2004-12-04, 07:07
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mental illness
we have a few guys studying psychology and such here...i need you guys, or anyone else, to help me.
a close friend of mine, told me that recently that she has been believing her dreams are real. this doesnt sound bad at first and i dunno quite how to explain it, so ill give you the example she said to me, this is seriously bad. she told me that she dreamed she had a baby, then got up and spent 2 hours looking for the baby. (of course she's 17 and hasn't had a baby!!)
im really worried about my mate, can anybody give me a bit of help for a solution, or a cause, or at least maybe what triggers these things? is it curable?
thanks heaps in advance.

2004-12-04, 07:38
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do you think its possible she might have had a secret abortion or something and its traumatised the daylights out of her?

2004-12-04, 07:45
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nah mate shes a virgin.....as far as i know anyway....lol.

2004-12-04, 07:54
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oh well... thats fucked up anyway.
hope she snaps out of it.

2004-12-04, 14:39
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take her to a doctor, for her own good

2004-12-04, 15:23
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Tell her to, "ease off the stress, hon."
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2004-12-04, 16:08
Dog farts
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Is that a one-off thing? I've had dreams that have seemed alarmingly realistic.

2004-12-04, 16:30
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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something like that has happened to me before. It wasnt serious though. my dad had bought me some new badass cd pack for skyfire  . i looked for it for about ten minutes before i realised it didnt exist. thats my only dream that REALLY tricked me.
I have an idea for your friend. tell her to keep a log, a dream log. you know, something written before and after she sleeps. If she had any doubts she would read the paper and her last entry would be of going to sleep, therefore she would know it was only a dream. it may sound silly, but its all i have to offer here.

2004-12-04, 16:33
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Originally Posted by Nihilist
Is that a one-off thing? I've had dreams that have seemed alarmingly realistic.
me too. i remember once i dreamed i got an old 80's stealth signed by rico then i woke up and was dumbfounded when it wasnt in my room. however after like 5 minutes i realised it was just a dream 
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
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2004-12-04, 18:32
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Andrew, can you elaborate on another expierence shes had that matches this caliber? If this was a one time thing, then there isn't anything to worry about. As Nihilist said, sometimes dreams can be alarmingly realistic and you'll end up believing it happened untill the disorientation of waking up wears off (remember, before you wake up you've just had some REM activity which tottaly deludes logic). But if this is a problem that keeps occuring then she may want to get some advisory from a professional (which may be, if its as serious as your letting onto, the best advice you can give to her. If not, and you solve it "together", then your garenteed a boink fest.).
Also, shes 17. She may just be pulling your leg for attention or something of that sort. Is she like that?
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery
Last edited by Darko : 2004-12-04 at 18:35.

2004-12-04, 18:35
Symbiotic In Theory
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Originally Posted by Darko
Also, shes 17. She may just be pulling your leg for attention or something of that sort. Is she like that?
True, it could be, there weird like that.
'' I'll Smother You With A Fucking Pillow!! ''
Originally Posted by metal=life
Hey don't talk back buddy. Give your dick size or don't post.

2004-12-04, 18:49
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unless it happens a lot its probably what time dragon and guitar demon where saying cuz i know that happens to me like it will be 4 in the morning and ill wake up and go start to study for finals cause i dreamed about em but its like a month till finals or somethin messed up like that.
Although a lot of dreams are believed to be like your subconcious telling you a message so maybe shes worried about getting pregnant or her boyfriend or somethin like that.
"What we were after now was the old surprise visit. That was a real kick and good for laughs and lashings of the old ultra-violence." - A Clockwork Orange
"I don't think I should be playing with these medium strings. I need light guage if I'm gonna thrash." - Master Shake
Death, Megadeth, Testament, Ozzy, Exodus, Dream Theater, Iron Maiden, Annihilator, Pantera, GWAR, Symphony X, Iced Earth, Anthrax, Bodom, Cannibal Corpse, Kreator, Hammerfall, Nevermore.
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2004-12-04, 19:17
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has she seen a doctor yet? or did you ever notice her doing other stuff that just didn't seem right?
I have some psychology too but its really difficult for me to translate Dutch terms into the English language.
it could be a cry for attention, either that or she has a real problem. I learned some stuff about a girl who was abused at young age, she got terrible nightmares and at one point she started 'living them' in a sort of way. You don't even want to know how that ended! Anyways, I wouldn't take it too lightly, if you don't trust it, take her to a doctor for sure.

