2004-10-28, 22:32
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Songs of sentimental value
Any genre, anything. Tell the reason why they have the sentimental value too, but only if you want to.
A.F.I. - Silver And Cold
The person who got me into metal liked A.F.I. for some strange reason and this is my favourite song from the A.F.I. CD he lent me, before dragging me to his place and making me listen to black and death metal. Our 6 month anniversary was 2 days ago.
Slayer - Chemical Warfare
I remember jumping up and yelling "YEAH!" the first time I heard this song, this was when I only started getting into metal, less than a month after I took an interest in it. This was like the first song that did that, eventhough they have much more amazing songs, this was the one.
NIN - Head Like A Hole
Head like a rock
black as your sock
The first and only time I experimented with marijuana I sang this song.
I <3 12 year olds.

2004-10-28, 23:12
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oh doesnt that line by NIN go
head like a hole black as your soul?
santana-black magic women
everytime i hear it, it makes me think of my father cause when i first started he would tell me like everyday to learn it, but i never did...
slayer-angel of death
when i heard it, it was a live version of it and i just sat their with my jaw hanging cause it was the fastest and heavist thing i had every heard before
metallica-master of puppets
first metal song i hear and learned, i remeber sitting there for hours trying to get the speed to play it and getting so pissed cause i coldnt. its funny looking back cause i can play it like 5x faster then they are easily
pretty much any oldie or country western song cause thats all me and my dad listend to when we drove from california up to maine (yes drove...) so it brings back memories of me and him and the open road ect
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
Now My Legacy Shall Live Forever!!

2004-10-29, 01:55
The Devil
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I didn't know Broken was a chick........i've been away too long!  Unless he's gay..........
Death - Voice of the Soul
Do i need a reason?
Immolation - Christ's Cage
Pure evil. Makes my spine shiver.
Immolation - Here in After
Again, pure evil. It's like listening to Satan's thoughts put into music.
Through me you pass into the city of woe
Through me you pass into eternal pain
Through me among the people lost for ay
Justice the founder of my fabric moved
To rear me was the task of power divine
Supremest wisdom, and primeval love
Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal, and eternal I endure
All hope abandon, ye who enter here
Against the concert of the Immortals he cannot stand alone.

2004-10-29, 02:00
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Dark Tranquillity- Lethe. The first death metal song I liked.
Death- 1000 eyes. First Death song I ever heard, and one of the best. Probably my favorite band as of right now too
Death- Voice of the Soul. Sounds like a song saying goodbye from Chuck, beautiful.
Cacophony- Speed metal symphony. First Becker song I had ever heard. This song was just totally perplexing at the time. Now it is my favorite instrumental of all time.
Michael Angelo- No Boundaries. The first shredding I had ever heard. This guy I met named Jessie who plays guitar, showed me the "speed kills" video and I felt like slapping myself in the face. I had gone 4 and a half years of guitar without knowing about shred.
Martyr- Warp Zone. Because I am listening to it right now. One of my first death metal songs. AND because I couldn't get it out of my head today
Jason Becker- Perpetual Burn album. Has moments in it that you just want to cry over

2004-10-29, 06:32
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songs that move me to tears:
dissection - no dreams breed in breathless sleep. songs in a minor key are the only ones that have a chance at doing it.
dream theater - vacant. sad as fuck lyrics.
queen - we are the champions. this one reminds me of my mate and all the fun times we had together.
other sentimental ones
opeth - black rose immortal. my gf and me, its our song.
testament - down for life. same as queen, but doesnt make me cry, because it's heavier metal i guess.
pantera - suicide note part 1. the only time i experimented with cutting myself (to the point where i ended up in hospital) i thought of this song.
thats all i can think of right now.

2004-10-29, 06:44
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Sepultura - Propaganda
-because it was the first metal I EVER heard and it scared me.
Scorpions - No one Like You
- I have never gotten tired of the beginning
Iced Earth - I died for You
-It was the very first Iced Earth I ever heard before
Iced Earth - The Coming Curse
-the riff......
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2004-10-29, 06:59
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death - voice of the soul....R.I.P chuck
death - perennial quest...the outro brings tears to my eyes always soothes me
stratovarius - 4000 rainy nights........*sigh* 
I, Himself - An asshole's gotta do what an asshole's gotta do!!!

