2004-11-23, 13:19
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Good amp settings for EQ?
Guys, I need help finding a good amp setting. I've been playin out of a practice amp with pedals for four years but recently I purchased a Peavy halfstack. I can't figure out how to get that "metal core" sound. So if any of you more exprienced "guitar gods" could show me some good settings for my EQ I would greatly apprieciate it. Thanks
OH... incase you guys are wondering, its not my guitar. Its an NJ Warlock with an EMG at the bridge.
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2004-11-23, 13:25
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Well, first off you need to go to the "gear" section. After that, I'll introduce you to my massive penis which I shall shove up your anus.

2004-11-23, 13:31
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Dude you could have been a whole lot nicer about that. Fuckin Asshole
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2004-11-23, 13:43
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Well if you wouldn't be such an ignorant peice of cow dung maybe I'd give you a little help...Respect goes both ways homeboy.

2004-11-23, 14:08
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Man, there you go agian. I'll remember what you said, "respect goes both ways" I was being nice when I asked for help. You could have been more mature about your comment, man. I'm not asking for an appology or anything but next time man dont be a morron. Somebody needs to move or close this thread cause I can see its not doing much good here.
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2004-11-23, 14:29
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Its not doing much good when you talk about gear in the "guitar zone". Faggot.

2004-11-23, 16:22
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Just get a mod to move it...
anyways on the sound just mess around with the settings. You'll probably want to scoop out the mids a bit or something like that.

2004-11-23, 18:11
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Originally Posted by metal=life
Its not doing much good when you talk about gear in the "guitar zone". Faggot.
Shut the fuck up you piece of shit! DAMN, you get on my nerves. Go eat some colostomies or something. Just fuck off.
Anyways man, thanks rapeandruin, I'll do that.
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2004-11-23, 19:11
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Awwwww,,,did I hit a nerve? My work is done here.

2004-11-23, 19:39
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Originally Posted by TheUndeadMan
but next time man dont be a morron
Sure, M=L was not very nice, but wtf do you expect? If you'd have taken 1 minute of thinking before you posted, you'd have realised that this is not the right place to post about gear.
And flaming him back instead of just admitting your mistake isn't a very good idea.
You've showed some good sides of yourself in the middle of your flaming though, so I won't call you any names right now.
seems like you got a case of stupidphobia

2004-11-23, 20:22
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hmm i think def would by the man here, cause his band is a metalcore one but uh...
scoop the mids some, push the base some treble uh...presence some if there is one (not sure what knobs are there some are simple mine has like 25 knobs...)
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
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2004-11-23, 21:16
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 79
What model is your Peavey half stack? Depending on the model, there might not be too much you can do to get the sound you are looking for.

2004-11-23, 22:46
New Blood
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Posts: 27
All gain functions should be at full excluding the "Master" or "Post", depending on how those fucks labelled it. High / low / presence at full, and mids at zero. If you are getting a lot of high frequency garbage, scale back the presence and highs.

2004-11-24, 19:32
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Im not sure what model it is or anything. I got it used from a friend. It works good and nothing is wrong with it. I scooped some of the mids and it sounds a little better but it still doesn't have the sound I'm lookin for. ???
Listen To The Screams Of The Dead

2004-11-24, 19:45
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ask xdislexicx he knows everything about gear. Put a thread in gear talk, I dont think anyone would mind, youre not being an ass or anything..
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2004-11-24, 20:23
New Blood
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does ur amp have a lead switch?

2004-11-24, 20:29
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Is it that hard to fuck around with the knobs for a few minutes?
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2004-11-24, 20:48
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just mess around.usuallt you'll find sumthin you think you like one day then the next you think man this suks and mess with it more.i do...
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
friends don't let friends play krank.
Originally Posted by Def
nah man, nah, I had an itchy ballsack!
forget wall of marshalls look at this wall of engls!

2004-11-25, 16:18
New Blood
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 38
I have a Peavey 5150 head, for the metal core-ish sound go for like Bass on 8 Mids on 4 Treble on 7, Prescence and Resonance on 10 Gain can go eithrer way

