2004-11-01, 16:08
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Why face paint is silly
Look at Satyricon's 'Mother North' film clip.
Flip through the cd booklet of Khold's album, 'Phantom'.
Look at any photograph of Cradle of Filth from any point in their career.
More recent CoF aside, the above are bands that I really like, however, the fact that they smother themselves in ridiculous face paint & spend large portions of their time practicing 'eeevil' poses in front of the mirror gives me the impression that they've not quite left high school in any real sense. It also provides the less fortunate with huge amounts of ammunition as to why black metal sucks. Obviously giving a shit about other people's opinions is for gimps, however, do black metallers really need to waste that much energy on looking like fucking forest-dwelling tools just to play good music?
I say no. Creating a cool image is, well, cool. As long as it happens occasionally! But continually decking yourself out in black on white, carrying battle axes, buring trees in the nighttime, etc. is dumb as it ends up defining you more than you define the image. So, I say keep it to a bare minimum, Norway & friends: Your music rules, but looking at you is painful & embarrassing. Why? Because face paint is silly.
Just a thought.

2004-11-01, 16:12
Master Killer
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just depends what you're into, I don't like any of the bands you mentioned and I can't help but laugh at people with facepaint.

2004-11-01, 16:14
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2004-11-01, 16:31
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when bm bands are playing live, most people want them to have that particular image to associate with the music, and to most people that i've talked to, the corpse paint contributes to a more enjoyable show. For me personally, i couldn't care less what the image of a metal band is, all i care about is the music.

2004-11-01, 16:33
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Except King Diamond and Kiss.
Black fingernail polish is extremely gay as well.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2004-11-01, 16:37
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I'm waiting for a big freaking file to download so I've nothing better to do than keep at this. So:
Agreed. The paint probably does make for a cooler show, I'm sure CoF wouldn't have seemed the same for me if they weren't all decked out, BUT, that doesn't excuse thousands & thousands of glossy or grainy pictures, countless silly poses, & crap film clips. You've a captive audience when you're playing live.

2004-11-01, 16:46
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
Except King Diamond and Kiss.
Black fingernail polish is extremely gay as well.
yeah, those emo fags love it.

2004-11-01, 16:53
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Black metal isn't just a style of music though, it's a scene, it's a style of dress, people paint their faces and dress in black to associate themselves with a particular style of music and the other people that listen, it unites them under that "gay-facepaint-wearing-blackmetallers" flag. For instance, a death metaller wouldn't walk around in a Britny Spear t-shirt, they would wear a CC tee or something, to associate themselves with that style. It just so happens that B'metallers use white facepaint and battle axes 
It does give them a distinctive and memorable image though does it not? Even if you think "Eek, there's those scary facepaint wearing fags!"
yeah, those emo fags love it.
Oh God, don't get me started on fucking emo cunts... 

2004-11-01, 16:56
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Maybe its me, but I just dont get it. 
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2004-11-01, 18:11
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Don’t let the avatar fool you, I find corpse paint “silly” as well. Some looks cool, like how Gorgoroth looks now. But some is just way too crappy and it’s amazing that they probably take it too serious as well. I do like black metal but they need to take it easy on the make up, even if it does create imagery for the music. Look at Borknagar, they don’t need to look "silly" to make good black metal.
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able, and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" - Epicurus
“I'm as firm as red clay and as constant as... drinkin'. I'm constantly drinkin'.” - Early Cuyler

2004-11-01, 18:26
Pirate Lawd
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Face paint? It is cool for the effect in videos, live shows, BM parties, and Halloween, but very very silly if you walk around everyday with it on.

2004-11-01, 18:29
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It doesn't matter how it is used, it will always be somewhat silly

2004-11-01, 18:30
Pirate Lawd
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True, but it's all for fun when you get right down to it. It's for the kids amusement.

2004-11-01, 20:01
Schrodinger's Cat
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Any man who wears make up of his own free will is a dweeb and loses any respect that I may have garnered for them.
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Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-11-01, 21:23
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better having face paint that full viking armour like Manowar in the 80's.

2004-11-01, 21:47
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I think some people forget that metal, just like all music, is a form of FUCKING ENTERTAINMENT!!! The face paint is another way to entertain people, not a statement to show how cool someone is. I think it's gay as hell, but I also understand that it's all part of the show. Music is meant to be a form of expression, not as a set of rules to live your life by. It's fantasy, it's a form of creativity, it's illusory. But it's not reality, despite the heart, soul, and dedication that goes into creating it. So just relax and enjoy it, or have a big laugh. Whatever.
It was the sick and decaying who despised body and earth and invented the heavenly realm.They wanted to escape their own misery,and the stars were too far for them.So they sighed"Would that there were heavenly ways to sneak into another state of being and happiness!"Thus they invented their sneaky ruses and bloody potions.Ungrateful,these people deemed themselves transported from their bodies and this earth.But to whom did they owe the raptures of their transport?To their bodies and this earth.