2004-10-29, 09:10
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Dire Straits - Romeo And Juliette
Beautiful song, the song just rules!
DVDA - Now You're A Man
Just Listen to it.

2004-10-29, 09:48
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Chris Isaak - Wickid game, reminds me of somebody
and the maori song Tahi, Meaning one. reminds me of my cousins funeral when my aunty sara and uncle jeff sang it.
run at me

2004-10-29, 09:58
Schrodinger's Cat
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In The Stream Of Commerce - Cave In
The day I broke up with my girlfriend, I listened to this album (Jupiter) on the bus back from her house. This song is the epitome of this album for me, so everytime I hear it I am reminded of those bad times.
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-10-29, 10:29
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tom waits - the heart of a saturday night i listened to that whole album a lot before my surgery
radiohead - fade out i listened to that in the autumn two years ago, i remember walking home and looking at the leaves and listening to that after school
amon amarth - 1000 years of oppression. a call to arms to those with pagan blood

2004-10-29, 18:00
But why is the rum gone ?
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pantera-suicide not pt 1
awesome song all 1 can say
testament-return to serenity
reminds me of someone
death-the philosopher
prob 1st death song i heard.......digorgio is god
iron maiden-wasted years
awesome song
googoo dolls-iris
still love that song
c.o.f-hallowed be thy name
prob one of the best cover
c.o.b-kissing the shadows
fuk the solo
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
Join The Forum CUNT

2004-10-29, 18:15
Master Killer
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'Tallica - Hit the lights
reminds me of the time I knocked of a big glass-sculpture lamp at the local rock pub which I visited for years, it was a big mess and I was like 'oh. shit!!' because the boss there is a big fucking guy thats awfully strong and does all sorts of martial arts and shit.
The guy walked up to me and said 'no problem man, you've invested your share in my business, broken glass brings happyness' and he told the chick behind the bar to play 'hit the lights'
Caliban - Assasin Of Love
cool song, reminds me of getting a relationship with this cool chick, and finding out she allready had a boyfriend and forgot to tell me about him, I didn't start anything after that which sucked, but I just couldn't do it, glad I didn't though.
Biohazard - Urban Discipline (whole album)
we played this cd in our van when we headed to germany to go to a big ass metal festival, it was fun because we where with a load of friends and a lot of beer, but the cd player was broken and the cd wouldn't come out, so we had to listen to this constantly, at the end of the week we could sing everything along and had cool hardcore moves for each verse too, it was hilarious!
25 ta life - strenght through unity
remember this song from high school, that band is probably the reason why I got in a band anyway, it started with covering this song... That band is long gone now, but it's still a cool song and it brings back a lot of positive memories.

2004-10-29, 18:44
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Summer Breeze - Seals and Croft....it sounds so happy yet so dark at the same time.
Only in Dreams - Weezer....even though its not metal at all, reminds me of a lot of tough shit.
Pearl Jam - Elderly Woman Behind The counter in a small town, black, I am mine. - like them for different reasons

