2004-11-13, 17:18
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 59
Soloing Help
Im having trouble coming up with an extremely melodic solo... but fast at the same time.. if you could give me some suggestion... thx in advance

2004-11-13, 17:20
Join Date: Mar 2004
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2004-11-13, 17:23
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 59
Do you mean use scales... or have i used scales yet...?

2004-11-14, 12:58
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: May 2003
Location: The dark mountains of the north
Posts: 142
first of all, you're not going to get an "extremely melodic solo" for your first try.
secondly, knowing scales dosent mean you can solo. running up and down a scale during a "solo section" sounds like shit.
You however, DO need to learn scales to solo but you need to learn HOW to solo with SCALES. and by you not knowing what a scale is, I suggest you start learning theory. and it isnt going to be an overnight thing. youll have to start at the very bottom and work up.
once you learn what a scale is and such. then worry about soloing
nørthern dragon
Last edited by northerndragon : 2004-11-14 at 13:02.

2004-11-14, 16:48
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: West Virginia
Posts: 744
All you really need to do is learn scales, and then learn a whole lot of other peoples songs, and then see the connect between the solos and the scales, and then just mess around with that....

2004-11-15, 18:21
New Blood
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 24
ok you want to have a melodic solo,learn the notes of any minor scale,for example,the A-entia scale-A-Bflat-C-D-Eflat-F-G, now learn these notes everywere on the fretboard,(A-entia scale-A-Bflat-C-D-Eflat-F-G)-is a bullshit scale i made up,hence the word example,the easyest way to find every note in every position on the fretboard if your ear hasnt been trained yet is to remember this basic yet effective lesson in music theroy, A B C D E F G, There are no sharps or flats beetween B and C And E and F, a simple example whould be to hit your 6th string the open E, Now fret your first fret an F,2nd fret F#,3Rd G and so on,remember if you are going down the neck of you guitar/lower the notes in between are flats,and if you are going higher up the neck/15/24 frets ect,the notes in between are sharps,example the E note on the 7th fret of the A string,if you go down the neck/lower/6th fret A string it is an Eflat,if you go higher up the neck/8thfret the note is a F,now once you have mastered this,try and train your ear to hear the root note/key of A,if it is an A Natural scale,in the confines of these scales lies melody,try putting larger intervals in between your notes,and remember your root note that is your home note and also the ending note,drama-blah-blah-blah 
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