2002-05-04, 23:33
Join Date: May 2002
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Posts: 70
Worst excuse of a "metal" band
Man, what they consider heavy nowadays is bullshit, pure bullshit. But the bands that piss me off the most are: Korn, Creed, Slipknot, Mudvayne, Linkin Park, POD, Adema, Manson, and Static X... i'm sorry, but those guys are not metal, i can't stand those bastards... Manson is the biggest wannabe ive ever seen in my life, and people think he's so controversial and evil, well thats kindergarten bullshit i think.
rope tight, around her throat
her body twitches
as she chokes

2002-05-05, 00:13
The Devil
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That's wonderful........ 
Through me you pass into the city of woe
Through me you pass into eternal pain
Through me among the people lost for ay
Justice the founder of my fabric moved
To rear me was the task of power divine
Supremest wisdom, and primeval love
Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal, and eternal I endure
All hope abandon, ye who enter here
Against the concert of the Immortals he cannot stand alone.

2002-05-05, 00:14
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Re: Worst excuse of a "metal" band
Originally posted by Head_split_Open
Man, what they consider heavy nowadays is bullshit, pure bullshit. But the bands that piss me off the most are: Korn, Creed, Slipknot, Mudvayne, Linkin Park, POD, Adema, Manson, and Static X... i'm sorry, but those guys are not metal, i can't stand those bastards... Manson is the biggest wannabe ive ever seen in my life, and people think he's so controversial and evil, well thats kindergarten bullshit i think.
Creed isn't considered metal by anyone's standards. And the rest is nu-metal man.
mr. wannabe

2002-05-05, 00:24
Join Date: May 2002
Location: my mom forgot me again
Posts: 70
the kids here are considering slipknot and mudvayne like hardcore death metal, i dont know how it is elsewhere, but i was just goin from personal experience... yeah and that new song "bullets" by creed is being called speed metal by the kids here as well.
rope tight, around her throat
her body twitches
as she chokes

2002-05-05, 04:14
You gamma-minus fucktards
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Yup. Everyone have a good cry now.
There's nothing you can do to the majority of idiots. Nothing. Get used to the fact that people listen to shitty music.
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2002-05-05, 05:12
Forum Daemon
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sane is, typically, right. A lot of bullshit's gonna pass for something real to the majority of people, and there's little you can do about it, except maybe attempt to change the minds of one or two key people. Other than that, you can accept it or ignore it or go fuckin crazy trying in vain to rectify it. I'd suggest just pretending that any band you dont want to listen to doesnt exist if it really gets to you.
Me, I like to make fun of em, and I couldnt do it if they werent around.

2002-05-05, 05:48
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Originally posted by Head_split_Open
the kids here are considering slipknot and mudvayne like hardcore death metal, i dont know how it is elsewhere, but i was just goin from personal experience... yeah and that new song "bullets" by creed is being called speed metal by the kids here as well.
that's unreal. 
Fender0823: ok here's a good one.........
Fender0823: what if u could have all the babes u wanted in ur bed, but once a month u had to wear a shirt in public that said "I like my men in short shorts" would u do it
Fender0823: :-X god im scary
Fender0823: lol
Fender0823: this is what alcohol does to me.
Ulimnar: hell yeah i would, lol, that'd be hilarious
Fender0823: lmfao!!!!!!!
Fender0823: hahahahahahaha
Fender0823: can i put this in my sig on metaltabs
Fender0823: lololol
Ulimnar: but I'd also carry a gun for any homos that took it seriously
"Wally Leaves us officially" - Ulimnar: lol I think it'll work now...goodbye man
Ulimnar signed off at 10:09:37 PM.

2002-05-05, 08:20
Aww that's horrible.
Well some people here think Slipknot is Death Metal.
And most common mistake....people think Cradle of Filth is Black Metal here.....

2002-05-05, 12:28
Master Killer
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ah man, the shit going on here with the kids is unbelievable, just like everywhere else I guess, they think Slipknot and Linkin Park and limp bizkit etc. are the real hard metal shit (and they think it rules or roles or whatever hehe)
it's just weak, and indeed, the majority of the people listen to fucked up music, I can live with it though.

2002-05-05, 16:19
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As PST 88 said, just make fun of them. I'm sure thats why they are here, so we can have something to laugh of.
Glory is temporary
Pain is eternal

2002-05-05, 16:40
The Devil
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Originally posted by Head_split_Open
the kids here are considering slipknot and mudvayne like hardcore death metal, i dont know how it is elsewhere, but i was just goin from personal experience... yeah and that new song "bullets" by creed is being called speed metal by the kids here as well.
You're still in high school right? Most people in high school are morons. The younger they are, the more moronish they are. All they believe is what MTV shows them........if they see Mudvayne with painted faces and big black jumpsuits, they'll think "these guys are hardcore, they're satanic....THEY'RE DEATHMETAL!!!!". Just ignore the kids, don't even try arguing with them. In their minds, they are always right.......even if they know nothing about metal, they still "know" more about death metal than we do.
Just accept that fact, don't talk to them, graduate.....and forget it ever happened.
Through me you pass into the city of woe
Through me you pass into eternal pain
Through me among the people lost for ay
Justice the founder of my fabric moved
To rear me was the task of power divine
Supremest wisdom, and primeval love
Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal, and eternal I endure
All hope abandon, ye who enter here
Against the concert of the Immortals he cannot stand alone.

2002-05-05, 16:49
Join Date: May 2002
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yeah, i try to ignore it, i just feel left out being the only kid in the whole high school that knows what metal truly is. Hell, even a lot of the seniors that are the so called "goths" think im dumb just because im a freshman and they hate the fact that i know what im talking about and they have no clue what theyre talking about. The only band they ever talk about is Morbid Angel and they think it is so underground... but thats the only metal band they know about... hell, these guys have no clue what the hell a King Diamond or an Ice Earth is... buncha losers, i hate em.... I'm all alone .... 
rope tight, around her throat
her body twitches
as she chokes

2002-05-05, 18:48
Originally posted by memnoch
these guys are hardcore, they're satanic....THEY'RE DEATHMETAL!!!
Thats what Im pissed the most at.....they think all these Slipknot bands or whatever are Satanic, their "different" so they need to escape everything and "rebel" and listen to evil Slipknot.
But remember guys, Slipknot are scary and Satanic, and TOO heavy for all of us......they have a goathead on the cover of their new album.....


2002-05-05, 20:53
The Devil
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*runs in fear*
Oh no, not a goat head! And to think that i thought they hit the top of evil with "if you're 555 then i'm 666!" 
Through me you pass into the city of woe
Through me you pass into eternal pain
Through me among the people lost for ay
Justice the founder of my fabric moved
To rear me was the task of power divine
Supremest wisdom, and primeval love
Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal, and eternal I endure
All hope abandon, ye who enter here
Against the concert of the Immortals he cannot stand alone.

