2005-01-02, 06:24
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heavy bands with Female vocalists
hey guys, could any of you recommend some D.M/ B.M bands with a female vocalist?
i got into Arch Enemy, and i must say the vox is really cool, i also know of Otep, but not a great fan.
any suggestions will be great!

2005-01-02, 13:20
El Diablo sin pantalones
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You just about summed it up 
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-01-02, 13:21
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2005-01-02, 13:34
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Aghora but i dont think they can be called death metal
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2005-01-02, 13:36
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2005-01-02, 13:41
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latter Sinister, though "she" looks like a lumberjack
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2005-01-02, 14:34
Schrodinger's Cat
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I'd fuck her.
Try Necronomicon. The main vocalist is male but they have female soprano backing vocals.
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2005-01-02, 14:40
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Light this City
Those aren't neccesarily black metal or death metal but they are bands with chick singers in them for main or supportive.

2005-01-02, 14:53
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Brujeria has a backup chick.

2005-01-02, 16:14
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When I look for female singers, it usually isn't metal. However, Dark Moor is good. The females on The Human Equation do a spectacular job. And Sharon Den Adel on the Avantasia CD's is good.

2005-01-03, 00:46
You gamma-minus fucktards
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Originally Posted by Infinity
They disappoint me. At least, their last disc did.
We've had this topic half a dozen times before. Search the archives for more titty-singing goodness.
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2005-01-03, 00:52
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you all seem to be forgetting lacuna coil
nightwish is my best bet.

2005-01-03, 03:19
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Dreams of Damnation is death/thrash, and their singer is the nicest woman in the world.
Ummm, it's not death, but Sinergy is alright. At least, Suicide By My Side was pretty good, despite the constant self pity lyrics.
Stand your ground behind the times
And refuse to follow fashion
Write your poetry in anger
And then sing it with a passion
Painted faces in a circus
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2005-01-03, 03:21
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All I can think of is Bolt Thrower...

2005-01-03, 03:22
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Today Is The Day

2005-01-03, 04:54
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2005-01-03, 05:11
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Astarte are three girls. Ive never heard ANYONE speak of them here. i did a while back though. i know the old stuff is black metal, not so much the newer, but i dont know much about the newer stuff anyway. look them up if you care to.

2005-01-03, 05:25
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Why doesn't anybody mention The Project Hate? I highly recommend them to all the oldschool Grave fans since Jorgen Sandstrom is one of the singers. They also have a female vocalist with an awesome singing voice. As good if not better than Christina Scabbia.
Lacuna Coil
Orphaned Land
I didn't mention Arch Enemy because I'm not a fan of Angela's vocals. She sounds too much like a man to me *shutters*. I still love the music, but I prefer their old singer.
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able, and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" - Epicurus
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2005-01-03, 06:31
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Originally Posted by Infinity
Today Is The Day
Was that a joke?
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2005-01-03, 06:37
Crusher of Skulls
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Arch enemy is ok....Otep used to be cool.....before I got into metal...lol.
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Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
You thought of mixing wheat flour with saturated fat, and putting it the resultant shit in a styrofoam cup. Shine on, you crazy dead yellow diamond.
Originally Posted by johnmansley
May the best cunt win.

2005-01-03, 06:43
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@Darko - Yes.

2005-01-03, 06:43
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Darn tootin it was. I've been known to ban people just for looking at me wrong!
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2005-01-03, 06:51
Life is pain.
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Ummm... Ok.

2005-01-03, 11:50
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Walls of Jericho - hardcore

2005-01-04, 03:24
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They're alright. Sometimes they'll break in with harsh vocals.
Originally Posted by Paddy
Sex is free if you don't mind spending most of your night in the bushes with both a balaclava and an overblown sense of entitlement.

2005-01-16, 17:17
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Originally Posted by The Doctor
Walls of Jericho - hardcore
i reckon walls of jericho fuckin' rule...too bad she looks like a smacked anal virus.
plus it'd be good if a little unknown liverpool based band called "from the ashes" were still going, she had a fuckin' amazing voice.

2005-01-21, 22:55
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What about Fuck The Facts?
Hey I always wondered why they're are no Gore female vocalists. Most females in bands are either in Black Metal, Symphonic shit, or Metalcore.
OK Bolt Thrower has a female and Fuck The Facts.
But think about that chick from Arch Enemy crossed with George Fisher's vocals and lyrics? I have always wondered why no girls stepped up into a Gore Metal band or at least in a Brutal Death metal type band.
"I miss the days when it was acceptable to listen to everything."
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2005-01-22, 07:56
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Originally Posted by MyOwnSavior
Why doesn't anybody mention The Project Hate? I highly recommend them to all the oldschool Grave fans since Jorgen Sandstrom is one of the singers. They also have a female vocalist with an awesome singing voice. As good if not better than Christina Scabbia.
Lacuna Coil
Orphaned Land
I didn't mention Arch Enemy because I'm not a fan of Angela's vocals. She sounds too much like a man to me *shutters*. I still love the music, but I prefer their old singer.
dude, orphaned land has a guy singer.
Too grim to function

