2004-12-19, 07:30
Crusher of Skulls
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Somewhere down the road
Posts: 2,188
Exit 13
Hey, what do you guys think of exit 13? I've only heard them on Contaminted 3.0.....they were playing these guitars that were tuned to B, than an octave down...(obviously through a whammy)...
I just want to know if their record is worth picking up for mindless grindcore mayhem....
My Trust is in WHISKEY and WEEDand SLAYER
Long live DIMEBAG
ROGspace Cunts. Book us
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
You thought of mixing wheat flour with saturated fat, and putting it the resultant shit in a styrofoam cup. Shine on, you crazy dead yellow diamond.
Originally Posted by johnmansley
May the best cunt win.