2005-01-18, 02:39
Join Date: Apr 2004
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I've been trying to get my fingers up to moving faster and lasting longer, I wanted to know what some of you do to build it up when you're not playing guitar, like if you're at work, late at night or something like that.
Something like little finger exercises or other such things that you can do nonchalantly while watching tv or something, cause I know i dont have the time to be playing all day, so at least I can get my dexterity up while doing something else perhaps.
Of the once deceased bodies not through decomposure
Ending their peaces, their chances of hell
A vomit-type substance is formed from its innards
A festering slime that revels inside
The substance erupts and its stomach bursts open
Forced down your throat to regurgitate life

2005-01-18, 02:50
Join Date: Aug 2004
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I know some peoble have some grip thingy that you squeese(sp?).
But yea I'de like to know this too 
There are two kinds of peoble in this world, those who like me and those who can go to hell

2005-01-18, 03:24
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2005-01-18, 03:56
Senior Metalhead
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i used a grip master after i fractured my knuckles, very good!

2005-01-18, 04:14
Senior Metalhead
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I learned from my uncle that if you just take your hand and do gripping motions that it is best for it to do, because using grip tools over often put stress on your fingers.

2005-01-18, 04:39
Vaginal Warts
Join Date: Nov 2004
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Does anybody know some tips on moving your wrist around while playing? I've discovered that after I reach the G string, I can no longer play with the pick parallel to the strings. Does anybody's palm hit the strings while their playing? I think that may be the problem. The left side of my thumb also scrapes the strings while playing. This has been bothering me for quite a while now, and I'm not able to become any better because I don't want to learn the incorrect way.
an example of what my problem is would be this excercise: 1234 starting on low E to high E and then back to low E. I can't make it the whole way, and I need to know of the correct way to pick this sort of pattern smoothly and accurately.
Originally Posted by PST 88
The bottom of that 'Don't Click' picture is one of the funniest things I've seen in a while. 'No, I really DO have a vagina! It's right here!'
Blackwater (Friend's Metal Band)
R.I.P Paddy. My dear and loving father will never be forgotten.
Last edited by JoeYngVai : 2005-01-18 at 04:45.

2005-01-18, 13:24
Join Date: Apr 2004
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You dont necessarily need to play with the pick parallell to the strings  .
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2005-01-18, 14:20
Vaginal Warts
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: I live in a giant bucket.
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Okay, but I do. Anyways, scratch that. I just want a better way to pick with my right hand. While I'm way over on the high E, usully my palm is pushing the low E string down. My wrist is just weird, and I don't like it, so I need to figure out how to change my usual playing style.
Originally Posted by PST 88
The bottom of that 'Don't Click' picture is one of the funniest things I've seen in a while. 'No, I really DO have a vagina! It's right here!'
Blackwater (Friend's Metal Band)
R.I.P Paddy. My dear and loving father will never be forgotten.

2005-01-18, 22:44
Senior Metalhead
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hrm... kind of sounds like your arm/wriste are more perpendicular to the strings making it so you pick by moving your whole hand up and down, im not sure. If you post some pics im sure someone will know whats wrong.

2005-02-02, 23:09
Senior Metalhead
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Originally Posted by JoeYngVai
Okay, but I do. Anyways, scratch that. I just want a better way to pick with my right hand. While I'm way over on the high E, usully my palm is pushing the low E string down. My wrist is just weird, and I don't like it, so I need to figure out how to change my usual playing style.
you know, you're wrist isn't weird, well actually, hmmm. on my guitar the strings are quite close to the body and it makes tremelo picking the high the "G" "B" and high "E" strings easier. the spot on my hand below my thumb barely pushes down on the low "e" string. If you have seen michael angelo play, i kinda tremelo pick like that, although not exactly like him. i think depending on how high the strings are off your guitar will make a difference on how hard you are pushing down the low "e" string. damn i hope this makes sense, i know its kinda vague, but i'd have to see a picture of how you play, i know you said you dont have a digital cam, but is there any way you can borrow one or something? because by showing us a pic of how you play, will help us greatly in helping you. but all i can suggest is to practice and practice on a method that suits you. whether it be "proper" or not. If you have seen Suffocation live, and watch terrance hobbs (the african american guitarist) you'll see that he only uses his wrist and is very fuckin fast like that. i am trying to get into the habit of only using my wrist for it would be less tiring IMO. hope this info didnt confuse you and it helped you in some way 
You know what's funnier than a pile of dead babies?.........
A live one trapped underneath.

2005-02-08, 14:11
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Well, an ex-girl of mine said (a long time after we had broken up) that I had "good" fingers. An easy exercise while watching tv, in bed, driving, hmm sounds like you could get good fingers anytime... 

