2005-01-18, 01:35
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Nile or Necrophagist?
I'm gonna buy a cd probably tomorrow, and I want to know some of your opinions on which I should check out first.
I know this thread will probably turn into a clusterfuck of opinions, but I'd like to get a feel for who like each and for what reasons, i've heard a little of both, but not enough to make a solid choice, but I know they both rule, so, if you like either of them, tell my why.
Of the once deceased bodies not through decomposure
Ending their peaces, their chances of hell
A vomit-type substance is formed from its innards
A festering slime that revels inside
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Forced down your throat to regurgitate life

2005-01-18, 01:41
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Get them both.
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-01-18, 01:56
Symbiotic In Theory
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I agree with BLS, but if you only have money for one, get Necrophagist 
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Originally Posted by metal=life
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2005-01-18, 02:09
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Wow, a tough one. But I'd gp with Necrophagist because I have all of Nile's albums. I'm going to break down both bands:
vocals: Hard to say but I'll go with Necrophagist
guitar: No doubt Necrophagist has this one
bass: yet again, Necrophagist, listen to Seven and you'll see
drums: this one goes to Nile since Tony is insane
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able, and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" - Epicurus
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2005-01-18, 02:20
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great, it seems like its a tough choice to just outright say which one to get, which is a good thing meaning they are both well worth the money spent and I will most certain be getting both, I was just curious which one would should come first.
So far it looks like necrophagist is winning, especially because I found an MP3 in one of the threads somewhere around here and I love the technicality of it. The solo on it was awesome and at some points seemed like there was possibly an influence of chuck in there ( but then again, its really hard NOT to be influence by chuck, hes a fucking legend )
I just dont know the name of the song is all, but I dig what I hear.
As long as im not getting screwed into buying Nightwish-esqe shit again ( ill never forgive my friend for that ) 
Of the once deceased bodies not through decomposure
Ending their peaces, their chances of hell
A vomit-type substance is formed from its innards
A festering slime that revels inside
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2005-01-18, 02:31
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If you want pure technicality than go Necrophagist
If you want creative genius than go Nile. As good as Necrophagist are, Nile just creates such a great atmosphere.
Get both... but if you can only afford one now (are you poor?) than I'd choose Nile, Necrophagist can wait.. but not long.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-01-18, 02:40
Symbiotic In Theory
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What Nile album would you recommend?
'' I'll Smother You With A Fucking Pillow!! ''
Originally Posted by metal=life
Hey don't talk back buddy. Give your dick size or don't post.

2005-01-18, 02:42
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haha naw BLS i'm not poor, but i'm going to buy Human tomorrow as well as either one of these two great bands, which i'm still trying to decide on. I just usually dont like to buy more then 2 cd's at a time cause i'm trying to save most of my money.
I'm pissed I have to re-buy human cause some asshat stole it. Its a great album worth buying again though. I'm starting to lean towards Nile now though, because when I was shown their style I did love that egyptian feel.
Of the once deceased bodies not through decomposure
Ending their peaces, their chances of hell
A vomit-type substance is formed from its innards
A festering slime that revels inside
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2005-01-18, 02:45
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Originally Posted by Tattered
What Nile album would you recommend?
In Their Darkened Shrines, But thats only because Nile seems to get more amazing after every album.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-01-18, 02:58
The Stings of Conscience
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i have an idea. Go to the store, and see if they even fucking HAVE Necrophagist. not one single store in my area had it...

2005-01-18, 03:02
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you have the internet... use it.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-01-18, 03:14
The Stings of Conscience
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i know, i did. but he's saying that hes going to a store and buying this stuff

2005-01-18, 04:27
But why is the rum gone ?
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get nile.....preferably in their darkness shrines.....but all are awesome
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2005-01-18, 04:37
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Since I have all the Nile albums aswell, I'd say Necrophagist.
But seriously, flip a coin. If its heads, go with Nile. If its tails, then go with Necrophagist. Thats the best solution. 
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2005-01-18, 06:38
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Forget what they all said, do this:
1. Buy Human, do not buy CD's from either of these bands.
2. Either a) get a job immeadiately or b) Sell your bum on the streets until you have enough money to buy ALL Nile and Necrophagist CD's. In case you don't know them all (hang your head in sorrow if you don't), these are their names -
NECROPHAGIST - Onset Of Putrefaction, Epitaph
NILE - In The Beginning, Amongst The Catacombs Of Nephren-Ka, Black Seeds Of Vengeance, In Their Darkened Shrines
3. Find somewhere where you can buy all CD's at once, or buy it all online.
4. Hand over your cash, don't waste any time. Just buy it goddamnit.
5. Buy some basic food supplies (nachos, beer) and a bedpan, if you don't have one.
6. Get about 20 boxes of tissues, no porno mags are needed though.
7. Go to your bedroom armed with all this shit, weld/superglue/place large heavy object over your door, pick a CD and start the journey.............
......two weeks later, when the firemen finally knock down your door, they will most likely find you, near death, a putrid shrivelled mass, unconsious in the corner. The room will smell like urine, shit and decaying rodents. Your room will be trashed, and cum stains will be everywhere from the doona to the wall to the patch of carpet your head is on. As they drag you off to hospital, for just a tiny, split second you will regain consiousness. But that split second will be just enough for you to remember........... the two best weeks of your life.

