View Poll Results: B.C. Rich vs. Jackson
B.C. Rich
6 |
14.63% |
35 |
85.37% |

2004-10-23, 23:09
Senior Metalhead
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B.C. Rich vs. Jackson
I have both. I like my B.C. Rich better than my Jackson. Which do you like?
Hell Awaits

2004-10-23, 23:16
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iv played some riches but always the crappy ones so im not sure how they stack up, and i have played the higher quility jacksons which i love so im going with jackson
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2004-10-24, 00:09
Supreme Metalhead
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I have a BC Rich and a Jackson and I hate the BC Rich but I constantly make sweet love to my I say Jackson 
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2004-10-24, 00:58
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BC Rich gets my vote as always, but Jackson is my second favourite guitar (gonna get a cheap Jackson soon)

2004-10-24, 02:18
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Im gonna vote jackson because my DKMG is really cool to play with. I have tried the high end rich's but there not as comfortable IMO as a jackson. Plus the Bc Rich's that i tried had 24 jumbo frets which i dont like. I prefer medium.

2004-10-24, 08:28
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ive never tried a high end rich so i cant say but they have cool shape and the ones ive played have been mostly good, jacksons are cool and have nice playability so its a tie. BUT I VOTE FOR BC RICH!
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2004-10-24, 10:28
Master Killer
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jackson hands down

2004-10-24, 10:31
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Jackson for me, but like others here, I've only played cheaper model BCRs.

2004-10-24, 10:59
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from what i have seen, the BC rich is basically a couple of hundered $ (aus) more for the same hardware, just that the bc comes in black and looks evil
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2004-10-24, 15:12
The Devil
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Definitely Jackson.
Although i've never tried a multi-thousand dollar BCRich, i have played one that was about 800$, a 7 string Beast, and it sucked. Horrible to play with, the feel was disgusting, just completely uncomfortable. And i'm not a fan of their shapes too much anymore.....they look too Gothic, or teenage "evil".
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Through me among the people lost for ay
Justice the founder of my fabric moved
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2004-10-24, 15:17
Master Killer
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they look like lego creations to me.
anyways, I've played some of their more expensive models and a custom shop Beast with emg's, which was the best BC Rich I ever played.
I don't like their necks much and their shapes are not my thing. As far as jackson goes, they've got great necks, a bit fatter then Ibanez RG's, but still reallly fast necks with a nice feel, even on the non-us models!
And they've got superior specs too in most cases. I'm a pretty big jackson fan I guess, but they are rare over here especially the high-end models.

2004-10-24, 15:49
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I have never really liked the bc rich shapes. I like jackson much more.
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2004-10-24, 15:54
The Mountie From Hell
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Who ever voted for the Rich's are the biggest bunch of homos other then what goes on in BLS's house.
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2004-10-24, 16:36
New Blood
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I only played a crappy cheap BC Rich.. like Jackson much more. Also the shape of the BC's suck IMO.

2004-10-24, 17:10
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Originally Posted by FearFrost
Who ever voted for the Rich's are the biggest bunch of homos other then what goes on in BLS's house.
I'd go with Jackson. I've played a bunch of different bc richs and jacksons and jackson is just better.
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2004-10-24, 17:33
The Mountie From Hell
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the only thing i've not done yet (that i want to) is play a jackson RR back to back with a stealth. Here its just crap BC rich's, and jackson DX's and the DX's kick their ass.
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2004-10-24, 17:38
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Meh i feel i cant evolve or get better on my bronze, it sucks more than everybody else says.
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2004-10-24, 19:20
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What a lame poll...
Are we comparing low end models? Korean? Japan? American?
Custom Shop??
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2004-10-24, 19:59
Senior Metalhead
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i have an nj beast that was made in korea. i love it to death, i must say jacksons r very nice, but i prefer bc rich guitars, they r much more comfortable to play. the beast fits me perfectly and i wouldnt pick any other guitar over it!!!!
Originally Posted by FearFrost
Who ever voted for the Rich's are the biggest bunch of homos other then what goes on in BLS's house.

2004-10-24, 20:03
The Mountie From Hell
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Originally Posted by Cattlefan#1
Originally Posted by FearFrost
Who ever voted for the Rich's are the biggest bunch of homos other then what goes on in BLS's house.
Man, I'm working on no sleep here, Hell lets see you have pefect gramer on 4 hours of sleep.
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2004-10-24, 20:05
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Originally Posted by Cattlefan#1
i have an nj beast that was made in korea. i love it to death, i must say jacksons r very nice, but i prefer bc rich guitars, they r much more comfortable to play. the beast fits me perfectly and i wouldnt pick any other guitar over it!!!!
Nj's are made in Japan
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04
Last edited by BLS : 2004-10-25 at 03:30.

2004-10-25, 03:15
Crusher of Skulls
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I think that is the first time I have ever agreed with you BLS.
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Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
You thought of mixing wheat flour with saturated fat, and putting it the resultant shit in a styrofoam cup. Shine on, you crazy dead yellow diamond.
Originally Posted by johnmansley
May the best cunt win.

2004-10-25, 03:36
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No need to agree, its a known fact. NJ stands for Nagoya Japan.
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2004-10-25, 03:42
Crusher of Skulls
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Jacksons are great guitars but the majority of the vote is because people have never played any real expensive B.C's.....and unfortunately that is where the majority of the excellence is.
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Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
You thought of mixing wheat flour with saturated fat, and putting it the resultant shit in a styrofoam cup. Shine on, you crazy dead yellow diamond.
Originally Posted by johnmansley
May the best cunt win.

