2004-11-04, 18:22
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 138
Best Opeth album?
I currently only have Morningrise, which is nothing short of a musical masterpiece, and Orchid. I'm looking to buy more. Which is best? (or just basically another Morningrise)
The Black Hand of Set - Nile (summarised)
Somebody ate our dad, we will throw rocks at him from the sky, and put black ants in his air vents. You will make me so mad that I spurt out black semen into your mouth. I will use a megaphone to tell you I'm angry, then hit the air with a hammer, while standing on snakes. I call the grim reaper to cut open his head and eat his brain like in the film Hannibal, then cut his throat and stab his chest with scorpians.
Oh Kali
Oh Sekhmet
Oh Dagon.

2004-11-04, 18:24
Death to all but metal!
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Blackwater Park is alright, but Opeth is mostly-
Way too simple and boring for me
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2004-11-04, 18:58
Symbiotic In Theory
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Blackwater park, but i also do agree with MTM its a bit boring, too mellow and tense.. but still great musicians
'' I'll Smother You With A Fucking Pillow!! ''
Originally Posted by metal=life
Hey don't talk back buddy. Give your dick size or don't post.

2004-11-04, 19:08
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Blackwater Park is overrated, I like Still Life.

2004-11-04, 19:12
Death to all but metal!
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yea, too mellow, even the songs that are more death metal are still mellow, but they are good musicians, and the vocalist is ok too.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2004-11-04, 19:21
New Blood
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 19
Morningrise is THE BEST in my opinion ,followed by Orchid and Still Life
"Imperious, choleric, irascible, extreme in everything, with a dissolute imagination the like of which has never been seen, atheistic to the point of fanaticism, there you have me in a nutshell, and kill me again or take me as I am, for I shall not change." Marquis De Sade

2004-11-04, 19:57
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Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
Blackwater Park is alright, but Opeth is mostly-
Way too simple and boring for me
you and your kreator can piss off!
blackwater park is by far the best, but dont expect another morningrise!

2004-11-04, 19:59
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my arms...
my fav i really like the vocals on their which is odd cause he was sick when he did them
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
Now My Legacy Shall Live Forever!!

2004-11-04, 20:01
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yeah really, he sounds stuffy when he sings clean on that album
that album is weak except from the drumming, he does some PHAT beats
you know what im talking about

2004-11-04, 23:28
bugfucker strikes back.
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Blackwater Park
My Arms, your hearse
Still Life is overrated.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-11-05, 00:18
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 281
I used to think Still Life was overrated, but it is their best. Orchid, Morningrise, Blackwater Park are all next.

2004-11-05, 03:41
Registered Sex Offender
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I remember when I did a Best Opeth Album thread. It got closed. Anyways,
My Arms, Your Hearse
Blackwater Park
Still Life
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able, and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" - Epicurus
“I'm as firm as red clay and as constant as... drinkin'. I'm constantly drinkin'.” - Early Cuyler

2004-11-05, 04:16
Lo, they do call to me...
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ok, in order of greatness
blackwater park
still life
my arms your hearse
not to say that orchid is a bad album, but the others are better.
Too grim to function

2004-11-05, 04:17
Lo, they do call to me...
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Location: virginia beach, VA
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Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
Blackwater Park is alright, but Opeth is mostly-
Way too simple and boring for me
opeth may be boring to you, but opeth is far from simple, they are some of the most complex music i have ever heard. they arent fast, but id like to see one of your thrash bands try and pull off some opeth.
Too grim to function

2004-11-05, 04:20
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
1. Morningrise
2. Blackwater Park
3. Deliverance
4. Still Life
5. My Arms, Your Hearse
6. Damnation
7. Orchid (damn that was hard placing orchid there it makes it seem like a bad album which it certainly aint!)
8. The Slim Shady LP (jk  )

2004-11-05, 04:26
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
Blackwater Park is alright, but Opeth is mostly-
Way too simple and boring for me
you find them boring. so they arent for everyone, meh. but dont ever call them simple??
opeth are simple, dani filths colossal and cum-drenched anus crack! listen to pretty much any kreator song, then listen to the drapery falls, and you will see the "simple" comment is about as valid as ramming a 10 year old one-way bus ticket into CarnivorousWind's colon.

2004-11-05, 05:11
Pokémon Master
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Originally Posted by MyOwnSavior
I remember when I did a Best Opeth Album thread. It got closed. Anyways,
Thats becuase it got off tipoc like this one has, one person has said they dont like opeth and everybody else has felt the need to justify why opeth is good and not what they say. GET OVER IT COCKSUCKERS. ITS FUCKING CALLED OPINION, IF THEY DON'T LIKE OPETH LET THEM NOT LIKE OPETH. IF THEY THINK ITS SIMPLE SHIT, ALLOW THEM TO WALLOW IN IGNORANCE AS TO WHAT A GREAT BAND THEY ARE MISSING OUT ON. This doesn't just apply to opeth either, there are lots of instances of this in band threads, where someone says they dont like a band and then they instantly get flamed, although Transient does deserve it in thecs case because he is just stupid.
My favourite opeth albums would be Deliverance and My Arms, though this can change depending on mood, as I also like Still Life alot.
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2004-11-05, 05:34
Supreme Metalhead
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I actually like Damnation better than the rest, but my favortie song of thiers is on Still Life.
Stand your ground behind the times
And refuse to follow fashion
Write your poetry in anger
And then sing it with a passion
Painted faces in a circus
Images they brings to mind
When I read my Penny Dreadful
Filled with pictures of your kind

2004-11-05, 05:48
But why is the rum gone ?
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have heard only damnation......liked it but dont have the patience to listen to songs over 10 min
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
Join The Forum CUNT

2004-11-05, 17:39
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Posts: 138
So basically, from all opinions I should buy all the albums I dont have. And I can understand the simple comment if they're commenting on the first two albums, because none of the parts are too challenging to play, but Mikael's songwriting in them are out of this world.
The Black Hand of Set - Nile (summarised)
Somebody ate our dad, we will throw rocks at him from the sky, and put black ants in his air vents. You will make me so mad that I spurt out black semen into your mouth. I will use a megaphone to tell you I'm angry, then hit the air with a hammer, while standing on snakes. I call the grim reaper to cut open his head and eat his brain like in the film Hannibal, then cut his throat and stab his chest with scorpians.
Oh Kali
Oh Sekhmet
Oh Dagon.