2004-11-01, 22:00
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Wow  you hit a homer there, Nessie.
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able, and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" - Epicurus
“I'm as firm as red clay and as constant as... drinkin'. I'm constantly drinkin'.” - Early Cuyler

2004-11-01, 22:51
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i see your point nessie (cool name btw) but someone face painted up doesnt entertain me any more then if it wasnt
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
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2004-11-01, 23:13
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i like it if they wear it while posing for photos or on stage, because i reckon it shows they care about what they do and go to trouble for it.
with all the metalcore plaguing the scene these days, have a think about this one, maybe one day black metal is all we will have if in a few years poser kids continue to destroy the scene, nu-metal was created, now theyre destroying metalcore.

2004-11-01, 23:26
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wow....who cares? i dont know about you guys, but when i hear a bands cd i dont see the makeup

2004-11-02, 01:13
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IMO Any guy who paints their nails or wears excessive facepaint is a fag. It isn't cool, it doesn't improve their image, and it never will. I see people who do stuff like that as very vain, and they lose my respect for doing that.
I am awesome, thanks to Satan.

2004-11-02, 02:00
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Face paint was interesting when it was used to present contrast. Who are Kiss? Well, they're the band that dresses up in black and glittery silver and paint odd white faces on. Mercyful Fate are the band with that King guy with a painted face and top hat. Early black metal still had this; it provided a distinction for their genre that still had connections with the music, thematically. Was it silly? Hell yes. It was silly in Ziggy Stardust and has only gotten sillier. But there was a point to doing it. It wasn't just a convention, mandated from the black metal gods who allow no progress whatsoever in the genre to be tolerated, that was done just because it was done.
Now, as somebody mentioned, death metal bands tend to all look similar as well: long hair, jeans, black band t-shirts, etc. This is reasonably true, but there's a major difference: there's not too much thought put up into that ensemble. Metalheads just tend to look like that. Shockingly enough, metal bands tend to be made up of metalheads, and they dress as they would normally. Something makes me seriously doubt that black metallers would go to a bar or report to work in a warehouse or something in corpse paint, with fake blood smeared here and there, black leather bondage gear, and upside-down crucifixes. It's a very theatrical thing, which is fine in itself, but it's been foisted on an entire genre when it's not always necessary.
Sometimes, just playing well and energetically is enough.
Immense in my girth, erect I stand tall

2004-11-02, 02:08
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Face paint has its limits. Its cool to do it on Halloween or some sort of costume. A lot of black metal bands actually look cool doing it, like Immortal or 1349. Some jackasses, mainly those goths, take it up the ass with that though.
Originally Posted by Paddy
Sex is free if you don't mind spending most of your night in the bushes with both a balaclava and an overblown sense of entitlement.

2004-11-02, 02:30
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I guess you'd have to consider the central ideology behind black metal, the nihilistic views, and the antichurch feelings. That was what their music was about, alot of metaphors for nihilism included satan ruling, or returning to a natural enviornment. The viking metal is similar in that the theme of returning to the viking area is again a symbol of their beliefs and ideology. Therefore it's safe and accurate to assume that the face paint is also representitive of their views. The fact that all of you think it's stupid is showing that they accomplished thier central goal, to go against society. The sum of thier ideologies leads to some over the top anti social goals and views. That's all in the nihilistic beliefs. If you think this is going too much into the music then you've nevere heard an interview with these guys, never read lyrics. It's only a few amount of people who can truly apreciate black metal, it takes a really rare personality, and the way its desined keeps others from transitioning to black metal. That's why bands like CoF aren't really black metal. They don't share the same views and are really out just to get rich. They don't even use the same style, they use a more pop song model for thier black metal immitation. I mean if you're going to insult a style, at least know what you're talking about a little tiny bit.

