2005-01-01, 17:15
Supreme Metalhead
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Help on choosing guitar (I know, I know)...
So I got myself a good guitar recently, but sold my first one...
I'm now looking for a second guitar (so I don't have to carry my other around every weekend, etc), more of a practice guitar.
Price range would be around 500 - 600 € (about the same in USD I think), but it can be over or under a bit
It should have at least these characteristics:
24 frets, NO tremolo! but a solid bridge, and preferably a 'regular' model so I can carry it around in a bag, no case (like a Dinky or RG type, no weird LTD shape).
I was thinking about a Cort (Katana), Maverick, and some other options...
I have no problem ordering it online (in Germany or something) as lots of stuff is cheaper than here...
anyway, anyone has some good models to advise?
thanks a lot 

2005-01-01, 17:30
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I am looking for the exact same sort of thing. Bring out the suggestions, people.

2005-01-01, 17:41
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A custom Ran? Perhaps a Jackson SLSMG?

2005-01-01, 17:48
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Well I don't think I could get a Custom Ran without going $2000 over budget. I was thinking about the Jacksons though.

2005-01-01, 17:57
Wasted Custom User title
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Schetcher Elite-something or another.
Neck Thru, no tremelo-string thru body, nice basic shape, pretty looking. Only $600 here.
This is my signature.

2005-01-01, 17:57
Supreme Metalhead
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Hm, I already own a Jackson DK-2 limited edition, so no thanks. No solid bridge and the faggot shop I am obliged to go now is probably gonna charge me much & I don't trust them to work on my guitar like that
No sweat dudes, you can get a RAN custom for about 1000€, a friend of mine fell out a price form last month. Of course, it depends heavily on what you want.  I might try one of those forms this week, although I'd rather go with a regular model you can find in shops.
Really, that Cort Katana is pretty good (about 400 & 600€ for the two models), but I would like a wider array of options before I choose.
Last edited by Exodus666 : 2005-01-01 at 18:00.

2005-01-01, 22:10
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you could get a higher class epiphone for 800 dollars or so...it'll sound just as good as a lot of gibsons, the only difference is the name on the headstock...
my friend loves corts...i think theyre ok, i suppose it would be a good buy for a practice guitar
Maybe you could look into Dean guitars as well...

2005-01-02, 00:56
Supreme Metalhead
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Ok, I'll check Dean guitars...
I don't like Epiphone though, so no thanks.
By the way, Belgiums greatest sologuitarplayer (really!!) plays with a Cort katana  That guy is goooooooood.

2005-01-02, 23:27
Senior Metalhead
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try to find a used caparison, ive seen them go for as low as $600. It will be the best money you have ever spent.
THE ABSENCE "From Your Grave" in stores world-wide!!

2005-01-02, 23:56
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Caparison for $600
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-01-03, 00:00
The Mountie From Hell
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they go for 600 ish can. here.
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2005-01-03, 00:17
New Blood
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Posts: 39
what about an ibanez sz-series
would be around 500
a bit less i think

2005-01-04, 11:59
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 206
Ibanez RG 321 and you can get new hardware and pickups if you need to.
24 frets, hardtail.
And you won't mind damaging it because it doesent cost much, even if you bought some Emg's and Sperzal's for it, it'd be well under 600 euros.
The guitar costs 250 euro's depends where you go.

2005-01-04, 16:13
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
Originally Posted by Ozzuk
Ibanez RG 321 and you can get new hardware and pickups if you need to.
24 frets, hardtail.
And you won't mind damaging it because it doesent cost much, even if you bought some Emg's and Sperzal's for it, it'd be well under 600 euros.
The guitar costs 250 euro's depends where you go.
yea, thats what i was thinking
it has an awesome neck, wizard II, so yea, all you need to do is change the pickups and your sorted.
i would go for that guitar aswell

2005-01-04, 17:01
Supreme Metalhead
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Ibanez RG 321 seems badass... I'll probably check that one out first. Thanks for the tip man!

2005-01-06, 20:11
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i'd go with a Schecter C1 or an Aria mac 60, very good guitars
"many a time newcastle brown hath cometh to my rescue" blizzard beast
Sold my shit, now its time to PARTY!!!!! 

2005-01-06, 20:17
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maybe an Ibanez RGT?

2005-01-09, 11:17
Supreme Metalhead
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Alright I ordered the guitar two days ago;
Ibanez RG 321 with a SD Invader pickup
I already have a Dimarzio tonezone in my other guitar so it thought it would be cool to compare them 

2005-01-09, 14:29
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
Originally Posted by Exodus666
Alright I ordered the guitar two days ago;
Ibanez RG 321 with a SD Invader pickup
I already have a Dimarzio tonezone in my other guitar so it thought it would be cool to compare them 
good choice my friend, good choice
excellent guitar with even better pickup :P
you'l be shreddin and squeeling on that thing in no time
btw, when is it coming? and pls take pics when you get the pickups installed :P

2005-01-09, 17:47
Supreme Metalhead
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Location: Belgium
Posts: 722
Hehe, thanks man.
There's a good chance I get the guitar friday...
Since the guitarshop fucking sucks, so as all the others in the area, the installment of the pickup might be delayed as well (since they have to order it too & it will probably take a while)...
What do you mean take pics? When everything is installed or of the installment itself? I'm not placing the pickup myself, no proficiency...

2005-01-09, 18:04
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
Originally Posted by Exodus666
Hehe, thanks man.
There's a good chance I get the guitar friday...
Since the guitarshop fucking sucks, so as all the others in the area, the installment of the pickup might be delayed as well (since they have to order it too & it will probably take a while)...
What do you mean take pics? When everything is installed or of the installment itself? I'm not placing the pickup myself, no proficiency...
i mean take pictures once the pickups have been installed then post them up for us to salivate on :P

2005-01-09, 23:34
Join Date: Jun 2003
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errr im not a big fan of invaders, or atleast i dont like the tone i get with it through my jackson
which is why a bought an emg FOR 27 BUCKS
anyways im curious to here what you have to say about the invader

2005-01-10, 08:25
Supreme Metalhead
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Hehe ok.
User01, if you drool on that guitar already... lol...
My other guitar is a Jackson DK-2 limited edition Japan import, airbrushed Pile O' Skulls. With a Tonezone in the bridge.  Want a pic of that? 

2005-01-10, 16:58
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
lol, yea dude, go for it, i dunno y, but i really like looking at pics of other ppls guitars...dont ask y

2005-01-11, 07:55
Supreme Metalhead
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Haha ok  just hold on a couple of days, I'm only home in the weekends.

2005-02-11, 14:51
New Blood
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 16
deffiently go with an ibanez SZ, i have the SZ520 and its never let me down, and it was only like 470 when i bought is. hell it might have even gone down from than.
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