2004-12-09, 13:04
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The Official Pantera tabs thread (dedicated to Dimebag)
Hello all,
I have a proposal to all Dime's fans out there. We have most of Pantera guitar tabs from CFH album and onward, but many of them are of a very bad quality and/or have too many different versions. Maybe you could check some of the tabs, tell me which versions we should get rid of, and eventually merge them into one or two tabs per song.
I thought it would be a good way to thank Dimebag for what he did.
Thank you.
I ride too fast to worry about cholesterol...

2004-12-09, 14:19
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good ideia Nomad, i'll help.
Thanx for all your riffs and leads Dimebag Darrell, now, Rest in Peace!
Last edited by obrien20 : 2004-12-09 at 17:16.

2004-12-09, 15:06
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ill try to do some powertab versions of whatever is posted.
Too grim to function

2004-12-09, 15:12
The Mountie From Hell
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Good idea Jim.
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2004-12-09, 15:18
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pantera is with right the first ever archived band on metaltabs

2004-12-09, 15:27
Crusher of Skulls
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I'll definitely throw down to bro!!!!!
My Trust is in WHISKEY and WEEDand SLAYER
Long live DIMEBAG
ROGspace Cunts. Book us
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
You thought of mixing wheat flour with saturated fat, and putting it the resultant shit in a styrofoam cup. Shine on, you crazy dead yellow diamond.
Originally Posted by johnmansley
May the best cunt win.

2004-12-09, 15:36
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Me too...
If someone have a special wish for a tab let me know
Last edited by hot spicy : 2004-12-09 at 20:17.

2004-12-09, 15:42
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if you could tab him back alive...

2004-12-09, 20:04
Supreme Metalhead
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Fucking great idea...Rest in Peace Brother.

2004-12-10, 08:52
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Originally Posted by nomad
Hello all,
I have a proposal to all Dime's fans out there. We have most of Pantera guitar tabs from CFH album and onward, but many of them are of a very bad quality and/or have too many different versions. Maybe you could check some of the tabs, tell me which versions we should get rid of, and eventually merge them into one or two tabs per song.
I thought it would be a good way to thank Dimebag for what he did.
Thank you.
do you mean like merge the solo from domination, for example, into a different tab? that's a top idea i reckon, good thinking. very respectful too. 

2004-12-10, 11:41
round the world
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Yes. In case of Domination there are 7 guitar tabs only 3 of which are rated 4+. The idea is to merge them into 1 or 2 quality tabs taking the best ideas from all 7 versions.
A person who came to metaltabs to find a Domination guitar tab should be very confused at the moment. Not everyone has the patience or the necessary skills to check all versions and take something useful from all of them.
I ride too fast to worry about cholesterol...
Last edited by nomad : 2004-12-10 at 11:45.

2004-12-10, 12:24
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one question i have, would it be much trouble because, domination for example:
both guys will want credit for their works, and probably neither of them are on the site these days, so who'll be responsible for merging the tab, and who will get credit under the ranking system?

2004-12-10, 15:59
round the world
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Merging tabs is a big job on itself, it's OK to post them under your name. Of course the original tabbers should get full credit in the tab.
I ride too fast to worry about cholesterol...

2004-12-10, 18:01
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That is what many of my tabs are, it is real helpful. Most of Dimebags riffs and most of his solos are a bit advanced for me, but I'll see what I can do on some of them.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2004-12-13, 16:23
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Does anyone have tabs from Power Metal? I am working on a Death Trap tab. The whole album is really very good.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2004-12-13, 17:12
Master Killer
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I don't have any tabs for power metal. I will go through most of the pantera tabs this week and help with ratings.

2005-01-06, 11:38
New Blood
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Can someone please do a tab for Blunt Force Trauma off New Found Power?

2005-01-06, 16:29
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This is for Pantera tabs, not Damageplan.

2005-01-06, 21:40
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I'll probably do a couple of pantera and damageplan powertabs 

2005-01-06, 21:46
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My friend has the official tab book for "Far Beyond Driven" Ill see if i can scan it or something.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-01-07, 08:27
round the world
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Originally Posted by BLS
My friend has the official tab book for "Far Beyond Driven" Ill see if i can scan it or something.
Originally Posted by RULES
It must be your original, ear-transcribed work. Don't send tabs you found out on the Internet, or tabs taken directly from magazines or tab books. If you found to be involved in plagiarism, your account and all your tabs will be deleted without notice.
I ride too fast to worry about cholesterol...

2005-01-07, 09:02
Schrodinger's Cat
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Do it BLS, do it!
Only kidding 
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2005-02-08, 03:47
Senior Metalhead
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i have the riffer madness book so i can correct alot of tabs.