2004-11-02, 02:46
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Originally Posted by bloodredthrone
The fact that all of you think it's stupid is showing that they accomplished thier central goal, to go against society.
An internet forum made up largely of thrash and death fans is not exactly the perfect representation of modern society. Generally, it's considered an accomplishment in going against society if society finds you frightening, threatening, or inexplicable, not if they just think you're being an idiot.
However, you explanation of their nihilism, while acceptable, does not explain what's nihilistic about painting your face. It's 'safe to assume' the face painting goes along with their views, sure, but unless it goes along in a reasonable way it's just theatrics.
The majority of your post just seemed to say 'I'm special because I really understand black metal when only a few people can really get it, and the rest of you are ignorant fools for mocking it.' I hear that same argument fairly often, from Star Trek fans. Interesting. Whenever somebody represents 'true' black metal to me, it's always an excessively claustrophobic, intolerant, exclusionary, sectarian, and occasionally violent genre that claims to be going against postmodernity and its trend towards conformity by enforcing its own micro-conformity even more zealously. Nihilism is not new, nor is it special, and it can't be used to justify everything. Most nihilists are infrequently more impressive than those of The Big Lebowski, and if true black metallers want to be included in with them it's cool by me.
Immense in my girth, erect I stand tall
Last edited by Credit to Dementia : 2004-11-02 at 03:21.

2004-11-02, 04:41
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Originally Posted by bloodredthrone
That was what their music was about, alot of metaphors for nihilism included satan ruling, or returning to a natural enviornment......The sum of thier ideologies leads to some over the top anti social goals and views. That's all in the nihilistic beliefs.
Haha, since you like to throw around the term so much, why don't you stop and consider what nihilism really means? Since the true definition of nihilism is that ALL values are baseless and that absolutely NOTHING can be known or communicated, wouldn't the music of a true nihilistic band just be absolute silence? And since nothing can be communicated, what's the point of even playing? A true nihilist would believe in nothing at all, that includes your "satan ruling" and "returning to the natural environment". And the phrase "nihilistic beliefs" would then in turn be an oxymoron, since nihilism is the absence of belief, including all "ideologies", "goals", and "views". Why don't you get off your "bloodredthrone", stop trying to lecture us like we're a bunch of your disciples (no one here is going to respect you for that), and do your research jackass.
It was the sick and decaying who despised body and earth and invented the heavenly realm.They wanted to escape their own misery,and the stars were too far for them.So they sighed"Would that there were heavenly ways to sneak into another state of being and happiness!"Thus they invented their sneaky ruses and bloody potions.Ungrateful,these people deemed themselves transported from their bodies and this earth.But to whom did they owe the raptures of their transport?To their bodies and this earth.

2004-11-02, 04:47
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Masks are dumb too. I wish The Berzerker didn't use them.

2004-11-02, 04:47
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Originally Posted by Transient
wow....who cares? i dont know about you guys, but when i hear a bands cd i dont see the makeup
good one man. people seem to cut down too many bands due to image. I hate that. If i buy a cd in which the music agrees with me, i dont care how the members choose to look. thats either their choice or their problem. but as long as they are making music i enjoy, they can look how ever the fuck they want. I wont let that ruin it for me. I play black metal, actually my style is changing drastically into a much more melodic and slower paced music, but im not forgetting my old stuff, especially since its not offically recorded yet. but i dont and wont do that paint shit. its just not me. But like i said, i wont judge a band on looks, too many people do that and it bothers me.

2004-11-02, 05:06
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Originally Posted by Infinity
Masks are dumb too. I wish The Berzerker didn't use them.
took the words right outta my mouth.

2004-11-02, 05:15
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Yeah. I can't help but think of slipknot when I see masked band members.

2004-11-02, 05:47
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Here's how I see the whole corpse paint thing, and which I hope is the reason behind the whole thing. I think, and what I mean by "think" is if I were in their shoes, the reason black metal bands were the whole corpse paint is to piss off christians. Now if this is the reason, then more power to them. Christians use stereotypes when it comes to satanists. Dressed completely in black, long black hair, inverted crosses, pail skin. In other word, goths. What black metal guys seem to do is to raise the bar with the covered in blood thing and the corpse paint. The battle axes and shit like that I'm a bit foggy on, but I see the whole thing as a slap in the face of christians.
I admit it, I get my kicks from pissing off the high and mighty christians who judge everyone, they deserve it. But I will not dress like a pussy goth to do so, I'll let the long hair and Dying Fetus shirts do all the work. If they get offended its their problem. If they talk to me they'll see I'm one of the nicest guys they'll ever meet. Anyways, I think they do it to get a rise out of people, but I know they are some who do take it serious. I don't care what they look like, if their music owns then I don't care what they look like. Honestly, Gorgoroth is the only black metal band with awesome corpse paint. And we all know how the christian race feel about them.
My opinon, the coolest corpse paint out there (except the guy on the far right), Gorgoroth!
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able, and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" - Epicurus
“I'm as firm as red clay and as constant as... drinkin'. I'm constantly drinkin'.” - Early Cuyler

2004-11-02, 09:27
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Fuck you, every single one of you. Any band should be allowed to do what ever the hell they want to do, no matter what you think. You know why? Because if they care about what you think they are no longer making the music for themselves. If I want to jump around dressed in a bath robe looking like a bird shat on my face, I will, because I want to and I do it for my own satisfaction. BM started out as a genre which wasn't tailored for everyone and the BM people didn't care about what others thought, they created music very few people understood.
I <3 12 year olds.

