2005-01-09, 01:29
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bling bling...
alright for some reason silly old def decided that the "gear and RECORDING" forum wasnt the right place for me to flash out the pimpness of this recording and the gear that was used... so i'm assuming this would be the right place.
Loved and Lost in the Fire, a song about corpses....
the guitars were an ibanez pgm 30 into a jcm 800 and an ibanez rg somethin into a soldano somethin.
the bass is into a sansamp direct bass thingy...
drums are a yamaha studio custom, iron cobra double pedal, sabian paragon 22" ride and 20" crash, ziljian Z custom 19" rock crash, ziljian avedis 14" mastersound hihats and 18" china. all mic'd except for the bassdrum which is triggerd.
the vocals were done with a shure sm58 and some light overdrive.
the direct link to download the mp3 wasnt working in the other thread so i changed it to the myspace account so you can either download it from there or just listen to it.
i think it sounds pretty tight...
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2005-01-09, 03:09
Noob lud
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Umm, is the song supposed to play when you go on the page?
Originally Posted by Paddy
Please excuse me for I currently have a terminal erection, and the only cure is midget-cunny.

2005-01-09, 03:16
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yes, and i got it to play
xdx is that you playing? or a freinds band or just a band that you happen to know all the fucking gear?
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
Now My Legacy Shall Live Forever!!
Last edited by guitar_demon : 2005-01-09 at 03:19.

2005-01-09, 03:23
Wasted Custom User title
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Whoah, that was pretty good. Damn good, really. Thats your band? I liked it.
This is my signature.

2005-01-09, 09:54
Master Killer
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wrong forum again...
go to the guitar forum and post this in the recording thread...
err, song doesn't play here anyways.

2005-01-12, 00:20
The Devil
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Not too bad of a song......reminds me of Enter My Silence but more hardcore rather than Death Metal.
Through me you pass into the city of woe
Through me you pass into eternal pain
Through me among the people lost for ay
Justice the founder of my fabric moved
To rear me was the task of power divine
Supremest wisdom, and primeval love
Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal, and eternal I endure
All hope abandon, ye who enter here
Against the concert of the Immortals he cannot stand alone.

2005-01-12, 01:47
Join Date: Jan 2005
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 top song!yeah it does sound pretty hardcore,reminds me of death by stereo,and its pretty good quality recording too!

2005-01-12, 01:52
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sorry dude but how was sit recorded,pc?? 

2005-01-12, 03:16
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2005-01-12, 05:19
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
that explains the quality!  thats mad but do you mix it yourself or do they get a tec or whatever to do it for you?

2005-01-12, 15:47
Master Killer
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hahaha, you have a lot of E-friends
anyways, this should still go into the OFFICIAL recording thread since we all use it, but whatever. it sounds pretty decent, but the vocals bore me, ofcourse its no articulation-hardcore-style but they don't do it for me. it sounds pretty damn tight for a non-huge-ass studio recording though!
looks like a cool studio though, I wonder, what rates do they charge in the US? a friend of mine told me studio's are really expensive over there and mastering is just as insanely expensive....
what kinda soldano was used? I'm not too keen on the guitar tones, but to each his own, it goes well with the trashy kinda sound.
so this is you eh? http://g.myspace.com/00043/67/74/43934776_l.gif
Last edited by Def : 2005-01-12 at 16:15.

2005-01-12, 16:29
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dont like this song, sorry

2005-01-12, 21:15
Noob lud
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The songs not bad. The backup singer is horrible though.
Originally Posted by Paddy
Please excuse me for I currently have a terminal erection, and the only cure is midget-cunny.

2005-01-13, 00:14
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Originally Posted by *insert name here*
that explains the quality!  thats mad but do you mix it yourself or do they get a tec or whatever to do it for you?
bruce(owner/producer/engineer-dude) does all that jazz, sometimes he rents out his studio to other engineers and producers.
Originally Posted by Lamb of god\m/
The songs not bad. The backup singer is horrible though.
there is no backup singer
Originally Posted by Def
hahaha, you have a lot of E-friends
anyways, this should still go into the OFFICIAL recording thread since we all use it, but whatever. it sounds pretty decent, but the vocals bore me, ofcourse its no articulation-hardcore-style but they don't do it for me. it sounds pretty damn tight for a non-huge-ass studio recording though!
looks like a cool studio though, I wonder, what rates do they charge in the US? a friend of mine told me studio's are really expensive over there and mastering is just as insanely expensive....
what kinda soldano was used? I'm not too keen on the guitar tones, but to each his own, it goes well with the trashy kinda sound.
so this is you eh? http://g.myspace.com/00043/67/74/43934776_l.gif
this studio is $50 an hour or $500 for a 12 hour day...
this song was done in three hours total cost was only $100 because bruce is chill, recorded pretty much live, then some slight go overs...
it is actually a very nice studio, four rooms... one is small and totally dampend(good for shit like guitars and stuff), another is huge and has hard wood walls all over, used for the drums, the other is medium, where the vocals were done. the other is the acoustically perfect control room, with the nice mixer, racks full of shit and the computer with a $74,000 protools setup
i'm not sure how much mastering would be, this song is still only a rough draft, not even really mixed much... some stuff will eventually be redone... especially vocals, which you still probably wont like much if you don't like them the way they are.
not sure the soldano....
that's not me.... tis evan.. my old drummer who now decided to play guitar.
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2005-01-13, 01:21
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i like it for what is it
some of the better queercore ive heard

