2004-11-26, 17:33
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I haven't Seen much about anything Anata, tried doing a search and they were just mentioned here and there a few times.
I have the albums:
Dreams of Death and Dismay
The Infernal Depths of Hatred
and Under a Stone With No Inscription
those are the only 3 i've ever found, sadly that nearest Metal section in any CD place is in Newbury comics, but they at least have some decent stuff sometimes, I was lucky enough to find Edge Of Sanity's Crimson I on sale, but it was in the metal compilation section...nothing like 1 40 minute song.
anyways, so who else likes Anata? As far as my friends who like metal go, they've never heard of Anata before, but when I showed it to them they loved it.
Also, do they have any albums out I dont have?
Of the once deceased bodies not through decomposure
Ending their peaces, their chances of hell
A vomit-type substance is formed from its innards
A festering slime that revels inside
The substance erupts and its stomach bursts open
Forced down your throat to regurgitate life

2004-11-26, 20:26
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ive heard of em, one song...theyre good

2004-11-26, 20:33
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I heard a few songs from them, great band.

2004-11-26, 21:05
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2004-11-27, 00:50
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Yes, they are damn good. And don't worry crimson thought, you've got all their albums. So do I.
Fredrik Schalin reminds me of a long-haired version of that goofy comedian that always in 'Whose Line Is It Anyway?' and the Drew Carey Show. Don't think so? look at the band photo underneath where you put the disc in Dreams of Death And Dismay.

2004-11-27, 02:48
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wow I didn't know they had a website.. this rules though, at least i've found some Anata fans....I'd have to say The Infernal Depths of Hatred is my favorite out of all of them so far, but I think my favorite song is " A problem yet to be solved " off their new one,.
Of the once deceased bodies not through decomposure
Ending their peaces, their chances of hell
A vomit-type substance is formed from its innards
A festering slime that revels inside
The substance erupts and its stomach bursts open
Forced down your throat to regurgitate life

2004-11-27, 03:25
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It's The Temple/Erratic for me. Best song by far.

2004-11-27, 11:55
Schrodinger's Cat
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Anata are awesome! They're sort of like a more energetic version of Spawn Of Possession in parts. Under A Stone With No Inscription is in my top three albums of 2004: it's amazing in it's effortless combination of brutality, technicality and melody. I particularly love A Problem Yet To Be Solved and the last song off UASWNI.
I also own Dreams Of Death And Dismay but I feel that they were still honing their sound and style at that stage of their career. With the release of UASWNI, they seem to be completely comfortable with what they are doing and where they are headed. I can't wait for their next album!
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-11-27, 23:04
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any news on a possible release of a new album anytime soon?
Of the once deceased bodies not through decomposure
Ending their peaces, their chances of hell
A vomit-type substance is formed from its innards
A festering slime that revels inside
The substance erupts and its stomach bursts open
Forced down your throat to regurgitate life

2004-11-28, 09:19
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Originally Posted by johnmansley
Anata are awesome! They're sort of like a more energetic version of Spawn Of Possession in parts.
MORE ENERGETIC THAN SPAWN OF POSSESSION! John, please don't tell me youre one of those people that's only heard Swarm of the Formless. SoP is like 'Energetic Inc.' But of course, Anata is very energetic too. Also I prefer dreams of death and dismay to Under a stone....

2004-11-28, 10:22
Schrodinger's Cat
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I've got Cabinet. It's energetic but I feel Anata just have that little bit extra on UASWNI.
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-11-29, 01:46
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I would have to say the first song on UASWNI kinda sets the mood for the rest of the album, its fast in parts, still technical but they keep a deathish sound to it, i love their style.
So i love Anata, they're my #1 band, what other kinds of bands would I like that are like them?
Of the once deceased bodies not through decomposure
Ending their peaces, their chances of hell
A vomit-type substance is formed from its innards
A festering slime that revels inside
The substance erupts and its stomach bursts open
Forced down your throat to regurgitate life

2004-11-29, 04:36
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Probably Theory in Practice. They're Swedish too.

2004-11-29, 04:49
Dog farts
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Anata have great music.. but I hate the vocals. Can't freakin' stand them.

2004-11-29, 05:46
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I don't hate the vocals, but they aren't brilliant by any means. Doesn't bother me a whole lot.

2004-11-29, 07:45
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I like [Allenmark?]'s vocals. The other guitarist anyway.

2004-11-29, 07:53
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I didn't realise he did vocals. What albums/songs?

2004-11-29, 19:59
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I'm planning on getting Under a Stone with No Inscription...however, what I have heard off that album sounds quite good.

2004-11-29, 20:40
Schrodinger's Cat
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Originally Posted by Crimson Thought
So i love Anata, they're my #1 band, what other kinds of bands would I like that are like them?
Spawn Of Possesion are quite similar. Give them a whirl.
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-11-30, 13:01
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Those sound like two good bands worth checking out, I will do so, im always looking into new music, the metal never stops.
I dont mind the way both of them scream, well honestly, I like the way he does the low growls cause it sounds grainy and maybe a little rotten, and prolly cause my low growl sounds like his a little when im first warming up my voice in the morning.
The higher screams leave something to be desired i guess, sometimes i feel like they're out of place or belong in a different measure, but its nothing that ruins the experience.
also JM, about your custom title, Schrodinger's cat, does that have anything to do with possibly WA3?
Of the once deceased bodies not through decomposure
Ending their peaces, their chances of hell
A vomit-type substance is formed from its innards
A festering slime that revels inside
The substance erupts and its stomach bursts open
Forced down your throat to regurgitate life

2004-11-30, 13:27
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Originally Posted by johnmansley
Dreams Of Death And Dismay
I just noticed, that if you abreviate that, you'll get DODAD, which, with two little dots added becomes DÖDAD, which means "killed" in Swedish. And these guys are apparently from Sweden. Coincidence? Maybe, I dunno....
seems like you got a case of stupidphobia

2004-11-30, 13:45
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Thats kinda clever G_urr_A...
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

2004-12-01, 01:05
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yeah that is really cool...its possible it was coincedence but either way, purpose or not, it works out very well.
Of the once deceased bodies not through decomposure
Ending their peaces, their chances of hell
A vomit-type substance is formed from its innards
A festering slime that revels inside
The substance erupts and its stomach bursts open
Forced down your throat to regurgitate life

2004-12-02, 13:38
Schrodinger's Cat
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Re Schrodinger's Cat: I don't know what WA3 is but it's a reference to a thought experiment developed by the brilliant German Quantum Physicist Erwin Schrodinger to explain Quantum Superposition, ie, how a particle can be in two quantum states at the same time. I wont bore you with the details - check out the 'Superstring Theory' thread in the Chit Chat forum for more info - but in the case of the cat, it is both alive and dead simultaneously.
It's got a kind of cool ring to it, so I kept it.
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-12-04, 18:01
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I just downloaded Slain Upon his Altar, great, great song, now you download it!!!

2004-12-07, 01:38
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JM: Ahh, not what I was thinking but it sounds interesting all the same.
Yup, Slain upon his altar is # 5 on the infernal depths of hatred, it only gets better from there 
Of the once deceased bodies not through decomposure
Ending their peaces, their chances of hell
A vomit-type substance is formed from its innards
A festering slime that revels inside
The substance erupts and its stomach bursts open
Forced down your throat to regurgitate life
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