2004-11-02, 10:29
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You dont see the point. Corpse paint is being exploited as commercial bullshit. "We are black metal - we simply HAVE to wear corpsepaint". Dimmu Borgir and Cradle of Filth are responsible for this I say.
I'm into death metal and grindcore and all that shit. But I wear a uniform, I wear normal clothes, COLOURS to! Yeah, I'll wear a red or blue shirt. I dont have necklaces of pentagrams and I dont act up in school. I be nice to mormons when they knock on my door and shit.
It's because of this that normal kids won't hang around me because I'm that fraction disordinary, and 'Metal' guys wont accept me because I'm to normal, or Trendy, as I've been called by a certain Transient. It's total Bullshit. What I hate about everything is that it has an image. Well I've got an image, my own.

2004-11-02, 10:31
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Originally Posted by BrokenCrimson
Any band should be allowed to do what ever the hell they want to do, no matter what you think.
True. And I should be able to call them stupid. If they want the freedom to wear make up, I want the freedom to make fun of them for it. If they want the right to make a statement, I reserve the right to critique it. If you won't give me that much, fuck you and fuck your half-assed, one-sided defense of freedom of expression.
Though, as I said, when every single band in the genre, and no one else, does it, it begins to appear less as a genuine expression and more as something done, at best, because, hey, you're in a black metal band. I doubt that every member of every black metal band wants to express the same emotions and thoughts and nobody outside the genre wants to express anything similar. At this point, a defense of their freedom of expression is irrelevent, since they aren't exercising it. Then it is as stupid as it looks.
It's true that image doesn't matter; it's the music that's important. Then, why go to such lengths to cultivate the image? If they feel that these pictures help to fill out what they're trying to get at with their music, it's right to take that into consideration. If they don't, they're spending way too much time dressing up and posing. Anyway, I don't like the music; if I did, I'd do my best to ignore how stupid they look.
Virtually every genre starts out small, misunderstood, and without any concern for what other people think, and I know you know this. I'm not sure what your point is with that, if you had one.
Immense in my girth, erect I stand tall

2004-11-02, 11:33
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wat about the whole blood drinking/spitting thing
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2004-11-02, 15:52
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i dont hink corpse paint is silly, hell, if done right, it can look pretty fuckin cool, but corpse paint isnt a strictly black metal thing, to prove my point i bring out exhibit A, well its my only exhibit at the moment, but i think its pretty fucking good. The black dahlia murder are thrashy death metal, and they on occasion where corpse paint.
Too grim to function

2004-11-02, 19:44
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Originally Posted by MoonRaven
i dont hink corpse paint is silly, hell, if done right, it can look pretty fuckin cool, but corpse paint isnt a strictly black metal thing, to prove my point i bring out exhibit A, well its my only exhibit at the moment, but i think its pretty fucking good. The black dahlia murder are thrashy death metal, and they on occasion where corpse paint.
Yeah, I remember seeing them at one point with corpse paint. I was like the fuck?
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able, and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" - Epicurus
“I'm as firm as red clay and as constant as... drinkin'. I'm constantly drinkin'.” - Early Cuyler

2004-11-02, 19:59
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Corpsepaint was cool when it was first used,now it's just another
Burnin' and a-lootin' tonight
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burnin' all illusion tonight


2004-11-02, 20:17
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Originally Posted by Transient
wow....who cares? i dont know about you guys, but when i hear a bands cd i dont see the makeup
tru dat

2004-11-02, 22:35
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To CtD - I didn't defend freedom of expression, I defended freedom to do whatever the fuck you want to do, even if you're not expressing an origional thought. Just because everybody else does it, it doesn't mean that you can't do it if you genuinely like it. I genuinely like to dress like a completely ordinary person at times, but everybody dresses like that. Does that mean I stop dressing like that to make a statement?
I <3 12 year olds.

2004-11-03, 01:13
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Some bands look better with face-paint.

