2004-11-27, 17:18
Join Date: Oct 2004
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stringing a guitar...
well here comes another n00b question from User01...
how do you do it? im new to the guitar and i just cant master it.
can any1 tell me how to?

2004-11-27, 17:25
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Depends on what kind of string set up you have.

2004-11-27, 17:27
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yea what kinda bridge do you have ?
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2004-11-27, 18:47
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i have a floyd rose licenced trem bridge and im trying to install ernie ball slinky regulars

2004-11-27, 19:41
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no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
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2004-11-27, 20:19
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Mark your screws (the ones in the back of the guitar) before you fuck with them. If you don't, you'll turn them unevenly and it'll fuck up the tuning. And don't tune it up then use your whammy bar. Never use a whammy with a licensed floyd. Throw it away now. Say "buh bye".

2004-11-27, 21:08
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
how much would it cost to replace my licenced floyd rose trem with an official one?
would that make things a lot better?
o yea, what other good and or popular floating trems are there?

2004-11-27, 21:09
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khaler seems to own all, i think official ones are like 150$ usd
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
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2004-11-27, 21:26
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FYI, Khaler is flatmount.
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2004-11-27, 21:40
Pirate Lawd
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Kahler bridges are God like. Just great bridges.

2004-11-27, 22:10
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Originally Posted by Slabbefusk
FYI, Khaler is flatmount.
oh i thought they had both models
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
Now My Legacy Shall Live Forever!!

2004-11-27, 22:17
Pirate Lawd
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They do, but the flat mount ones are more stable though. Better IMO.

2004-11-28, 03:48
Wasted Custom User title
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Originally Posted by User01
how much would it cost to replace my licenced floyd rose trem with an official one?
would that make things a lot better?
o yea, what other good and or popular floating trems are there?
A real one would send you back about $175.
You gotta make sure that the bridge will fit, like the radius matches your guitar and string spacing and the cavity is big enough, etc. I had a luthier do all this for me. He measured everything and picked up the right floyd from one of his shops.
What makes a real one better? Better tuning stability. Better sustain. Better tone (a little better, I didnt notice a vast improvement, but still sounds better) And it doesnt say 'Licensed under Floyd Rose Patents' on it.
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2004-11-28, 04:02
Pirate Lawd
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I will promote Kahler until the day a better bridge is made or until I die. Have you ever used a Kahler, CC? Nothing really compares imo. Even there Floyd type models rival original Floyds in stablity. Avalibilty is another question though I understand.

2004-11-28, 04:06
Wasted Custom User title
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I havent but I want to. I havent seen any around here.
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2004-11-28, 04:15
Pirate Lawd
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Just keep looking. Hopefully it will be setup right and will be in perfect condition to let you really give it good run. If not, do what you can, but they are smooth and easy as hell to control when maintained right. Plus Fret radius doesn't matter with a Kahler because it can be set to whatever you like 

2004-11-28, 04:42
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Kahler needs to make a 7 string flatmount!!! 
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2004-11-28, 04:45
Pirate Lawd
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Calm my brother. I'm sure they will, but I'm sure that if you were a well known metal artist like KoRn they would hurry the hell up.
Edit: I bet KoRn doesn't even know what a Kahler is? 

2004-11-28, 05:22
Senior Metalhead
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fuck, so a licensed floyd will go out of tune if I use a whammy bar? So what's the point of even getting a licensed floyd?
I was planning on getting a good ibanez with a liscenced floyd sometimes after xmas.
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2004-11-28, 09:08
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
yea^^^^^^ thats a bit of a bitch rite?  i wish i new that before i got my guitar, i prob woulda gone for a nice fixed bridge guitar, like an ibanez 321...
ah well, thats prob my next guitar, at least i know now
btw, what bridge does slayers jeff hanneman use because on the still reigning dvd you see him pull back on his trem but it looks nothing like a floyd rose. might have just been the lighting but yea, i was just wondering what he uses.

2004-11-28, 10:37
Pirate Lawd
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It's a Kahler flat mount on Jeff Hanneman's ESP guitar. They don't sell them stock so forget about them unless you have $5,000 for a custom ESP.

2004-11-28, 14:23
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
ah rite, ok cool
i heard that his new line of signatures which are yet to be released will feature a kahler flat mount.
does any one know if thats true?

2004-11-28, 20:33
Senior Metalhead
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Are these Ibanez ZR Tremolos any good? I only saw one or two people give an opinion about them.
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2004-11-29, 11:41
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maybe i just got lucky, but I have a liscenced floyd and it stays in tune after whammy action fine....

2004-11-29, 20:28
Pirate Lawd
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Originally Posted by User01
ah rite, ok cool
i heard that his new line of signatures which are yet to be released will feature a kahler flat mount.
does any one know if thats true?
I thought they were going to make them with Floyd because they were running out of Kahler bridges? I know he has said that he will never use a Floyd on his guitars but that doesn't mean that ESP will not sell them to others. You could be right though because the old ESP Jeff Hannamen sig models had Kahlers too, but Kahler has started to make a new flatmount bridge. Basically the same bridge but with a slightly different look. Perhaps the new Kahlers will be on the new guitars?
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