View Poll Results: is the IBANEZ RG370DX a good guitar to have?
14 |
28.57% |
NO WAY!!!!!!
6 |
12.24% |
its alright
23 |
46.94% |
i dont no
6 |
12.24% |

2004-11-21, 15:00
New Blood
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is this a good guitar???
do u think the IBANEZ RG370DX is a good guitar???

2004-11-21, 15:09
New Blood
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2004-11-21, 16:54
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Yes its quite nice for the money. And heres an advice, dont start rantin about how good you think Slipknot is and dont go crazy and use lots of exclamation marks, write OMG I HATE YOU FVKIN F4g075!!! if we dont agree with you or any other dumb stuff. You will get banned if you do this.
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

2004-11-21, 17:49
Crusher of Skulls
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This poor kid.....its not gonna be pretty.
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Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
You thought of mixing wheat flour with saturated fat, and putting it the resultant shit in a styrofoam cup. Shine on, you crazy dead yellow diamond.
Originally Posted by johnmansley
May the best cunt win.

2004-11-21, 18:32
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its alright
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2004-11-21, 19:06
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you spelled know wrong.sorry, couldnt help myself

2004-11-21, 19:21
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Its good for a slipknot kid.
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2004-11-22, 19:44
New Blood
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thank you! sum ones actuly nice to me! i mean god.... i havent even sed n e thing about slipknot and i havent even done any exclamation marks? sorry but im just trying to get sum good advice!

2004-11-22, 20:01
Master Killer
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Speak English or die.

2004-11-22, 20:14
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fuck, this is anoying

2004-11-22, 20:20
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Originally Posted by 555slipknot666
thank you! sum ones actuly nice to me! i mean god.... i havent even sed n e thing about slipknot and i havent even done any exclamation marks? sorry but im just trying to get sum good advice!
Aren't you the dumbass that just got flamed for starting a slipknot thread?

2004-11-22, 20:33
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yes he is
"where r the slipknot tabs??? they are heavy metal aint they?
wal if n e one can find them plz tal me! lol! (im new) "

2004-11-22, 20:36
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Originally Posted by Def
Speak English or die.
men, jeg kan ikke forstĺr engelsk 
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
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2004-11-22, 21:30
Master Killer
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no cuidado de mierda si él no puede hablar inglés apropiado 

2004-11-22, 21:50
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du jćvel
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
Now My Legacy Shall Live Forever!!

2004-11-22, 23:19
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Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2004-11-22, 23:21
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good call, i did call him an asshole 
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
Now My Legacy Shall Live Forever!!

2004-11-22, 23:29
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Go cat-avatar guy!
That what he gets for having a name like that.
These threads are the best. 
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2004-11-22, 23:30
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Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
Go cat-avatar guy!
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
Now My Legacy Shall Live Forever!!

2004-11-23, 11:23
Master Killer
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pff mariconé di playa 

2004-11-23, 11:30
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Originally Posted by 555slipknot666
Since on one else is on topic...or english topic for that matter....I will say dis, YOU ARE MY GOD!!! HAIL SATAN 666 GRIM BEASTS OF NORTHEN DROP A TUNES!!! RAR.

2004-11-23, 16:01
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555слипнот666 пашол на хуй! 

2004-11-23, 17:06
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Originally Posted by guitar_demon
men, jeg kan ikke forstĺr engelsk 
men hysj da!
I don't think that Ibanez is any good by the way. The slipknot guy should do himself a faviour and don't buy a guitar with fake-Floyd at his first guitar.
Originally Posted by deMANUfacture
Avril lavigne - sk8ter boi


2004-11-23, 20:03
New Blood
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its not my first guitar.... iv got a B.C rich warlock (only the bronze series though)
can you people please stop being so out of order to me.

2004-11-23, 20:08
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by daggerfall
men hysj da!
I don't think that Ibanez is any good by the way. The slipknot guy should do himself a faviour and don't buy a guitar with fake-Floyd at his first guitar.
well for a first guitar, I don't think it sounds too bad, plus it has a floyd that works (ok, so its a crappy korean made floyd, it does stay in tune pretty decent)
it's allways better then a squier or something, for the money IMO Ibanez has decent beginner guitars.
Slipknot doesn't use the trem much anyways though. If its not your first guitar, save up for something better, live with your warlock for a while and save cash to get yourself something really decent.

2004-11-23, 20:19
New Blood
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ok thanx

2004-11-23, 21:04
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Since we are talking about ibanez and i dont want to make a new post, I can get myself A ibanez RGT42 for only 300, but its missing the trem bar..Should i got for it, is it worth it?? Nothing is wrong with it, and its in working order..

2004-11-23, 21:09
Master Killer
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seems like a great deal, if the only prob is the trem bar.
get an original edge trem or original floyd rose in there and you're set. RGT's are pretty darn kickass. nice smooth neckthru too, I loved them.
a new trem and installation will prolly set you back another 100+ but it still sounds like a good deal, they're around 7-900 bucks here new.