2005-01-13, 01:36
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reminds me of as i lay dying.
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
friends don't let friends play krank.
Originally Posted by Def
nah man, nah, I had an itchy ballsack!
forget wall of marshalls look at this wall of engls!

2005-01-13, 10:02
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2005-01-13, 21:55
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by arvina
reminds me of as i lay dying.
it does? I don't know, it reminds me of metalcore though, which surely isn't bad!
on another note, xdx, you heard of Bleeding Through and Cult of Luna? are they big in the US or something? my band is playing a show with them on 4 feb in a pretty big place and they charge an insane entrance price. (so, they must be getting payed a lot, I guess. we're probably getting shit compared to them.)
ehm, so you're the other guitar guy? I see the evan dude playing a PGM? I thought you played a PGM? rofl, your vocalist looks like a fruitcake in that pic, kinda like our bassist, theres allways one guy who gets picked, is that him? hehe!
man, studio's there aren't as expensive as over here, hehe.. seems like a quality place, so it's probably well worth it.

2005-01-13, 22:05
Join Date: Jul 2003
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Bleeding through sucks ass but their popular, they played Ozzfest.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-01-13, 22:14
Master Killer
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Fuck, lets kick their ass then! (fuck, they played ozzfest???)

2005-01-13, 22:24
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yeh, i don't really see the as i lay dying thing, definately metalcore-ish... but the rest of it doesnt really sound much like as i lay dying at all imo...
i love bleeding through... they're huge in the u.s... i've seen em' a couple times, good shows.
how insane is the entrance price?
the vocalist's name is creepy mike...
evan used to be my drummer, now he's a guitarist in this band, i'm letting him use my pgm30 because he doesnt have a guitar of his own... nor an amp, he's barrowing chris'(the drummer) half stack(which used to be mine) crate g1600 xl head with a peavey 412ms cab.
ralphy actually has his own shit, a mesa dual recto and a 1960s 4x12.
this isnt my band, i quit my old band to start this one(kinda), but then ended up going for the hifi massacre, so that evan kid is playing for them now...
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2005-01-13, 23:53
Join Date: Jan 2005
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Oh dude i just downloaded cars vs guns,fuck man not bad,the interlude thing where the chick sings,all the guitars and drums and vox all fit in perfectly its pretty mad.Downloading more songs now...good stuff

2005-01-14, 02:10
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Originally Posted by *insert name here*
Oh dude i just downloaded cars vs guns,fuck man not bad,the interlude thing where the chick sings,all the guitars and drums and vox all fit in perfectly its pretty mad.Downloading more songs now...good stuff
thanks man, that's one of my favorites, it's a really dark song about the end of the world... that chick is friggin cute and it's a pretty corny/bright sounding part of the song, then lyrics are like "listen to the sounds out side, take one last breath and prepare to die".. she just makes the end of the world sound like the cutest damn thing ever.
unfortunately, i probably wont be jamming with these bros any longer  ... to flakey, and i'm not into enough(well, any) drugs for them. it's sad because it's amazing music. it's heavy, soft, chaotic, complex, very structured, mathy, ambient, and fun music that makes you think but not generic sounding in the slightest. they're nice guys. but that's how it goes... now i'm just jamming around and looking for something else good and similar.
go to www.soundvssilence.com to order the cd for like $6.
and/or you can(and should) order a free svss sampler that's got a bunch of awesome bands on it, all you need to do is give them your address, and it's shipped to you and everything for free. it's got her candane(another band you should mos def check out and buy like 5 of their cd's  ) the clarity process, still life projector, and a few others... it's free and it'll take like 5 seconds to do.
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2005-01-14, 03:50
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Im living in Australia,and man it makes it hard to get stuff over here 