2002-05-05, 22:01
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Originally posted by far_beyond_sane
Yup. Everyone have a good cry now.
There's nothing you can do to the majority of idiots. Nothing. Get used to the fact that people listen to shitty music.
Well it's not shitty to a lot of people, Sane. I happen to like Slipknot. I don't wrongfully misplace their genre...but I like them.
mr. wannabe

2002-05-05, 22:05
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Originally posted by wannabe
I happen to like Slipknot.
Aww ::hands you a cookie::
well maybe for you ...maybe you don't know shit that's why - LØRD MALPHAS

2002-05-05, 22:05
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Originally posted by memnoch
You're still in high school right? Most people in high school are morons. The younger they are, the more moronish they are. All they believe is what MTV shows them.
That's very small-minded.....
mr. wannabe

2002-05-05, 22:42
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Posts: 70
No no wannabe, hes right. MTV is an evil super power that manipulates and corrupts the mind of kids worldwide. All it does is expose kids to sex, drugs, and all kinds of foul things they probably shouldnt see... im talking about the young kids here. They see Carson Daly do all this stuff or wear this or say that so they think its cool. These trendy fucks should be shot for leading on all these little kids. Teeny boppers are sheep and MTV is the shepard thats going to lead them off a cliff.... they figure if it aint on MTV, then it doesnt exist, and slipknot just happens to be the "hardest" thing on MTV.
So children are morons that buy into that bullshit and it sickens me to an extent unimaginable. Though i am a freshman in high school you probably think "what does he know" or "hes full of shit" or whatever, but i don't care... thats how it is and thats how im tellin it.
In conclusion, MTV is the worst excuse for anything ever... thank you very much
MTV --------> 
rope tight, around her throat
her body twitches
as she chokes

2002-05-06, 03:39
I remember when MTV used to play that cool 'Grind' band Slipknot way back in the ol' MFKR days.
MTV=Mutated Television.

2002-05-07, 00:04
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Originally posted by CtHuLhU DaWn
Aww ::hands you a cookie::
Thank you! 
mr. wannabe

2002-05-07, 00:06
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Originally posted by Head_split_Open
No no wannabe, hes right. MTV is an evil super power that manipulates and corrupts the mind of kids worldwide. All it does is expose kids to sex, drugs, and all kinds of foul things they probably shouldnt see... im talking about the young kids here. They see Carson Daly do all this stuff or wear this or say that so they think its cool. These trendy fucks should be shot for leading on all these little kids. Teeny boppers are sheep and MTV is the shepard thats going to lead them off a cliff.... they figure if it aint on MTV, then it doesnt exist, and slipknot just happens to be the "hardest" thing on MTV.
So children are morons that buy into that bullshit and it sickens me to an extent unimaginable. Though i am a freshman in high school you probably think "what does he know" or "hes full of shit" or whatever, but i don't care... thats how it is and thats how im tellin it.
In conclusion, MTV is the worst excuse for anything ever... thank you very much
MTV -------->
Now you're being small-minded. You're young. Don't be so cynical and pompous. You gernerilize too much. That's dangerous (well not around here since everyone's a dumb fuck...).
mr. wannabe

2002-05-07, 01:02
All you reply with is "small minded" and "asshole". Get something better. "You bore me"

2002-05-07, 01:05
Drunken Yeti God
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Fuck Brad and everyone who looks like Brad. From the looks of this picture, I think he's jerking off too much. Keep him away from LouAnne.
I never fucked a 10, but one night I fucked five 2's.
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
You really have no dignity. I would rather have sex with my fifty year old father.

2002-05-07, 02:18
The Devil
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Originally posted by wannabe
Now you're being small-minded. You're young. Don't be so cynical and pompous. You gernerilize too much. That's dangerous (well not around here since everyone's a dumb fuck...).
So, you think MTV is doing some good for today's youth? Have you heard the ever-so popular expression "The MTV generation"? That's today's kids....it started pretty much with us, and anyone younger than us. Some of us were smart enough to think for ourselves and say "you know, Limp Bizkit really does suck" instead of "WOWWY!! It's on MTV!! IT HAS TO BE GOOD!!!!".
I'm not saying EVERY child is like this.....but i'm ready to say about 85-90% follow whatever MTV or television in general tell them to buy/watch/wear. I mean, come on.....be reasonable.....do you really think half these kids with huge FUBU clothing which costs like 200$ a sweater really REALLY buy it because of the product? Because of it's smooth, cloth like feel against their tender young skin? Of course not. They buy it because fucking eminem wore it in his latest videa. Did you notice the INSANE rise in red baseball caps being worn once Limp Bizkit became popular? Or how about the ADIDAS brand selling like crazy once Korn came on the market?
About the only stuff i've bought that was moderatly expensive was Eddie Bauer clothing.....i've bought a few sweaters there for my nicer, casual days.......the rest i buy either at Rock Junction (band shirts) or Walmart where i can find cheap pants for a good price.
The point is, MTV sells.....BIG TIME! And today's kids are their buyers.
Through me you pass into the city of woe
Through me you pass into eternal pain
Through me among the people lost for ay
Justice the founder of my fabric moved
To rear me was the task of power divine
Supremest wisdom, and primeval love
Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal, and eternal I endure
All hope abandon, ye who enter here
Against the concert of the Immortals he cannot stand alone.

2002-05-07, 05:45
Originally posted by memnoch
So, you think MTV is doing some good for today's youth? Have you heard the ever-so popular expression "The MTV generation"? That's today's kids....it started pretty much with us, and anyone younger than us.
Obviously, he listens to Slipknot.....

2002-05-07, 17:19
Join Date: Apr 2002
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Hey I like Slipknot too,but only their first album was good,second is not so good.
Oh and I don't see mtv.Fuck mtv!
B y the way all members of Slipknot are death metal fans
especially of Immolation.
Burnin' and a-lootin' tonight
burnin' all pollution tonight
burnin' all illusion tonight


2002-05-07, 18:46
Master Killer
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why do you like fucknot, have you ever taken a look at their excuses for lyrics?
Oh man, if slipknot is metal then I don't want to be called a metalhead anymore, slipknot is more like a bunch fucking poppy guys who want attention with their ugly mask and ugly clips...
man, like someone said before, they even got a GOAT on the front of their album, dammit! a GOAT for crying out loud!!

2002-05-07, 19:44
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SLipknot were said in a news paper "the bad boys of pop are back"
That says it all really
well maybe for you ...maybe you don't know shit that's why - LØRD MALPHAS

2002-05-07, 21:07
Join Date: Sep 2001
Posts: 55
Well hello again peoples. I saw knot's lead singer should grow some semblance of testicles and throw out a real vocal roar. But unfortunately, this will never happen. And I can see no way how knot's members could be death metal fans and toss out such crappy music at the same time...