2005-01-18, 06:53
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haha, well said!
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-01-18, 07:00
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That brought back some memories... 
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able, and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" - Epicurus
“I'm as firm as red clay and as constant as... drinkin'. I'm constantly drinkin'.” - Early Cuyler

2005-01-18, 12:09
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buy Nilephagist.
no seriously, get Nile first. they are both excellent bands but like someone said, Necrophagist can wait.

2005-01-18, 12:34
Dog farts
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Nile. Go Nile.

2005-01-18, 14:30
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Necro gets my vote.

2005-01-18, 15:03
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haha you guys are making it tough.
Cloaca:....Well, I suppose that would be an option, but I do have a job to go to, so it'll have to be broken up into seperate days, but still, possible
when I was at the store last time they had all Nile and Necrophagist's Epitaph.
I actually flipped a coin and did rock paper scissors with the friend who told me to get nile and it turned out to be Nile this time. I was kinda leaning towards them anyways.
So I'll get Human again and Nile, then....most like because I have no willpower, go back the next day or sometime soon after and get Necro.
but christ i've never been so torn about a choice before, not since choosing between Symbolic or Individual thought patterns or between one kill wonder or deathrace king
Of the once deceased bodies not through decomposure
Ending their peaces, their chances of hell
A vomit-type substance is formed from its innards
A festering slime that revels inside
The substance erupts and its stomach bursts open
Forced down your throat to regurgitate life

2005-01-18, 15:04
Symbiotic In Theory
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Epitaph is such a good album, it blows Onset off the wall (IMO)
'' I'll Smother You With A Fucking Pillow!! ''
Originally Posted by metal=life
Hey don't talk back buddy. Give your dick size or don't post.

2005-01-18, 15:10
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I downloaded a song by necrophagist a while ago, im gonna download Nile's execration text and then gauge which one I should get first based on first impressions all over again.
sad thing is, i'm a victim of 56k, so I have to pick and choose which songs I download and when...god it sucks so much sometimes 
Of the once deceased bodies not through decomposure
Ending their peaces, their chances of hell
A vomit-type substance is formed from its innards
A festering slime that revels inside
The substance erupts and its stomach bursts open
Forced down your throat to regurgitate life

2005-01-18, 15:45
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Too grim to function

2005-01-18, 15:58
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You got to be joking, Muhammed owns your ass.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2005-01-18, 17:27
But why is the rum gone ?
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Originally Posted by Ten Ton Alien
get Nile first. they are both excellent bands but like someone said, Necrophagist can wait.
i agree.....get nile ...necrophagist can wait
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
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2005-01-18, 18:33
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Necrophagist. They are better all around musicians than Nile (except drumming) and I personally find them more fun to listen to.
BTW, where the fuck is John? The second I saw this post, I new for a fact John was going to be in here pimping up Nile and Karl Sanders. Turns out that I didn't know if for a fact, because it wasn't a fact. In fact, it was fiction. Come on in to offer your entirely polar opinion, before we all pass out from boredom.
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2005-01-18, 18:37
Symbiotic In Theory
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I know nothing about drums as im a bassist/guitarist but IMO i think the necrophagist drummer is better and has more of a style than the Nile drummer.
'' I'll Smother You With A Fucking Pillow!! ''
Originally Posted by metal=life
Hey don't talk back buddy. Give your dick size or don't post.

2005-01-18, 19:03
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Nile in every way.

2005-01-18, 21:01
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Originally Posted by Tattered
I know nothing about drums as im a bassist/guitarist but IMO i think the necrophagist drummer is better and has more of a style than the Nile drummer.
Sorry to disagree, but Tony is one of the best drummers out there. Just listen to Unas Slayer of the Gods.
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able, and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" - Epicurus
“I'm as firm as red clay and as constant as... drinkin'. I'm constantly drinkin'.” - Early Cuyler

2005-01-18, 21:07
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necrophagist...more my type of music. interesting comparison though

2005-01-18, 22:40
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I fucking cracked anyways, hahha. I found out i was getting a promotion, so i went out, got Nile, Both Necrophagist, re bought human, so now i'm all set for right now.I listened to Nile's In their Darkened Shrines first and was blown away. great great band and they use their style very well. I know I'll love necrophagist as well too though considering the MP3's ive gotten by them. But thanks for the help, cause it fucking rules 
Of the once deceased bodies not through decomposure
Ending their peaces, their chances of hell
A vomit-type substance is formed from its innards
A festering slime that revels inside
The substance erupts and its stomach bursts open
Forced down your throat to regurgitate life

2005-01-18, 23:24
My Ass, Your Face
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Get, Necrophagist - Onset of Putrefaction first then get, Nile - In Their Darkened Shrines.
A little section of Requiem's "I finally got laid" posts.
Originally Posted by Requiem
Wore her out before I could finish(which im grateful for)
Funeral Mulch; My brutal death metal band from West Michigan.