2004-11-05, 20:51
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i have almost all Opeth albums and still, i don't like them.
songs are too long.

2004-11-05, 21:59
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Posts: 69
Opeth is an aquired taste of music. When I started listening them I hated them and all other bands with death vocals. Now I Opeth is my favorite band. Morningrise was their best album and was the most original, but I guess it is good that they changed. I hate it when bands copy themselves. Anyways, I think it an achievement for a band to be able to write long songs that contain a lot of different riffs.

2004-11-06, 09:18
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Originally Posted by Disincarnate
have heard only damnation......liked it but dont have the patience to listen to songs over 10 min
[As (almost) allways when it's me, this is not meant as a flame]
I don't get that. To me, it's really no different listening to 3 3 minute songs or 1 9 minute song. Except the 9 minute song flows better. Opeth are changing enough in most songs to keep it interesting, as if the songs are built up of lots of shorter parts.
I do however not understand Doom Metal. What I've heard of it was mainly one or two riffs at an insanely slow tempo repeating for some 10 minutes, and that I find boring. I have not listened to alot of it though.
seems like you got a case of stupidphobia
Last edited by G_urr_A : 2004-11-06 at 12:16.
Reason: Now I have time to write more

2004-11-08, 16:34
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 69
I totally agree. I like the idea of doom metal but I recently bought two My Dying Bride cds and the too droning and they have no dynamics. Doom metal could be extremely entertaining if someone would just do it right. 

2004-11-09, 00:13
Lo, they do call to me...
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some of the doom-death bands like novembers doom are pretty good, my friend turned me on to them, more variance in the music, and pretty good vox.
i agree that opeth is an aquired taste, the first thing i ever heard of theirs was deliverance, and i was into cannibal corpse, napalm death, dying fetus, exhumed, and the like, so the length of the song annoyed me at first, but once i actually listened to it, it changed my life.
Too grim to function

2004-11-09, 05:19
New Blood
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Posts: 47
fuck you who dont like opeth. they sound different from other death metal bands cuz they dont want to hop on the band wagon and produce shit that sounds like every other death metal band.
best album: black water park and My arms Your Hearse

2004-11-09, 05:24
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tran man, its people like you that make me ashamed to be an opeth fan.

2004-11-09, 05:33
Pokémon Master
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we cant take him seriously anyway, look at his favournite bands:
opeth, prayer for cleansing, atreyu, skycamefalling, in flame, dark tranquility, hopesfall, poisonthewell, shai hulud, nirvana, from autumn to ashes, it dies today, saved by grace, ever green terrace, darkest hour, avenged seven fold,
he is obviously gay since he has different tastes in music from me

2004-11-09, 05:57
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
Originally Posted by BeastOfCarrion
we cant take him seriously anyway, look at his favournite bands:
opeth, prayer for cleansing, atreyu, skycamefalling, in flame, dark tranquility, hopesfall, poisonthewell, shai hulud, nirvana, from autumn to ashes, it dies today, saved by grace, ever green terrace, darkest hour, avenged seven fold,
he is obviously gay since he has different tastes in music from me
it terribly fades out towards the end.
indeed, his lack of brutality in his music make him a gay faggot, because poofters are homosexuals like him (the ones that are attracted to males and likes inserting his penis a rulers length into other males anal cavities)

2004-11-09, 22:56
New Blood
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Posts: 47
stfu u dumb fags. you like shit for music metalcore is the shit thx

2004-11-09, 23:01
New Blood
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Location: california
Posts: 47
andrew your music u listen to is just plain fuckin dumb all that death metal shit soudns the same and it soudns like shit. and for the other fag that talked shit, he likes '' all metal'' what a fuckin posing fag go suck more dick kid

2004-11-09, 23:12
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Nirvana is soo technical... 

2004-11-10, 00:00
Pokémon Master
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Its really hard to take your comments seriously when they are articulated in the way you have done it. And all death metal does not sound the same, its just that you have not herd enough. Anyway, enough of this bitching, the thread is about OPETH not what you think is shit, (unless that happens to be opeth, but then i would still prefer it if you kept your lips sealed, so as not to inspire a flood of posts trying to tell you how they are good)
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2004-11-10, 02:38
Lo, they do call to me...
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Originally Posted by TranMan
andrew your music u listen to is just plain fuckin dumb all that death metal shit soudns the same and it soudns like shit. and for the other fag that talked shit, he likes '' all metal'' what a fuckin posing fag go suck more dick kid
i feel as though a banning is in order, but thats just me, he obviously didnt read the newbie thread, he makes me, like andrew, ashamed to be an opeth fan, and he has poor taste in music, which is more a reason to be flamed than to be banned, but it adds length to my post, as well as resentment to my heart.
let it be known that trans man shall not be respected, and that he will be another numetalbastard.
also, opeth fucking kills
Too grim to function

2004-11-10, 10:01
New Blood
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Posts: 47
for poser metalheads you guys cry alot fags, '' you make me ashamed to be an opeth fan'' LMAO STFU U DUMB ASS GEEK. you both sound like whinny pussies, im sorry i hurt your feelings you fucks. also OHH NO DUDE HE SAID IM GONNA GET BANNED, im fuckin so scared holy shit plz dont ban ME~~!!! eat a dick newbie

2004-11-10, 10:05
New Blood
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plus you guys listen to hill billy metal like iced earth and ozzy, gay shit like that. only hicks and ppl with mullets listen to gay ass metal like that

2004-11-10, 15:09
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 69
Can't you just shutup and stay on topic for the thread!  Those guys flamed you, but you don't have to freakin riddle the forum with your responses. Just say fuck off and let it go.