2005-02-08, 14:36
Vaginal Warts
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: I live in a giant bucket.
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Originally Posted by Cattlefan#1
you know, you're wrist isn't weird, well actually, hmmm. on my guitar the strings are quite close to the body and it makes tremelo picking the high the "G" "B" and high "E" strings easier. the spot on my hand below my thumb barely pushes down on the low "e" string. If you have seen michael angelo play, i kinda tremelo pick like that, although not exactly like him. i think depending on how high the strings are off your guitar will make a difference on how hard you are pushing down the low "e" string. damn i hope this makes sense, i know its kinda vague, but i'd have to see a picture of how you play, i know you said you dont have a digital cam, but is there any way you can borrow one or something? because by showing us a pic of how you play, will help us greatly in helping you. but all i can suggest is to practice and practice on a method that suits you. whether it be "proper" or not. If you have seen Suffocation live, and watch terrance hobbs (the african american guitarist) you'll see that he only uses his wrist and is very fuckin fast like that. i am trying to get into the habit of only using my wrist for it would be less tiring IMO. hope this info didnt confuse you and it helped you in some way 
This may be a late response, but thanks. I've been developing my technique even more now, so that My wrist is always on the bridge. Is this a good idea? If I press too hard then all the strings go sharp.
Originally Posted by PST 88
The bottom of that 'Don't Click' picture is one of the funniest things I've seen in a while. 'No, I really DO have a vagina! It's right here!'
Blackwater (Friend's Metal Band)
R.I.P Paddy. My dear and loving father will never be forgotten.

2005-02-09, 14:01
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 206
Shredaholic has an excelent chromatic exersise, it improved my fingering technique.
Excellent to improve your dexterity.
Click on lessons, and chromatic exersises.

2005-02-10, 09:04
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Southend, England
Posts: 84
hey that link was great, i printed them off yday, played the chromatic exercises for a while before band practice and i could tell the difference in my dexterity straight away so i'm going to keep doing them and hopefully i'll be super-shredding any time soon

2005-02-10, 13:43
Muffin Ass
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I've always been lucky....for what could be considered short fingers....they are extremely manuverable and fast and stretching them to achieve the hit is rarely a problem.....MY PROBLEM is however....my pinky finger....little fucker on the end.....it severely lacks strength and I just cant hold it long in conjunction with a chord....it gets sore/tired fast so often I sacrifice alot by simply not using it.
Saying that though......it's no big deal as I am NO soloist.....I'm simply a powerchord bangin chick.......but that is when I'm happiest.
Strumming hand.....never had a prob there and have excellent control and technique.......it come from a lifetime of playing AirGuitar.....LOL

2005-02-10, 17:03
Metal As Fuck!
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That site is awesome. Great lessons! I've been working on my dexterity with chromatics. I see that I need to work on the variation of notes. I like the 1324 pattern, that shit sounds wicked at a moderately fast tempo. Ahh... this is the art.... to shred!
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2005-02-10, 18:00
Join Date: Aug 2004
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Originally Posted by Bia
I've always been lucky....for what could be considered short fingers....they are extremely manuverable and fast and stretching them to achieve the hit is rarely a problem.....MY PROBLEM is however....my pinky finger....little fucker on the end.....it severely lacks strength and I just cant hold it long in conjunction with a chord....it gets sore/tired fast so often I sacrifice alot by simply not using it.
Saying that though......it's no big deal as I am NO soloist.....I'm simply a powerchord bangin chick.......but that is when I'm happiest.
Strumming hand.....never had a prob there and have excellent control and technique.......it come from a lifetime of playing AirGuitar.....LOL
play powerchords with your pinky instead of your ring finger for a while... that should strengthen it up a little 
There are two kinds of peoble in this world, those who like me and those who can go to hell

2005-03-04, 22:38
Supreme Metalhead
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I recently cut up my hand pretty bad on a table saw and lost part of my index on my fretting hand and I've been using the gripmaster to rehabilitate it and it's working wonders.

2005-03-04, 22:46
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
Originally Posted by Bia
I've always been lucky....for what could be considered short fingers....they are extremely manuverable and fast and stretching them to achieve the hit is rarely a problem.....MY PROBLEM is however....my pinky finger....little fucker on the end.....it severely lacks strength and I just cant hold it long in conjunction with a chord....it gets sore/tired fast so often I sacrifice alot by simply not using it.
as for that other garbage in your post
but i have the same problem as you, i actually caused some finger damage. i was playing "into the dead sky" by at the gates on a cheaper-than-dissections-mum spanish acoustic guitar, and some thing popped in my left (fretting hand) pinky, it's been not as good ever since. anyone who knows the song, this is the part when it comes to the end of the opening riff and you have to:
barre the second fret
play a full power chord without the fifth note on 4 on E
hit the fifth fret of B with your pinky
saevar told you a pretty good tip. fucking oath, i told a friend to play with his ring finger, he was using his index and middle finger to play power chords 

2005-03-04, 22:59
Supreme Metalhead
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Originally Posted by HelpMeHelpYou
I recently cut up my hand pretty bad on a table saw and lost part of my index on my fretting hand and I've been using the gripmaster to rehabilitate it and it's working wonders.
Wow, sounds a lot like what happened to Tony Iommi of Black Sabbath. You should do some research on how he overcame the loss of two fingertips...
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