2002-05-07, 21:31
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Originally posted by The Crying Orc
Obviously, he listens to Slipknot.....
Why must we insult ppl's musical taste? I dont like slipknot, but I dont go around insulting those who do.
Fender0823: ok here's a good one.........
Fender0823: what if u could have all the babes u wanted in ur bed, but once a month u had to wear a shirt in public that said "I like my men in short shorts" would u do it
Fender0823: :-X god im scary
Fender0823: lol
Fender0823: this is what alcohol does to me.
Ulimnar: hell yeah i would, lol, that'd be hilarious
Fender0823: lmfao!!!!!!!
Fender0823: hahahahahahaha
Fender0823: can i put this in my sig on metaltabs
Fender0823: lololol
Ulimnar: but I'd also carry a gun for any homos that took it seriously
"Wally Leaves us officially" - Ulimnar: lol I think it'll work now...goodbye man
Ulimnar signed off at 10:09:37 PM.

2002-05-07, 23:39
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Ok, I'll do what I usually do and rap it up for everyone...
Crying Orc- All you do is quote....at the most inopportune times. I use small-minded..b/c that's what you are..and what they were being at that point. I could sink down to your Jr. high level and call you a gay fecker...with a string of other names (believe me, I could abuse you), but I'll skip what doesn't need to be said.
Memnoch-...I'm sorry I didn't read your post..LOL....don't you hate it when you post something..and you can't remember what the person said....heh...anyway, I saw Orc's quote. That gerneration is really the one before us..or sort of in between..it's called generation X. Let me read your post and make another reply.
Anyone else- Slipknot isn't death metal.....they don't have death metal vocals....so to you....they suck. Get the retard stick out of your ass please....I like them..you don't have to. At least make a reasonable argument as to why they suck. Give something to take you guys serious with.
Memnoch is one of the FEW people who actually tries to explain a point behind his sadistic depraved mind. I can actually take him seriously even though I may disagree.
mr. wannabe

2002-05-07, 23:59
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Originally posted by memnoch
So, you think MTV is doing some good for today's youth? Have you heard the ever-so popular expression "The MTV generation"? That's today's kids....it started pretty much with us, and anyone younger than us. Some of us were smart enough to think for ourselves and say "you know, Limp Bizkit really does suck" instead of "WOWWY!! It's on MTV!! IT HAS TO BE GOOD!!!!".
I'm not saying EVERY child is like this.....but i'm ready to say about 85-90% follow whatever MTV or television in general tell them to buy/watch/wear. I mean, come on.....be reasonable.....do you really think half these kids with huge FUBU clothing which costs like 200$ a sweater really REALLY buy it because of the product? Because of it's smooth, cloth like feel against their tender young skin? Of course not. They buy it because fucking eminem wore it in his latest videa. Did you notice the INSANE rise in red baseball caps being worn once Limp Bizkit became popular? Or how about the ADIDAS brand selling like crazy once Korn came on the market?
About the only stuff i've bought that was moderatly expensive was Eddie Bauer clothing.....i've bought a few sweaters there for my nicer, casual days.......the rest i buy either at Rock Junction (band shirts) or Walmart where i can find cheap pants for a good price.
The point is, MTV sells.....BIG TIME! And today's kids are their buyers.
Ok, I actually read it this time, hehe. Ok. The people who you see on TV are the ones who emulate the artists on TV. Everyone else.....no! (well maybe not everyone...)You don't see everyone else. It's like we can't fathom the idea of communism or communal anarchism ( one of my buddies) b/c we live and grew up in a capitolistic society. We don't see the other side of the picture. Yeah MTV show those kids who dress and act the way they want them too. But then again you can't judge them "brainwashed" right off. Judging at appearance is dangerous. Yeah it's true a lot of the time. Mtv is huge and it sells huge.....but lets not talk condescendingly about any "type" of people. "Evil metal" shit sells to you. You follow that just as they follow N'Sync. You're a pretty cool guy. I follow Gap..and Sears....I like their clothes. Whatever man..But you get the picture.
mr. wannabe

2002-05-08, 00:54
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Originally posted by wannabe
Well it's not shitty to a lot of people
thats because alot of people cant define the word shitty, and dont know what it means, and dont know what shitty music really is, and dont know what isnt shitty.
Tammie Big Nuts saved my soul in africa today.

2002-05-08, 02:55
I quote everything?
Look at the majority of your posts buddy....speak for yourself, please.
Obviously, you don't know me all that well behind this handle or you would not be saying "close minded".
End it here my friend.

2002-05-08, 03:04
Join Date: Dec 2001
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Posts: 62
Let me say one thing to get a bigger debate going, since I don't have much time to write something intelligent. Mick Thompson once said that Slipknot were "metal metal, we're not nu metal, we're not death metal, we're metal metal" I disagree with that, but what do you guys think (and I didn't write what he said word for word, just hte basic idea.)

2002-05-08, 03:12
Join Date: Apr 2002
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Slipknot sucks cuz they're hypocritical. They said the reasons they wore masks was because "slipknot is about music, not how we look" then why the fuck are they trying to make out to be serial killer clowns? btw, heres some sample "lyrics:"
"fuck you, fuck everything you stand for, fuck my mom etc....don't ever judge me!"
man, these guys ARE hardcore. ministry did the same thing first and better in "stigmata." besides, they make bad music.
and orc....calm down
For the color dancers were pulsing, spinning, making liquid cartoons. Not really animations, but clear shades of color, forming a toy playground. They made this delight of breathing easy. All the playground objects were alive, including the swings and the merry-go-round. A silvery-blue arch of plastic color formed and collapsed in the center. A toy little boy, or maybe she was a little girl, jumped along this object, sliding down it, hanging on with small fingers, leaping into the grass. I felt a sense of responsibility begin to resonate within me, both for the knowledge of my wife and my coming child, and the deep psychedelic responsibility of my shamanic-like path. I glanced away briefly and one of the DMT beings, tall, thin and golem-like, grasped my head and turned it back to see. The shapes kept moving, and the child was my innocence too, and it was asking me to promise to share that innocence completely with our shinebelly baby when she/he births and grows and becomes human.
Last edited by DissectedCarcas : 2002-05-08 at 03:16.

2002-05-08, 04:31
Quit bringing me up, I said I wanted this to fucking end already.