2004-11-10, 18:30
Senior Metalhead
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I like Damnation the best followed by still life.

2004-11-10, 18:45
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Defenetly Orchid. This album has the best atmosphere, the most feeling for me (Still Life too) and an amazing complexity (also Blackwater Park). But all of their albums are great, because they always bring new variety into their music, but its always sounds like opeth.
"Without corpses
there's no War
and without War
there's no Victory
My Dear!"
- by Devil Doll (The Girl who was... Death)
"In an Insane World,
an Insane Man,
MUST appear Insane,"
- Alien 3

2004-11-10, 20:02
Join Date: Apr 2004
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Originally Posted by TranMan
andrew your music u listen to is just plain fuckin dumb all that death metal shit soudns the same and it soudns like shit. and for the other fag that talked shit, he likes '' all metal'' what a fuckin posing fag go suck more dick kid
are you 12 years old?

2004-11-11, 04:56
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
Originally Posted by TranMan
plus you guys listen to hill billy metal like iced earth and ozzy, gay shit like that. only hicks and ppl with mullets listen to gay ass metal like that
somebody email the guinness book of world records, this dude has broken the record for worst case of P.M.S. in history.
i initially flamed you for being a dick, not for your choice of music, yet you respond with that poorly thought out response, which sounded like it came from your mother while she is on heat.
get out of here before you humiliate yourself even further you pathetic, useless excuse for a human being. BTW, as for calling BoC "kid" he's 20 i believe so thats one more in the extras column.
moony, you're going in my sig.

2004-11-11, 09:05
New Blood
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Location: california
Posts: 47
Shut up aussie you country produsces shit for music so you shouldnt even be able to speak. sorry but its true

2004-11-11, 21:54
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: San Antonio, TX
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Hey man psycroptic kicks ass!

2004-11-12, 04:00
Join Date: Jan 2004
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id really rather not get into a slagging match with some clueless n00b, dammit if only we lived near each other then we could settle this properly.
take your head out of your arse, it must smell bad up there, shut the fuck up before you get into more shit with other members of this forum and just FUCKING GET OVER YOURSELF.
im sorry about throwing this thread off topic, if theres too many more off-topic posts please close it.

2004-11-12, 04:19
Pokémon Master
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Location: Some grim and utterly pointless evil location(Aus)
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Australa even has the best country singers in the world, since a queensland bloke wom the male singer of the year the other day at the country music awards, so as far as im concerned you are a stupid twat.
Wver notice how nu-metal kiddies get really personal when the music they like is not liked by others:
You: I dont like that music
nu-metal kiddie: you are stupid, and you siuck
you: come on now, thats not called for, i just dont like them
nmk: no wonder, where you are from is filled with hoes and cock suckers
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2004-11-12, 04:50
Supreme Metalhead
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Location: In the light of the Necroshine
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Originally Posted by TranMan
plus you guys listen to hill billy metal like iced earth and ozzy, gay shit like that. only hicks and ppl with mullets listen to gay ass metal like that
Wow, now I must destroy you.
First, I will construct a time machine primarily out of the shattered remnants of your self destructed intelligence.
Second, I will go back in time to the night that your mother and father got (presumably) high on crack, and not only remove your father's testicles by means of jagged glass, but use steel cable to sew your mother's vagina shut.
Then, I will return to our current time and victoriously march throughout the world, singing of both Tran Man's reign of uncontrolled stupidity, and his death by time machine.
Last, I will go to bed knowing I will never again be forced to deal with you, and masturbate with unbridled fury, leaving nothing but a sticky puddle of goo to remeber you by.
This is my plan, Tran Man. Beware, your time is short.
Stand your ground behind the times
And refuse to follow fashion
Write your poetry in anger
And then sing it with a passion
Painted faces in a circus
Images they brings to mind
When I read my Penny Dreadful
Filled with pictures of your kind

2004-11-12, 04:51
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
LOL. yes, yes i do notice that.
but the thing was, the last forum i was on (metalshop.com.au), all the punters hated people calling each other gay so they were flamed out rather easily (which is why i am a little hesitant to use homosexuality for anything other than a joke).
anyway, what you stated, this happens because kids arent into it for music, they are into it for rebelling against parents and society. ignorance is why i get angry, what you said makes me furious. im ok with this:
Me: i'm into metal music.
Jazz dude: i find metal music too extreme, jazz is my thing.