2005-02-08, 04:15
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Originally Posted by crispykid
i have the riffer madness book so i can correct alot of tabs.
can you read english? no taking of riffs directly from magazines or books, IT MUST BE YOUR OWN EAR-TRANSCRIBED WORK.
i will translate that into fluent moronic for you? dUn D0 dA tA8s cUz u'Ll 5uXx35!! n g3T 8anN3D R0fLz LuulZez!!1

2005-03-18, 01:37
New Blood
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Posts: 27
I also have a Pantera tab book I can use to check tabs so let me know if you need my help.  j/k
Seriously though, even if I had the book i wouldn't use it. I bought one book in my life, a long time ago, the Metallica Justice book. After seeing how they tabbed Blackened, it's now collecting dust in my closet.
So just because it's an "official" tab book doesn't mean diddley dick.

2005-04-01, 23:49
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I bought a Megadeth tab book years ago, I think the guy who transcribed it got stuck on some of the riffs as chunks of songs and solos were missing!

Last edited by Dahmers Fridge : 2005-04-02 at 00:23.

2005-04-22, 09:50
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
Originally Posted by nomad
Hello all,
I have a proposal to all Dime's fans out there. We have most of Pantera guitar tabs from CFH album and onward, but many of them are of a very bad quality and/or have too many different versions. Maybe you could check some of the tabs, tell me which versions we should get rid of, and eventually merge them into one or two tabs per song.
I thought it would be a good way to thank Dimebag for what he did.
Thank you.
well i've started with my favourite "good time" song.

2005-04-22, 10:00
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
oh yeah, all other domination tabs can be deleted. i transcribed the riffs myself, and the solo has proper credits. there was only one with a tab of riffs
anyway Nomad, i will do the merging on the three albums i have (cowboys, GSTK, and reinventing the steel.) if there is a good one for any of these songs already, i will PM you with which tabs to remove as i've done with other bands in the past.
enjoy folks 

2005-05-01, 01:12
Crusher of Skulls
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Could someone work on a good tabbed version of planet caravan? The one on here has the rhythm tabbed right, but the solo is all fucked up I think...and that IMO is one of Dime's greatest solos....
My Trust is in WHISKEY and WEEDand SLAYER
Long live DIMEBAG
ROGspace Cunts. Book us
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
You thought of mixing wheat flour with saturated fat, and putting it the resultant shit in a styrofoam cup. Shine on, you crazy dead yellow diamond.
Originally Posted by johnmansley
May the best cunt win.

2005-06-13, 17:45
New Blood
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 6
Hi guys, good thread idea.
I posted a tab for Message In Blood some time ago..
Just recently, someone posted a new version... Speechless!
He says that it's not in drop-d tuning and then goes and tabs it for drop-d!
I haven't even bothered to try any of it. The positions are all wrong.
The solo is written in his, but I can't remeber how the solo goes right now - but I know it was fucking ace!
Anyways, this is a good thread. We should attempt to tidy up some of the tabs. I have the big book with the first two albums on it, but most of it is a load of shite. I don't read it now. I think that the version of Heresy from here is copied out of that book. A long time ago, I sat for ages trying to work out the main riffs for Heresy and I think that I prety much got them. I've never played it since or ever wrote it down, so I'll give it another go soon.

2005-06-15, 01:30
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I too hate how tab books tab stuff so oddly. It's all the right notes though. I usually learn it out of the book then watch videos or live stuff and pay attention to where the actual artist plays it. Sucks though for bands without DVD's or videos. 

2005-08-24, 03:33
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DUDDESS! I need solos man... help me and forever i will be in your debt...
Medicine man
a new level
cemetery gates
im broken
How come no one has come up with these solos yet? they are killER!
if you have one or two of these, send me them or someshit as they will probably kick me(and other people) out of a rut.

...and the punk died in satans reign...

2005-08-25, 12:59
New Blood
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 19
i could transcribe the "im broken" solo if you want. my m8 knows the new level tab so ill ask him for it also (that doesnt disobey rules does it...technically its not my ear, but my m8's...lol).

2005-08-25, 23:54
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PlZ go ahead..
...and the punk died in satans reign...

2005-09-01, 19:57
New Blood
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Posts: 19
ive got im broken done. but i cant figure out how to attach a link in this damn forum. if you give your email i could send it then.

2005-09-02, 20:06
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...and the punk died in satans reign...

2005-09-02, 21:24
New Blood
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I agree that tab pisses me off.
"I think of people starving, Do you think I care? Let them all die hungry so I can breathe their air".

2005-09-03, 20:06
New Blood
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Posts: 19
its a damn cool solo tho. no one seems to be able to make their mind up on the riff tho  BUY A WARHEAD makes it so much easier to tab dime's stuff
you relaise that ith such distortion u can get uber chunk outta the high notes! its scary how powerfull that amp is.....