2004-11-03, 04:50
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Originally Posted by BrokenCrimson
Just because everybody else does it, it doesn't mean that you can't do it if you genuinely like it. I genuinely like to dress like a completely ordinary person at times, but everybody dresses like that. Does that mean I stop dressing like that to make a statement?
Yes, because that's exactly what I said. Let's got back to my post:
Originally Posted by Credit to Dementia
Dressing differently makes a statement, and, no matter how you feel, you should dress differently.
Wait, no, I didn't say that. I even critiqued that way of thinking.
I said that if they want to dress up they can, but I have always, and will always reserve the right to call it silly. That's the major point I made, since your original post implied we don't have that right because 'they want to do it.'
My other point, which was comparitively minor, is that black metal bands are enforcing a standard image that has to be adhered to, regardless of whether or not the individual band members would rather be dressed casually like they could be in any other band. Which is right at your 'I like dressing this way, why dress differently?' point. If it's not even doing what they want to do, then what defense is there for it? That it's a convention of the genre? And why is 'they can do what they feel like doing' even considered a good defense in the first place against somebody calling what they feel like doing silly?
While everybody's agreed that the image is of minor, and music of major, importance, they've gone to much greater lengths to cultivate a specific image than, in some cases, to become good musicians or songwriters. And always more than is necessary. Image is given a level of priority here that it doesn't have elsewhere. If they want to do something creative with their image, they invite a critique, as with their music. Telling me I can't say it's stupid because it's what they want to do is like telling me I can't say the music is poor because they wanted it to be that way. I understand that, and it's fine, but I still get to judge it.
But those two points aren't necessary. You don't have to buy them to allow me the right to call corpse paint silly. I can't think of a situation under which I can't call something that I find to be stupid, stupid. If you can explain to me how their right to wear what they want precludes my right to comment on it, I'd be hugely surprised, and wonder how you manage to critique anything done deliberately.
And, finally, keep in mind that, unlike some people, I don't burn down or stab what I dislike. If they want to dress up I won't do anything to stop them, and I'll do as little to stop myself from commenting on it.
Immense in my girth, erect I stand tall

2004-11-03, 09:27
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I stand by my last post.

2004-11-03, 09:37
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Originally Posted by Infinity
It's because of this that normal kids won't hang around me because I'm that fraction disordinary, and 'Metal' guys wont accept me because I'm to normal, or Trendy, as I've been called by a certain Transient. It's total Bullshit. What I hate about everything is that it has an image. Well I've got an image, my own.
i'll be your friend 

2004-11-03, 10:10
Life is pain.
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Originally Posted by andrewc
i'll be your friend 
Oh I knew that I could rely on you, honeybunny 

2004-11-03, 15:28
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i have also seen pictures of bloodbath when mikael was with them with corpse paint.
Too grim to function

2004-11-05, 13:45
Join Date: Nov 2002
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I fucking hate black metal.... Most of it is bullshit stuff and appealing to the mainstream now.. Plus I hate the face paint, makes those fags loook like a bunch of pandas.
I suck at guitar.

2004-11-05, 13:48
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also for all u, so called "real" metalheads, stop dressing up like shit... Its stupid how some people go to hot topic and buy all these bracelets, shirts, paint, make up, necklaces, rings, and have these weird ass hair styles just to try to be metal. I fucking laugh at people who try to look all "extreme", but I cannot help to stop myself.
I suck at guitar.

2004-11-05, 13:55
The Mountie From Hell
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Originally Posted by Bones98
also for all u, so called "real" metalheads, stop dressing up like shit... Its stupid how some people go to hot topic and buy all these bracelets, shirts, paint, make up, necklaces, rings, and have these weird ass hair styles just to try to be metal. I fucking laugh at people who try to look all "extreme", but I cannot help to stop myself.
EVERY fucking local show I go to no matter if its a DM band or not, has either a black metal band playing, or they are in the pit like a punch of fags with nails on their arms going in hitting you with them, leaveing then comming back in...
this as the halloween show I was at 5 bands... 4 death metal, and 1 black metal.
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon
Last edited by FearFrost : 2004-11-05 at 13:59.

2004-11-06, 22:14
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I say who cares? A lot of great metal bands' lyrics are kind of "silly," but that's part of the appeal for me (Skinless, anyone?). Most of those guys don't take themselves too seriously and I think looking absolutely ridiculous is fun sometimes.
Praise Hail Satan

2004-11-07, 20:10
New Blood
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Originally Posted by Transient
wow....who cares? i dont know about you guys, but when i hear a bands cd i dont see the makeup
Appearance is nothing once the music starts playing.