2005-01-14, 14:27
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
yeh, i don't really see the as i lay dying thing, definately metalcore-ish... but the rest of it doesnt really sound much like as i lay dying at all imo...
i love bleeding through... they're huge in the u.s... i've seen em' a couple times, good shows.
how insane is the entrance price?
the vocalist's name is creepy mike...
evan used to be my drummer, now he's a guitarist in this band, i'm letting him use my pgm30 because he doesnt have a guitar of his own... nor an amp, he's barrowing chris'(the drummer) half stack(which used to be mine) crate g1600 xl head with a peavey 412ms cab.
ralphy actually has his own shit, a mesa dual recto and a 1960s 4x12.
this isnt my band, i quit my old band to start this one(kinda), but then ended up going for the hifi massacre, so that evan kid is playing for them now...
ah, I wondered about their shows. I do have one of their cds but they don't play a lot in europe... so yeah, it's kinda new and all.
and fuck, we got called last week if we wanted to play with them and Cult of Luna (Sweden) so we said yes, even if its just to make a name for ourselves, its guaranteed to be busy or sold out even though its a big place we're playing at. normally they charge like 5/6 bucks, now they're charging more then double which is pretty insane for a hc show here. there's distro's and stuff too so we might get rid of some stuff too.
Don't know, a lot of friends are coming over but still the majority will be there for Bleeding Through, I guess they're getting payed well. do you know if they're straight edge or something? (if not, their backstage beer is ours, lol) I hope they're nice guys and not fucking stuck up like some better known hardcore bands we played with. that's just lame.
So anyways, got any new plans for projects up or something? it's allways the same with bands and changes, its a pretty weird reason to go because you don't do enough drugs, lol. but I guess if you're edge you're bound to be different in more then one thing. I wouldn't feel comfortable either I guess.
I think I went through 4 or 5 bands, two just sticked and one of them was formed out of a lot of other local hardcore bands. (Maintain, Morning Will Come, Dweeb and MadLikeCow) hehe, its weird to get all these guys together eventually, it was something that was bound to happen, but when we where kids we where pretty much rivaling bands so to speak. all best mates now, funny how things go.
I'll check out the hifi massacre after the weekend when I get back!

2005-01-14, 17:46
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Originally Posted by Def
ah, I wondered about their shows. I do have one of their cds but they don't play a lot in europe... so yeah, it's kinda new and all.
and fuck, we got called last week if we wanted to play with them and Cult of Luna (Sweden) so we said yes, even if its just to make a name for ourselves, its guaranteed to be busy or sold out even though its a big place we're playing at. normally they charge like 5/6 bucks, now they're charging more then double which is pretty insane for a hc show here. there's distro's and stuff too so we might get rid of some stuff too.
Don't know, a lot of friends are coming over but still the majority will be there for Bleeding Through, I guess they're getting payed well. do you know if they're straight edge or something? (if not, their backstage beer is ours, lol) I hope they're nice guys and not fucking stuck up like some better known hardcore bands we played with. that's just lame.
yeh, they're huge and put on a good show. i don't know if all of them are straight edge.. but they're huge in the sxe scene.
the fact they're touring in another country means they're probably getting a good hunk of change methinks.
pretty nice guys... but the way people are, they might not be to you guys... but i'd still jump on that show regardless.
Originally Posted by Def
So anyways, got any new plans for projects up or something? it's allways the same with bands and changes, its a pretty weird reason to go because you don't do enough drugs, lol. but I guess if you're edge you're bound to be different in more then one thing. I wouldn't feel comfortable either I guess.
I think I went through 4 or 5 bands, two just sticked and one of them was formed out of a lot of other local hardcore bands. (Maintain, Morning Will Come, Dweeb and MadLikeCow) hehe, its weird to get all these guys together eventually, it was something that was bound to happen, but when we where kids we where pretty much rivaling bands so to speak. all best mates now, funny how things go.
I'll check out the hifi massacre after the weekend when I get back!
i dunno... i have some poeple i've been jamming with some people and writing stuff on my own... hopefully something good will come back to me. i need a band with a short attention span.
the hifi massacre definately has their own smell... a bunch of bummy kids that might not have showered that day, walk into the band room with half empty 40's and then set their cigs and pipes and stuff on top of the amps...
i on the other hand, do no drugs and shower everyday  . so i guess they felt a barrier or something. it's all cool though, they're still cool guys.
it's not like a rivalry thing around here.... there are good bands, great bands, shitty bands, ok bands, ect... there are mostly friend bands.. but some kids talk shit.
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