now, so my guitar was all fucked up in the system and stuck. I talked with the actually botanist inspector dude that wanted to know the actual wood species the guitar was built of. This is were I was glad I kicked ass in biology back in the day and proud to tell this dude what wood my guitar was made of, and more importantly that the woods were not dangerious in the US. African Gaboon Ebony ( Diospyros mespiliformis ), African Mohogany ( Khaya Ivorensis ), and Rock Maple ( acer Saccharun )  He said it sound like one hell of a guitar and that he would aprove it's inspection for release today as soon as I had the shipping company fax their paper work to him. I called the shipping company so fast my finger nearly caught fire and told them to fax this dude ASAP. They couldn't believe I spent the day doing what I did, and drunk at the same time  Yay for me  I'm going to tell Dariusz to add extra info to the shipping list so that this never happens to anyone else. 

2004-06-25, 21:36
Pirate Lawd
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No it won't  I just got off the phone with the shipping company and they are amazed. They can't believe I actualy talked with the inspector and got him to give me his name, fax # and clearance for this guitar. They faxed him and got comformation of the clearance, just like I said they would. The bad news is I have to still wait until Monday next week for the warehouse to open and hand it over to the shipping company. Then shortly after, yes very soon, I will have it. Then all of my neighbours will know the true power and darkness of the Soulinsane signature guitar, hahahaaa! Plus, I will have pics posted here too. I feel so fucking powerful right now 

2004-06-29, 01:10
Pirate Lawd
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Originally Posted by haxsk8
soulinsane you are a fucking genious, i waish i had major bio skills  and shit and government connections  but yea i already have about 350 bucks for my new custom so once i order it ill talk to you if there are any problems. Still deciding on what damn woods i should use. Mahogony sounds sweet since its like endangered style full mahogony body and neck with ebony fretboard, 24 frets with a body cutaway at the 20th fret kinda like the alexi laiho esp, black body with black floyd rose,  mmmmmmm sounds so damn goo di tell ya..... Ultimate destruction guitar! 
also how did you deal with the american to euro currency conversion??
Thank you for the compliment. I used the company DFX currency exchargers to send the money to Ran because Ran didn't/couldn't take Paypal or credit card as of yet, only bank wire. That may have changed as of now that Poland is a member of the unified Europe. DFX converts the money and wires it to any overseas accounts you want, but their are a few steps in the process and it cost about $35/ transfer, nothing big. Ran guitars will give you their bank account # and swift code; everything you need as soon as you and Dariusz agree on the guitar and price.
Good choice if you get it an all mohogany body and neck guitar. EMG's seem to listen to mohogany wood better than other tone woods, imo. Plus, the ebony f-bourds are nice and will give you far less problems through Customs, those bastards really freak out about rose woods  I don't believe that Ran uses any endangered species of mohogany, but I don't think any guitars are built of endandered woods now days anyway.
I was on the phone again today with that Customs inspector dude. He finally faxed the release to the shipping company at 4 PM, so now the shipping company only has to pick it up and send it on its way. I put the ball in their hands again, so they better not let me down and fuck around getting it here. The customs dude got an invoice in Polish from the shipping company?... That so fucked him up today  I must have a talk with Dariusz about this because US Customs don't normally take paper work in polish, but since it was me they made an exception. I hope that all the hell I have been through clears the way for future Ran guitars coming to the US, because this shit is crazy. At least you guys here will benefit from me if shit happens to you. I now have many contacts in Customs... believe it or not... some of them are really cool folks.

2004-06-30, 14:12
Pirate Lawd
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Location: Hanger 18
Posts: 6,520
Dealing with Ran was easy. I had lots of queastions over a 3 months time and they were all answered with in a day or two. They will listen to any request you have and work with you to build your dream guitar. I got updates on my guitars progress, but because I asked for it. Dariusz helped me and I helped him ( mostly with the Kahler bridge instructions, head stock shape, and control config ). Dariusz gave me the tracking # for my guitar and how it was shipped. The only problem so far has been in Customs. I am going to inforrm Dariusz, once I get my guitar, that he needs to include the woods the guitar is made of in the invoice and include a copy invoice in english for next time he ships to the US. This should fix all of the Customs problems. As for Ran, comstomer service is A+.

