2005-01-31, 05:46
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 166
uber metal pedal
ive heard of these around here, are they as great as they seem? for 100$ i hope they are kick ass, they seem pretty cool, especialy becouse they have a noise gate on them, are they as awsome as they seem to be? i know someone has tried them here, if they are good i will get one, i am very faithful to my other distortion pedal, but this thing seems promissing.
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2005-01-31, 05:59
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Its just like every other distortion pedal... a waste of money.
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And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-01-31, 07:04
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 166
ok i guess you use rack effects or amp distortion, that means you have a job, and that means im poor becouse i am 17, and i cant afford stuff like you, give me a break, i just spent all my money on a new 100watt tube amp, and i love my new amp, and i love other things, but all i can afford as far as effects is pedals, so for people who use pedals can you tell me how you like the uber metal pedal? 
...farewell to the flesh...

2005-01-31, 07:44
New Blood
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never heard of a uber metal pedal, sounds like shit

2005-01-31, 10:43
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i got one.
line 6 right?
it depends what you want it for
it will not do death metal.
it will not do "raw" sounds.
it will give you a kick-arse processed sound.
actually, it gives you 3 kick-arse processed sounds.
like most pedals, it depends a hell-of-a-lot on your amp.
the noise gate is very good, but not as good as a seperate one.
its ugly as fuck.
try it out.
i made a topic before about it, and everybody decided it was shit if i remember.
never mind, i like it.
"The complexity of the penguins' lifestyle testifies to a Divine Creator," said one commentator on Christian Answers. "To think that natural selection or even the penguins themselves could come up with the idea to migrate miles and miles multiple times each year without their partner or their offspring is a bit insulting to my intellect. How great is our God!"

2005-01-31, 14:45
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Originally Posted by GUITARFETUS
ok i guess you use rack effects or amp distortion, that means you have a job, and that means im poor becouse i am 17, and i cant afford stuff like you, give me a break, i just spent all my money on a new 100watt tube amp, and i love my new amp, and i love other things, but all i can afford as far as effects is pedals, so for people who use pedals can you tell me how you like the uber metal pedal? 
aww man you're asking for it....
why the hell did you buy that 100w tube amp? what amp is it?
it makes no sense to me why someone would buy an amp with a horrid distortion channel, unless it was a nice clean amp like a fender.... but then you claim you love your new amp, why do you love it? it doesnt even have good sounds onboard.
for an amp to be a good amp imo, it has to have a great distortion channel and/or a great clean channel.
and no you don't have to be rich to get an amp with a good distortion channel.
17 aint that young... i'm not much older than you bro, and i find myself extremely broke and unemployed at the moment. so those sorry stories wont get you much simpathy around here. get a job, mow your neighbor's lawns, whatever it takes, make it work.
i say, take that $100 you want to drop on that uber pedal, sell your amp, and your other pedals, and buy a nice amp with nice distortion.
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2005-01-31, 16:19
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haha looks like XdX is getting tired of everyones BS....
anyways im 15 and im hoping to be getting a damn good sound soon....
will be making a new topic soon stay posted

2005-01-31, 16:23
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Originally Posted by BLS
Its just like every other distortion pedal... a waste of money.
I use the mt-2, but yeah, the truth man.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2005-01-31, 17:24
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 166
well fuck the pedal then man, but my amp is a laney and it does have a good distortion, and awsome clean channel on it, its a protube 100, and i love it, i was just asking about this pedal becouse it seemed good, but i guess not, i am very happy with my amp, there is another thread i have about my amp, its called laney pro-tube amp, go check it out, i am not the only one who likes my amp, and as far as mowing my neighbors lawn, well i cant becouse i dont have neighbors with lawns, so what i do for money is sell my things, and my amp is very good, but i meant i cant afford EFFECTS if they are not pedals, amps usualy dont have awsome effects unless they are line6 or something, but i know i got myself a badass amp, mostly becouse i have it and i play it , and i should know if i like it or not.
...farewell to the flesh...

2005-01-31, 18:02
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Get a Proco Rat or DS 1 or DS 2 if YOU HAVE TO get a pedal........................................ Thats what i use through my VTM only because the VTM was free from a friend after my 2 Laney Pro Tubes got stolen (THAT AMP HAS HELLA DISTORTION WTF DO YOU NEED A PEDAL FOR DOUCHE BAG? - rant mode off now)
If your going to needlessly waste money get Proco Rat or Turbo rat
- you suck and your stupid
- Rise of Elitism: Yes the bands you like are gay
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
it was too hifi for me...
it's like a hot chick that is horrible in bed.

2005-01-31, 20:34
El Diablo sin pantalones
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WTF do you need a cheesy sucky distortion pedal when you already have great distortion on your amp? 
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-01-31, 22:17
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Originally Posted by GUITARFETUS
ok i guess you use rack effects or amp distortion, that means you have a job, and that means im poor becouse i am 17, and i cant afford stuff like you, give me a break, i just spent all my money on a new 100watt tube amp, and i love my new amp, and i love other things, but all i can afford as far as effects is pedals, so for people who use pedals can you tell me how you like the uber metal pedal? 
I had great gear when I was 16.. its called a job.
If your happy with your amps distortion than use a Tubescreamer if you need more gain.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-02-01, 05:42
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 166
as far as the pedals go i dont NEED a distortion pedal, i just wanted some opinions on this particular one, it seemed like a good pedal, but with my awsome amp, it doesnt have any other effects like REVERB, DELAY, CHORUS, and things of that nature, so i gotta go with pedals on that part but whatever, the pedla sucks and im moving on...
...farewell to the flesh...