2004-11-09, 03:26
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Originally Posted by Dyvim Tvar
For instance, a death metaller wouldn't walk around in a Britny Spear t-shirt, they would wear a CC tee or something
Not true
I wore a Spice Girls shirt to school a couple of times 
Is your head up your ass for the fucking warmth?
Silly faggot, dicks are for chicks.

2004-11-09, 03:44
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a death metaler wouldnt hang around in the mall covered in blood though.
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
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(x.x) (> <)
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2004-11-09, 04:10
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unless they had a run-in with the westside boys, that is.

2004-11-09, 22:34
Senior Metalhead
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I dont think any black metal band wears corpse paint outside of live shows photo shoots or Halloween. Some bands can pull it off.
This link will show you the reason why corpse paint and black metal in general gets slandered. Be thankful these turds don't have a record contract.
Blizzard Beast
Suck a turd to a point and stab yourself with it..


2004-11-10, 00:14
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Is it cool to have short hair? If you all say no...I'm gonna grow mine out.

2004-11-10, 09:26
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2004-11-13, 02:53
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Originally Posted by Dyvim Tvar
For instance, a death metaller wouldn't walk around in a Britny Spear t-shirt, they would wear a CC tee or something
I dont wear Cannibal Corpse shirts to show Im death metal.. I fucking hate wearing band shirts, its just another good way some stupid kid into KoRn will find bands to listen to that they never deserve to. I wear a "mister potatoe head" shirt with some raggidy ass jeans. I think people who wear alot of bands shirts and go around finding new bands to impress people are posers.
ALSO, BLACK METAL FACE PAINT is now an endorsed poduct of China's Panda Wild Animal and Life reserve. What better way to eat bamboo when u have black metal face paint?!
I suck at guitar.

2004-11-13, 10:30
Schrodinger's Cat
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Originally Posted by Bones98
I dont wear Cannibal Corpse shirts to show Im death metal.. I fucking hate wearing band shirts, its just another good way some stupid kid into KoRn will find bands to listen to that they never deserve to. I wear a "mister potatoe head" shirt with some raggidy ass jeans. I think people who wear alot of bands shirts and go around finding new bands to impress people are posers.
Well, I find that it's a way of supporting the bands that you love, especially if you buy (official) T-shirts at their shows. Bands without mainstream exposure rely heavily on selling merchandise (just to break even in many cases) so if I buy a shirt, wear it, some kid gets into them and then supports the band themselves then I'm all for it. It keeps our scene alive.
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-11-14, 21:47
New Blood
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Posts: 9
I really don't care how a band dresses up, I think the corpsepaint just shows what the band is all about.I can see how you find it silly, and in some cases it is.I believe that people should dress how they like, some people where certain thing they think are cool not to be cool but they like it.If a person feels they look better in multicolor suspenders than they should do it, if someone prefers black band T-shirts than they should do that.I wear band shirts of bands I like,but the actual graphic on it must look cool I don't want just a band logo on a shirt.I like the band In Flames and I think the Colony album cover is really cool looking, If I were to get one of their shirts I would get that becuase thats in my opinion what I prefer to wear.
yay rambling sentences 

2004-11-22, 12:45
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anyway, Corpse Paint is stupid.. Its over-used, now a trend some wanna goth kids.
I suck at guitar.

2004-11-23, 12:31
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When I first saw "Gwar" I laughed at the video. It was very entertaining.
I look at old MC Hammer videos and I laugh at the videos.
I saw cool school Miami Vice shows from way back and it amuses me.
I critique BET music videos (where all they do is shake the booty) and I am disgusted.
I watched Xmen on tv the other night and they wear tights.
What about old 80's hair bands (like twisted sister) that was just disturbing.
I watched Lord of the Rings movies and enjoyed them even though it's all fantasy.
What about WWE and the silly stuff they do? Do you think the "peoples elbow" would actually hurt anyone? It's just an act to entertain.
I see CoF videos and I enjoy them (theatre style stuff). They have an angle and the see it through.
I mean, look at M.Mason? He looks like an idiot. It's such an obvious gimmick and it's stupid. Shock rock? He's just ugly. Guess what, I don't have anything against them though. I just don't buy into their "gimmick".
When I go to work, people may laugh at the clothes I wear. Guess what, the paychecks will still be rolling in no matter what I wear to work and people will still like me(hopefully).
Bottom Line:
Corpse Paint bands: Who cares. They probably get laid a hell of alot more than the rest of us.