2004-06-30, 20:09
Pirate Lawd
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SWEET BABY JESUS! The Signature Soulinsane Ran Guifuckintar will be in my hands tomarrow morning  I will finally be able to play,post pics and write a review of it. Now I just hope nothing happens to it before then, like a plane crash or a thief! If it gets stolen that sorry son of a bitch had better be ready, becouse I will find him and the guitar. I feel as if nothing can stop me from having this guitar as long as it's not destroyed. I'm obsessed and possessed with this guitar, after nearly having a nervious brake down the last month over it's shipment. Stay tuned folks.

2004-07-01, 17:15
Pirate Lawd
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IT IS HERE!!!!!!! I have to go to work soon so I will post pics later today. I will say that the Sigature Soulinsane guitar plays as nice as it looks. Smooth action and the setup is so perfect. They did a super nice job with the Kahler bridge too; it couldn't be installed and setup any better. I will never buy a USA made guitar ever again, because made in Poland is where it is at for guitars! They really know how to build guitars at Ran. The fretbourd has the nicest Ebony wood I have even seen. The grain is as strait as a laser line, tight, and without any blimishes. I have never seen a better fretbourd in my life and the binding is perfect. The frets are polished to the point they look like stainless steel, level, and perfect too; no buzz anywhere. The guitar is lighter than I thought it would be and completely balanced, not top heavy at all like most V's. All the hardware is top quality. This guitar is worth far more than what I payed.
Now for some cons. The shark fin inlays are some kind of plastic, at least not MOP, but that is fine with me because I didn't mind if they were MOP or not. The inlays look great anyway, even if they are not MOP; it's a perfect inlay job. Also the neck is nice and thin, but gets a little thick toward the heel. I have no preblem using the upper frets but it might be a concern for some folk that like the whole neck thin.
And finally, the last story of my guitars adventures getting to me. DHL was suppose to deliver it to my front door by 10:30 AM. At 10:32 I checked the tracking # and it was posted delivered at 10:26 AM to the wrong front door address of a house right down the road from me and someone signed my name for it too. Now where I live, poeple will steal dirt from you if given the chance, so I acted fast and marched down to that house address. Well the poeple didn't have a clue what I was talking about... so they say! They looked shocked that I was asking about it, so I said it looks like I am going to have to call DHL to find out where the driver delivered it. I walked back to my house, called, talked to DHL, they said they were coming back, I looked out side and the guitar was by my front door. Now there is no way DHL did that in 15 seconds, because they came by 30 minutes later to check if I had got it from the wrong people yet, will I did, and it will be with me forever too. The End

2004-07-02, 00:06
Pirate Lawd
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Location: Hanger 18
Posts: 6,520
Pics are on the way folks, calm down. Give me a little time, I just got home and I'm going to have pics here very soon, if I can ever stop playing the guitar.
BLS, I have had a custom Jackson KV-1, USA made guitar before. It was a super great guitar, but this Ran guitar is completely unreal and cost much less. Even after all the problems I had, I will get another one. Next time will not be as crazy through Customs, because I know just what needs to be included for fast passage and Ran will know this by the end of today too. Hopefully this will help everyone else in the future that gets a Ran guitar too.
As for my getto neighbors, they wouldn't know how to play a guitar or even care. They would have just sold it for crack or something, so I'm glad I was fast to react before it was too late. I almost exspected something like this to happen after everything else going wrong, maybe I was cursed or something. One thing was for sure... one of my neighbors was going to get an total asskicking if the guitar didn't show up fast. I believe I must have looked crazy when I knocked on their door. Those bastards know I had caught them within 10 minutes.

