2004-10-30, 21:13
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Pics of my new Ran guitar
Praise Hail Satan

2004-10-30, 21:20
Pirate Lawd
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Holy shit dude  Thanks for those pics.
How does it play and sound?

2004-10-30, 21:22
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Congrats on your new guitar 

2004-10-30, 21:24
Pirate Lawd
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Another question. Did you have any problems with Customs?

2004-10-30, 21:53
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It's set up great, the action is really nice..I have another guitar with the same pickup (EMG-81) which sounds great, but unfortunately, I forgot to bring a working cord home and I have to get a soldering iron and fix one before I can play it properly, so I'll have to let you know about the sound later today or tomorrow..
I can say that it plays great, and it's nice to have 24 frets to play with. Also, the tremolo is really sweet, I've been doing some diving and it's stayed in tune really well so far. The pics don't do it justice, but the paint job is great..deep red, and black bevels, and there is some texture to the paint also..it's fucking gorgeous.
Finally, the case is nice, shaped just like the guitar and with matching red padding on the inside. A nice touch.
So, I have to stick with Soulinsane and wholeheartedly recommend this company to anyone that wants a nice custom guitar.
Praise Hail Satan

2004-10-30, 21:54
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Shit, I forgot...no, Soulinsane, no problems at all, it went right on through. No inspection fee either.
Praise Hail Satan

2004-10-30, 21:55
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shit that's a good looking guitar 
There are two kinds of peoble in this world, those who like me and those who can go to hell

2004-10-30, 21:58
Pirate Lawd
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Originally Posted by fritz
Shit, I forgot...no, Soulinsane, no problems at all, it went right on through. No inspection fee either.
You lucky bastard 

2004-10-30, 22:07
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2004-10-30, 22:41
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Thats it.. i need to get a ran now!!!
Thats fucking awesome!!! How did you manage to get no custom fee's??
"Believe the word
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And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-10-30, 22:48
Pirate Lawd
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I'm thinking that it's now included in the shipping cost. Dariusz switched shipping campanies after I had problems.

2004-10-30, 23:32
New Blood
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Holy shit...
I just checked out Ran's website and they let you customize your own guitar. I've never seen a guitar company do that. How much do their guitars usually cost and is it well made; good quality?
Nice guitar fritz
I've been seeing the past in one eye..And the present in the other..So I thought I could only see patches of reality..Never the whole picture..I felt like I was watching a dream I would never wake up from..Hmmmm..Before I new it..The dream was all over..

2004-10-30, 23:33
Pirate Lawd
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Check the Ran guitar thread for more info

2004-10-31, 00:22
Master Killer
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damn! that looks great!
can't wait to see how mine turns out!!!
it's a long wait till march 

2004-10-31, 01:05
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It is nice that you can customize absolutely anything, including body style, for much less than the price of the big-name American guitars.. plays as well as any of the big-name models I've seen also. Customs fee could be included in the shipping cost now.. I didn't pay it, but we agreed on a price before Soulinsane had his probs.
Praise Hail Satan

2004-10-31, 18:07
Master Killer
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Well, you where lucky you didn't have to go through all that US customs crap!
got any sound samples up yet?

2004-10-31, 18:13
The Mountie From Hell
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Im speach less.
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2004-10-31, 18:18
Master Killer
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look at those bevels, looks great on the body, is it a neckthru btw?
its a great deal to get a case for 70 bucks.. Ibanez cases are like 200...

2004-10-31, 20:29
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[QUOTE=Def]look at those bevels, looks great on the body, is it a neckthru btw?
Yep, the bevels are a great touch, really ties the whole look together. And yeah, it's neck-thru.
Praise Hail Satan

2004-10-31, 21:13
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what are bevels?
There are two kinds of peoble in this world, those who like me and those who can go to hell

2004-10-31, 21:20
Wasted Custom User title
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The side of his guitar. Its cut diagonaly and painted. Them is bevels.
This is my signature.

2004-10-31, 22:22
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normally i hate ugly, pointy guitars like this, but i think this one pulls it off pretty well imo... maybe it's that dark "seductive" red.... i'm looking into a parker about the same color.
if it werent for it being a V i'd say it looks comfy as hell, but i can't stand playing v's.
i guess it's an 81 in the bridge, which emg is in the neck?
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2004-10-31, 22:25
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Originally Posted by CANNIBALCORPSE
The side of his guitar. Its cut diagonaly and painted. Them is bevels.
ok thanks 
There are two kinds of peoble in this world, those who like me and those who can go to hell

2004-10-31, 22:33
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
i guess it's an 81 in the bridge, which emg is in the neck?
it has the gold EMG logo so its an 85 i think.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-11-01, 09:30
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Holy shit fritz, if I were to get a Ran guitar it would be pretty similar to that. Looks fucking great. how much did it set you back (approx?).