2004-11-12, 23:17
Lo, they do call to me...
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what part are you putting in your sig, andrew?
tran, you nut stain, being a former redneck, i know that they listen to more thrash, the likes of anthrax, early metallica, and slayer. ozzy is bad music, good guitar, but bad music. iced earth is ok, excellent guitar, but i am not the biggest fan of power metal.
and i still stand by saying that blackwater park is my favorite opeth album, i think they perfected the opeth "sound" on that album. i like every track on the album, esp. the drapery falls, leper affinity, funeral portrait and blackwater park.
i was somewhat dissapointed with deliverance, an excellent album, but i felt it lacking, wreath was somewhat boring, that wasnt the best choice for an opening track.
still life, an amazing album, was the raw version of the opeth "sound", with the odd chord work and off kilter timing. white cluster and serenity painted death are prolly the best tracks off of it.
my arms your hearse was the first opeth album i ever listened to, and, while the album was great, i over played it, and havent listend to it in months. credence is a godlike song, though, as is april ethereal.
orchid is an ok album, not their best, but a great first effort, the piano song is kinda ehh, but their are some good tunes on it, i especially like the apostle and triumph.
morningrise is a great album, black rose immortal is very long, but i have yet to get bored listening to it. my favorite track, however, is to bid you farewell, i love the guitar work in that song.
which brings us to damnation, damnation is pure genious, and it also shows their true versitilaty as musicians and songwriters. my favorite track is hope leaves, the only opeth song i actually sat out for hours and tabbed myself w/o prior knowledge of how to play it. windowpane, to rid the disease, death whispered a lullaby, fuck, the entire album is amazing.
Too grim to function

2004-11-12, 23:51
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
Originally Posted by MoonRaven
what part are you putting in your sig, andrew?
tran, you nut stain, being a former redneck, i know that they listen to more thrash, the likes of anthrax, early metallica, and slayer. ozzy is bad music, good guitar, but bad music. iced earth is ok, excellent guitar, but i am not the biggest fan of power metal.
and i still stand by saying that blackwater park is my favorite opeth album, i think they perfected the opeth "sound" on that album. i like every track on the album, esp. the drapery falls, leper affinity, funeral portrait and blackwater park.
i was somewhat dissapointed with deliverance, an excellent album, but i felt it lacking, wreath was somewhat boring, that wasnt the best choice for an opening track.
still life, an amazing album, was the raw version of the opeth "sound", with the odd chord work and off kilter timing. white cluster and serenity painted death are prolly the best tracks off of it.
my arms your hearse was the first opeth album i ever listened to, and, while the album was great, i over played it, and havent listend to it in months. credence is a godlike song, though, as is april ethereal.
orchid is an ok album, not their best, but a great first effort, the piano song is kinda ehh, but their are some good tunes on it, i especially like the apostle and triumph.
morningrise is a great album, black rose immortal is very long, but i have yet to get bored listening to it. my favorite track, however, is to bid you farewell, i love the guitar work in that song.
which brings us to damnation, damnation is pure genious, and it also shows their true versitilaty as musicians and songwriters. my favorite track is hope leaves, the only opeth song i actually sat out for hours and tabbed myself w/o prior knowledge of how to play it. windowpane, to rid the disease, death whispered a lullaby, fuck, the entire album is amazing.
sorry mooney i couldnt fit it in, i wanted to put the "anti tran" part in. 
and thats a great description of the opeth albums right there.
deliverance i think is their worst effort musically, i agree it was lacking something, but still i absolutely love masters' apprentices and the title track.

2004-11-13, 07:07
New Blood
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: california
Posts: 47
shows how much aussies know about metal, you say i like nu-metal.. you dumb newbie. anyways i will not take an aussies opion to the heart. your country listens to pop punk and knows shit about metal, every thing about your country is shit, the beer, the music, and the ugly ass chicks. how can aussies produce good metal with a fucked up accent i would be annoyed to death lsitening to that shit. thats all i have to say LMAO!!!!!!!!!

2004-11-13, 07:37
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
dont you know when to shut the fuck up?
you go on about nu metal, yet america is the heart of nu-metal, can anyone name a nu-metal band thats NOT from the united states? let see:
coal chamber
static x
linkin park
limp bizkit
i could go on till honicka about the shit america puts out, but since im traditionally a positive person, i will just hope somebody bans your arse for doing nothing other than posting moronic views and considerably racist comments. i could say plenty of other shit about america, but since 99% of americans on this forum are good metalheads, i wont.
so shut the fuck up and just know when youve lost, look at all other posts flaming you, so kindly cease posting again, unless its intelligent, but i strongly doubt that will happen.

2004-11-19, 20:51
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Miasma
Posts: 99
I think, personally, My Arms You Hearse is the best.
Morningrise comes in a close second,
Still Life
Blackwater Park
I didn't put Damnation down because, for me, its a totally different experience. I love that album totally seperate to anything else opeth has done so its not fair to put it up there with the rest.
Also, Andrewc, i've seen a lot of your posts and you seem to feel exactly the way I do on a whole lot of subjects, even our musical tastes, and especially on how much of a douche tranny-man here is. More power to you AC
Of the once deceased bodies not through decomposure
Ending their peaces, their chances of hell
A vomit-type substance is formed from its innards
A festering slime that revels inside
The substance erupts and its stomach bursts open
Forced down your throat to regurgitate life

2004-11-19, 22:43
Lo, they do call to me...
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: virginia beach, VA
Posts: 2,209
Originally Posted by TranMan
shows how much aussies know about metal, you say i like nu-metal.. you dumb newbie. anyways i will not take an aussies opion to the heart. your country listens to pop punk and knows shit about metal, every thing about your country is shit, the beer, the music, and the ugly ass chicks. how can aussies produce good metal with a fucked up accent i would be annoyed to death lsitening to that shit. thats all i have to say LMAO!!!!!!!!!
Seriously, if there is a mod about that reads this, you should ban trans-man, he came in being a total prick, as has continued to increase in prickiousity since having posted in this thread.
Too grim to function

2004-11-19, 23:12
The Stings of Conscience
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my math teacher is into jazz and i actually got him to come to a show with me. my fucking math teacher came to a Black Dahlia Murder concert with me. it was amazing. he said he liked it but jazz is definitely his thing.
point of this story is that i agree, jazz fans are open minded, and open mindedness kicks ass

2004-11-19, 23:26
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Originally Posted by Crimson Thought
Also, Andrewc, i've seen a lot of your posts and you seem to feel exactly the way I do on a whole lot of subjects, even our musical tastes, and especially on how much of a douche tranny-man here is. More power to you AC
haw, sweet! more fans! more power!!
hahaha. cheers for that man, although i dont recall you, whereabouts do you post? ill pay more attention to you in the future
LOL @ andrew1331. my maths teacher tries to be hip and fit in, its rather funny. he goes on about superman, he's encouraged me to watch the "back to the future movies", and his music tastes ranges from elvis presley to G'n'R. he doesnt have a wife, only a 5-year-old daughter, so this is where his slight childishness comes in. although its ok because hes quite a nice guy.