2004-12-04, 21:16
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Originally Posted by Darko
Andrew, can you elaborate on another expierence shes had that matches this caliber? If this was a one time thing, then there isn't anything to worry about. As Nihilist said, sometimes dreams can be alarmingly realistic and you'll end up believing it happened untill the disorientation of waking up wears off (remember, before you wake up you've just had some REM activity which tottaly deludes logic). But if this is a problem that keeps occuring then she may want to get some advisory from a professional (which may be, if its as serious as your letting onto, the best advice you can give to her. If not, and you solve it "together", then your garenteed a boink fest.).
Also, shes 17. She may just be pulling your leg for attention or something of that sort. Is she like that?
Exactly, as you all have mentioned, I've had dreams I thought were real for about 10 minutes I've woken up. It's only happened like twice, this one time I had a dream were I murdered some kid in the past a year aho who hated my guts, and I place him in an Iron Maiden and put it in my closet. I woke up thinking "okay, I did this, and its been sitting there for a year, I need to confess this horrible deed of mine!" and while I was being traumatized by this thought I thought, "wait a minute, I never actually did this!" and It seems really funny now to me........
Man, if you want to have a discussion about psycho dreams about killing people you can always talk to me *becoming dream thread* one time I dreamed I was at a party with annoying guy pissing everyone off, so I just picked him up and shoved him down a toilet! Not just his face in the bowl, I took his entire body and forced it though the hole!!!!!
If anyone needs to see a psychologist, it's me, yet I've already done this a few times, and I learned that it's better to fix problems yourslef.

2004-12-04, 22:47
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The realistic ideas here are very good. The others are just funny. But yeah, if it's an isolated incident and she seems fine now, don't worry about it. But if it's a continued thing tell her to go talk with a professional. That's very important.
One thing you're seeming to miss is that it was about having a child. Anyone who has given birth to one would remember soon after a dream whether or not they really had a kid or not. It's not like losing your keys or something like that. She may be faking it for attention or it may be real. Teen age girls are good actors.
Another option is that she may be having a seizure of sorts or even sleep walking and talking. I knew a guy who had a few seizures and once before one he insisted his stomach was really screwed up. Then he had a grand mal. When he became coherent again he didn't remember any of it including the stomach pains.
Another option is she may be schizophrenic, but only a doctor can verify that.
Don't take on the responsibilty yourself though. If you want to take her to an appointment or even make it for her with her permission that would be cool. Some people seem intimidated by it, but it's better to get help and get better.
That option of being abused is also a very real one. If that's the case it definitely should be looked into.
If you'd want to, call the Child Abuse Hotline and explain the situation or callyour local Childrens Service and tell them you'd like to anonymously talk to a caseworker. They may be able to tell you some things you can ask your friend to see how she responds before getting too involved with them. I worked for the local agency and that would be my recommendation. Or you could talk to a school counsellor, too. There are a lot of options. Just don't make yourself feel responsible for what she does.
My eldest son's bipolar website: www.bipolarmanifesto.com
-wally: Mom, you shouldn't play after me because it makes you sound even worse than you already do. -wally:*grumbles and whispers quietly* I guess it's cuz I love you or something, but you're still a TURD
Grimm:I could read your mind but its in font size .5
Amadeus:Oh, and was there a cesserole (never mind spelling) involved?
Paddy:the fact that you didn't end up on a kids show makes me question my atheism
Dyldo: You evil strumpet!

2004-12-05, 01:06
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She could just want a little attention, frankly, there is nothing wrong with the fact, except the way she attempts to get it. Maybe she tried to attract some attention in other ways but it didn't work so she resorted to this.
As people before me said, she could be schizo. I'm schizo. How often does it happen? What kind of delusions does she have? If it's only dreams, a lot of people wake up from realistic dreams thinking that they are real, but she spent 2 hours looking for a baby, and that's alarming. Do get really worried if she does something harmful to herself, but it might not be very apparent (I for one nearly drowned myself in a bath on purpose as a result of a delusion, on more than one occasion). The good thing is that she realised that what she did didn't make sense after some time and didn't keep believing it, that's a good sign.
You need to take her to a doctor. If she is schizo, she will be offered medicine. Carefully consider the plusses and minuses of medicine as it may make life even more difficult for her than the problem itself (medicine tends to shut down certain thought processes, it can make a person very calm but also very unmotivated, those medicines tend to be loaded with serotonin and/or dopamine adjusting shit).
Don't worry, even if what you're describing is not curable,any uncurable mental disorder one can learn to live with. Just be supportive. Most people with problems like that tell absolutely nobody because they're too afraid that if they show it something will hurt them. This shows that your mate trusts you quite a lot.
I <3 12 year olds.