2005-03-25, 23:22
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Apart from Nightwish and Lacuna coil which have already been said before, I should add:
Within Temptation (the Enter album)
After Forever (The Prison Of Desire, Exordium and Decipher albums)
(Not BM or DM, though they had intentions of such things on the first albums... However, as a gothic metal fan theyre through my favourites... and all with female singers)
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2005-03-25, 23:35
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The only ones I can think of are "Kittie", "The Distillers", and "Red Aunts". Kittie is almost nu metal, but kind of ridiculous in the first place. Still, somewhat brutal vocals (for a gal anyway). The Distillers singer (Brody Armstrong) kicks out some pretty mean and nasty vocals, but it's not metal--it's punk. And Red Aunts is in no way metal, but they are my favorite band when it comes to all female. I know I'll probably get beat up on for liking Red Aunts, but some of their songs are pretty good. Refreshingly weird.

2005-03-25, 23:42
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Cardamon...the detonation side project, good stuff

2005-03-26, 11:34
El Diablo sin pantalones
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Originally Posted by thedarkdream
Apart from Nightwish and Lacuna coil which have already been said before, I should add:
Within Temptation (the Enter album)
After Forever (The Prison Of Desire, Exordium and Decipher albums)
(Not BM or DM, though they had intentions of such things on the first albums... However, as a gothic metal fan theyre through my favourites... and all with female singers)
Wow... just bringing up one old thread was enough... you didn't need to bring up all three of 'em 
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-03-26, 17:40
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Fuck The Facts is probabaly the best. Plus that girl is extremly attractive in my opinion, much mroe so than that ugly whore from Arch Enemy.
Ludicra has dual female vocals and Ross Sewage from Impaled is in the band. Very good stuff.
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Comforting silence

2005-03-26, 17:52
My Ass, Your Face
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Merlin is the best i've heard with a female singer.
A little section of Requiem's "I finally got laid" posts.
Originally Posted by Requiem
Wore her out before I could finish(which im grateful for)
Funeral Mulch; My brutal death metal band from West Michigan.

2005-03-26, 20:31
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Originally Posted by brainsforbreakfast
Wow... just bringing up one old thread was enough... you didn't need to bring up all three of 'em 
oops  though I had some comment to each of them 
You are now reading my signature. Exciting, isn't it?

2005-03-26, 21:47
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I don't think anyone has mentioned Nuclear Death, have they?

2005-03-27, 15:04
New Blood
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i don't know if Wage of Sin, but i heard that is a 5 girls band, they play good

2005-03-27, 16:27
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Enter Chaos.Great death metal from Poland. 

2005-03-28, 03:02
New Blood
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I don't wanna sound like a conceted asshole but the band I'm in has a chick singer and I think she can totally rip a new asshole in Arch Enemy or Otep. She used to be really fucking deep like a little higher than John from Dying Fetus but then she got sick and she isn't as deep as before. But now she sounds like a monster. I LOVE IT  . Now the music I'm writing.....I don't know what the hell it is. I think it's progressive death/black metal.

2005-03-29, 21:32
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The Project Hate is pretty good as MyOwnSavior pointed out.
The Gathering has an awesome chick singer, but it's more like progressive metal.
I saw some band called "Crown of Thorns" or something similar to that name open up for Neurosis that had an awesome chick singer, but I'm not sure if they ever released anything.
I wish there were more of them. A lot of my favorite vocalists are women, but I don't like most of the ones who try to be brutal.

2005-04-12, 21:28
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[QUOTE=DEAD]Fuck The Facts is probabaly the best. Plus that girl is extremly attractive in my opinion, much mroe so than that ugly whore from Arch Enemy. [QUOTE]
Mel, from FtF is quite attractive, and tiny...if you've ever seen her, she's about 5' tall, and 90 lbs soaking wet, but still screams like some demonic beast.
We've had the opportunity to play shows with both Fuck the Facts and Arch Enemy, and Mel is WAY better looking than Angela, but I prefer Angela's vocals, myself.
Our singer, Doc, is constantly compared to Death meets Carcass for her vocals, not to mention being full-out evil onstage. If you want to hear some of our stuff, go to the "post YOUR band" thread and look for my posting there.
But in general, if a death metal band is going to have a female vocalist, she'd better not be some operatic-sounding dummy, save that for the nu- and black metal bands.


2005-04-17, 14:05
New Blood
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Posts: 11
Lacuna Coil but their not really death metal but they are still sweet
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