2005-01-19, 19:42
Alumni Staff
Join Date: Sep 2001
Location: Tejas
Posts: 2,534
I am a member and poster at a website called 'metaltabs.com. Please close your gaping pie hole you spamming fuck because we don't want to download your free mp3's. We ask that you please leave, break up your shitty band and kill yourself. Our style(we here at metaltabs.com)could best be described as a unique blend of 13 year old death metal weiner punk kids, older snottier assholes like myself and the black metal elitist cocksuckers. Thanks for checking us out.
As much as I love berating you spamming band whores, I almost let this go until I saw you identified yourself as a female singer. The only people that care what fucking gender you are are recording labels, not music fans.
Piss off, cunt.
Last edited by slayme_returns : 2005-01-19 at 19:44.