2005-03-02, 15:39
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Someone speaks Spanish???
Hay alguien que sepa hablar español?, o que este aprendiendo o que toque en algun grupo que cante en español??
P.D:El que quiera aprender, que me pregunte, si quiere

2005-03-02, 15:59
Master Killer
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tsk... maricone di playa! 

2005-03-02, 16:35
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Why Spanish?

2005-03-02, 16:37
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I took it for 3 years in high school and cant speak a word of it. Except 'tetas'
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2005-03-02, 16:43
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I know uno momento por favor. Mainly because it's so self explanatory. I also know "hola" and "escuchas" a vast vocabulary indeed.  oooo i like this icon. Ever since I discovered this "more" button the possibilities are endless!!!

2005-03-02, 16:44
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Originally Posted by DameFraMorkum
Why Spanish?
Because is my mother language???
I want to know if theres someone from Spain.
Good job, metalthrashingmad. Buenas tetas  .hahahahha

2005-03-02, 16:44
Death to all but metal!
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bah, i think that the new icons are gay.
Behemoth- why dont you just speak english? You did before right? You are just gonna get swore at in spanglish around here....
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2005-03-02, 16:46
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I like them. So they are new? I figured I was just being stupid and didn't notice them before... And yeah... JUST SPEAK FUCKING ENGLISH!!!

2005-03-02, 16:47
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Nah theyre new, 3 or so months i think.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2005-03-02, 16:55
Forum Daemon
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Originally Posted by DameFraMorkum
Why Spanish?
Location: Between Spain and France
Hablo español un pocito, y ahora quiero a apprender mas bien la idioma, porque mi ex-novia esta con un artesano Argentino que non habla ingles. Estas buscando por un grupo que cante en español, si? O, si no, por que preguntas?
As you can see, it's pretty shitty, especially because I've mixed it with so much Italian in my head that I have to try very hard to separate the two when I'm trying to write/speak.

2005-03-02, 17:11
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I always tried to speak in english in the past. BUt you know my english isn´t as goos as i want, so I was looking for someone who could teach me some english "words" or whatever you want to call them . Like IMO,LOL, etc etc
Pst 88 what mean your EX-girlfriend is with an Argentinian, you want to stay with her???
You shoul ply her some acoustic songs which are made to these. I know what I say
And i want to know if is here someone from my neigbourhood!
I don´t thing that is something bad, though,.... 

2005-03-02, 17:31
Forum Daemon
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Nah, I'm not staying with her, but I'll want to have a conversation with the guy when he gets here, and his English is apparently bad enough that it he can't give you an idea of his personality when speaking in it. My Spanish is about as bad, but I'd want to improve it anyway, if only to get it an Italian clear and distinct in my head. It bothers me that the line between the two got so blurred.
If you have any questions and can't find somebody who speaks Spanish better than I do - and I hope you can - feel free to PM me. Even if I don't know, my ex is fluent.

2005-03-02, 18:49
New Blood
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Posts: 30
.....pues claro que debe haber gente del habla-hispana por aquí! Yo soy de México, de Monterrey, N.L. mi ascendencia es española, pero yo me considero 100% mexicano. Y al igual que tú, no acabo de digerir un montón de expresiones anglo-sajonas, pero lo importante del asunto es que a pesar de todo, y sin importar nacionalidades todos estamos de una ú otra forma unidos por el Metal.

2005-03-02, 20:52
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Originally Posted by BEHEMOTH
I always tried to speak in english in the past. BUt you know my english isn´t as goos as i want, so I was looking for someone who could teach me some english "words" or whatever you want to call them . Like IMO,LOL, etc etc
Your english is quite acceptable, it is far better than my spanish, i guarentee it! In relation to your queery about such "words" as IMO, LOL, etc. they are in fact, not really words, but abreviations used over the internet. This is often referd to as 1337 (leet, an abreviation) speak. Is is generally used by making abreviations such as LOL (laughing out loud) and intentionally miss-spelling simple words, such as teh (instead of the). My recomendation would be to ingnore such blatant disreguard for the english language, as although many 14 year olds practice this, older people abhor (hate, a lot) use of such language, and if you are caught using it on some chat rooms you will be kicked.
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2005-03-02, 20:58
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Where in Spain though, don't people from certain regions speak different styles?