2004-11-23, 23:41
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Originally Posted by Def
seems like a great deal, if the only prob is the trem bar.
get an original edge trem or original floyd rose in there and you're set. RGT's are pretty darn kickass. nice smooth neckthru too, I loved them.
a new trem and installation will prolly set you back another 100+ but it still sounds like a good deal, they're around 7-900 bucks here new.
Well he didnt say it was the edge pro II, he just said it had an EDGE trem on it, dont know which...
Here are some pics of it.
edit: this is what he said in the email....The tremolo is the edge tremolo.
Last edited by Satans Obituary : 2004-11-23 at 23:55.

2004-11-24, 00:04
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that looks like urs def, nice color too
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
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"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
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2004-11-24, 20:15
New Blood
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the RG370 has a pro edge II aswal..... which is kool

2004-11-24, 20:38
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Originally Posted by Satans Obituary
Thats a sexy guitar!
This is my signature.

2004-11-25, 03:47
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Originally Posted by 555slipknot666
the RG370 has a pro edge II aswal..... which is kool
lol so....
And what the fuck is a aswal...

2004-11-25, 15:00
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he meens "as well"
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
Now My Legacy Shall Live Forever!!

2004-11-25, 16:26
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by Satans Obituary
lol so....
And what the fuck is a aswal...
don't mind him. haha.
serious, sounds like a great deal.
I've been playing a banged up RG750 for a while now, it's pre '90's and it has a great Edge trem, stays in tune excellent and it sounds hot plus it still plays like a dream. one guitar I won't get rid of, even after I get my custom Ran!!
I don't know if the original trem cavity allows for a OFR to be installed, but I bet you can order Ibanez parts too, expect them to be expensive though. (maybe call an ibanez distributor and ask how much a trem is?)

2004-11-25, 17:47
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Why is this a poll 

2004-11-25, 17:48
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cause he wanted to know if the ibanez was a good guitar
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
Now My Legacy Shall Live Forever!!

2004-11-25, 17:54
Symbiotic In Theory
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I love ibanez's they are damn sexy!
'' I'll Smother You With A Fucking Pillow!! ''
Originally Posted by metal=life
Hey don't talk back buddy. Give your dick size or don't post.

2004-11-25, 18:00
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Yea, with a nice red flamed maple top. I still dont like them for metal riffage imo.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2004-11-26, 08:45
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Originally Posted by Slabbefusk
Yes its quite nice for the money. And heres an advice, dont start rantin about how good you think Slipknot is and dont go crazy and use lots of exclamation marks, write OMG I HATE YOU FVKIN F4g075!!! if we dont agree with you or any other dumb stuff. You will get banned if you do this.
LMFAO I remember that guy
SRY of topic
Tge guitar kicks ass and if you pop a JB in the bridge its almost as good as some of the higher end models.

2004-12-05, 18:18
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Posts: 50
ibanez, bc rich, any guitar is bettter than a fuckign strat, but in my opinion, epiphone is the best

2004-12-05, 19:55
New Blood
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Originally Posted by Zombie Clown
ibanez, bc rich, any guitar is bettter than a fuckign strat, but in my opinion, epiphone is the best
.....? wow

2004-12-05, 19:56
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Originally Posted by Zombie Clown
ibanez, bc rich, any guitar is bettter than a fuckign strat, but in my opinion, epiphone is the best
HAHAHAHHAAHAH....hah..haha...ha wow, i didn't know people were this fucking retarded. Congratulations you win the prize.

2004-12-05, 20:07
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Originally Posted by Zombie Clown
ibanez, bc rich, any guitar is bettter than a fuckign strat, but in my opinion, epiphone is the best
How is epiphone better than Gibson? Epiphone makes cheap versions of Gibsons..
This is my signature.

2004-12-05, 20:14
New Blood
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Originally Posted by Zombie Clown
ibanez, bc rich, any guitar is bettter than a fuckign strat, but in my opinion, epiphone is the best
my sister likes epiphones.... whats so good about them?
do they even have there own model?
R.I.P Dimebag Darrel

2004-12-06, 07:33
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Originally Posted by soulfly
my sister likes epiphones.... whats so good about them?
do they even have there own model?
you mean body shape? model wtf you talking about. To put it in pretty words for you Epiphone is just an overseas cheaper material outsourced guitar manufacturer, its owned by gibson, and its just cheap versions of gibsons made by slant eyes. Same with Fender and Squier, and more or less kinda the same with carvin and jackson, except some carvins can be very nice, but same with epiphones, some can be very nice. But yea that guy was a fucking idiot cause whoever says epiphones are the best are retarted because gibson is better period. He also stated that strats suck, he is fucking retarded, maybe squier strats but not fender.

