2005-02-26, 05:09
New Blood
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 13
Guitar Pro vs. Powertab
I have downloaded the guitar pro demo the other day and have been using it and I am not quite sure why $59.00 is worth this product? Powertab is a free download with basically the same features, is there a reason to obtain Guitar Pro?

2005-02-26, 08:47
Join Date: Dec 2004
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Yeah there is a reason for getting Guitar pro. I've never used powertab, but I have G-pro and it's awesome. I don't know if they are all right, but like 95% of the songs that I download for it, sound right. It has all the drums,bass, keyboards, and almost whatever instrument you can think of, so it's fun playing along. I don't know how some of the people write the tabs for some of the songs for G-pro, like how the hell did they figure it out? Anyways, I have the full version of G-pro, but I didn't buy it, it's called kazaa.

2005-02-26, 09:14
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i think gp is more user-friendly. when i first opened it i could imedeately start to tab, and with power tab i still dont have a clue

2005-02-26, 12:14
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Guitar pro confuses me. I like being able to see both guitar parts art the same time. I like powertab, even if it doesn't have drum parts.

2005-02-26, 13:45
Schrodinger's Cat
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Powertab is much better to view mainly down to the fact that the indicator can actual keep up with the score.
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2005-02-26, 22:34
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Powertab owns guitar pro. Guitar pro looks like a mess and powertab is nice and organized.

2005-02-26, 22:50
Pokémon Master
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Guitar pro is nice, but i prefer powertab. If you are specifically asking "Is guitarpro worth $60?" then the answer is no.
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2005-02-27, 00:42
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Dammit, don't buy it, to anyone that's thinking of buying it. It's not worth it. Just dl the full version. Either that, or you can dl a demo version and it works just fine, except that after 30 days, you get more limitations on what you can do.

2005-02-27, 02:53
New Blood
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Posts: 13
Thanks, I was thinking of buying it for shits and giggles but after using this demo for another day or 2, I see no real difference except layout and design, both sound shitty on distortion guitar ( yes I have a sound card ). Free vs. $60, hmmm..... think I'll take the free one! 

2005-02-28, 12:29
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GP is easier, I downloaded the full version but all the serial numbers I find are blocked for piracy...
I'm not bothered about seeing all the guitar parts at once (I can only play one guitar at a time anyway) but, as john said, It cant keep up properly if the song has moderate/fast trem picking.

2005-02-28, 14:22
New Blood
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I prefer guitar pro, it's much easier to use. You can turn off the notation and view the rhytm under the tab lines. It has an unlimited number of tracks, it's easier to play what is tabbed. About the price : it certainly doesn't deserve buying but it's not so hard to find a full version and a serial 

2005-02-28, 23:38
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Originally Posted by fatdanny
GP is easier, I downloaded the full version but all the serial numbers I find are blocked for piracy...
I'm not bothered about seeing all the guitar parts at once (I can only play one guitar at a time anyway) but, as john said, It cant keep up properly if the song has moderate/fast trem picking.
Yeah, I had the same problem at first with the ID key thing. My friend dl a CD key generator or whatever it's called, and he gave me a ID.

2005-03-01, 04:54
New Blood
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 7
hi, i already have gp but i havnt seen power tab and i want to try it so where can i dwnload it for free

2005-03-01, 04:58
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"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
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2005-03-01, 05:00
New Blood
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2005-03-06, 16:29
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Guitar Pro is better nad more friendly but Power Tab is free.

2005-03-06, 18:44
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Well you can see both guitars play at the same time while guitar pro you have to click on each instrument. Plus you can see the score A LOT better. Powertabs indicator keeps up with the notes so I know what note is being played while guitar pro's indicator skips notes.

2005-03-07, 06:11
Supreme Metalhead
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guitar pro is much better, the sound too, it's easy to use...
i have a crack of guitar pro 4... you can download it almost everywhere.
if ya can't find, i can share it with ya.
Join the hordes!!

2005-03-07, 08:29
Senior Metalhead
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guitar pro is better i think. it was really easy for me to understand how to use quickly, compared to powertab(and i still have trouble tabing shit out on that compared to guitar pro). haha i got mine riped to, no fucking way im paying $50 for it.

2005-03-07, 10:04
New Blood
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 7
u can get guitar pro free from imesh and just go to www.serials.ws thats it no .com and find a serial number and install it

2005-03-15, 10:40
New Blood
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 1
Hey everyone, i just got Guitar Pro 4.1.0 demo, it's 1million times better than power tab. The only thing is i find serials for it and it's useless cuz you can't enter it in in the demo version. Please email me at
dcx_3000@yahoo.com if you've got the crack thank you so much!!!!!!

2005-04-05, 09:00
New Blood
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 1
I'm having the same problem. I can't find a place to download the full version, and there's no where to put in a serial or user ID in the demo version. All of the links saying they lead to the full version are dead that I can find. I don't really want to install Kazaa either, can anyone help?

2005-04-05, 10:04
Pokémon Master
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Take your money to the store. Exchange moeny for product. Return home.
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