2004-11-23, 13:02
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Originally Posted by Party Time 2000
Corpse Paint bands: Who cares. They probably get laid a hell of alot more than the rest of us.
HAHAHAH ha ha....ha......
320lbs goth whores don't count as a "lay".

2004-11-23, 15:29
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Those 320's must eat alot so of course they'd be good at 

2004-11-23, 15:32
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Originally Posted by metal=life
HAHAHAH ha ha....ha......
320lbs goth whores don't count as a "lay".
Depends on who you ask..... I say no. It counts as -1 lay.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2004-11-23, 15:35
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Oh wait a minute, has anybody seen the Megadeth Rusted Pieces video? In the middle 2 daves make fun of fat slutty chicks with big hair, it is very funny. Dave Mustaine said the only place he could see them get laid more than once is either a prison or a kennel. Then Dave Ellefson points uot the big skunk half black hafl white hairdo, and says " Nice hair you homo". Good shit.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2004-11-23, 16:57
But why is the rum gone ?
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^ hehehe
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
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Join The Forum CUNT

2004-11-23, 17:24
Supreme Metalhead
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Is it just me or was Party Time's post entirely irrelevant? 'Lord of the Rings is fantasy, wrestlers aren't actually fighting each other' is great, but nobody was criticizing them for being theatrical. We were criticizing them for needing white paint to be nihilists.
And if getting laid is the be-all, end-all scale of whether or not what you're doing is worthwhile, there are a lot of better ways to get laid than dressing up in fake armor and painting your face white. You can get laid a lot simply by trying to without being an idiot about it; if you need the corpse paint to do that, a gear has slipped.
Immense in my girth, erect I stand tall

2004-11-24, 11:13
Schrodinger's Cat
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They could use the money that they would save by abandoning corpsepaint and fake armour and weapons on prostitutes. Hence the getting laid situation is irrelevant.
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-11-24, 19:04
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Well, that's my point. It is irrelevant. No one has to watch them or listen to anybody. I see people do things to try to "impress". Show-offs. "Hey, look what I can do". It is annoying though. I made a bunch of useless points because it's just that: useless (including the laid stuff).
I used to watch wrestling alot but not anymore because it's silly. It's fixed and has too much stupid stuff. I don't care for it anymore.
I have watched Lord of the Rings. It's fantasy and I liked it as a movie series. I have not read the books but I do not say that I am an expert or know more than other people know about that movie/book. I like the armour and weapons in the movies, story, and so on.
Those rapper videos where all they show is 'booty' is annoying. I'm not a woman activist or anything, but those videos are stupid and are comparable to watching a Harvey's burger commercial. It's all meat. Therefore, I don't watch them.
Cof Filth. They dress up and wear makeup. I like some of their music. The singer forces too much however. I'm sure that they don't go to church wearing that stuff or take showers in it. Is it for show? I believe that it's a gimmick. I can get past it when I watch their videos. Are they trying to show off and force people to believe what they believe? I don't know. Does the U.S. Prez. force you to believe what he wants you to believe. I don't have that answer either.
What about Trey from Morbid Angel? He's into his thing but he doesn't dress up for it. Do I believe it? I don't know.
Now to get to the point. Stereotype. Prejudice. (from appearance)
I see CofF and I immediately think that they are loonies.
I see Trey and I think he is normal.
Perhaps CofF need the white paint to enhance their state of mind.
Perhaps CofF is just a gimmick.
I may be a very classy guy but I would not eat at a classy restaurant in ripped jeans and a tshirt. Hence the show off.
I suck at golf. I do not dress up as a golfer when I golf.
My friend is good at golf. He does not dress up like he's the best golfer in the world. He is still a good golfer.
My other friend is a very good golfer. He dresses up like he's a good golfer. He's backing it up.
Which one of us is showing off? The very well dressed good golfer. But he "is" good.
Am I still be irrelevant?

2004-11-24, 19:32
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Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2004-11-24, 20:08
Supreme Metalhead
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Originally Posted by Party Time 2000
Am I still be irrelevant?
Yes, because none of the situations you bring up are analogous. I understood your point when you brought them up, however, it has no bearing on corpse paint. Neither does it have any bearing on your 'prejudice' argument. Organize your thoughts and try again.
Incidentally, Trey is loonier than Cradle of Filth, and it's fairly obvious. His skin looks like he hasn't left his house except when absolutely necessary since Altars of Madness (making corpse paint redundant even if he wanted to wear it), and he wears wristbands that cover up where he bit open his wrists as a sacrifice to Sumerian gods. He's not really the most normal-looking guy on the block.
Immense in my girth, erect I stand tall

2004-11-24, 23:19
New Blood
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"Take it as entertainment" - Crass, give it a listen 

2004-11-25, 12:06
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Originally Posted by metal=life
HAHAHAH ha ha....ha......
320lbs goth whores don't count as a "lay".
that experience would be like riding a scooter. heaps of fun, but you wouldnt want to be caught doing it.