2004-10-29, 18:57
dsnt trust ne1 < 30
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Baker Street-Gerry Rafferty --because when Denny and I started going out we both really liked that song.
96 Tears- Question Mark and the Mysterians-- Because he said I was the only one who had ever known the answer to that when he played music trivia with people. And I answered without even having to think about it. It's a cool old song anyway.
500 Miles--Peter, Paul and Mary-- one of the first things I ever learned on guitar.
Baby Elephant Walk -- one of the first things I ever taught Wally on guitar.
Sunshine on Leith--The Proclaimers--reminds me of a very dear friend
Kryptonite--3 Doors Down-- reminds me of when I was driving my boy, Mike, all over the place. He'd crank that up cuz he knew I liked it a lot.
Our House (in the Middle of the Street) -- I don't remember who did it, but that was all that Jr. knew of it when he was 2 and he sang it driving from Akron, Ohio to San Diego , Ca. !!!
Fairytale of New York--Pogues-- Wally and I made an unknown connection in the Celtic area. He didn't know I even knew it and it was one of his favorites.
Southbound--Glassharp --Reminds me of my hit the road mentality in high school. Really cool song still. Phil Keaggy is an awesome guitarist.
Numerous old Genesis and Moody Blues songs that touch my heart and memories.
Oh yeah ! Memories ! The Way We Were--Barbra Streisand-- My senior choir did that in our last concert. It was the first year in ages that the choir was good enough to do something like that and I dont' think any of us had dry eyes. Makes me smile.
My eldest son's bipolar website: www.bipolarmanifesto.com
-wally: Mom, you shouldn't play after me because it makes you sound even worse than you already do. -wally:*grumbles and whispers quietly* I guess it's cuz I love you or something, but you're still a TURD
Grimm:I could read your mind but its in font size .5
Amadeus:Oh, and was there a cesserole (never mind spelling) involved?
Paddy:the fact that you didn't end up on a kids show makes me question my atheism
Dyldo: You evil strumpet!

2004-10-29, 19:23
Pirate Lawd
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War Ensamble- Slayer. First slayer song that I ever heard and was instantly hooked. The song brings back momeries from 6th grade when I got my first kiss and was so stoked about it that all I could do was play Slayer.
Good morning/Black Friday- Megadeth. I got layed for the first time listening to this song. Plus the leads in the beginning really move me in a emotional way.
How the gods kill- Danzig. There is just something sad about the song that make me remember everything I've ever lost
Would- Alice In Chains. The song gives me goose bumps every time I hear it.
Burnt flowers fallen- Type-O-negitive. If you have ever loved and been treated badly by a person this song felt good to listen to, IMO.
Can't speak- Danzig. Same reason as above.
Reign in blood- Slayer. Something wicked about it that pumps me up.
Dead skin mask- Slayer. I can almost smell the scent of Halloween when I hear this song. Smells like fall.
I got lots more but who cares.
Last edited by Soulinsane : 2004-10-29 at 19:27.

2004-10-29, 21:32
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Originally Posted by memnoch
Death - Voice of the Soul
Do i need a reason?
"Death-voice of the soul" iiiiiiiiiidiot....explain yourself or DIE BY THY SWORD OF 3V1L!!!!!!!!!
coffeeeeeeeeeeee whoooooooooo
I think a song that is very sentimentally valuable to me would be;
Obiituary - Final Thoughts, The End Complete, and Arise
Death - Flesh and the Power it Holds, Spiiiiriiiit Cruuuuusherrrr, Voice of the Soul (BECAUSE....it is a nice mellow song that has a lot of heavy emotion in the melody of both lead and acoustic guitars which symbolizes my true feeling for sexual intercourse), and pretty much the entire Sound of Perseverance album
Deicide - Serpents of the Light and Bilble Basher (me and my homiez in Detroit used to fight to these songs while piss drunk)
Gorguts - Obscura and Inverted
Vanilla Ice - Ice Ice baby cause that started the revolution of DEATH METAL!
Iced Earth - Amlost every song they've written prior to The Glorious Burden.

2004-10-29, 21:36
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Mr.Soulinsane, thank you for reminding me about How The Gods Kill! It was the first doomish song I ever heard, and I remember going on a bus home for a long time after my very last cadet bivouac (that one made me quit because I really hated the poor organisation the new officers had. Also, the no fraternisation rules got me down because my man was there too and I couldn't even hug him). I finally got a chance to sit next to him, and we just spent ages listening to his CDs, and the song that jumped at me was How The Gods Kill. I thought metal was all about "growl growl MAD SOLO! growl growl fast drums growl!" and this song changed that. Shortly afterwards I got into doom metal.
Oh yes Memnoch, I am gay. So gay I make big gay Al look as straight as a broomstick, but really, I'm a chick.
I <3 12 year olds.