2004-11-20, 18:39
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Originally Posted by andrewc
i could go on till honicka about the shit america puts out...(...more bullshit...)...
it's Chanakuh
Originally Posted by Paddy
Please excuse me for I currently have a terminal erection, and the only cure is midget-cunny.

2004-11-20, 20:11
The Stings of Conscience
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Originally Posted by Lamb of god\m/
it's Chanakuh
houston, we have a jew.

2004-11-22, 23:00
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Originally Posted by Anubis
Wow, now I must destroy you.
First, I will construct a time machine primarily out of the shattered remnants of your self destructed intelligence.
Second, I will go back in time to the night that your mother and father got (presumably) high on crack, and not only remove your father's testicles by means of jagged glass, but use steel cable to sew your mother's vagina shut.
Then, I will return to our current time and victoriously march throughout the world, singing of both Tran Man's reign of uncontrolled stupidity, and his death by time machine.
Last, I will go to bed knowing I will never again be forced to deal with you, and masturbate with unbridled fury, leaving nothing but a sticky puddle of goo to remeber you by.
This is my plan, Tran Man. Beware, your time is short.
That is very funny.
Trans told me yesterday about you guys flaming me in the first page. I just saw it. Meh. Gary Holt could play that crap, you guys make it sound like Opeth is the greatest thing since toilet paper. Theyre not that spectacular.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2004-11-22, 23:06
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holt could play it, but he couldnt write it. compare songs like "deliverance" and "black rose immortal" to "another lesson in violence.
exodus is great drunken fun, but opeth shit all over them in terms of atmosphere and musicianship. theres a time and a place for both bands

2004-11-22, 23:11
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Yes yes its mostly about the writing, I can play just as good as many as those new shitty bands, but I cant write fo shit.
Well, Exodus IS good, simple drunken fun, just how I like everything. But people around here are also praising the singer of Opeth for his great playing, it is good, but there are many many that are better. Chord progressions dont interest me whatsoever
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2004-11-23, 09:36
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 53
Up until today I only had Blackwater park and deliverance (awesome, I could live off these for years!!) Now I have them all (copies though) but I havent listened to them much. if you want a traditional Opeth sound e.g morningrise: Go for blackwater park: Bleak and Drapery Falls are the best songs, but they're all brilliant. For a different sound go for Deliverance.
To the people that say opeth is simple: fine it's not that hard to play, but imagine how fucking inspired you would have to be to write it!!!!
Anyway, you've gotta love a death metal band that puts a flower on their cd cover during a time of heavy black metal popularity. That takes BALLS.

2004-11-23, 10:54
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a pink flower at that 

2004-11-24, 21:22
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Posts: 138
Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
Yes yes its mostly about the writing, I can play just as good as many as those new shitty bands, but I cant write fo shit.
Well, Exodus IS good, simple drunken fun, just how I like everything. But people around here are also praising the singer of Opeth for his great playing, it is good, but there are many many that are better. Chord progressions dont interest me whatsoever
Considering Mikael writes all the songs, plays lead guitar, sings and growls I'd think he deserves praise. And personally I think that Opeth are probably the best band for songwriting in the last 20 years. I'm not going to compare them to better musicians, because I know there are hundreds of better guitarists than Akerfeldt, but I dont really think Opeth would sound any better if he was a better player.
The Black Hand of Set - Nile (summarised)
Somebody ate our dad, we will throw rocks at him from the sky, and put black ants in his air vents. You will make me so mad that I spurt out black semen into your mouth. I will use a megaphone to tell you I'm angry, then hit the air with a hammer, while standing on snakes. I call the grim reaper to cut open his head and eat his brain like in the film Hannibal, then cut his throat and stab his chest with scorpians.
Oh Kali
Oh Sekhmet
Oh Dagon.

2004-11-24, 23:44
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Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
Yes yes its mostly about the writing, I can play just as good as many as those new shitty bands, but I cant write fo shit.
Well, Exodus IS good, simple drunken fun, just how I like everything. But people around here are also praising the singer of Opeth for his great playing, it is good, but there are many many that are better. Chord progressions dont interest me whatsoever
well his solos are really very good, not shred but emotional sounding. kind of like the david gilmour of metal. there are a lot of riff based opeth songs, and its not a chord progression , what youre thinking of. a chord progression is like C - E - G under a solo. opeth do have long passages of chords but they arent simple progressions