2002-05-08, 06:55
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well maybe for you ...maybe you don't know shit that's why - LØRD MALPHAS

2002-05-08, 07:23
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Hmmm, don't anybody get it? It doesn't matter a fuck if we don't like mainstream, or nu-metal or any of that shit. We know what we think is good and what WE think suck. Don't you think the mainstreams think metal suck? Because, they hate metal, just as some of us hate mainstream. As wannabe said, someone always like the music(or that's what I think he said). There is nothing more to say about that. Live with it, and live with the fackt that nobody that don't listen to metal know what Slipknot is, or what Emperor or any kind of music. For fuck sake, they put Limp Bizkit along with Metallica and Impaled Nazarene in most of the music shops all around the world!!! And there is not one thing we can do about it. Live with it, and laugh of it. That's the only thing we can do.
Glory is temporary
Pain is eternal

2002-05-08, 12:04
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I know I'll be decapitated, but I actually have CDs from both Limp Bizkit and Linkin Park. The Limp-CD only contains two or three tracks I listen to, but the Linkin Park-CD isn't too bad. They have some good melodies, but the scratching ruins the picture.
I also liked Rage Against the Machine earlier, but not anymore. Have three CDs, and five good tracks....
I bought the Linkin Park CD half a year before anyone else in Norway, I think, long before they were considered mainstream.
"Fear your thoughts and let the Father judge them, walk the Shining Path and guide the weakling along"

2002-05-08, 15:15
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As DM says, Limp have one or two good songs, Linkin Park has some good songs. But also as DM said, both of us started to lilsten to them long before they were said to be mainstream(at least in norway).
Glory is temporary
Pain is eternal

2002-05-08, 17:45
Master Killer
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Re: Torch
Originally posted by DerMeister
I also liked Rage Against the Machine earlier, but not anymore. Have three CDs, and five good tracks....
I bought the Linkin Park CD half a year before anyone else in Norway, I think, long before they were considered mainstream.
Yeah, the early Ra/tM has some nice stuff with it, like Tom Morello, he's brought some cool stuff into the band, so did Timmy C.
but Anyways, Linkin Park, I 'don't know man, I heard them before they where mainstream, I though some guitarstuff was nice, the bass and drums where nothing special and the lyrics sucked. but the vocals are the worst thing of the whole band, man they sound like gays, and the scratching, well we all know about scratching and we all know it's horseshit.
I don't like linkin park at all actually but then again I also hate slipknot and Di-Rect

2002-05-08, 22:04
Oh I wish I was Tom Morello, that's so creative how he puts his cable on the strings and hits his toggle switch,oh so so talented!
Why don't they just get a fucking DJ.

2002-05-08, 23:01
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Location: my mom forgot me again
Posts: 70
hell, im only 14 and im sure im a better guitarist than morello...

rope tight, around her throat
her body twitches
as she chokes

2002-05-09, 18:31
Master Killer
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HAHAH I'm sure you're not...
have you ever seen that guy play?
Okay, this guy has even electrocuted himself once!! haha yeah with the plug thingy doing weird stuff, I've got all the Ra/tM albums but I must say that morello is pretty darn good, maybe not totally everybody's style around here but hey who cares 

2002-05-09, 21:56
Their songs are the same tempo and involve rapping.

2002-05-09, 22:33
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bah!... well, i still think hes majorly overrated.. i mean, what the hell does that playing with the plug thing do anyway... and electrcuting himself?! thats not music man, music isnt about playing with plugs and getting electrocuted... 
rope tight, around her throat
her body twitches
as she chokes

2002-05-10, 00:11
The Devil
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He's just a DJ who got his hands on a guitar. People "appreciate" it more because he's using a guitar to make his effects, instead of the traditional keyboards and mixing tables.
Through me you pass into the city of woe
Through me you pass into eternal pain
Through me among the people lost for ay
Justice the founder of my fabric moved
To rear me was the task of power divine
Supremest wisdom, and primeval love
Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal, and eternal I endure
All hope abandon, ye who enter here
Against the concert of the Immortals he cannot stand alone.

2002-05-10, 00:20
But I still think he sucks monkey chode sauce at Guitar.

2002-05-10, 04:01
New Blood
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Eh, what was this thread about again? Oh yeah, 'Worst excuse of a "metal" band'. Um, how about Rammstein? I think they are certainly shithouse.
And about the nu-metal bashing... I honestly can't be fuct whinging about it, like it, hate it, whatever.
My life is a pancake.
Fuck having a signature.

2002-05-10, 04:28
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Tom Morello...Shitty Guitar player? funny. True, most RATM riffs are easy as shit to play but if any of you heard what he does live...well he shows off a lot more. As much as I like morello as a guitar player i think it got lame when every song had a solo that was just him playing around with a new sound he discovered. It was cooler on the first CD when he actually PLAYED the guitar during the solo. When he started getting known in guitar world as the guy who made noises thats all he ended up doing (listen to battle of L.A.), however he is not just "a DJ with a guitar."
And whats wrong with rapping again?
For the color dancers were pulsing, spinning, making liquid cartoons. Not really animations, but clear shades of color, forming a toy playground. They made this delight of breathing easy. All the playground objects were alive, including the swings and the merry-go-round. A silvery-blue arch of plastic color formed and collapsed in the center. A toy little boy, or maybe she was a little girl, jumped along this object, sliding down it, hanging on with small fingers, leaping into the grass. I felt a sense of responsibility begin to resonate within me, both for the knowledge of my wife and my coming child, and the deep psychedelic responsibility of my shamanic-like path. I glanced away briefly and one of the DMT beings, tall, thin and golem-like, grasped my head and turned it back to see. The shapes kept moving, and the child was my innocence too, and it was asking me to promise to share that innocence completely with our shinebelly baby when she/he births and grows and becomes human.

2002-05-10, 04:42
Rapping is lame, rap is a conversation with a repeated Drum beat.
It's lame and boring just like Rage Against The Machine, and Tom Morello's poor playing.

2002-05-10, 06:47
Supreme Metalhead
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Toms original....I've nevr heard anyone like him, and i like all thr funny effect, because its coool to expand your horizons and learn more than solos and "HEAVY" Riffs, stuff out of the ordinary, i LOVE learing RATM songs...
well maybe for you ...maybe you don't know shit that's why - LØRD MALPHAS

2002-05-10, 07:34
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re: worst excuse
Originally posted by Head_split_Open
Man, what they consider heavy nowadays is bullshit, pure bullshit. But the bands that piss me off the most are: Korn, Creed, Slipknot, Mudvayne, Linkin Park, POD, Adema, Manson, and Static X... i'm sorry, but those guys are not metal, i can't stand those bastards... Manson is the biggest wannabe ive ever seen in my life, and people think he's so controversial and evil, well thats kindergarten bullshit i think.
I think you are right about that, don't like those bands either, but creed is quite ok, but it's not a form of metal.
But let those pps listen to that stuff, i don't care. Just get a little annoyed, that they let hear the stuff in a bar, that annoys me a little. or just put rock stuff on, or real metal.

Join the hordes!!

