Okay, this was written a couple days ago while keeping in mind how many think I'm off my rocker and the webmaster at the 'other forum' (he's pretty cool ,too) has asked me if I'm obsessive compulsive. Again, after I wrote this one which I dedicated to lucky him. I don't think I'm that, but just a bit daft. Have at it kids !
" My Testimonial to ...."
Would you like a cup of tea?
Would you like some schnapps?
I would like to build a house,
But I don't think I'm able.
There were too many bricks round the burn pile
And the lighter got too close.
The next thing I knew I was
At the fair for the festivities and the rain came down.
So I grabbed a bar of soap and spot-cleaned
My dog, Spot. (He didn't like it much. )
There must have been a tidal wave
During the hurricane.
My shoes were missing
So I tap danced my way through the traffic
And got a two dollar tip from a banker
Who said he liked my style.
"Whither shall I go now? "
I cried out across the broad seas.
Only to be seized by whiteclad folks
In starched coats.
"Let me go! "
I said to no avail.
"Geronimo !!!" I said as i jumped.
And the snow came tumbling down.

and no, I don't do drugs anymore and I wasn't having any type of flashback.