2004-11-26, 16:50
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haw, sweet! more fans! more power!!
hahaha. cheers for that man, although i dont recall you, whereabouts do you post? ill pay more attention to you in the future
I was on a couple months ago, then lost my password after reformatting my HD regretfully, but just recently got it back, this was the first thread I saw andVmoit burst out of my colon after seeing the shit Transexual-man posted flaming other people...especially cause of where they live?
anyways, I'm mostly here in the band section, I just loiter and join in when I actually have some INPUT, not just making fun of random people and trolling.
Coming from a mediocre guitarist, I think Mikael is amazing, especially cause he can play more of the complex riffs while screaming and/or singing.
Sometimes people start to get great at guitar and get into other bands and the actual impact and effect is dissensitized, its kinda like how video games work I guess.
I'd have to say that Blackwater Park is one of the most amazing albums ever put together...maybe thats because its one of my favorite Opeth albums...or maybe its because it was my first metal album EVER and I picked it out randomly...either way, I still love it just as much.
Of the once deceased bodies not through decomposure
Ending their peaces, their chances of hell
A vomit-type substance is formed from its innards
A festering slime that revels inside
The substance erupts and its stomach bursts open
Forced down your throat to regurgitate life

2004-11-26, 16:52
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Posts: 333
I don't think there is a single part on Morningrise where a chord progression is a main riff or a rhythm for the solo.
And as a player, though I can play many Opeth songs, I do not think any less of Opeth as a band or Akerfeldt as a guitarist.
Last edited by BlackRoseImmortal : 2004-11-26 at 16:56.

2004-11-26, 17:26
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 to you then B.R.I
Mikael and his music was the main reason I ever even decided to start any kind of metal music in the first place. The Leper Affinity was such a headbanging track and it just got better from there, and from then on I bought their albums in this order:
Blackwater Park
Still Life
My Arms Your Hearse
Each time it was a brand new experience and it never failed to amaze me.
After that I pretty much loved any metal I could afford. Going from Opeth to Mayhem to the haunted, Dissection, Exhumed, Anata...it jsut kept going like a snowball effect, but I'll always have Opeth to thank for getting me into metal.
Oh yeah, and my friend, who also thinks he's the biggest know it all in metal, but whatever, he did she me some great bands 
Of the once deceased bodies not through decomposure
Ending their peaces, their chances of hell
A vomit-type substance is formed from its innards
A festering slime that revels inside
The substance erupts and its stomach bursts open
Forced down your throat to regurgitate life

2004-11-27, 00:02
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CT, looking at all those bands you like...we're gonna get along great man
and BRI, thats my all time favourite song easily. great name. 

2004-11-27, 03:00
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lol I didn't even remember I wrote bands down in my profile, but yeah if you like them and such then thats awesome. Especially Edge Of Sanity...I didn't do a search, but I haven't seen anything on that band here.
But Bloodbath, sadly, got rid of mikael and now Peter from Hypocrisy is the singer, which is still good. RTC is an awesome album, I also wanna pick up their first, I just haven't found it yet.
I was lucky enough to find all of Opeth's albums, and somehow found Mayhem, EoS, and Anata...Newbury comics really does suck for metal.
Of the once deceased bodies not through decomposure
Ending their peaces, their chances of hell
A vomit-type substance is formed from its innards
A festering slime that revels inside
The substance erupts and its stomach bursts open
Forced down your throat to regurgitate life

2004-11-27, 10:32
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Posts: 333
Originally Posted by andrewc
CT, looking at all those bands you like...we're gonna get along great man
and BRI, thats my all time favourite song easily. great name. 
Mine too. Without it Morningrise wouldn't be the greatest album to ever be "painfully concieved", as Opeth would say.
...Not saying the other songs aren't excellent too.

2004-11-27, 23:09
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Posts: 99
seeing Opeth live is definitely an amazing experience.
I've had a friend tell me before " why see a concert live, its stupid, you're just listening to the same stuff you've heard 1,000 times except you get to see your favorite band squiggle on stage "
After I kicked his ass, I brought him to opeth and he was glad and said it was awesome.
Opeth, though they might not go over the top, still puts on a great live show, and he was sick while he was there and still sounded awesome.
Of the once deceased bodies not through decomposure
Ending their peaces, their chances of hell
A vomit-type substance is formed from its innards
A festering slime that revels inside
The substance erupts and its stomach bursts open
Forced down your throat to regurgitate life

2004-11-28, 08:47
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seeing them play live changed my life, that was amazing, the had total silence between songs, it was the coolest thing ive ever seen, he would get up there and talk quietly into the mic about the next song they were gonna play, and he had the attention of everyon in the audience
Too grim to function

2004-11-28, 10:07
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Originally Posted by BlackRoseImmortal
Mine too. Without it Morningrise wouldn't be the greatest album to ever be "painfully concieved", as Opeth would say.
...Not saying the other songs aren't excellent too.
i thought only blackwater park was painfully conceived...? haha, 2 weeks all of them sharing a room with no shower....
and you're totally right about morningrise. absolutely amazing song on an absolutely amazing album, but to bid you farewell...his vocals are something else on that song.

2004-11-28, 13:23
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Posts: 333
Originally Posted by MoonRaven
seeing them play live changed my life, that was amazing, the had total silence between songs, it was the coolest thing ive ever seen, he would get up there and talk quietly into the mic about the next song they were gonna play, and he had the attention of everyon in the audience
I travelled six hours overnight to go see Opeth at download festival, and the stupid queue made me miss them. I only caught the end of Demon of the Fall
And AC, I do agree to bid you farewell is one of their best songs. I would've been so happy if they played it with their other light stuff on Lamentations.

2004-11-28, 13:40
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Posts: 2,471
yep. its a shame they only did songs off blackwater, deliverance and damnation for that. i think thats because it was a "music for nations" record company only dvd.
cause while its great, they did miss plenty of good songs like the above mentioned.
apparently they played 2BYF at one of the melbourne shows earlier this year. unfortunately not at the one i went to.