2004-12-06, 10:27
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Epiphone. HA! More like Epiclone

2004-12-06, 10:46
El Diablo sin pantalones
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Originally Posted by h4x5k8
you mean body shape? model wtf you talking about. To put it in pretty words for you Epiphone is just an overseas cheaper material outsourced guitar manufacturer, its owned by gibson, and its just cheap versions of gibsons made by slant eyes. Same with Fender and Squier, and more or less kinda the same with carvin and jackson, except some carvins can be very nice, but same with epiphones, some can be very nice. But yea that guy was a fucking idiot cause whoever says epiphones are the best are retarted because gibson is better period. He also stated that strats suck, he is fucking retarded, maybe squier strats but not fender.
A good strat can be nice, but their not realy build for metal.
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2004-12-06, 19:25
New Blood
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R.I.P Dimebag Darrel

2004-12-06, 19:48
Master Killer
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peeping demon?
most ibanez pedals these days are crap, if you want a real wah get a Teese RMC-3 

2004-12-06, 19:48
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Strats all the way! my fender mexican strat has gotten me through 3 years of playing, they're amazing guitars for the price (the mexican ones) since the factories are only an hours drive apart from the USA factory. Now i just have to wait for my Ran...

2004-12-07, 15:17
New Blood
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Originally Posted by blizzard_beast
Strats all the way! my fender mexican strat has gotten me through 3 years of playing, they're amazing guitars for the price (the mexican ones) since the factories are only an hours drive apart from the USA factory. Now i just have to wait for my Ran...
are they any good for metal?
R.I.P Dimebag Darrel

2004-12-07, 15:21
New Blood
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i might just try the weeping demon though. it might be good, it sounds good aswal!
R.I.P Dimebag Darrel

2004-12-07, 16:08
El Diablo sin pantalones
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Originally Posted by soulfly
i might just try the weeping demon though. it might be good, it sounds good aswal!
Thats the whole point with advertisments and sales websites. They can make you think a polished turd sounds good before you even heard it.
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2004-12-07, 16:23
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My brother has an Ibanez, not sure which model, but it's really cool and has a great sound through an amp. I'll get one as soon as my luck starts to change.
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2004-12-07, 16:39
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pretty much anything above a rg270 is decent. they just start to change up with wood, pickups and hardware. ive had from a rg470, 2 rg550s, rg565(liked that one alot) jem and a usrg30(usa custom) and they were all good guitars, just some better than others.
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2004-12-07, 17:53
New Blood
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Originally Posted by Mania
My brother has an Ibanez, not sure which model, but it's really cool and has a great sound through an amp. I'll get one as soon as my luck starts to change.
can you send a picture of the guitar?
R.I.P Dimebag Darrel

2004-12-07, 18:05
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by ihave27frets
pretty much anything above a rg270 is decent. they just start to change up with wood, pickups and hardware. ive had from a rg470, 2 rg550s, rg565(liked that one alot) jem and a usrg30(usa custom) and they were all good guitars, just some better than others.
exactly, I have an RG750 from the pre-90's and it just plain out rocks, definetly my favorite RG model, its in the range where the prestige is now (Paul Gilbert played 750's) they have dimarzio pickups, great woods, nice inlays, original edge trem, quality hardware and tone. It's pretty much battle scarred right now but it still plays like a dream, even after 15 years of active duty!

2004-12-07, 19:20
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The 2620QM is a monster though  .
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

2004-12-07, 19:23
Master Killer
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we know this 

2004-12-07, 20:08
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what do you guys think of the LTD Viper-400? anyone tried it?
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2004-12-07, 20:17
Master Killer
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I've played vipers, they're pretty damn good guitars for the money. The versions with the EMG 81's are the way to go, obviously. I played the viper 1000 only, so I don't know how the lower end vipers compare, the glued in neck is pretty nice, it gives the guitar good sustain and the body is more comfortable then a regular SG body.

2004-12-08, 11:05
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Ibanez do good guitars, i have a rgt42 and i think it is better and cheaper than a M-II or a SL3

2004-12-08, 11:23
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Yeah I've tried that one but I bought the 2620QM instead because it had a better trem, better pickups and so on, it was actually cheaper than the RGT42.
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

2004-12-08, 12:33
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The rgt has all i want, edege pro tremolo (the best) two humbuckers (im going to install an EMG-81  ) and neck-thru body, for me, it is perfect

2004-12-08, 13:28
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It has the edge pro II, my friend, which is not the best.
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

2004-12-08, 14:35
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The Edge pro II is not as good as the Original Floyd, Schaller Floyd, EDGE Lo Pro Edge, or Edge pro.
It's made from cheaper metals, and is more likely to break or be less stable, but if you like it thats great.
And whoever compared the RGT42 to a Jackson SL or ESP M-II, it might be better value than these two, allthough the M-II is reasonably priced, it won't be as good as these in build quality tbh, unless you have personally owned each guitar for more than a yea, and found the RGT42 to be better?
and to the person who asked yes the RG 370 is a good guitar for the money, but i'd prefer something else but thats me also look into the jackson DXMG.