2004-11-29, 12:48
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I messed with the nobs a bit and it sounds pretty good. But its no 5150. Thanks guys.
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2004-11-29, 21:48
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And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-11-29, 22:50
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damn, metal=life, why so cranky? i could see how he was easily confused and put his GUITAR rig question in the GUITAR section instead of the gear section. it's not a huge deal... and he wasnt being a little turd bacon like some of the other fucks that come on here... cut him some slack.
what kind of head is it? like what are some things it says on it? peavey make alot of different stuff, there isnt a universal eq'ing on all of them...
Originally Posted by DeadnightWarrior
I have a Peavey 5150 head, for the metal core-ish sound go for like Bass on 8 Mids on 4 Treble on 7, Prescence and Resonance on 10 Gain can go eithrer way
 those settings hurt my ears...  what kind of guitar are you using, and with what cab?
my guitarist's 5150 goes:
gain 4-6 depending on the guitar
bass 4-6 depending on the guitar
treble on about 3-5
resonance at about 7
presence at like 6
but he has two cabs... and probably different guitars.
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2004-11-30, 13:02
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I have no clue what kind of head it is, I bought the amp used from a friend who was selling it to get a Mesa (jelouse). I guess I can try to find a pic or some thing. Right now my amp has no mids, highs are on 7, lows are on 9, pre gain on 10, post gain on 1.
Listen To The Screams Of The Dead
Last edited by TheUndeadMan : 2004-11-30 at 13:10.

2004-11-30, 16:45
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I have a Marshall JCM 900 and it has not much gain of it's own, but I run a Voodu Valve into it. I set the Marshall gain at 7.5- 8.5, prescence 3.5, mids 4, bass 8.25, treble 6. I turn the master anywhere between 2 and 6. I onle go to 8 at max, cause it gets to loud.

2004-11-30, 21:42
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Originally Posted by TheUndeadMan
I have no clue what kind of head it is, I bought the amp used from a friend who was selling it to get a Mesa (jelouse). I guess I can try to find a pic or some thing. Right now my amp has no mids, highs are on 7, lows are on 9, pre gain on 10, post gain on 1.
what are some things it says on the front and the back? if i know that i'm pretty sure i can figure out which one it is....
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2004-12-01, 00:18
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Originally Posted by TheUndeadMan
I have no clue what kind of head it is
I'm not trying to clown on you, but how can you not know what kind of head you have?!
I can't imagine buying and playing an amp and never even knowing what it is I bought!
Finding a tone that you are happy with can take a long time even with a good amp, and if you have a stinker you might not ever be able to get the sound you are after.
Having said that, some people can make a good amp sound bad, so if you doubt your ability to adjust your amp properly, try to find someone that can do it for you.

2004-12-01, 01:46
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i wouldnt want any body fucking with my settings... 
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2004-12-01, 01:54
The Stings of Conscience
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you have NO mids? thats fuckin retarded. your tone probably sounds like the shit i just took

2004-12-01, 02:33
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Originally Posted by Andrew1331
you have NO mids? thats fuckin retarded. your tone probably sounds like the shit i just took
who are you talking to?
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2004-12-01, 03:27
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Originally Posted by BLS
FUCKIN BROOTAL!!!!!!!!  !!!!
This is my signature.

2004-12-02, 17:31
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Originally Posted by AR15
I'm not trying to clown on you, but how can you not know what kind of head you have?!
I can't imagine buying and playing an amp and never even knowing what it is I bought!
Finding a tone that you are happy with can take a long time even with a good amp, and if you have a stinker you might not ever be able to get the sound you are after.
Having said that, some people can make a good amp sound bad, so if you doubt your ability to adjust your amp properly, try to find someone that can do it for you.
I know its a Peavy, I just don't know what model.
I was going to have a friend of mine tinker with it but it sounds desent.
Listen To The Screams Of The Dead

2004-12-03, 17:51
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Posts: 53
hardcore/metalcore/nu metal usually use no mids, and bass and treble at full. Can "fizz" a bit and lack substance though...
You said you have been playing with pedals for 4 years, why not use one as a boost or something for a bit more punchiness/ percussiveness/ whatever?
Or try:bass full, mids 6, treble 6.
or:bass 7, mids: 2, treble: 6
Man, fully cut mids just dont sound as good if you dont have a few external units to mess with the eq: eg. eq, pedal, mixing board, whatever.

2004-12-03, 18:47
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this how i set up my TSL60 head of woe
Reverb 2.5-3
Presence 9.5
Bass 5.5
Mids 6
Treble 8
Gain 9
I crank the volume of the preamps and use the master as my only volume control other than my axe 

2004-12-03, 19:48
The Stings of Conscience
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Originally Posted by Banishment
hardcore/metalcore usually use no mids, and bass and treble at full. Can "fizz" a bit and lack substance though...
that is entirely not true. just stfu.