2004-12-04, 09:03
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Location: Australia, Vic
Posts: 54
In order of brilliance:
1) MorningRise (you will never find a better album)
2) BlackWater Park (brilliant)
3) Still life (need i say more?)
4) Damnation (A little bit softer but still great)
5) My arms, your Hearse (Great album)
6)Deliverance (they never went wrong there)
7) Orchid (its a great album but the others are better)

2004-12-05, 22:28
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Deliverance is my favorite. It's a masterpeice.
~+ A Black Heart Only Finds Beauty in Darkness +~

2004-12-06, 06:30
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in any order
Annoying humanity sickens me..........I contemplate your extinction
Nothing is too sick R.I.P Euronymous

2004-12-06, 21:46
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Anyone who thinks Damnation, Deliverance or Blackwater Park are better than Mornigrise, Still Life or Orchid have bad taste in music.

2004-12-07, 01:35
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Posts: 99
I see Opeth's later works as a totally different venture in general, the deciding line was definitely a transition somewhere inside BWP.
Of the once deceased bodies not through decomposure
Ending their peaces, their chances of hell
A vomit-type substance is formed from its innards
A festering slime that revels inside
The substance erupts and its stomach bursts open
Forced down your throat to regurgitate life

2004-12-07, 04:40
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I said I liked them both but not in any particular order. What right have you to say that people who like those certain albums over the others have bad taste in music?
Annoying humanity sickens me..........I contemplate your extinction
Nothing is too sick R.I.P Euronymous

2004-12-07, 04:52
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2004-12-07, 04:56
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Originally Posted by Mania
What right have you to say that people who like those certain albums over the others have bad taste in music?
Because AbbathGS feels that his true death metal credits allow him to know definitively whether or not a band is good. Any disagreement with his personal taste is a sign both of bad taste and of musical ignorance.
Immense in my girth, erect I stand tall

2004-12-07, 11:42
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Originally Posted by Credit to Dementia
Because AbbathGS feels that his true death metal credits allow him to know definitively whether or not a band is good. Any disagreement with his personal taste is a sign both of bad taste and of musical ignorance.
very true, alot like our current flatmate  , stubborn and arrogant and doesnt respect others choices!
i think all the Opeth albums are good and older is just as great as new but people can make their own choices in what they think is better.
Last edited by collyersgirl : 2004-12-07 at 12:06.

2004-12-07, 12:01
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Posts: 99
Oh well, some people can't see past their own shortcomings.
I still think that their later stuff is just as good as their older stuff, its just taken to a different pace and changes up a little, nothing wrong with it at all.
Besides, you can't really know if someone has bad taste in music or not until they first even tell you what they like, or second you actually get to know them.Passing judgement on musical taste is pretty overgrown lately.
Of the once deceased bodies not through decomposure
Ending their peaces, their chances of hell
A vomit-type substance is formed from its innards
A festering slime that revels inside
The substance erupts and its stomach bursts open
Forced down your throat to regurgitate life

2004-12-08, 16:46
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Posts: 281
Originally Posted by Crimson Thought
I see Opeth's later works as a totally different venture in general, the deciding line was definitely a transition somewhere inside BWP.
The main problem with their later works are that they stopped taking the interesting guitar interplay that the early works had, and just threw barre chords at us non-stop. Opeth started applying a formula to their music, wheras their older material was far more inventive and explorative. They soon started to clearly show us that they would be both heavy and "sfot" at the same time by almost forcing in the clean moments. They lost their soul at some point... they almost became complacent.
I'm not trying to be an asshole as much as I'm trying to implore everyone to reconsider, and perhaps, explore the earlier works, as it is my opinion (as well as many well-respected reviewers... note I underline "well-respected) that this is true. I'm not saying that BwP is bad (it has its moments), I'm saying that Morningrise, Still Life and Orchid had much more to offer in the way of musical inventiveness and intergrity.

2004-12-08, 21:03
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Posts: 137
Opeth sucks and their fans are gay. You fags have been talking about the best opeth album for the entire life of this site. Go and die you stupid cum guzzling, shit sucking, ass grinding, cunt bag, tool faced, meat heads.
Boohoo I'm not respecting your favorite fucking band.Well, I don't respect smelly shit on the ground so why should I respect you or your band? I don't see in real differences besides the actual shape and color. Now let me see you all crap your pants with anger that I don't like your precious opeth, and let me laugh at you as you claim I can't apreciate other music when you clearly can't either.
Last edited by bloodredthrone : 2004-12-08 at 21:07.

2004-12-08, 21:24
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"Damnation" because the lyrics and music are very moody and condusive to my creative writing.
My eldest son's bipolar website: www.bipolarmanifesto.com
-wally: Mom, you shouldn't play after me because it makes you sound even worse than you already do. -wally:*grumbles and whispers quietly* I guess it's cuz I love you or something, but you're still a TURD
Grimm:I could read your mind but its in font size .5
Amadeus:Oh, and was there a cesserole (never mind spelling) involved?
Paddy:the fact that you didn't end up on a kids show makes me question my atheism
Dyldo: You evil strumpet!

2004-12-09, 07:32
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
Originally Posted by bloodredthrone
Opeth sucks and their fans are gay. You fags have been talking about the best opeth album for the entire life of this site. Go and die you stupid cum guzzling, shit sucking, ass grinding, cunt bag, tool faced, meat heads.
Boohoo I'm not respecting your favorite fucking band.Well, I don't respect smelly shit on the ground so why should I respect you or your band? I don't see in real differences besides the actual shape and color. Now let me see you all crap your pants with anger that I don't like your precious opeth, and let me laugh at you as you claim I can't apreciate other music when you clearly can't either.
in the highly unlikely event that i see you on the street, i'm going to kill you
and i'd like to be held to that as well 

2005-01-04, 05:25
The Stings of Conscience
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Location: Lutz, FL
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2005-01-04, 10:03
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Originally Posted by AbbathGS
they stopped taking the interesting guitar interplay that the early works had
With that I agree.
And a best Opeth album, I'll say none. All of them are good, in their way. I haven't heard Orchid though.
Oh, bloodredthrone, that one was actually pretty good. At least decent grammar and some insults that looked like you put some though into it. Good work!
seems like you got a case of stupidphobia
Last edited by G_urr_A : 2005-01-04 at 10:04.
Reason: Forgot...