2004-10-29, 21:38
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A gay chick.
Gay chicks rule
Gay dudes dr00l

2004-10-29, 21:44
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I'm half gay.
I <3 12 year olds.

2004-10-29, 21:51
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Shit, I forgot Carcass - Black Star
and I forgot the edit button...

2004-10-29, 21:55
Pirate Lawd
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Originally Posted by BrokenCrimson
Mr.Soulinsane, thank you for reminding me about How The Gods Kill! It was the first doomish song I ever heard, and I remember going on a bus home for a long time after my very last cadet bivouac (that one made me quit because I really hated the poor organisation the new officers had. Also, the no fraternisation rules got me down because my man was there too and I couldn't even hug him). I finally got a chance to sit next to him, and we just spent ages listening to his CDs, and the song that jumped at me was How The Gods Kill. I thought metal was all about "growl growl MAD SOLO! growl growl fast drums growl!" and this song changed that. Shortly afterwards I got into doom metal.
Oh yes Memnoch, I am gay. So gay I make big gay Al look as straight as a broomstick, but really, I'm a chick.
You are very welcome BC. Danzig has some beautiful songs that many never hear. Glen Danzig might be a prick but he makes great music 

2004-10-29, 21:58
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Originally Posted by ShredIsNotDead
Dark Tranquillity- Lethe. The first death metal song I liked.
Death- 1000 eyes. First Death song I ever heard, and one of the best. Probably my favorite band as of right now too
Death- Voice of the Soul. Sounds like a song saying goodbye from Chuck, beautiful.
Cacophony- Speed metal symphony. First Becker song I had ever heard. This song was just totally perplexing at the time. Now it is my favorite instrumental of all time.
Michael Angelo- No Boundaries. The first shredding I had ever heard. This guy I met named Jessie who plays guitar, showed me the "speed kills" video and I felt like slapping myself in the face. I had gone 4 and a half years of guitar without knowing about shred.
Martyr- Warp Zone. Because I am listening to it right now. One of my first death metal songs. AND because I couldn't get it out of my head today
Jason Becker- Perpetual Burn album. Has moments in it that you just want to cry over
Close enough for me
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-10-30, 11:09
Schrodinger's Cat
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Originally Posted by L,B'XXX
Our House (in the Middle of the Street) -- I don't remember who did it, but that was all that Jr. knew of it when he was 2 and he sang it driving from Akron, Ohio to San Diego , Ca.
That was by Madness. I used to love that song when I was a kid!
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-10-30, 12:29
Supreme Metalhead
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How the Gods Kill - I could listen to that song for ten years straight and not get sick of it. Just sitting and reflecting.
Hit the Lights - Introduction to Metallica. First Metallica riffs I learned, and first solos too. And it rules.
Judy Blue Eyes - Personal reasons.
Fragile Art of Existence - Ironically-titled last song Chuck wrote. It's got parts almost as poignant as Voice of the Soul, but also has some rocking, and it's best to go out rocking.
Black Lodge - Personal reasons.
Little Wing (SRV cover) - If you don't know why, you should.
Stare Too Long - Just always got to me.
Cemetery Gates - Unfortunate personal associations.
Southbound - How can you not feel this song?
Immense in my girth, erect I stand tall

2004-10-30, 16:12
Schrodinger's Cat
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Originally Posted by Credit to Dementia
Southbound - How can you not feel this song?
Is that by Vision Of Disorder?
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-10-30, 19:12
New Blood
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In Flames - Satellites and Astronauts
My first whole song I learned on drums, my first tabs, and my introduction to the European metal scene.
Andrew W.K. - She Is Beautiful
I went to Warped Tour one year, and really like any of the bands there, but I had a backstage pass. These guys were cool and took us on stage - I almost knocked over the keyboard during this song. *shrugs* Why it's got value, I don't know.
Cradle of Filth - Mannequin
The first hard song I learned.
Metallica - Fuel
The first heavy song I ever heard and liked.