2004-07-02, 01:31
Pirate Lawd
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Location: Hanger 18
Posts: 6,520
Damn! I can't post pics until tomarrow because the photo shop is closed and I can't get the film developed. Sorry, I know what it is like to wait, but tomarrow I promise there will be pics, K. 

2004-07-02, 03:25
Pirate Lawd
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Location: Hanger 18
Posts: 6,520
I thought you know I had a Jackson custom once? Remember? The greatest mistake of my life was selling it to pay for collage... that hurt so much too  Doesn't matter now though, because the Ran is great. Plus, for the price you will not kick yourself in the teeth later wondering why you payed so much like I did with Jackson. I will get another one of these guitars.
Hell, the Jackson I had was not very balanced, came to me all out of tune, and only in the hardshell case in a cardbourd box, but... it was nice once I tuned it. Ran was in perfect tune right out of the case... everything, including the case, covered in 400 layers of bubble wrap. It took 15 minutes to open it. Bubble wrap everywhere. I couldn't believe how much bubble wrap there was. The guitar could have fallen out of the jet and still been perfect there was so much bubble wrap. It looked like I got mailed a ball of bubbles 

2004-07-03, 02:45
Pirate Lawd
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Location: Hanger 18
Posts: 6,520
I payed 1050 Euro (<$1,200 USD) for the guitar, case, and shipping. $35 to convert and wire that money to Ran Guitars. $109 for the US Customs office ransom, I mean, duties and taxes. Total=$1,344 +/- USD, but that is not including the Kahler bridge.
I acually payed a bit more because I gave the Kahler bridge ($180 USD) to Ran for installation and cost $18 USD to mail it there. So my real total=$1,542 USD. Far better than what Jackson quoted my for the same guitar with the same specs; $4,000+ USD... Maybe when I'm a in a super rich metal band?... No, I am staying with Ran forever.
Owning my dream guitar... Priceless
I hope these pics turn out OK.

2004-07-03, 02:55
Pirate Lawd
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Posts: 6,520
And more pics! I have more if anyone would like to see them.

2004-09-25, 05:05
Pirate Lawd
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Hanger 18
Posts: 6,520
Yes, now I'm back
I would be proud to help anyone get one of these guitars. My custom Ran guitar is still blowing my mind and speakers; mostly because of the craftmanship, A+, for the price. Now there is some wait and headache from the Customs office, but Ran Guitars are sweet and worth the trouble.
I would say that Ran guitars are the best guitars coming out of Europe today. Just come by Norfolk, Va. and stop by my house and I will let you play my custom Ran and treat you to some beer too.

2004-10-19, 19:28
Pirate Lawd
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Location: Hanger 18
Posts: 6,520
Originally Posted by messedhobo4
FUNNY How you said that isnt it??  Didnt they drop the guitar off at your nieghbor's house?? Ill bet you that they know the power.... :P
What are you trying to say? Did you read the rest of the thread? Dumb DHL delivered it like 4 houses down from where I use to live, but thanks to online tracking, I know that and went down there to get it. My neighbors lied and said they didn't know what I was talking about, but someone had signed my name for the delivery just minutes before. I went back home to call DHL about this and the guitar showed up at my front door less than a minute later unopened. The neighbor had it 10 minutes tops after DHL fucked up, so I don't understand what you mean by, "I'll bet that they know the power.... :P". I have the guitar if that is what you wanted to know. My X-neighbors were about to feel THE POWER of my wraith if the guitar didn't show up when it did, though. They couldn't have known what it was either because it came delivered with about 500 layers of bubble wrap and tape around the hard-shell case. It took about 20 minutes just to open it myself.

2004-10-23, 21:02
Join Date: Jun 2004
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unless youve already read it.

2004-10-23, 21:12
Pirate Lawd
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Hanger 18
Posts: 6,520
This rocks! I have a thread all about my guitar now.