2002-05-10, 07:59
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Originally posted by Metal Phreak
Eh, what was this thread about again? Oh yeah, 'Worst excuse of a "metal" band'. Um, how about Rammstein? I think they are certainly shithouse.
And about the nu-metal bashing... I honestly can't be fuct whinging about it, like it, hate it, whatever.
Rammstein are quite good.
They are getting too soft, though.
"Fear your thoughts and let the Father judge them, walk the Shining Path and guide the weakling along"

2002-05-10, 10:02
Master Killer
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Yeah they are getting soft I heard them on the radio 3 times yesterday 
and well, as far as morello goes, he's got his own sound and it's pretty cool, but like some guy said here before on the selftitled Ra/tM cd he shows of his skills without all the plug thingy's and so on.
however the last cd (renegades) they brought out before the broke up is really getting back at the old day's, if you haven't heard it yet and you liked the old stuff, listen to it!
everybody has got his own taste and I don't care what everybody else thinks
period. .

2002-05-10, 18:00
The Devil
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Originally posted by DissectedCarcas
Tom Morello...Shitty Guitar player? funny. True, most RATM riffs are easy as shit to play but if any of you heard what he does live...well he shows off a lot more. As much as I like morello as a guitar player i think it got lame when every song had a solo that was just him playing around with a new sound he discovered. It was cooler on the first CD when he actually PLAYED the guitar during the solo. When he started getting known in guitar world as the guy who made noises thats all he ended up doing (listen to battle of L.A.), however he is not just "a DJ with a guitar."
And whats wrong with rapping again?
I have that first cd and i can't recall any outstanding riffs or solos from it. Most of it was pretty lame actually, they just had good rythm, like any other rap band.
The problem with rap is that it's not music at all. A couple drums beats, plucking the high e string and basically talking really fast isn't what i cal music. There's no soul, no feeling, or emotions coming from it.......music has all these elements. So, rap = fast talking singers with baggy clothes.
Through me you pass into the city of woe
Through me you pass into eternal pain
Through me among the people lost for ay
Justice the founder of my fabric moved
To rear me was the task of power divine
Supremest wisdom, and primeval love
Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal, and eternal I endure
All hope abandon, ye who enter here
Against the concert of the Immortals he cannot stand alone.

2002-05-10, 21:16
Originally posted by CtHuLhU DaWn
Toms original....I've nevr heard anyone like him, and i like all thr funny effect, because its coool to expand your horizons and learn more than solos and "HEAVY" Riffs, stuff out of the ordinary, i LOVE learing RATM songs...
I don't play "Heavy" riffs. I hate bands that tune to an A and try to be "Heavy" by doing 0's and 1's all the time.

2002-05-11, 17:05
Master Killer
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uhm Ra/tM doesn't use the "A" tuning
*opinion* *opinion* that's for wimpy bands like slipknot mudvayne and korn  *opinion* *opinion*
rage solo's aren't exactly 0's and 1's hehe
there is nothing really cool about tuning to A all you hear is one big puddle of mud that was supposed to be a guitar and a bass hehe....

2002-05-12, 08:23
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Originally posted by *Def-Fx*
but like some guy said here before on the selftitled Ra/tM cd he shows of his skills without all the plug thingy's and so on.
Not true, i can play the whole album, and on bullet in the head, he flips his toggle
Know your enemy :- Loads of whammy bar/toggle switching and a bit of flange i think
Killing in the name of :- Digitech used
Wake up :- toggle switching
These are for the solos, Dont eat me, this isnlt straight guitar playing but thats what i love about toms playing, its not straight guiatr playing, its a buncha wierd sounds that when i started guitar i never kne wpossible and its opened a whole new level of creativity in me
well maybe for you ...maybe you don't know shit that's why - LØRD MALPHAS

2002-05-12, 15:14
Master Killer
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yeah I know but what I meant was: he shows that he can play pretty good besides his "tricks" like you mentioned them, he plays great on that cd besides his "Tricks"
the other cd's are more tricks than playing sometimes.

2002-05-12, 15:46
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BTW, the guitarist of Slipknot is fucking amazing! It's too bad he dosen't show it in Slipknot, I have some files of him playing, anybody interested contact me or something. Oh and the RATM guitarist, he's creative and all, but I just don't like it, I'll give him credit for originality, but other than that, I don't really care for what he does.

2002-05-13, 03:04
Hah, I wouldn't even dare to waste my time with those fools. All image....

2002-05-13, 06:02
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Originally posted by memnoch
I have that first cd and i can't recall any outstanding riffs or solos from it. Most of it was pretty lame actually, they just had good rythm, like any other rap band.
The problem with rap is that it's not music at all. A couple drums beats, plucking the high e string and basically talking really fast isn't what i cal music. There's no soul, no feeling, or emotions coming from it.......music has all these elements. So, rap = fast talking singers with baggy clothes.
alright, you obviously don't understand rap. i'm not gonna try to convert you but you should understand just because it is a different kind of music than you are used to that does not keep it from being music. you sound exactly like the people who would say "death metal is just a bunch of fast guitar playing and guys singing in really low voices." thats it. you don't understand it, just like most people don't understand death metal.
For the color dancers were pulsing, spinning, making liquid cartoons. Not really animations, but clear shades of color, forming a toy playground. They made this delight of breathing easy. All the playground objects were alive, including the swings and the merry-go-round. A silvery-blue arch of plastic color formed and collapsed in the center. A toy little boy, or maybe she was a little girl, jumped along this object, sliding down it, hanging on with small fingers, leaping into the grass. I felt a sense of responsibility begin to resonate within me, both for the knowledge of my wife and my coming child, and the deep psychedelic responsibility of my shamanic-like path. I glanced away briefly and one of the DMT beings, tall, thin and golem-like, grasped my head and turned it back to see. The shapes kept moving, and the child was my innocence too, and it was asking me to promise to share that innocence completely with our shinebelly baby when she/he births and grows and becomes human.

2002-05-13, 06:56
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"There's no soul, no feeling, or emotions coming from it......."
L:isten to anything zack has done, its all feeling and emotion
well maybe for you ...maybe you don't know shit that's why - LØRD MALPHAS

2002-05-13, 19:18
The Devil
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Whatever, they suck and they should break up.
Even though i didn't care for Zack, everyone thinks he was the big part of the band, so without him they're nothing.
Through me you pass into the city of woe
Through me you pass into eternal pain
Through me among the people lost for ay
Justice the founder of my fabric moved
To rear me was the task of power divine
Supremest wisdom, and primeval love
Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal, and eternal I endure
All hope abandon, ye who enter here
Against the concert of the Immortals he cannot stand alone.

2002-05-13, 20:23
Master Killer
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dude, they have broken up half a year ago or something..

2002-05-13, 21:28
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yeah, they were playing with chris cornell for awhile there.
For the color dancers were pulsing, spinning, making liquid cartoons. Not really animations, but clear shades of color, forming a toy playground. They made this delight of breathing easy. All the playground objects were alive, including the swings and the merry-go-round. A silvery-blue arch of plastic color formed and collapsed in the center. A toy little boy, or maybe she was a little girl, jumped along this object, sliding down it, hanging on with small fingers, leaping into the grass. I felt a sense of responsibility begin to resonate within me, both for the knowledge of my wife and my coming child, and the deep psychedelic responsibility of my shamanic-like path. I glanced away briefly and one of the DMT beings, tall, thin and golem-like, grasped my head and turned it back to see. The shapes kept moving, and the child was my innocence too, and it was asking me to promise to share that innocence completely with our shinebelly baby when she/he births and grows and becomes human.