2004-11-01, 13:40
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81/85 pickup config. Schaller Floyd-Rose tremolo.
Originally Posted by Cloaca
Holy shit fritz, if I were to get a Ran guitar it would be pretty similar to that. Looks fucking great. how much did it set you back (approx?).
Cost between $1600-$1700 U.S. This includes shipping and the case, and it's totally custom, so it's really a great deal.
Praise Hail Satan

2004-11-01, 16:19
Supreme Metalhead
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Wow, that's some fine-ass piece of kit you got there, congrats! Gotta wait till I get a damned job and some money, then i'm going to get a Ran!
$1600-$1700? Wow, that's pretty cheap including shipping, I shall have to look into one of these.

2004-11-01, 16:54
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Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2004-11-01, 19:25
Join Date: Apr 2004
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Man, i just came up with my dream guitar.
A Thunder body in mahogny, neck-thru/set thru mahogny neck, reverse headstock (the on in the picture), flamed maple top with dark blood red see through finish and a tremolo, JB/Jazz combo etc.
What do you think?
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

2004-11-02, 06:11
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Originally Posted by fritz
Shit, I forgot...no, Soulinsane, no problems at all, it went right on through. No inspection fee either.
FUCK YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thank satan theres no customs fee, that case looks fuckin badass to, man this just makes it worse, so close for the first ran guitar west of the mississippi to be done 

2004-11-02, 15:14
Master Killer
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you're getting one h7sa0w7fs7df0xksa?

2004-11-02, 15:28
Pirate Lawd
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He ordered a Ran RR not long after Fritz. He should have his soon too.
I'm just glad that the whole US Customs thing is fixed now. You guys will never have to know that hell  Just in case you do I'm still here for you.

2004-11-02, 15:29
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Okay, after playing it all day yesterday, I still love it, but I've managed to come up with 2 small gripes. First off, yes, I occasionally hit the volume knob when playing, but it's nothing I won't get used to soon.
Secondly, the input jack is placed in such a way (under the smaller fin) that it's very awkward to play sitting down. The Jackson version remedies this by having the input well out of the way on the larger fin, but this would have been a bitch to configure on the inside. I may remedy this by putting the strap on and adjusting it so it just hangs at sit-down height. No big deal for "just jamming," but if I'm practicing hardcore it's a little frustrating. Anyone got any other suggestions?
Praise Hail Satan

2004-11-02, 15:34
Master Killer
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get a angled jack? I dunno, I never owned a V model guitar. but none of them play well while sitting down IMO

2004-11-02, 15:35
Pirate Lawd
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Sorry it hear about the input jack and volume knob. Did you talk with Dariusz as to where to have those things put on the guitar? I did and he made it perfectly the way I wanted. Try using a angled plug cord, like Def said, and run it around the back strap button behind the guitar. That might be better for you.

2004-11-02, 19:42
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Originally Posted by Soulinsane
Sorry it hear about the input jack and volume knob. Did you talk with Dariusz as to where to have those things put on the guitar? I did and he made it perfectly the way I wanted. Try using a angled plug cord, like Def said, and run it around the back strap button behind the guitar. That might be better for you.
The RR body style really only allows the knobs to be placed where they are; this is no big deal, I just have to watch my fingers when picking on the higher strings. After playing it more today, it's really not that bad playing standing up a lot. As we all know, playing standing up can be a lot harder if you don't practice that way, so this is good stage experience. \m/ It really is a killer guitar, I can't imagine needing anything different for playing metal. It just feels really good to play it.
Praise Hail Satan

2004-11-02, 20:06
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Originally Posted by Def
you're getting one h7sa0w7fs7df0xksa?
ive only been talking about it in the ran threads for a couple months now, you might remember me as haxsk8, i had my forum name changed to h4x5k8, or as some people here refer to me as H8
Also i was gonna talk to dariuzs about the jack thing i noticed on some other custom V's like alexi laiho's esp custom rr he has the jack on the bottom side of the upper wing and it just runs up to his wireless thingy, i was gonna ask if he could do that but i figured i would just use an angled jack.
Last edited by h4x5k8 : 2004-11-02 at 20:08.
Reason: more to add

2004-11-02, 21:46
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Originally Posted by fritz
Secondly, the input jack is placed in such a way (under the smaller fin) that it's very awkward to play sitting down. The Jackson version remedies this by having the input well out of the way on the larger fin, but this would have been a bitch to configure on the inside. I may remedy this by putting the strap on and adjusting it so it just hangs at sit-down height. No big deal for "just jamming," but if I'm practicing hardcore it's a little frustrating. Anyone got any other suggestions?
My Jackson RR has the same problem..
EDIT: Hax inspired me... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v106/bls420/dur.gif
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04
Last edited by BLS : 2004-11-02 at 21:58.

2004-11-03, 16:36
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2004-11-03, 16:43
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Damn Fritz, thats a nice guitar  . Im seriously thinking about getting one now, probably after i move to North Carolina in January.

2004-11-03, 21:55
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Originally Posted by Slabbefusk
Man, i just came up with my dream guitar.
A Thunder body in mahogny, neck-thru/set thru mahogny neck, reverse headstock (the on in the picture), flamed maple top with dark blood red see through finish and a tremolo, JB/Jazz combo etc.
What do you think?
thats my fucking dream guitar idea bitch  lol
the only changes are would make would be to have some white fingerboard and head binding, a see thru black finish and a dimarzio x2n and paf pro. That'd be one hella of a mean lookin guitar 
"many a time newcastle brown hath cometh to my rescue" blizzard beast
Sold my shit, now its time to PARTY!!!!! 