2004-11-25, 12:32
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Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
Goth has its roots in punk don't you know...

2004-11-25, 12:35
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Originally Posted by Credit to Dementia
Yes, because none of the situations you bring up are analogous. I understood your point when you brought them up, however, it has no bearing on corpse paint. Neither does it have any bearing on your 'prejudice' argument. Organize your thoughts and try again.
Incidentally, Trey is loonier than Cradle of Filth, and it's fairly obvious. His skin looks like he hasn't left his house except when absolutely necessary since Altars of Madness (making corpse paint redundant even if he wanted to wear it), and he wears wristbands that cover up where he bit open his wrists as a sacrifice to Sumerian gods. He's not really the most normal-looking guy on the block.
You're telling me that my prejudice opinion on corpsepaint is irrelevant?
If you put two bands side by side, (holding their instruments) with one of the bands dolled up with face paint and armour, people wouldn't think that they aren't associated with some obscure musical genre. It's an easily identifiable image. You see goth, they must be goth.
You have also said that because the genre has the "you made your bed, now you lie on it" motto, that any band that's going to be black/doom music, you must paint your face and/or reinforce the image, because it's been done in the past.
Well, of course. You have to follow the norm everywhere else. Anybody, anywhere has to conform one way or the other, sometime in their life. If I pull up to a gas bar and fill up my car, I have to pay the bill. I am conforming to accepted business practices. If I decide to drive off without paying, I conform to standard criminal practices. Either way, I am still conforming. ^(irrelevant point)^
If CofF wear it just because all bands before them have done in the past that it's their fault for getting in the genre in the first place? Maybe they like it. Maybe not all members like to do it. Maybe they should start a new genre called "Black/doom metal dressed as normal people". Then they would have a choice. Wait a second, you mean they already have a choice? Well, it looks like they are doing what they want. If they get tired of it, they can drop the whole image thing or some could quit. Perhaps, for now, they like dressing like that and perhaps that's the reason they are still wearing it. It's a lifestyle.
I look at rappers. It's "bling, bling". They always look like that. They walk a certain way, like they have a crippled leg. They talk a certain way, like they have speech impediments. They act a certain way, like they're done. Maybe some of them don't like to dress up like that. They just do it to conform with what has been done in the past. I think that stuff is silly.
^(irrelevant point)^
I getting bored of talking about this. It's really comes down to "who gives a shit".
But, if you need some more of my opinions, set up a questionnaire of yes or no questions. Based on my answers, you can provide me what I am really saying.
For example:
1. Do you like playing guitar? Yes or no
2. Do you like the fuzzy peach? Yes or no
and so on (about this particular thread)
Conclusion: I am a normal guy.
BTW: I would answer yes to both of the above.

2004-11-25, 15:21
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 472
while a lot of people listen to and like the music of the bands they like,
loads more people dont. these are called sheep.
you all know who im talking about.
marilyn manson has built a career from looking creepy and spreading rumours. this is backed up by his music being catchy and commercial.
i have little or no respect for his musical talent, but his grasp of people and society is unmatched.
the sad fact is most people listen to the music they do because they think the people who make it are cool.
and lets face it, we've all done something like this at one point.
those of you who have long hair...why?
probably because you thaught it was cool. (yes i have long hair)
how many of you have used slang words the people around you use?
a band conforming to the stereotype image if its genre would gain more fans than it will lose by doing so.
more fans=more money
the point is:
without image conformity, the music indusrty would have a lot less money, and a lot less people would be able to create music for a living, and so on.
what ever your opinion, without this stuff, most of your musical heros would probably work in a supermarket stacking shelves making music in the little spare time they have on their home computer, and you would never hear it.
"The complexity of the penguins' lifestyle testifies to a Divine Creator," said one commentator on Christian Answers. "To think that natural selection or even the penguins themselves could come up with the idea to migrate miles and miles multiple times each year without their partner or their offspring is a bit insulting to my intellect. How great is our God!"

2004-11-25, 20:47
Schrodinger's Cat
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Most of my musical heroes still do work in a supermarket or some other line of employment. There's hardly any money to be made from extreme metal and if you don't have to work outside of the band then you're one very lucky pup indeed.
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn
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