2004-12-08, 15:24
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Thanks for the aclaration of the bridge.
About what i said of M-II and SL3 is because models did for europe are lower quality than the same model to US market (for example), If you go to the oficial ESP page and see the M-II specifications (my english is very bad, sorry) you can see that in pick-ups it has two seymour duncan (JB and JAzz i think) and its price is 1600€ more or less, but this is wrong in the way that this model is for USA, the european model is same price but it hasn't got seymour duncan pick ups, it has esp pick ups, but i dont think this pick ups can be so good as a JB, so you are paying more money that you have to.
In jackson it is the same, you think you are buying a guitar, but you just buy a TRADEMARK, I dont think a good guitar must have 1000, 2000 or 3000€ but i dont want to pay more money just to have "a jackson" (I know it because i wanted to buy a M-II or a SL3 and I tried them)
For this I say that rgt is a better guitar, because its sound is similar and its price is more reasonable

2004-12-10, 19:42
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There are two kinds of peoble in this world, those who like me and those who can go to hell

2004-12-10, 20:11
New Blood
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thats the one i got today! lol (well its for christmas)
im going to get a digitech death metal pedal aswal!
and Ibanez WD7 pedal
and that is an really good deal!
R.I.P Dimebag Darrel

2004-12-11, 11:47
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anyone else...?
There are two kinds of peoble in this world, those who like me and those who can go to hell

2004-12-11, 12:59
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This thread is about that guitar from the beginning.
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

2004-12-11, 13:19
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yea but I didn't feel like making a whole new thread just for that...
There are two kinds of peoble in this world, those who like me and those who can go to hell

2004-12-11, 13:24
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Then why did you even ask? Just read from the beginning and you will get to know what people think about the guitar!!
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

2004-12-11, 13:57
Join Date: Aug 2004
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ohh sorry my bad, I didn't remember that this thread was about the same guitar the I asked about... I'm sorry.
There are two kinds of peoble in this world, those who like me and those who can go to hell

2004-12-11, 16:04
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No problem dude, hope you got the info you wanted  .
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

2004-12-12, 01:14
bugfucker strikes back.
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: 19713, Delaware
Posts: 5,739
I fucking own it. Don't disgrace me by going out and buying it.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-12-12, 03:01
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Sydney
Posts: 221
I've been thinking of buying a new guitar sometime next year.
I wanted a Dime 2 Stealth, but they stopped production a short while ago and they'll be virtually impossible to get ahold of.
What about an LTD MH-201/301?
My only concern is the quality of the Mahogany.
I want something for around $1500 AUD or less, with two humbucks, good quality floyd rose style tremolo, mahogany or aldar body.
<TonyBlair> Someone set up us the bomb!
<AlQaeda> All your base are belong to us!

2004-12-12, 03:29
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: PA
Posts: 381
Originally Posted by soulfly
thats the one i got today! lol (well its for christmas)
im going to get a digitech death metal pedal aswal!
and Ibanez WD7 pedal
and that is an really good deal!
if you go digitech get the metal master, it has more range than their remake of the death metal pedal.
and a lesson from the grammar police:
sum = some
aswal = as well
kool = cool
thanx = thanks
learn how to fucking type ass hat, it's not that hard.
(this has been a public service announcement from the grammar police)
I'm Proud not to be PC
Liberals, the other terrorists
Originally Posted by Righteous_Death
Black Sabbath are so good, so I wouldnt say anything to disrespect them.
Cunt face.
Rest in Peace Dime, thank you for changing my world on vulgar display of power, thank you for being my next step after sabbath, and thank you for inspiring me to pick up that guitar and learn some heavy fucking metal \m/ your memory will live on forever 

2004-12-12, 12:18
New Blood
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Coventry, England
Posts: 16
ok. thanks for the help CXMACHINE!
im just used to slang, but i'll try and write normally.
R.I.P Dimebag Darrel

2004-12-12, 12:20
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: PA
Posts: 381
yeah not trying to be a dick but it will keep you from getting flamed. when i talk in aim i tend to slang as well, but in this community try to use the proper grammar or they will fucking crucify you
I'm Proud not to be PC
Liberals, the other terrorists
Originally Posted by Righteous_Death
Black Sabbath are so good, so I wouldnt say anything to disrespect them.
Cunt face.
Rest in Peace Dime, thank you for changing my world on vulgar display of power, thank you for being my next step after sabbath, and thank you for inspiring me to pick up that guitar and learn some heavy fucking metal \m/ your memory will live on forever 
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