2004-10-30, 21:11
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Originally Posted by melodicdeath
Metallica - Fuel
The first heavy song I ever heard and liked.
And what a heavy song it is...Rock out dude. With your friggin' cock out

2004-10-30, 22:46
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Originally Posted by johnmansley
Is that by Vision Of Disorder?
Allman Bros.
Immense in my girth, erect I stand tall

2004-10-31, 00:18
Schrodinger's Cat
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Ah. VoD also have a song called Southbound but I wasn't sure if that was the one that you alluded to as I can't see why anybody could attach any sentiment to it (although it isn't a bad song by any means).
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-10-31, 01:03
New Blood
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Posts: 19
Sentimental hmm lets see....
Almost every Saturnus song, but just to name a few: Drown my sorrow, For my demons, Noir..
Opeth - Nectar, Harvest, To bid you farewell, Sillhouette, Requiem
My dying Bride - A kiss to remember, Like Gods of the Sun
just touching,full of pain, beautiful lyrics and music
Cemetery - By My own hand The most beautiful song about suicide in my opinion.
Ministry of Terror - Agony "I do like life, but life gives me pain,pain, pain"
Of the Wand and the moon - I crave for you, My devotion never fades heart warming love songs with a bitter-sweet taste
Amon Amarth - For the stabwounds in our back for a person that had much backstabing done to, I can relate.
Alice in Chains - Down in a hole a song about a place I've been in many times
Pearl Jam - Alive a song that uses as my reminder that I am in fact still alive
"Imperious, choleric, irascible, extreme in everything, with a dissolute imagination the like of which has never been seen, atheistic to the point of fanaticism, there you have me in a nutshell, and kill me again or take me as I am, for I shall not change." Marquis De Sade

2004-10-31, 01:17
Supreme Metalhead
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Posts: 731
Originally Posted by johnmansley
Ah. VoD also have a song called Southbound but I wasn't sure if that was the one that you alluded to as I can't see why anybody could attach any sentiment to it (although it isn't a bad song by any means).
I messed the name, anyway. The Allman Brothers have a song called Southbound, but it's a jumpy blues song I'm not too attached to. On the other hand, 'Can't You See' is a great song.
Immense in my girth, erect I stand tall

2004-10-31, 03:42
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Metallica - Master Of Puppets, the first metal song I heard and really liked.
Pantera - Cowboys From Hell, the first whole song I learned at guitar.
Guns n' Roses - Knockin' on heavens door, the first solo I learned
Guns n' Roses - November Rain, it reminds my of bad times
Bob Dylan - Hurricane, There's just something about it...
Billy Joel - It's still rock n' roll to me, this song just always makes my happy 
There are two kinds of peoble in this world, those who like me and those who can go to hell

2004-10-31, 05:45
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Originally Posted by ShredIsNotDead
Death- Voice of the Soul. Sounds like a song saying goodbye from Chuck, beautiful.
wow. i said this exact thing two days ago to my dad. and youre the only person ive heard say or think that other than me.
this thread reminds me of my emotion in metal thread, kind of.
lunar strain album-got it when i was at my favorite place in the world. naturally the cd is now beautiful to me.
Amorphis-drowned maid. that one riff with the higher notes on the song, the slow double pedal on that part, and the ride pace. AMAZING
Mithotyn-in the sign of the ravens. "born like a true hammerchild i was a long time ago" the riff there! Also Lost in the mist, beautiful instrumental. and the old rover, its like my grandpas dying song.
i guess theres more, but whatever

2004-10-31, 23:18
Join Date: Jun 2004
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These songs are sentimental for private reasons.
Rammstein - Links 2 3 4
Cradle Of Filth - Mannequin
Dimmu Borgir - Mourning Palace
Non-private reasons -
Mayhem - Chainsaw Gutsfuck
0-3-2!0-3-2! Beauty in simplicity. First Mayhem song I ever heard, still favourite.
My Dying Bride - A kiss to remember
The first doom metal song I ever heard.
I have a lot more songs of sentimental value actually but I will write them down as I remember them.
I <3 12 year olds.
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