2004-10-25, 03:52
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Yeh, hence why this poll is retarded.
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2004-10-25, 04:24
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Yeah, the real expensice Bc richs are good but for the same price, you can get a just as good or better Jackson. And jackson has better lower priced guitars.
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2004-10-25, 04:30
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A Custom shop B.C. Rich will shit all over a Custom Shop Jackson.
B.C. Rich has MUCH more options.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-10-25, 05:16
Crusher of Skulls
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Well put. Look at a Jackson....ANY Jackson. Than look at say, Pat O' brians guitar...or Kerry Kings Guitar......and Eric get the point. Plus, doesn't Fender own Jackson?
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Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
You thought of mixing wheat flour with saturated fat, and putting it the resultant shit in a styrofoam cup. Shine on, you crazy dead yellow diamond.
Originally Posted by johnmansley
May the best cunt win.
Last edited by philkilla666 : 2004-10-25 at 05:20.

2004-10-25, 05:28
Pirate Lawd
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It scared the hell out of me when I learned Fender was going to buy Jackson, but they didn't really change anything about Jackson guitars... yet!
Dave Mustaine said he was going to buy Jackson at first, but they sold it to Fender instead so he said fuck'um and started using ESP.

2004-10-25, 05:35
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Originally Posted by philkilla666
Well put. Look at a Jackson....ANY Jackson. Than look at say, Pat O' brians guitar...or Kerry Kings Guitar......and Eric get the point. Plus, doesn't Fender own Jackson?
When i was last looking at guitars i had about $1000(aus), the beasts that were about that much were basically the same as my cheaper guitar, (floating bridge, shit pickups, etc.) but they had their grim shape. The jackson i got cost about the same, only its better (i.e. has more pickups, a nicer neck, etc.)
Sure, a fucking expensive guitar from one company may be better than another, but for mid-range guirats (and cheap stuff too  ) i still thin that jackson shit all over bc rich.
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
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2004-10-25, 12:02
New Blood
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IMHO the poll should be between BC Rich custom shop and Jackson custom shop, that's where the real deal is. I always cracks me up every time when some punk will say shit like "BC Rich [or Jackson, depending on the person] sucks, I played XXX [some lower end line, costing 250$] and it was shit". No fucking shit, huh? Both Jackson and BCR have plenty of lower end lines, they're made in different cheapo factories in Korea and Japan, probably some are even made in the same factories alongside. To me, those guitars are just generic instruments with some factory decals pasted on them. To me, when someone says BCR kicks ass, that's the custom shop model and not something you buy from Musicians friend for 250$, it's the kind of guitar Kerry plays and costs 4000$, or for Jackson, something Mustaine used to play and not some cheapo korean made copy of the real thing.

2004-10-25, 12:33
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On the weekend, I ended up trying out my buddies Les Paul "Blackie" and it was ok. Not too comfortable for me. I then went to get my BC Rich Stealth and it played so much easier and was much more comfortable. I have not tried a Jackson and this is why I will not vote. My only experience is with BC Rich. I've tried the warlock and beast: They were pretty uncomfortable to me (low end models).
My Stealth is custom shop and I love to play it. I am still open to trying out other guitars of course.

2004-10-25, 13:22
Crusher of Skulls
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I'll agree with you that lower end jacksons probably do beat lower end BC's.....they pack more features on their lower end jacks.....but oh well. I'd save up the money and get a custom anyway.
My Trust is in WHISKEY and WEEDand SLAYER
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Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
You thought of mixing wheat flour with saturated fat, and putting it the resultant shit in a styrofoam cup. Shine on, you crazy dead yellow diamond.
Originally Posted by johnmansley
May the best cunt win.

2004-10-25, 21:32
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Originally Posted by philkilla666
Well put. Look at a Jackson....ANY Jackson. Than look at say, Pat O' brians guitar...or Kerry Kings Guitar......and Eric get the point. Plus, doesn't Fender own Jackson?
Yes, Before Grover owned Jackson.. back when they acuallt fuckign ahd sig models.
Fender just wants to kill jackson, they've lost ALOT of artist to ESP.. which just copies the artist old jackson's.
Good one fender!
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-10-25, 21:32
Senior Metalhead
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Crap Jacksons are better than crap BC Rich.
Good Jacksons are much better than good BC Rich.
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Somebody ate our dad, we will throw rocks at him from the sky, and put black ants in his air vents. You will make me so mad that I spurt out black semen into your mouth. I will use a megaphone to tell you I'm angry, then hit the air with a hammer, while standing on snakes. I call the grim reaper to cut open his head and eat his brain like in the film Hannibal, then cut his throat and stab his chest with scorpians.
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2004-10-25, 21:49
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i know nj's were made in japan, but on my beast it says made in korea, hmm... i still love it tho, plays very well and i love the feel and the look.

2004-10-26, 08:37
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BC Rich isnt good at all! Crappy sound! JACKSON is the best!

2004-10-27, 21:25
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i think the only B.C. Rich i can give props to is the 80's Mockingbirds, but other than that id take a Jackson any day. 

2004-10-27, 21:32
Master Killer
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the poll speaks!
BC Rich, rot in hell with ed roman! 

2004-10-28, 00:25
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i dont see why artists have left Jackson, i don't think Fender have changed anything about Jackson's guitars since they have brought it.....maybe its just because it was fender?

2004-10-28, 10:13
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Originally Posted by Def
the poll speaks!
BC Rich, rot in hell with ed roman! 
I shall smithe thee in the name of bernie rico!
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2004-10-28, 14:48
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