2004-12-31, 00:00
Senior Metalhead
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The guitar is not an instument
The person playing it is the instrument. A guitar is useless in the hands of someone who doesn't know how to harness it's power. To me a guitar is a vehicle, and some people only travel so far on the fretboard with it.

2004-12-31, 00:02
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Your'e dumbzorzzz.

2004-12-31, 00:03
New Blood
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What makes the guitar such a strange instrument is that you can play the same exact note of the same octave in more than one place. Piano for instance, if you play middle C, you can only play it in that one spot. On the guitar you can play the same pitch such as C on the A string third fret, or E string 8th fret G string 5th fret. I can't think of another instrument that is like that, except perhaps the violin.

2004-12-31, 00:04
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and I'm a cow.
There are two kinds of peoble in this world, those who like me and those who can go to hell

2004-12-31, 00:04
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Originally Posted by Infinity
Your'e dumbzorzzz.
how insightful.

2004-12-31, 00:08
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Originally Posted by VoodooChild
What makes the guitar such a strange instrument is that you can play the same exact note of the same octave in more than one place. Piano for instance, if you play middle C, you can only play it in that one spot. On the guitar you can play the same pitch such as C on the A string third fret, or E string 8th fret G string 5th fret. I can't think of another instrument that is like that, except perhaps the violin.
a bass? (don't flame me if I'm wrong I don't know anything about basses it just makes sence...)
There are two kinds of peoble in this world, those who like me and those who can go to hell

2004-12-31, 00:12
New Blood
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You're right. I wasn't thinking that because it is in a way a guitar. Besides those three I can't really think of anything else. Well...anything else that doesn't resemble a guitar (bass, violin)--same family.

2004-12-31, 00:20
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I would think most stringed insturment would be capable of doing the aforementioned.

2004-12-31, 00:23
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Do you write gothic poetry and hang out at over priced cafes?
( ( ) )

2004-12-31, 00:24
New Blood
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In my opinion, this property is gives the guitar huge advantage and power over other instruments and yet at the same time is the guitar's most disaterous traits. I can say this from experience from playing with many jazz musicians. The strange thing I've learned from playing with them that they play by note (saxophone, trumpet...ect), and me as a guitarist have always played by patterns. I guess us guitarists are prone to play because it makes guitar much easier. You can transpose one thing very simply (just move the whole thing up a few frets and it sounds the same)--like bar chords for example, learn one patteren and you can just move it up frets to get G Major or C Major. It is a great advantange. Why I say it is a drawback though, is because there is more than one pattern to play the same thing (due to the same notes being able to be played in different spots). For instance...the major scale...7 different patterns to learn to play the same exact thing.

2004-12-31, 00:25
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Originally Posted by Dystopia
Do you write gothic poetry and hang out at over priced cafes?
No I play guitar and spend money on overpriced weed.

2004-12-31, 00:27
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2004-12-31, 00:30
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Originally Posted by shredaholic
I hear that.

2004-12-31, 00:31
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Originally Posted by VoodooChild
In my opinion, this property is gives the guitar huge advantage and power over other instruments and yet at the same time is the guitar's most disaterous traits. I can say this from experience from playing with many jazz musicians. The strange thing I've learned from playing with them that they play by note (saxophone, trumpet...ect), and me as a guitarist have always played by patterns. I guess us guitarists are prone to play because it makes guitar much easier. You can transpose one thing very simply (just move the whole thing up a few frets and it sounds the same)--like bar chords for example, learn one patteren and you can just move it up frets to get G Major or C Major. It is a great advantange. Why I say it is a drawback though, is because there is more than one pattern to play the same thing (due to the same notes being able to be played in different spots). For instance...the major scale...7 different patterns to learn to play the same exact thing.
You seem to be pretty studied in theory.

2004-12-31, 00:31
Forum Daemon
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It's not an instument. It's an instrument.
You don't understand the term 'instrument.' An instrument is a tool facilitating something. A wrench, in the hands of a total idiot, does not do its job (i.e., it's fuckin' useless); but the wrench is still an instrument. The person is not the tool. The guitar the person is playing is the tool, facilitating the person's musical expression. I've asked this elsewhere, but I'll do it again: please, don't be a dumbass. I'm saying please this time, because I mean it. Think before you post. If you attack an idea from enough angles, you might see why it's idiotic, saving people like me the effort of explaining it to you. If it holds up to this scrutiny, then present it to the world. If it doesn't but you still want to present it to the world so we can all be unimpressed with how deep a thinker you are, go to www.livejournal.com and get a page of your very own from which to hand down your thoughts. That way, if I want to see them, I'll have that option, but I won't have the opportunity to be inundated with them on a public forum I happen to be browsing.
Last edited by PST 88 : 2004-12-31 at 01:35.

2004-12-31, 00:55
New Blood
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Originally Posted by Jittery Sniper
You seem to be pretty studied in theory.
Yeah I am actually. I'm actually studying jazz at the moment. I'm starting to get into that, but I am still keeping my metal influence. I guess I'm just branching into two different styles, but I'm not forgetting the other one or leaving it behind. It is the most fun. Always remember this though, theory is one thing, don't let it get to your head as being the one and only. The best thing to have is complete control of what is in your head and manipulating it on the guitar on the spot. Theory is just one thing, but it isn't the most important. A lot of great musicians never really new a whole lot of theory, but were great. Dime for instance, knew some theory, but some of the stuff he played, he himself said he didn't know what the theory was behind it, but played it because it sounded good. That's what made him such a great guitarist.

2004-12-31, 01:11
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Voodoo child and Jittery Sniper are the same person 

2004-12-31, 01:13
New Blood
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Originally Posted by Infinity
Voodoo child and Jittery Sniper are the same person 
No. I am not jittery sniper. What makes you think that?

2004-12-31, 01:17
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Originally Posted by Infinity
Voodoo child and Jittery Sniper are the same person 
No I'm a little dumber, you'll see.

2004-12-31, 07:16
New Blood
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Is the guitar an instrument or is the person the instrument...
What came first, the chicken or the egg? Do we develop to be who we are through the bilogy of our genes or how we are raised, nature or nurture? The instrument is a medium and the person is the musician. But who cares? Don't think just play.

2004-12-31, 07:21
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Originally Posted by Jittery Sniper
No I play guitar and spend money on overpriced weed.
As stupid as this topic is, this was a pretty funny response. I think I'm not gonna mind having you around.
Originally Posted by PST 88
It's not an instument. It's an instrument...
Asshole. The second I saw this thread title I wanted to say the same exact thing, but you beat me to it. I pretty much agree with what you said in the clipped part of your post, too, although I probably wouldn't have been so harsh under these circumstances. I suppose pseudo-intellectualism annoys you as much as raw idiocy irritates me.
Trust in god, he'll give you shoes!

2004-12-31, 07:22
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What is his point exactly? Is he going somewhere with this?
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2004-12-31, 07:28
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You must use the same logic for posting.
Don't think, just post.
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