2004-12-04, 01:21
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Originally Posted by Andrew1331
that is entirely not true. just stfu.
i agree hardcore and metalcore arent the genres known for scooping there mids... i'd look more at nu metal.. or metallica(kinda nu metal), their mids are quite litterally at zero.
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2004-12-04, 05:26
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Okay fine, but most hardcore (living sacrifice etc) bands use extremely saturated distortion, which can be achieved on a shitty amp by scooping your mids...
man i'm into death metal, not hardcore/metalcore anyway.... I haven't heard that much of either, well not really listened to it anyway, but to me it sounded like the easiest way to get a sound reasonably like that is to scoop your mids and crank the bass a bit)

2004-12-04, 06:54
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Is it just me or does pantera's tone or "Dimebags" tone make you orgasm, how does he get that crunch and percussive sound, same with John Shaffer (SP?) from iced earth, when he does those gallops its so clean and you can hear each individual gallop strum and each one is all crunchy and powerfull, its badass, i dunno how they do it.

2004-12-04, 19:45
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Originally Posted by Banishment
Okay fine, but most hardcore (living sacrifice etc) bands use extremely saturated distortion, which can be achieved on a shitty amp by scooping your mids...
i don't get your logic...
Originally Posted by Banishment
man i'm into death metal, not hardcore/metalcore anyway.... I haven't heard that much of either, well not really listened to it anyway, but to me it sounded like the easiest way to get a sound reasonably like that is to scoop your mids and crank the bass a bit)
i'd say death metal has a more scoopy tone to it than hardcore and metalcore...
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2004-12-04, 21:58
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Originally Posted by h4x5k8
Is it just me or does pantera's tone or "Dimebags" tone make you orgasm, how does he get that crunch and percussive sound, same with John Shaffer (SP?) from iced earth, when he does those gallops its so clean and you can hear each individual gallop strum and each one is all crunchy and powerfull, its badass, i dunno how they do it.
Dimebag boost the mids on his amp but cuts them with his Parametric EQ.
John Schaffer uses a custom made amp buy some guy who only makes like 5 amps a year. Live he's been using the Powerball and DSL 100
plus studio magic of course!
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-12-05, 21:05
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Well I found out that my amp is a Peavy Transtube Sumpreme. It was on the back so I guess thats what it is.
I've got a good sound now. Its kinda like As I Lay Dying's, but I know they use Marshalls so it's still not quite like thiers. But I can't seem to get my gallops clean. They sound so...... shitty
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2004-12-08, 02:45
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they use marshalls and mesa solo heads.i dont know witch, but i bet its a triple.i cant find a sweet spot on my amp.coould be cuz it sux(marshall avt 275).i tinker with everything and i can get it to not sound really trebly and harsh.looking at my amp now my presence is at 0 and my trebl is at like 4.maybe i just need a diff amp.how much would a new set of 4x12s cost.i hacve a cab but the speakers are old and suck and 2 of them are blown.
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
friends don't let friends play krank.
Originally Posted by Def
nah man, nah, I had an itchy ballsack!
forget wall of marshalls look at this wall of engls!

2004-12-08, 21:18
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last time i saw as i lay dying i think one guy had two mesa cabs and a dual or triple recto, the other guy had two marshall cabs and either a jcm 900 slx or a dsl100...
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2004-12-08, 21:35
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yep sounds bout right
post 170
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
friends don't let friends play krank.
Originally Posted by Def
nah man, nah, I had an itchy ballsack!
forget wall of marshalls look at this wall of engls!
Last edited by arvina : 2004-12-08 at 21:36.
Reason: no good reason

2004-12-08, 23:00
The Stings of Conscience
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Originally Posted by TheUndeadMan
But I can't seem to get my gallops clean. They sound so...... shitty
thats usually a sign of too much low end, or not enough mids. try some small adjustments

2004-12-09, 03:43
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I dunno, my usual settings that i try on all amps that i play are.
Yes, pretty simple, but it works well on rectos, and my crate practice amp.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-12-09, 14:15
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Originally Posted by Innards-Decay
I dunno, my usual settings that i try on all amps that i play are.
Yes, pretty simple, but it works well on rectos, and my crate practice amp.
where are the highs? why so much presence? i can tell that would sound like garbage at high volumes on alot of amps..
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2004-12-09, 19:54
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Well, it could be that if i put it at anything above that on my crate, it gets taken over in buzz. For the rect, i dunno, it sounds pretty sludgy and bassy.
Originally Posted by Transient

2004-12-10, 01:25
The Stings of Conscience
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Location: Lutz, FL
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tune your guitar to an open tuning, your choice of which. strike the open chord, and go at adjusting the EQ. thats how i do it, and i love it.

2004-12-17, 13:43
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I got my distortion just the way I want it. It sounds really good now. I had the guy I bought it from help me out with it.
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