2005-03-02, 21:55
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"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-03-02, 21:59
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My dads side of the family is spanish. Pinche cabron.

2005-03-02, 22:52
Vaginal Warts
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Je n'aime pas parler espagnol, je préféré parler français. Il faut que je fasse une sandwhich avant ma têt cassé!
Sorry, I don't know spanish, and most of the above is probably wrong. 
Originally Posted by PST 88
The bottom of that 'Don't Click' picture is one of the funniest things I've seen in a while. 'No, I really DO have a vagina! It's right here!'
Blackwater (Friend's Metal Band)
R.I.P Paddy. My dear and loving father will never be forgotten.

2005-03-02, 23:00
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El mono in me los pantolones! El Pez en Senor Ricardo's cabasa!
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2005-03-02, 23:12
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Does tetas mean titties or some shit?

2005-03-02, 23:21
Wasted Custom User title
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nihongo O hanashimasuka?
watashi ha nihongo O benkyoshiteimasu.
Transient san ha chinchin O yokutabemasu!
This is my signature.

2005-03-03, 00:59
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Hola, chinga todos tus madres, por que me gusta la panocha de tu madre. Cannibal Corpse se dice que Transient come muchas pitos.
Sorekara Nihongo de yu to Transient wa o chin chin o itsumo tabeterundayo. Omaerawa Metal Tabs to yu bakana web site ni istumo shabeteru kara nihongo nanka wakaru wake naidaro?

2005-03-03, 01:03
Wasted Custom User title
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hah, I got the jist of the japanese part. No idea what you actually said though
This is my signature.

2005-03-03, 01:08
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Yeah, it's hard to type out Jap in English cuz it's just not meant to be written out that way. I'm also using more of a slang type dialogue.

2005-03-03, 01:38
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You know what? You can even do it like this: CC は常に彼が日中空腹であるので陰茎を食べる。Yeah, let's see if you can read that now BIZATCH! 

2005-03-03, 01:50
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ty faceci ssać dupa

2005-03-03, 16:30
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Originally Posted by BEHEMOTH
I always tried to speak in english in the past. BUt you know my english isn´t as goos as i want, so I was looking for someone who could teach me some english "words" or whatever you want to call them . Like IMO,LOL, etc etc
Pst 88 what mean your EX-girlfriend is with an Argentinian, you want to stay with her???
You shoul ply her some acoustic songs which are made to these. I know what I say
And i want to know if is here someone from my neigbourhood!
I don´t thing that is something bad, though,.... 
I'm telling you right now that your English is acceptable and those words you want to learn are words that you shouldn't ought to learn in the first place. It will only ruin the English you already know if you start using those words.
Trust in god, he'll give you shoes!

2005-03-03, 16:54
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Originally Posted by CANNIBALCORPSE
nihongo O hanashimasuka?
watashi ha nihongo O benkyoshiteimasu.
Transient san ha chinchin O yokutabemasu!
Hahahaha, all I got from that was "Transient" and "Cock"...hmm..

2005-03-03, 22:54
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 1,968
It's okay, this is easier.
CC は常に彼が日中空腹であるので陰茎を食べる。

2005-03-04, 00:04
Wasted Custom User title
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pfff. Like I know how to read kanji!!!!
This is my signature.

2005-03-04, 00:24
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You're studying Japanese right? Will you have a final exam or something? Will that be in Kanji?

2005-03-04, 00:39
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ssać mój przykładać pieczęć celną ty dupa


2005-03-04, 01:49
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Yo no comprendo las palabras que ustedes dijeron. Yo hablo español solamente, porque yo soy de Tijuana, Mexicó.