2004-11-04, 10:45
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Yeah and we could start a band together, lol...
Black see-thru is awesome as well but the deep red just makes it more brutal.
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

2004-11-04, 18:12
Join Date: Jan 2004
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Just a head's up for everyone.. I received a bill from UPS for $85 today for shipment. This means that customs charged them an inspection fee before they were allowed to deliver it to me, and they're passing it on to me. So everyone in the U.S. that orders one of these, be prepared.
Praise Hail Satan

2004-11-04, 18:30
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a band, lol that'd be funny, me with my Black see-thru thunder ran and you with your deep red thunder ran, it be cool as fuck. 
"many a time newcastle brown hath cometh to my rescue" blizzard beast
Sold my shit, now its time to PARTY!!!!! 

2004-11-04, 18:34
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When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

2004-11-04, 23:34
Pirate Lawd
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Originally Posted by fritz
Just a head's up for everyone.. I received a bill from UPS for $85 today for shipment. This means that customs charged them an inspection fee before they were allowed to deliver it to me, and they're passing it on to me. So everyone in the U.S. that orders one of these, be prepared.
Well it makes since. You didn't think Customs was just going to let you something nice without paying them too? At least UPS was nice enough to take care of eveything for you, get the guitar to you, and just send a bill.

2004-11-04, 23:46
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what was wrong with dhl, there like THE international shipping company, my dad used to know the H in DHL but i think he died he was some crazy multi billionare or somthing.

2004-11-04, 23:55
Pirate Lawd
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DHL are the ones the boched my Ran guitar delievery. They really are not that good at getting things through Customs. I ended up having to do most of the work with Customs for them and then they delivered it to the wrong house. I don't trust DHL with Ran guitar deliveries. I wasn't the only person that had problems with DHL. Dariusz was having guitars disappear while on there way to poeple because of DHL. Someone at DHL was hijacking the guitars.

2004-11-05, 21:17
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2004-11-06, 05:43
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Originally Posted by morbid_priest
If you're talking about my guitar... then... goddamn yeah that shit is fucking awesome i fucking love it!!!!
Praise Hail Satan

2004-11-06, 05:44
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Originally Posted by Soulinsane
DHL are the ones the boched my Ran guitar delievery. They really are not that good at getting things through Customs. I ended up having to do most of the work with Customs for them and then they delivered it to the wrong house. I don't trust DHL with Ran guitar deliveries. I wasn't the only person that had problems with DHL. Dariusz was having guitars disappear while on there way to poeple because of DHL. Someone at DHL was hijacking the guitars.
wow fuck that shit, a ran guitar stealer, kill them now 

2004-11-06, 05:45
Pirate Lawd
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Originally Posted by fritz
If you're talking about my guitar... then... goddamn yeah that shit is fucking awesome i fucking love it!!!!
No way, dude! He is talking about my Ran gutiar 

2004-11-06, 05:52
Pirate Lawd
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Originally Posted by h4x5k8
wow fuck that shit, a ran guitar stealer, kill them now 
Yes. I became very close to DHL while mine was in route I learned that they had lost a few Ran guitars in France to some  thief. I have looked at what people have been posting in France about Ran and they seem popular there. I was trying to find out if the dude had posted about it and was trying to sell them. No luck.
I'm glad that dariusz has changed carriers since I told him how bad DHL was for me.

2004-11-06, 05:54
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Originally Posted by Soulinsane
Yes. I became very close to DHL while mine was in route I learned that they had lost a few Ran guitars in France to some  thief. I have looked at what people have been posting in France about Ran and they seem popular there. I was trying to find out if the dude had posted about it and was trying to sell them. No luck.
I'm glad that dariusz has changed carriers since I told him how bad DHL was for me.
yea, does he just use UPS international now?

2004-11-06, 05:59
Pirate Lawd
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Yes, and they get the Customs shit done for you and just send a bill to you for Taxes and Duties ( Customs ramson ) after you have the parcel. Much better than what I went through with DHL. At least that seems to be Fritz's situation. US Customs are weird folks though.

2004-11-06, 08:32
Join Date: Apr 2004
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Both Poland and Sweden are in the EU so i dont think i will have that much of a problem with the transfer.
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

2004-11-06, 08:39
Pirate Lawd
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I wouldn't think so. You dudes should be in the green. That's why next time I get a Ran I might just sail to Europe and stay a week or two and get the guitar personally from Dariusz. To enjoy the trip and scam US Customs once again.

2004-11-06, 17:39
Join Date: Jun 2004
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Originally Posted by Soulinsane
I wouldn't think so. You dudes should be in the green. That's why next time I get a Ran I might just sail to Europe and stay a week or two and get the guitar personally from Dariusz. To enjoy the trip and scam US Customs once again.
lol yea same
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