2002-05-13, 22:02
The Devil
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Just goes to show how much i know about garbage bands.
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Through me you pass into eternal pain
Through me among the people lost for ay
Justice the founder of my fabric moved
To rear me was the task of power divine
Supremest wisdom, and primeval love
Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal, and eternal I endure
All hope abandon, ye who enter here
Against the concert of the Immortals he cannot stand alone.

2002-05-14, 10:30
Master Killer
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I've heard about that new singerdude but it's probably not gonna work, it just isn't rage against the machine anymore.
well they are finished after 9 or 10 years so I guess it's okay.

2002-05-14, 22:15
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Cornell fucked off to Play with kids halfway through recording new RATM album
well maybe for you ...maybe you don't know shit that's why - LØRD MALPHAS

2002-05-15, 18:01
Master Killer
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yeah so I've heard, what a wanker.. 

2002-05-16, 23:05
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Yeah, I mean..totally..what a concept, right? Family..pshhh..whose ever heard of such trivial priorities..... 
mr. wannabe

2002-05-17, 02:56
The Devil
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Cornell rules!!!
Through me you pass into the city of woe
Through me you pass into eternal pain
Through me among the people lost for ay
Justice the founder of my fabric moved
To rear me was the task of power divine
Supremest wisdom, and primeval love
Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal, and eternal I endure
All hope abandon, ye who enter here
Against the concert of the Immortals he cannot stand alone.

2002-05-17, 03:18
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 415
manson isnt that bad. i dont have any cds but at ozzfest he put on a hell of a good show. and hey wouldnt you rather have manson and slipknot being played over on mtv than fucking o town?

2002-05-17, 06:34
Supreme Metalhead
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What the hell is o Town
well maybe for you ...maybe you don't know shit that's why - LØRD MALPHAS

2002-05-17, 09:28
Master Killer
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haha a bunch of gaylords jumping around and screaming happy bunny lyrics 

2002-05-17, 16:46
Supreme Metalhead
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Sounds like N*Sync
well maybe for you ...maybe you don't know shit that's why - LØRD MALPHAS

2002-05-17, 17:13
The Devil
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Originally posted by Clad in Shadows
manson isnt that bad. i dont have any cds but at ozzfest he put on a hell of a good show. and hey wouldnt you rather have manson and slipknot being played over on mtv than fucking o town?
Not really, in my eyes there is barely any difference with any of the bands you mentionned.
About the only significant difference is, Manson wears gothic/women's clothing, O Town wears preppy shit. Otherwise, they're both the same type of band trying to do the same thing. (same goes for Slipknot)
Through me you pass into the city of woe
Through me you pass into eternal pain
Through me among the people lost for ay
Justice the founder of my fabric moved
To rear me was the task of power divine
Supremest wisdom, and primeval love
Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal, and eternal I endure
All hope abandon, ye who enter here
Against the concert of the Immortals he cannot stand alone.

2002-05-17, 17:18
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what?! to say that manson and slipknot are on the same level as o-town and n'sync is absurd. they are separtated by the one subtle fact that bands like o-town do not write music. record companies write the music and audition these kids to sing the "music" for them so people like lou pearlman (the fat fuck who created both n'sync backstreet boys, britney spears, and a few others...) can get rich. we may not like manson and slipknot but at least they write their own music. music should not be made into a product.
the only manson song i ever liked was lunchbox.
For the color dancers were pulsing, spinning, making liquid cartoons. Not really animations, but clear shades of color, forming a toy playground. They made this delight of breathing easy. All the playground objects were alive, including the swings and the merry-go-round. A silvery-blue arch of plastic color formed and collapsed in the center. A toy little boy, or maybe she was a little girl, jumped along this object, sliding down it, hanging on with small fingers, leaping into the grass. I felt a sense of responsibility begin to resonate within me, both for the knowledge of my wife and my coming child, and the deep psychedelic responsibility of my shamanic-like path. I glanced away briefly and one of the DMT beings, tall, thin and golem-like, grasped my head and turned it back to see. The shapes kept moving, and the child was my innocence too, and it was asking me to promise to share that innocence completely with our shinebelly baby when she/he births and grows and becomes human.

2002-05-17, 22:41
The Devil
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Alright, music isn't a product.....but what about Slipknot selling their image with big monster masks and red jumpsuits? If they're really about "the music", then why even make music videos? Same goes for manson......they're all attention grabbers, just like n sync, Britney and backstreet boys. It's all something to get the media hyped up and get the spotlight on themselves.
Why do you think bands like Immolation don't have music videos? Maybe cause they don't need them......music videos = image = money. If a band is really just about the music, they don't need gimics and costumes to make themselves "cool" and catch the eye of everyone.
Let me ask you this.......if Slipknot had come onto the scene 4-5 years ago, dressed in jeans and band shirts......long hair, just like any other metal band.....without any suits or masks....do you think they would have survived this long with such mediore music? The music isn't that great......take away all the pictures and physical things you know about this band......and try to imagine this music without any jumping fools running on a stage, and knowing it's just 9 guys in a studio recording......would you have even paid attention to them? It's their image that sells. Manson does the same by dressing up like women and pretending he's Jesus in his music videos. Without all their image.....these bands wouldn't be here today.
Through me you pass into the city of woe
Through me you pass into eternal pain
Through me among the people lost for ay
Justice the founder of my fabric moved
To rear me was the task of power divine
Supremest wisdom, and primeval love
Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal, and eternal I endure
All hope abandon, ye who enter here
Against the concert of the Immortals he cannot stand alone.

2002-05-17, 22:45
The Devil
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Just a little more....
This is exactly what boys bands and pop stars do....they sell image. If britey hadn't trotted around like a schoolgirl slut in her first music video, she wouldn't be here today. If the backstreet boys hadn't....uh....done whatever in their first videos, they woulnd't be here either! (i don't know what their videos were like).
So you see......Manson and Slipknot ARE very much like pop bands.....they sell image, not music. Sure they might write their own music and lyrics......but that doesn't make them any better, cause their music still sucks and the lyrics are horrible anyways....they might as well hire someone to write it, it might actually sound like music if they did.
Through me you pass into the city of woe
Through me you pass into eternal pain
Through me among the people lost for ay
Justice the founder of my fabric moved
To rear me was the task of power divine
Supremest wisdom, and primeval love
Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal, and eternal I endure
All hope abandon, ye who enter here
Against the concert of the Immortals he cannot stand alone.

2002-05-18, 00:44
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Actually, I think Manson is commercial, but not as commercial as N*Sync and such. There is actual meaning to the songs, so I'll respect that.