2005-01-04, 15:19
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Originally Posted by bloodredthrone
Opeth sucks and their fans are gay. You fags have been talking about the best opeth album for the entire life of this site. Go and die you stupid cum guzzling, shit sucking, ass grinding, cunt bag, tool faced, meat heads.
Boohoo I'm not respecting your favorite fucking band.Well, I don't respect smelly shit on the ground so why should I respect you or your band? I don't see in real differences besides the actual shape and color. Now let me see you all crap your pants with anger that I don't like your precious opeth, and let me laugh at you as you claim I can't apreciate other music when you clearly can't either.
So people who like Opeth are gay, because they are Opeth fans...yeah ok...
You insult youself by coming up with this bullshit so im not going to bother, youve made a big enough idiot of youself already.

2005-01-04, 15:55
Lo, they do call to me...
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Originally Posted by bloodredthrone
Opeth sucks and their fans are gay. You fags have been talking about the best opeth album for the entire life of this site. Go and die you stupid cum guzzling, shit sucking, ass grinding, cunt bag, tool faced, meat heads.
Boohoo I'm not respecting your favorite fucking band.Well, I don't respect smelly shit on the ground so why should I respect you or your band? I don't see in real differences besides the actual shape and color. Now let me see you all crap your pants with anger that I don't like your precious opeth, and let me laugh at you as you claim I can't apreciate other music when you clearly can't either.
im gay, because i like opeth, and all opeth fans are close-minded??
i beg to differ, you rotting cunt, i listen to more music than you know exists, i can go from cannibal corpse to the cure to brand new and back, dont even get me started on people being close-minded, twat.
Too grim to function

2005-01-05, 02:18
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Location: Ontario,Canada
Posts: 85
I'd have to say Blackwater Park is the album I cherish the most from this band. The two bonus tracks don't come off very Opeth - like, but I never expect to see the band follow a pattern or recognizable sound anyways. That's what is so great about them.
Still Life is an awesome album; The Moor and Benighted are some of my favourites.
Orchid is an album I'll never get tired of. Listening to Forest of October, Twilight is my Robe, and Apostle in Triumph just makes my day.
Since most people here are in agreement that Deliverance was probably the least enjoyable, I'd agree with the exception of A Fair Judgement.
The funny thing about this 'bloodredthrone' guy is that with the attitude he put forth, it would be impossible to call him open-minded. But in all fairness, he never stated that he was in the first place......so his contribution was a pointless one.
Last edited by Seasons in the Abyss : 2005-01-05 at 03:13.

2005-01-05, 19:26
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Posts: 333
Originally Posted by Seasons in the Abyss
Still Life is an awesome album; The Moor and Benighted are some of my favourites.
Benighted is the only Opeth song I've never liked. The vocals are repetitive and poor for Mikael's standards.

2005-01-12, 21:48
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Originally Posted by bloodredthrone
Opeth sucks and their fans are gay. You fags have been talking about the best opeth album for the entire life of this site. Go and die you stupid cum guzzling, shit sucking, ass grinding, cunt bag, tool faced, meat heads.
Boohoo I'm not respecting your favorite fucking band.Well, I don't respect smelly shit on the ground so why should I respect you or your band? I don't see in real differences besides the actual shape and color. Now let me see you all crap your pants with anger that I don't like your precious opeth, and let me laugh at you as you claim I can't apreciate other music when you clearly can't either.
heh...heh....wow...WOW! You stupid mother fuckin son of a bitch. You are a such a fuckin piece of...well... u know i think id rather stop arguing and just pee in your mouth...
i just dont under stand how you could put you mind into comprehension that for some reason you can come into this thread and bash opeth.
anyway....in debate of opeth's older compared to newer albums, you have to watch the documentry on lamentations. they specificly say they desire change in style and music...if they put out a slower acoustic album (yes. i think we all know) then theyre not gonna sell out, they are going to do the "exact opposite" what the people think...so do what you will with that.

2005-01-12, 23:03
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Posts: 2,471
Originally Posted by rabbifoodslicer
heh...heh....wow...WOW! You stupid mother fuckin son of a bitch. You are a such a fuckin piece of...well... u know i think id rather stop arguing and just pee in your mouth...
i just dont under stand how you could put you mind into comprehension that for some reason you can come into this thread and bash opeth.
Originally Posted by rabbifoodslicer
anyway....in debate of opeth's older compared to newer albums, you have to watch the documentry on lamentations. they specificly say they desire change in style and music...if they put out a slower acoustic album (yes. i think we all know) then theyre not gonna sell out, they are going to do the "exact opposite" what the people think...so do what you will with that.


2005-01-13, 05:15
New Blood
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Every opeth album is fucking amazing, but if I had to pick a favorite it would prolly be Blackwater Park. Cuz im a sucker for Progressive Death Metal.
Blank Face In The Window Pane
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Dissapears And Returns Again
Counting Hours Searching For Life.

2005-01-14, 15:01
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I'm not a big fan of Opeth,but Blackwter Park is amazing.

2005-01-14, 19:44
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Originally Posted by LordofStorms
I'm not a big fan of Opeth,but Blackwter Park is amazing.
How can you not like anything else? Blackwater Park is everything Opeth are about, crammed into one recording. If you like it then you can't dislike any other release.
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