2005-02-01, 13:38
El Diablo sin pantalones
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Location: Yggdrassyl
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uhhh... I don't get you
The ubermetal pedal doesn't do reverb, chorus delay etc, its just distortion 
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-02-01, 14:11
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that's what i was thinking...
if you want a bunch of fx, buy fx pedals.
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2005-02-01, 16:35
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Posts: 166
yes, guys i know, it doesnt have those fx, but i was simply suggesting that is the reason i use PEDALS i never said i wanted to use the uber metal distortion pedal on my amp, i only asked if it was a good pedal or not, and then someone asked why i use pedals, and i said its the only thing i can afford, as far as EFFECTS, but i didnt say i wanted to use this pedal for my awsome amp, i do have other amps, you know, most of witch do not have good distortion on them, my awsome amp does, but not my other amps, so for those other amps, i need a distortion pedal, and effects pedals, so this pedal sux it seems, so thats all i wanted to know thank you for your help.
...farewell to the flesh...

2005-02-01, 19:27
El Diablo sin pantalones
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Location: Yggdrassyl
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Why are n00bs always so defensive?
Hey man, there's nothing wrong with using pedals for FX, distortionwise pedals suck most of the time.
And don't get us wrong, but you did make a couple of confusing post, claiming afterward you wanted to know our oppinion on the pedal but not being intrested in having it 
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-02-01, 19:38
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 166
well i wasnt interested in having it, becouse of your posts that claim it is a shitty pedal, i used to be interested in having it, becouse it seemed promising but now that i know it is not that great mostly becouse someone mentioned it will NOT DO DEATH METAL, and it if wont do death metal then i dont want it, i will just stick to my amp distortion, and for my other amps i will stick to my distortion pedal i already have, so thats all, i am no longer interested in this pedal, i once was but no longer am, and as for fx i will stick to pedals as well.  i hope that clears up your confusion (pedal sux dont want it anymore)
...farewell to the flesh...

2005-02-01, 22:13
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 55
Nah, distortion pedals can be great. I bought a Digitech Metal Master Distortion from www.chrisguitars.com (shop there!) and it, coupled with my amp eq can get me damn near any sound I would ever want. Granted, you can can't combine it with other distortion pedals or amp gain for more gain, but then you really don't need to since it has so damn much. If your looking for a good pedal get this and if you don't trust me look at reveiws of it at www.harmony-central.com (great site, has reveiws of practically all the gear you could think of)

2005-02-01, 22:23
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yay! just what we need... more idoits.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-02-01, 22:31
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
friends don't let friends play krank.
Originally Posted by Def
nah man, nah, I had an itchy ballsack!
forget wall of marshalls look at this wall of engls!

2005-02-01, 23:12
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haha... the metal master is garbage... where's the mid control? mid's can make or break tone. where's the gain knob? what if you don't always want that "CRANKED TO !) AND THEN TORN OFF BECAUSE THAT"S BRUTAL!!!!!!11" sound?
i just would be able to live with a cheesey distortion pedal that simply mimicks other cheesey distortion pedals.
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2005-02-01, 23:18
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not all distortion pedals are bad
i used to have a metal master
it got the job done, but yeah it had to go

2005-02-01, 23:31
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 166
the death metal dod pedal suites my needs, level mids and hi's if there is something not right about it, thats were an equalizer comes in.
...farewell to the flesh...

2005-02-01, 23:39
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Originally Posted by GUITARFETUS
the death metal dod pedal suites my needs, level mids and hi's if there is something not right about it, thats were an equalizer comes in.
no gain knob... i like to hear my tone, not a static mess.
Friends don't let friends play Krank!

2005-02-01, 23:41
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Originally Posted by BLS
yay! just what we need... more idoits.
haha exactly
just buy a proco rat. or save for an Engl tube-toner, Koch Pedaltone or Mesa V-twin.

2005-02-01, 23:53
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ok thanks
...farewell to the flesh...

2005-02-02, 05:50
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Originally Posted by Necro_Butcher
not all distortion pedals are bad
i used to have a metal master
it got the job done, but yeah it had to go
Thier are a FEW decent ones.. but of course they arent made by Boss, DOD, or Digitech, and their way to expensive for what they do.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-02-06, 03:01
Senior Metalhead
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instead of starting a new thread ill just post on this one.... i just bought a DD-3 (digital delay) basicly it sounds like ass, and before i return it ill like to know if mabe im doing somthing wrong?
the delay notes basicly sound like shit and it makes kind of a reverb sound while im playing, garbleing my notes.... iv tryed all differnt setings but i cant seem to get it to sound "clean" or whatever.
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