2002-05-18, 03:30
The Devil
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One way to distinguish between MUSIC and COMMERCIAL MUSIC, is to imagine a world without music videos, or pictures of the bands. All you have are the albums, and concerts.
How many of these pop groups would survive? Would Slipknot last even 6 months without a new scary video on the market to support them? How about a new controvercial manson video which gets banned and is exactly the publicity he wants.
All this would die.....the only music which would thrive, would be music that doesn't need an image. We would be left with nothing but true music......i wouldn't mind having that at all!
Through me you pass into the city of woe
Through me you pass into eternal pain
Through me among the people lost for ay
Justice the founder of my fabric moved
To rear me was the task of power divine
Supremest wisdom, and primeval love
Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal, and eternal I endure
All hope abandon, ye who enter here
Against the concert of the Immortals he cannot stand alone.

2002-05-18, 04:41
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Actually, Manson's music dosen't need an image, I can see him without the image, but he likes it, and he's making good money, which is what it's all about. Manson's music is actually meaningfull content wise, maybe it is too commercial with the image, but the music is music.

2002-05-18, 10:20
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Originally posted by memnoch
Alright, music isn't a product.....but what about Slipknot selling their image with big monster masks and red jumpsuits? If they're really about "the music", then why even make music videos? Same goes for manson......they're all attention grabbers, just like n sync, Britney and backstreet boys. It's all something to get the media hyped up and get the spotlight on themselves.
Why do you think bands like Immolation don't have music videos? Maybe cause they don't need them......music videos = image = money. If a band is really just about the music, they don't need gimics and costumes to make themselves "cool" and catch the eye of everyone.
Let me ask you this.......if Slipknot had come onto the scene 4-5 years ago, dressed in jeans and band shirts......long hair, just like any other metal band.....without any suits or masks....do you think they would have survived this long with such mediore music? The music isn't that great......take away all the pictures and physical things you know about this band......and try to imagine this music without any jumping fools running on a stage, and knowing it's just 9 guys in a studio recording......would you have even paid attention to them? It's their image that sells. Manson does the same by dressing up like women and pretending he's Jesus in his music videos. Without all their image.....these bands wouldn't be here today.
in my opinion, "true" music videos (like that of tool or soundgarden) are a contribution to the art that music is, and enhance it iminstead of take away from it. Even emperor and burzum have music videos, are they trying to be commercial? no, its just art. however, when the video is a bunch of 15 year olds shakin' their asses at the camera for five minutes, it crosses the line from art to commercialism.
i agree with you about slipknot and manson being all about selling image, alongside with people like miss. spears and backstreet boys, but they do write they're own music, so although they are art diluted through capitalism, they are still some form of artistic self-expression, and not merely a money-making product like most teeny bopper music. in other word, they're in it cuz they love music, but they suck cuz they love mone. they still piss me off, cuz like you say, they write terrible music.
the funny story behind manson is that he acts all "anti-media" and "anti- mtv" but the truth is that manson has been an mtv lap dog as long as they've been around. the lyrics to lunch box are as follows:
"when i grow up
i wanna be
a big rock n' roll star
so that no one
fucks with me"
they've always wanted to be media puppets.
fuckin posers is what they are.
For the color dancers were pulsing, spinning, making liquid cartoons. Not really animations, but clear shades of color, forming a toy playground. They made this delight of breathing easy. All the playground objects were alive, including the swings and the merry-go-round. A silvery-blue arch of plastic color formed and collapsed in the center. A toy little boy, or maybe she was a little girl, jumped along this object, sliding down it, hanging on with small fingers, leaping into the grass. I felt a sense of responsibility begin to resonate within me, both for the knowledge of my wife and my coming child, and the deep psychedelic responsibility of my shamanic-like path. I glanced away briefly and one of the DMT beings, tall, thin and golem-like, grasped my head and turned it back to see. The shapes kept moving, and the child was my innocence too, and it was asking me to promise to share that innocence completely with our shinebelly baby when she/he births and grows and becomes human.

2002-05-18, 17:24
The Devil
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Originally posted by holding fears
Actually, Manson's music dosen't need an image, I can see him without the image, but he likes it, and he's making good money, which is what it's all about. Manson's music is actually meaningfull content wise, maybe it is too commercial with the image, but the music is music.
Exactly what you said..."he's making money, which is what it's all about." He's not about music at all, you just said yourself he's all about making money.
Through me you pass into the city of woe
Through me you pass into eternal pain
Through me among the people lost for ay
Justice the founder of my fabric moved
To rear me was the task of power divine
Supremest wisdom, and primeval love
Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal, and eternal I endure
All hope abandon, ye who enter here
Against the concert of the Immortals he cannot stand alone.

2002-05-18, 17:42
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yeah, Slipknot is a bunch of hippocritical (spelling?) assholes. They say they wear the masks and jumpsuits to avoid being trendy (lol). And their little "people=shit" motto is stupid because without their millions of fans they would be nowhere, they like people, slipknot is a bunch of prostitutes. I just find it funny that they wear that shit to AVOID being trendy when in fact they have started a big fucking trend with bands like Mudvayne, MushroomHead, and Dedlock... so fucking pathetic..
rope tight, around her throat
her body twitches
as she chokes

2002-05-18, 18:14
The Devil
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Since you mentionned Mudvayne, i'd like to say that i like only ONE song by this band....."Death Blooms". I think the singer did a very good job with this song.
Through me you pass into the city of woe
Through me you pass into eternal pain
Through me among the people lost for ay
Justice the founder of my fabric moved
To rear me was the task of power divine
Supremest wisdom, and primeval love
Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal, and eternal I endure
All hope abandon, ye who enter here
Against the concert of the Immortals he cannot stand alone.

2002-05-18, 18:21
Join Date: May 2002
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Posts: 70
yeah, death blooms i pretty cool
rope tight, around her throat
her body twitches
as she chokes

2002-05-18, 20:26
Master Killer
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oh man Mushroomhead that band is so SOO FUCKING PATHETIC@%!@#
wankers with masks I hate WANKERS WITH MASKS!!

2002-05-18, 23:54
Join Date: Dec 2001
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Posts: 62
Sure he's all about the money, money is money, and he's making a shitload of it, can you blame him? I think that you think musicians who don't want to make money are dumb, but I disagree, using music as a tool to make money is smart, and that's how smart the record industry is, do you think any of them like N*Sync or any of that shit? I doubt it, they just want money, and who dosen't?