2005-09-04, 02:02
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thanks dude, it looks pretty close and i dont think Ill have a problem with the solo but thanks anyway. but I have to say, that file took so long to open I thought it was nothing but a computer virus. hhahaha no joke
...and the punk died in satans reign...

2005-09-04, 13:42
New Blood
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 19
srry !  glad its ok.
actually, on the subject of tabs, get rid of the domination ones. theyre all horrendous. none are even close. i saw one dude say the riff was 0 12 10 12 ffs. and he had him tuned to E. sigh*
im tabbing one atm, and its close to what ive seen dime play. the only bit im not sure on is that last bit of the solo when he makes a descending run from fret 9 on the low C#(ish) string.
its too hard to see and hear (too much chorus/harmony stuff) what hes doing there, ill need to try slowing it down...
Last edited by venalanatomica : 2005-09-04 at 13:47.

2005-09-25, 03:52
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I think the domination solo is pretty easy. I was gunna play it in front my school but I got cut off right on the pre-solo riff by my vice principle ms. moran, fuking bitch!
anyway anyone got medicine man or rise solo in power tab? 
...and the punk died in satans reign...

2005-09-25, 04:03
Pirate Lawd
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What do you mean you where going to play it but got cut off?

2005-09-26, 04:21
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Originally Posted by Soulinsane
What do you mean you where going to play it but got cut off?
well its actually knid of a funny story, which enrages me everytime I think about it .  It was a american Idol copy cat that was the only thing close to a talent show the whole schoole year that me and my two buddys could perform at. So we practicied in school and at our bassists house every friday for four weeks to perform Thislove/Domination (and by the way, did I mention I had to sing or we couldnt play?)
Anyway we got thru this love with my vocals not sounding too bad over the verse lines of this love my buddy matt was playing, and I did get to play tthose two mini solos and the heavy part after the chorus which got some aws from the crowd!  and thats were we switched to the pre solo riff in Domination, where we were going right to the end, me playing the main solo, matt playing the second solo and then we were just gunna go nuts for the finali.
Thats were that bitch Moran comes in. This was' (Breaker) Idol. There had to be drama of some sort. when kids sounded bad they smashed symbols for theyr pitiful ill prepared performances to shut there ass up. Then theyd make fun of them. There were plenty of these. But few people with talent or Instruments. We had more talent then any of these kids by far. But we did not get even three minutes to show it! Even the christian dude playing guitar with his effects proccesor and singing his gay song that he made up got his full four minutes. Fuck that pisses me off!
The worst part was they didnt even kick uss off for sounding bad, they claimed there was not enuf time for two extra minutes. But there was plenty of fucking time. I HOPE YOUR SOUL BURNS IN HELL BITCH!
thank you for letting me share my pain.

...and the punk died in satans reign...

2005-11-21, 18:23
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Most shows involved with schools either turn out extraordinarly gay or suprisingly well after my experience.

2005-12-24, 21:26
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the tab for "im broken" that i tabbed out, im pretty sure is right, up till the guitar solo. and the one under mine, im not sure who did it, but the solo might look pretty accurate, so those would probly combine well.
R.I.P. Dime
scream when u feel the pain. i probly wont stop.

2006-01-22, 21:12
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aight guys, i'm putting I am the Night (song) in guitar pro. I'm not a real shredder so if anyone would like to tab the middle solo for me i'd be delighted. You would be a co-autor ofcourse.

2006-01-28, 20:01
Death to all but metal!
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Hey Menno, do you want my Valhalla tab to GP?
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2006-02-21, 00:53
New Blood
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Last edited by koglos : 2006-03-24 at 22:56.

2006-03-24, 21:40
New Blood
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Could someone do Red Light Turnin' Blue? It's an instrumental off Projects in the Jungle.

2006-09-29, 18:42
New Blood
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 46
which tab is correct for Cemetary Gates?
i am new to guitar, trying to learn the song. i am trying to learn the main riff with those couple squeals in it. there seem to be 2 ways to play it. which one is correct? also, if anyone has the time, maybe try and clean up the Cemetary Gates tabs? there are quite a few of them... thanks.
*-*-* ~ ~ ~ *
E :-------------------------------------------------------------|
B :-------------------------------------------------------------|
G :------------------------4------------------------------------|
D :2-------2-2-1-2-3---2-3---2-3-2-------2-2-1-2-3---2-3p2------|
A :0-0-0-0-0---------------------0-0-0-0-0----------------3-2-3-|
E :---------------------------------------------------------0 1-|
E :-------------------------|---------------------|-----------------------|
B :-------------------------|---------------------|-----------------------|
G :-------------------------|---------------------|-----------------------|
D :-------------------------|--------7~-----------|-----------------------|
A :7--7--7--7--7--7p6h7---8~|---7h8-----7h8----7--|7--7--7--7--7p6h7-8~--6|
E :5--5--5--5--5------------|------------------5--|5--5--5--5-------------|
" " " "

2006-09-29, 19:05
Supreme Metalhead
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I play it the first way you posted, though I am very sure that Dime plays it the second way, or so it seems in the Cemetery Gates vid.