2004-12-21, 18:36
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Angelskingarden
Posts: 2,395
Whoa. I would have flown into a total rage if my neighbors had tried a stunt like that ... there is only one way to deal with such fine instrument hijackers :
Lay their testicles on a table, grab a heavy hammer, and go 

2004-12-21, 19:28
Senior Metalhead
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Yea if my neighbors pulled a stunt like that, I would sneak into their house at night and pour arsenic into their food and steal the guitar.
Thats an awesome guitar man!
Shame about the US Custom bastards, but I guess its worth the wait eh?
Enjoy your guitar. 

2004-12-21, 20:00
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
glad everything turned out alright
awesome guitar man, pure awesomness
just one thing tho, the whole "ran" writing on the headstock spoils the guitar totally. if it were, posible, i would ask for just a normal plain headstock, or customise.

2004-12-21, 20:07
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Angelskingarden
Posts: 2,395
Ran guitars are pretty inexpensive considering they deal out custom shop quality at prices of 1,300$ ...
I'm wondering if I could acquire a 700-900$ Ran with just their basic features ... I know it would be much better than an ESP LTD or any other brand, for that matter, at the same price.
Half of one bridge humbucker, no volume knob, and 17 frets for only 800$
But seriously, seeing as how I prefer my guitars no-frills anyhow, I'm going to e-mail them asking what a natural mahogany body, maple bolt on neck, tune-o-matic bridge and no humbuckers ( I'd install them myself to cut down on cost : Either motherbuckers or X-2N's ) will cost. Very basic, but I could upgrade it and customize its appearence later.
Last edited by John Holland : 2004-12-21 at 20:23.

2004-12-22, 03:13
Vaginal Warts
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I read the whole thing. Quite an intense story. Publish it and make millions, then with that amount of fame you can build yourself up to be more famous than Metallica, and get lessons from Vai! Ohhhh.... only in my imagination......
Originally Posted by PST 88
The bottom of that 'Don't Click' picture is one of the funniest things I've seen in a while. 'No, I really DO have a vagina! It's right here!'
Blackwater (Friend's Metal Band)
R.I.P Paddy. My dear and loving father will never be forgotten.

2004-12-22, 23:03
Wasted Custom User title
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Location: Minneapolis.
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Originally Posted by John Holland
Half of one bridge humbucker, no volume knob, and 17 frets for only 800$ 
That sounds like a BROOTUL guitar!
This is my signature.

2004-12-22, 23:46
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 131
After u recieved ur guitar, why did n't u go over and confront ur neighbour and smash his face in?

2004-12-22, 23:59
Wasted Custom User title
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Location: Minneapolis.
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Originally Posted by Hate Eternal
After u recieved ur guitar, why did n't u go over and confront ur neighbour and smash his face in?
b/c ur so ghey and ur a dumfukk and ur so urish that ur a u & u r so lol?!?!!?
This is my signature.

2004-12-23, 01:38
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Minnesota
Posts: 1,136
Sweet story. You should send it into a guitar magzine or something, just so the world knows the awesomness of Ran. (And to overthrow the US Customs) I'm glad your enjoying...I'm surprised you didnt kill anyone.
Worker bees can leave,
Even drones can fly away.
The queen is their slave.

2004-12-23, 04:13
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Angelskingarden
Posts: 2,395
Originally Posted by CANNIBALCORPSE
That sounds like a BROOTUL guitar!
Fucking br00tle I'll be able to play that one Trapt song that goes "duh nuh nuh, duh nuh nuh nuh nuh" ....

2004-12-23, 04:54
Wasted Custom User title
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Location: Minneapolis.
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This is my signature.

2004-12-23, 17:04
Join Date: Dec 2004
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MeTWose! ITs t3h ROXORZZ!!!1111
(learn to type people)
Worker bees can leave,
Even drones can fly away.
The queen is their slave.