2002-05-19, 00:48
The Devil
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Music is art, and art has for thousands of years been about self expression and meaning. This "art" that Manson and Britney create is for self gain, to become rich, to be adored and praised by masses......what ever happened to just wanting to make something beautiful that people can appreciate? Why must there be this enormous greed for money involved?
That's what i'm talking about when i say they do it for money. Everybody who works, does it for money.....wether it be in music or business. BUT, in music and art, if you let that control you....it isn't music anymore. There's no difference between Britney's and Mansons music and the way the GAP sells their clothing. It's all about marketing and making money.
Through me you pass into the city of woe
Through me you pass into eternal pain
Through me among the people lost for ay
Justice the founder of my fabric moved
To rear me was the task of power divine
Supremest wisdom, and primeval love
Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal, and eternal I endure
All hope abandon, ye who enter here
Against the concert of the Immortals he cannot stand alone.

2002-05-20, 06:40
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: California (where the dead walk the earth. HAHAHA!)
Posts: 50
by your logic image=money
so then...
so now mayhem must be a commercial band...
manson may suck, but who are you to say that what he does is just for money?
britney spears is a different story, she doesn't write her own music; she is just a marketing tool for record companies.
For the color dancers were pulsing, spinning, making liquid cartoons. Not really animations, but clear shades of color, forming a toy playground. They made this delight of breathing easy. All the playground objects were alive, including the swings and the merry-go-round. A silvery-blue arch of plastic color formed and collapsed in the center. A toy little boy, or maybe she was a little girl, jumped along this object, sliding down it, hanging on with small fingers, leaping into the grass. I felt a sense of responsibility begin to resonate within me, both for the knowledge of my wife and my coming child, and the deep psychedelic responsibility of my shamanic-like path. I glanced away briefly and one of the DMT beings, tall, thin and golem-like, grasped my head and turned it back to see. The shapes kept moving, and the child was my innocence too, and it was asking me to promise to share that innocence completely with our shinebelly baby when she/he births and grows and becomes human.

2002-05-20, 17:12
The Devil
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Originally posted by DissectedCarcas
by your logic image=money
so then...
so now mayhem must be a commercial band...
manson may suck, but who are you to say that what he does is just for money?
britney spears is a different story, she doesn't write her own music; she is just a marketing tool for record companies.
Stop putting words in my mouth. You assume too much.
I've never heard or seen anything about Mayhem, so i have nothing to say about them. This is actually the first time i even mention their name in a post since i've been with this forum.......so don't assume anymore.
Manson is commercial......whatever, i don't need to restate my five posts for you. Just go back and read everything again.
Through me you pass into the city of woe
Through me you pass into eternal pain
Through me among the people lost for ay
Justice the founder of my fabric moved
To rear me was the task of power divine
Supremest wisdom, and primeval love
Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal, and eternal I endure
All hope abandon, ye who enter here
Against the concert of the Immortals he cannot stand alone.

2002-05-21, 03:42
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 179
Those cute little devil band shirts you wear are marketing toys, my boy. Yes, a lot of mainstream music relies primarily on marketing sex appeal and fashion fads. But this underground music we listen to is the same. What's so hard to realize about that? Gore and blood/darkness and mystery, market just as much as sexual reference and innuendo. It's not on T.V. But that doesn't mean shit. You support certain bands by wearing their clothes. YOU ARE a marketing result..a statistic. You're in the big circle. The underground scene proves marketing prevalent in the opposite manner as mainstream. I am a product of Gap/Ambercrombie/Bannana Republic/whatever marketing. Everything around you relies on some form of marketing. So what you are "shooting down" isn't anything special in the big picture. I do agree, however that music should be about the music...but after that paramount ideal...selling your shit doesn't bother me at all.
mr. wannabe

2002-05-21, 16:32
The Devil
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Of course every band has to sell something in order to make money, but my main point is bands that let that idea become the whole purpose of the band have drifted far away from the primary ideal....to make good music. People like britney and shit have been interviewed and they say "i want to grow up and be really popular and have everyone love me!". I don't think she really cares that every cd sounds the same, as long as there's millions of 13 year old girls buying every copy of it, she's (britney) happy.
Underground bands, not all, but most (in my opinion) haven't been caught by that enormous greed to make money......most of them write music because they love music. It also shows in their music, that they spend time writting it and actually want to make it as good as it can be. I read an interview with Kirk Hammet about his solos in the earlier albums....he explained that on songs like One and Master of Puppets he actually lost sleep trying to perfect the solos......to me this is the work of a true artist trying to please his fans and himself. He's not there to make big money (OLD METALLICA ONLY).
Anyways.......you can't be in this industry without making money....you wouldn't survive at all. But keep the industry about THE MUSIC, and not making money. When i listen to bands, i want to hear MUSIC, not manufactured stuff that's going to sell the most albums in a week.
Through me you pass into the city of woe
Through me you pass into eternal pain
Through me among the people lost for ay
Justice the founder of my fabric moved
To rear me was the task of power divine
Supremest wisdom, and primeval love
Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal, and eternal I endure
All hope abandon, ye who enter here
Against the concert of the Immortals he cannot stand alone.

2002-05-21, 16:41
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Toronto!
Posts: 62
Actually, everybody, I want to ask you something.
When you're growing up, in the last 5-10 years, did your style of music change? Like what you enjoy?
For example, before I used to like Korn, Limp Bizkit, then slowly I became a nu metal fan with Dry Kill Logic, Chimaira etc. and then I just turned all out metalhead, because I found the bands I used to enjoy boring. Limp Bizkit 

2002-05-21, 23:13
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Louisville, Ky
Posts: 55
Originally posted by memnoch
It shows in their music, that they spend time writting it and actually want to make it as good as it can be. I read an interview with Kirk Hammet about his solos in the earlier albums....he explained that on songs like One and Master of Puppets he actually lost sleep trying to perfect the solos......to me this is the work of a true artist trying to please his fans and himself. He's not there to make big money (OLD METALLICA ONLY).
Very True! (hehe)(also thanks for sharing that with us Memnoch, cause I did'nt know that!)
Also, Holding Fears, I grew up listening to Metallica on the radio (For Whom The Bell Tolls, One, Entersandman) I fucking loved it so much that when I grew up I started buying their albums. METALLICA is still my top favorite band of any time. Then I heard SLAYER for the first time about 1 year ago and I liked them so much that they're my 2nd favorite band(I can't believe that I didn't discover them sooner!)(the same with TESTAMENT, I discovered them around last christmas and now I like them a lot too)
...anyway I still like the same music that I started with in the very begining it's just that there is so many bands that come out, that some stick and some sorta dissapear. Also for some people, it is hard to find that certain music such as underground stuff and all that, because the only thing they can here is what's on the radio, and they're just now discovering all the old music and bands that have been around and they're liking it.

2002-05-21, 23:16
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Vocation: What's the difference? I'm not telling you anything about me!
Posts: 179
Memnoch (I didn't feel like quoting all of that)-- I agree man. It makes sense. But a lot of Death metal is not art man. Even though they may right their own material...it's still pointless and repetitive and meaningless and pure depraved trash! It's just the way it is.....kind of like Britany Spears.....(even though they play instuments)
Peace it 
mr. wannabe
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