2006-09-30, 00:00
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I do it the 2nd way, but whatever's natural I guess.

2006-10-09, 15:16
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2nd way I play.

2006-11-19, 10:18
New Blood
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Go to you tube and search for Dime Clinic u will see some kick as vids of him player Vulgar and Cowboys songs and the camera man does well of staying on the fret board while he plays so this will help with some tabbing.

2009-01-11, 18:20
New Blood
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 1
pleas help i can't find pantera tabs from this site!

2010-09-02, 11:58
Forum Daemon
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Originally Posted by sensi
pleas help i can't find pantera tabs from this site!
The tabs are unavailable at the moment thanks to the legal issues the site has been having.
Don't worry lads, I didn't bump a year-and-a-half old thread just to respond to this one-post wonder
I've tabbed 2 Pantera songs which were accepted on the site but are obviously unavailable for the aforementioned reasonage. I was hoping for some critique from seasoned Pantera fans, because I don't normally tab this kind of music, although I do listen to it (obviously!). This seemed like the appropriate thread to use.
The tabs are hosted here:
Guitar | Bass | Guitar Pro
Shedding Skin
Guitar | Bass | Guitar Pro
I was dissatisfied with the currently available tabs for these tunes, and given that most of them are direct copies from official tab books - which are supposed to be correct but rarely are - I felt that it was unlikely they'd ever be tabbed correctly. Until NOW! BAM!
The "Chorus" riff of Shedding Skin is tabbed in a very different way than most tabs do it, but I'm 99.9% sure my way is correct. Here's why:
||--------------------------8- \--------------|
||--------------------------9- \--------------|
||--------------------------7- \--------------|
...................... ....
|--R--------------------8- \--------------|
|--S--------------------9- \--------------|
|--T--------------------7- \--------------|
................ ....
|------------------------------------------|---------------------------------| |
|-R--------------------8- \----------------|---------------------------------| |
|-S--------------------9- \----------------|---------------------------------|*|
|-T--------------------7- \-0-0------------|---------------------------------| |
|----0--0--0--0--0--0-------0---(3/5)-(7b8 | r 7 b 8 r 7 b 8 r 7)--3b4--0--| |
|-----------------------------------| |
|-----------------------------------| |
|-----------------------------------| |
| r 7 b 8 r 7 b 8 r 7)--(5\1)--0--| |
|----------------------------------| |
|----------------------------------| |
|----------------------------------| |
| r 7 b 8 r 7 b 8 r 7)--(5\1)----| |
That chord on the 7th fret can be heard if you listen very carefully; the other tabs simply have this tabbed as a basic E5 played in the open position. The high-end notes are always omitted, in other words. If you also factor in the downward slide of this chord after it's struck you're left with no option but to play it somewhere where a downward slide is possible, i.e. not in the open position.
The reason I opted to tab the bent notes on the low-E as opposed to the A string is again because of the subtle slides you can hear leading into and out of each bend on the 7th fret. The "tail" of each phrase ends differently each time, too, which is something else generally ignored in the other tabs, and these too are slid into (ha) from above meaning it's likely you'd arrive there from the 7th fret on the low-E string as opposed to the 2nd fret of the A string.
In 10's the general consensus amongst tabbers is that the verse and pre-chorus riffs (which are essentially the same, with one simply being louder/more distorted than the other) are played with a single lonesome bent note, whereas if you listen to the song you can clearly hear the open G, B and high-E strings ringing out occasionally as well.
The "chorus" riff (if it can be called that) contains further bends which I'm positive are done with a whammy bar and not manually. The reason for this is that you can hear open strings being struck at the peak of each bend, which are then sent downwards when the whammy bar is released. It's impossible to do this manually given the position your hand has to be in to fret the bending note.
I am aware that the structure of the tabs, at least in their ASCII form, is somewhat confusing given that I decided to tab every single variation in full. The lead guitar parts and the whammy bar articulation are difficult to render in plain text format without cluttering up the page, so any ideas about how to clean that shit up would be appreciated. More importantly, do you think these tabs are any good overall?
Cheers duderinos.
Last edited by Paddy : 2011-11-07 at 22:32.
Reason: Typo
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