2005-03-01, 11:06
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 290
Guitar strings are obviously an important part to the guitar. The newer the strings, the better they'll sound and the older the strings the worse they'll sound. That is why it is crucial to keep your guitar strings clean so you can make the life of the strings last longer. One of the things you can do that I know off is always keep your hands clean and dry before you start pounding away on them, and when your done wipe them off with a tissue to wipe away any sweat that came on the strings. Sweat is one of the main reasons for shortening the life span of the strings. It makes your strings rust. Rust doesn't just shorten the life span of your guitar strings, but also compromises your guitar. Strings are attached to the bridge of the guitar. The bridge is one of the main parts of the guitar which makes the sounds. If your strings keep rusting you will eventually get rust into your bridge thus wrecking your loved guitar. That is why a lot of people complain that there guitar always makes a cacaphonic discorded irrating unwanted buzz all the time, cause the rust messes up their bridge. This is why taking care of your strings is vital for your guitar sound and the guitar itself.
That is why I want to ask you. Do you know of any special good string that have long life spans that don't break easily compared to other strings? Another important thing I need to know is; Do you know of any cleaning agents or anything that cleans guitar strings (so they won't rust) other than using a tissue to wipe of the sweat?
I really need to know cause I'm not a millionare who can buy a guitar anytime I want to. I have a good guitar and I want to be sure I'll do nothing to compromise it. Thanks for your help.