2004-12-05, 01:36
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Originally Posted by L,B'XXX
The realistic ideas here are very good. The others are just funny. But yeah, if it's an isolated incident and she seems fine now, don't worry about it. But if it's a continued thing tell her to go talk with a professional. That's very important.
One thing you're seeming to miss is that it was about having a child. Anyone who has given birth to one would remember soon after a dream whether or not they really had a kid or not. It's not like losing your keys or something like that. She may be faking it for attention or it may be real. Teen age girls are good actors.
Another option is that she may be having a seizure of sorts or even sleep walking and talking. I knew a guy who had a few seizures and once before one he insisted his stomach was really screwed up. Then he had a grand mal. When he became coherent again he didn't remember any of it including the stomach pains.
Another option is she may be schizophrenic, but only a doctor can verify that.
Don't take on the responsibilty yourself though. If you want to take her to an appointment or even make it for her with her permission that would be cool. Some people seem intimidated by it, but it's better to get help and get better.
That option of being abused is also a very real one. If that's the case it definitely should be looked into.
If you'd want to, call the Child Abuse Hotline and explain the situation or callyour local Childrens Service and tell them you'd like to anonymously talk to a caseworker. They may be able to tell you some things you can ask your friend to see how she responds before getting too involved with them. I worked for the local agency and that would be my recommendation. Or you could talk to a school counsellor, too. There are a lot of options. Just don't make yourself feel responsible for what she does.
Tsk..I wouldn't trust those child abuse hotlines or social workers though. I mean, alot of them are good people who want to do good, but there are idiots out there who want to parent everyones kid the same way and are tight asses. All I'm saying is, they might take action when you don't want them too or they might pressure you to report it as child abuse.
Have you ever seen those commercials were they have parents walking around in those T-shirts that say "child abuser" and the commercial says its best to report one when expected because you can never tell? Those are the same kind of people who would haul people away from thier kid when they were allowed to listen to cannibal corpse....geez...and to think all those "pro-family" people don't care about rap music.

2004-12-05, 05:13
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Well, this topic is awfully morbid, so hear this for a laugh.
Once when I was little I had this dream that I woke up and thought it was real. My parents heard me talking in thet middle of the night in my room, one of them came in to wake me up [they thought I was doing it in my sleep] but to his surprise I was sitting upright in bed just talking. He asked me who I've been talking to for the past hour, and I told him I was talking to the 3 monsters sitting at the end of my bed. Then I refused to belive they didn't exist, until next morning, I realised it had to be because monsters don't exist 

2004-12-07, 01:35
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Originally Posted by andrewc
we have a few guys studying psychology and such here...i need you guys, or anyone else, to help me.
a close friend of mine, told me that recently that she has been believing her dreams are real. this doesnt sound bad at first and i dunno quite how to explain it, so ill give you the example she said to me, this is seriously bad. she told me that she dreamed she had a baby, then got up and spent 2 hours looking for the baby. (of course she's 17 and hasn't had a baby!!)
im really worried about my mate, can anybody give me a bit of help for a solution, or a cause, or at least maybe what triggers these things? is it curable?
thanks heaps in advance.
It's not as uncommon as you would think. When I was a kid, I used to have extravagant dreams where I was rich and I had a nice family that actually owned a car and a home. Then I would wake up and realize I was poor, all my toys were either cheap or broken, I lived in a shitty apartment in a drug filled project, and my only forms of transportation were my feet and the bus on the rare occasion my mother had the money. I didn't want to believe it and I cried. I was about 9 at the time and I never actually told my mother about it because I don't want her to feel bad about how poor we used to be and how at the time she couldn't do anything about it.
I used to have similar dreams, not where I was rich, but where I would be in Florida catching all sorts of animals, and then I'd wake up in Massachusetts in January, realizing that I'd have another few months before I could find any snakes, and even then, the only thing I could do was look for tiny 8 inch long brown snakes under garbage in vacant lots and fields behind buildings because I had no way of getting to any woods since I was only 10 and we didn't have a fucking car. Again, I remember crying silently to myself about how shitty everything was.
Nowadays my dreams are all nonsensical and too far removed from reality for me to possibly get the two confused. I actually have a system that I use to check and see whether I'm dreaming or awake, and it hasn't failed yet. For example, I never fly in real life, and in real life the supermarket doesn't turn into a swamp, my mother's car doesn't turn into a dog, and my cousins don't turn into my aunts. The only reason I really need that list is because sometimes I get these strange natural highs (almost always while outdoors in the bright sun) where I feel woozy and everything is so surreal I need to use it to find signs of reality. I do have to admit though, although it's nothing like the way it was when I was a kid, it does suck when I wake up and realize I can't fly.
Also, my situation wasn't nearly as extreme as your friend's. I was also much younger when it happened. I hope everything works out for her.
Trust in god, he'll give you shoes!

2004-12-07, 01:41
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
thanks heaps for all the advice  its great to know a few people care. she's been getting plenty better lately, we're just thinking it's a one (well, three or four) off but thanks again anyways 

2004-12-07, 02:53
Join Date: Apr 2004
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Little late, but withe my experience with dreams, if she doesn't have any serious illnesses you dont know about,she could have had messed up dreams that seem real that also pertain to something that happened during the day or the day before. I know i've had dreams about getting high or having sex after actually doing said things earlier in the day, and thats the only way I can explain the reason i had such a specific dream.
Also, sometimes people like to think specific dreams that seem to real are somehow hinting at a possible near future?
Of the once deceased bodies not through decomposure
Ending their peaces, their chances of hell
A vomit-type substance is formed from its innards
A festering slime that revels inside
The substance erupts and its stomach bursts open
Forced down your throat to regurgitate life
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