2004-12-23, 18:11
Vaginal Warts
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: I live in a giant bucket.
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Are you going to record some stuff with your new guitar and post it here? I'd love to hear the sound of it.
btw i totlly Re:ąpect lol! posts ppl lrn 2 type rofl  g2gbyecul8rloln00bsauce!
Originally Posted by PST 88
The bottom of that 'Don't Click' picture is one of the funniest things I've seen in a while. 'No, I really DO have a vagina! It's right here!'
Blackwater (Friend's Metal Band)
R.I.P Paddy. My dear and loving father will never be forgotten.

2004-12-23, 20:38
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 131
Originally Posted by CANNIBALCORPSE
b/c ur so ghey and ur a dumfukk and ur so urish that ur a u & u r so lol?!?!!?
blow me, your sarcasim is gay

2004-12-24, 02:05
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Longmont, CO, USA
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Originally Posted by Hate Eternal
blow me, your sarcasim is gay
oh snap, sucka got suuurrved

2004-12-24, 12:29
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Iceland
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where is soulinsane anyway? haven't seen him around leightly (sp?)...
There are two kinds of peoble in this world, those who like me and those who can go to hell

2004-12-24, 17:48
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Probably navy stuff
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I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-12-25, 01:18
Join Date: Aug 2004
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ahh ok
There are two kinds of peoble in this world, those who like me and those who can go to hell

2005-01-10, 18:12
Pirate Lawd
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Hanger 18
Posts: 6,520
I'm still around but the Navy is asking a lot of me lately too. About some of the questions.
I did go over to the neighbors within a few minutes of DHL delivering it to them. Their address was posted on the tracking site the second they signed for the guitar as me; and the fact they signed for it pretending to be me but then told me minutes later they didn't know what I was talking really pissed me off. To bad the delivery dude didn't see that it was the wrong address too. I got the guitar within minutes of going back home to call DHL and tell them to come back and fix the problem. It was put by my front door while on the phone with DHL, so I didn't see who really put it there but the DHL dude came back 15 or more minutes later to ask if the very neighbors I had just talked with had given it to me. He said he was sorry for delivering it to the wrong house but what he didn't know was that I might have never got it if I didn't jump on the situation as soon as I did. The neighborhood I lived in was bad about having things disappear and these neighbors were the just the kind of people to just pawn the guitar too.
I can tell you that if the guitar didn't show up when it did that someone was going to get fucked up good. I would have gone to jail but I bet I would have got the guitar back just the same once the police came.
After that, I told Ran everything that happened with delivery and Customs and Ran now uses a different shipping company. No one else has had a problem yet either. Everyone on Metaltabs that has got one still had to pay a Customs tax fee but it wasn't as much as mine and only after they had the guitar.
Someday I might write a book about things like this but I don't think I will ever become as rich as $$$$$lica.
The guitar still plays as sweet as the day I got it. I have tried to wammy it out of tune while playing just to see how much it can take and it just slides right back to perfect tune  I thank that on the great job Ran did with installing the Kahler bridge but the whole guitar is top quality.
And yes, I could have got it without the Ran label on the headstock, but I like it with the Ran label.
Last edited by Soulinsane : 2005-01-10 at 18:15.

2005-01-10, 19:57
Master Killer
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me too. I got the ran label on there and a little extra note under it 

2005-01-11, 23:55
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
that guitar looks soooo cool
would look a lot better if it had white body, neck and headstock binding, that would have made it the ultimate guitar!
btw, def, you got pics of your ran guitar we can look at?
Last edited by User01 : 2005-01-12 at 00:04.

2005-01-12, 00:14
The Devil
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Post remaining issues in the Ran thread......where people talk about Ran guitars......which eliminates the need for NEW FUCKING RAN THREADS!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!! FFFFFFFFFFFFFUCK!!!!!!! 
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Through me you pass into eternal pain
Through me among the people lost for ay
Justice the founder of my fabric moved
To rear me was the task of power divine
Supremest wisdom, and primeval love
Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal, and eternal I endure
All hope abandon, ye who enter here
Against the concert of the Immortals he cannot stand alone.
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