2005-01-18, 23:53
The Stings of Conscience
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Originally Posted by Zionist
Get, Necrophagist - Onset of Putrefaction first then get, Nile - In Their Darkened Shrines.
little late there buddy.

2005-01-19, 00:19
My Ass, Your Face
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Yeah, way late, just looking back. lol
A little section of Requiem's "I finally got laid" posts.
Originally Posted by Requiem
Wore her out before I could finish(which im grateful for)
Funeral Mulch; My brutal death metal band from West Michigan.

2005-01-19, 00:21
Noob lud
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I have both Necrophagist cds and i have Nile- In their darkened shrines. They are both great death metal bands with lots of talent. I cant pick bettween them which to get first. Get all of them.
Originally Posted by Paddy
Please excuse me for I currently have a terminal erection, and the only cure is midget-cunny.

2005-01-19, 03:30
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To the fools who are trying to compare the musicianship of these bands, stop it, you're annoying me. The reason being:
Hannes' drumming is every bit as good as Tony's/Pete's. You must realise that Hannes did not use any triggers while recording, not even on the bass drums. Tony is the master of drum fills, while Hannes is a little more varied. But both drummers styles suit their bands superbly. Basically they are 3 total drumming gods. End Of Story.
While most would probably agree with me when I say the guitars in Necrophagist are a bit more mindblowing and complex, the arrangement of Nile's songs is pure fucking genious. So it puts them on a dead even level if you ask me.
The only thing I would say that one band has over the other is the bass. Necrophagist's basswork is more creative, and doesn't just copy the guitar riffs like most death metal basslines. I am not saying in anyway whatsoever that Jon Vesano doesn't kill on a bass; its just that barely any metal bassists out there have anything on Stefan Fimmers (of course, there are some, e.g. Steve DiGiorgio [sp?]).
Now everyone agree with me and shutup
Originally Posted by oPooface20
Nile in every way.
Quiet you silly twat, you don't know what you're on about. I want my tabs back
Originally Posted by MyOwnSaviour
Sorry to disagree, but Tony is one of the best drummers out there. Just listen to Unas Slayer of the Gods.
There are Nile songs with far better drumming than that in my opinion. Not that that song doesn't fucking rule!

2005-01-19, 14:40
Schrodinger's Cat
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Well, he got them both so he doesn't need me to tell him to get Nile first although he was a good boy and listened to them first.
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2005-01-19, 14:52
Symbiotic In Theory
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I dont get what people mean by ''Necrophagist can wait'' ?
'' I'll Smother You With A Fucking Pillow!! ''
Originally Posted by metal=life
Hey don't talk back buddy. Give your dick size or don't post.

2005-01-19, 15:02
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Originally Posted by Cloaca
Quiet you silly twat, you don't know what you're on about. I want my tabs back
 Shut up Gayaca.

2005-01-19, 21:44
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Its a tough choice but i would have to say Nile.
Hell Awaits

2005-01-19, 21:52
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Although it's late, flip coin, disregard which side it landed on and follow the instructions in Cloaca's post.

2005-01-20, 03:00
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Originally Posted by Tattered
I dont get what people mean by ''Necrophagist can wait'' ?

2005-01-20, 03:39
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since i haven't heard nile, it would be very wrong of me to say nile over necrophagist.

2005-02-07, 18:26
New Blood
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I like Nile but Necrophagist is fun to me. So I would have to say Necrophagist.

2005-02-07, 19:14
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I have Onset Of Putrefaction by Necrophagist
and I don't like it at all.
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burnin' all illusion tonight


2005-02-07, 19:21
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2005-02-07, 19:34
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Originally Posted by HELLBLASTER-666
I have Onset Of Putrefaction by Necrophagist
and I don't like it at all.
Get Epitaph.I don't even like death metal but that cd slays.

2005-02-07, 21:21
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Yeh I'd say Necrophagist to, My first death cd's were NILE -ATCONK, ITDS, and black seeds and they are fuckin amazing, but I can only listen to them for a while before my head explodes due to that drumming lol, I could listen to necrophagist all day long.

2005-02-07, 21:38
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necrophagist has better vocals and better all around music. ever notice karl's solos always have that one bend

2005-02-08, 00:40
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Necrophagist is technical but Nile is Heavy as fuck.
Hell Awaits

2005-02-08, 01:09
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Well...I enjoy Necro more, but if I was you I would flip a coin....you can put either one on your list for next time.........

2005-02-08, 03:33
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2005-02-08, 04:23
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Originally Posted by HELLBLASTER-666
I have Onset Of Putrefaction by Necrophagist
and I don't like it at all.
Burn in hell!  this is the one album you have to like! 
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