2005-03-04, 01:56
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Originally Posted by Silent Night 6 6
Yo no comprendo las palabras que ustedes dijeron. Yo hablo español solamente, porque yo soy de Tijuana, Mexicó.
no comprendes por que no es espanol...mi espanol no es muy bien, conozco solomente un poco. Tengo tres clases de espanol en colegio, y nada mas.

2005-03-04, 02:13
Pokémon Master
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im listening to spanish grind.
mendigo psicopata? is the song.
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2005-03-04, 02:18
Wasted Custom User title
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Originally Posted by blizzard_beast
You're studying Japanese right? Will you have a final exam or something? Will that be in Kanji?
not at my level.
This is my signature.

2005-03-04, 02:59
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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soy analfabeto en español

2005-03-06, 02:34
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Originally Posted by Silent Night 6 6
You know what? You can even do it like this: CC は常に彼が日中空腹であるので陰茎を食べる。Yeah, let's see if you can read that now BIZATCH! 
لولب ياباني؛ حدثع ربيحنان اِمومةعضو الرجل الجنسي!

2005-03-06, 02:40
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still no one can decipher my polish!
pierdolę cię!

2005-03-06, 02:42
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are you polish, kalmah? i have two mates of polish descent, i'm sure at least one of them could translate it... 

2005-03-06, 02:46
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Originally Posted by andrewc
are you polish, kalmah? i have two mates of polish descent, i'm sure at least one of them could translate it... 
yep...i used to understand the language a lot better, mainly because my grandma spoke more polish than english...but i kinda lost it over the years...trying to re-learn it though

2005-03-06, 02:53
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
that's cool. i love the languages from those parts of europe, they sound so angry. i heard my mate talking to her boyfriend at the time, clearly they were in love, but they sounded angry at each other. slovakian and german are quite angry sounding too.

2005-03-06, 02:56
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ive mainly just been swearing...
you always remember the curse words 

2005-03-06, 02:59
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Originally Posted by andrewc
that's cool. i love the languages from those parts of europe, they sound so angry. i heard my mate talking to her boyfriend at the time, clearly they were in love, but they sounded angry at each other. slovakian and german are quite angry sounding too.
i love the way french sounds

2005-03-06, 03:05
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
yes, french is very exotic sounding. my girl is a bit of french, but she doesn't know any (damnation. oh well, the best parts of being french still come out in her anyway  )
i learned italian for 11 years, but my teacher in the last year was so terrible i actually forgot most of it, and even then i barely knew basic italian. so i just said to myself "stuff it, i'm making less progression than mortician's entire back catalogue" and i have taught myself a bit of spanish from brujeria cds, online translation and a friend who lives in venezuela. i also would like to learn swedish but spanish is my main priority.
if there is any language i don't like, it's probably chinese. it's very annoying when people speak it, it gets right up my nose. plus it must be extremely frustrating for people to learn it, something like 2,600 symbols i think.

2005-03-06, 03:08
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
Originally Posted by Kalmahswamp
ive mainly just been swearing...
you always remember the curse words 
 isn't that always the way?
LE FLE!!!!
півеньщо ссе сучий син!!

Last edited by andrewc : 2005-03-06 at 03:10.

2005-03-06, 03:10
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Originally Posted by andrewc
yes, french is very exotic sounding. my girl is a bit of french, but she doesn't know any (damnation. oh well, the best parts of being french still come out in her anyway  )
i learned italian for 11 years, but my teacher in the last year was so terrible i actually forgot most of it, and even then i barely knew basic italian. so i just said to myself "stuff it, i'm making less progression than mortician's entire back catalogue" and i have taught myself a bit of spanish from brujeria cds, online translation and a friend who lives in venezuela. i also would like to learn swedish but spanish is my main priority.
if there is any language i don't like, it's probably chinese. it's very annoying when people speak it, it gets right up my nose. plus it must be extremely frustrating for people to learn it, something like 2,600 symbols i think.
yea, chinese would be a horror...i wish i had the patience to learn as many languages as you are attempting, i just know a little spanish and polish besides english...i'd love to learn russian because a hear russian literature is great (cant be too different from polish)
you gotta get your girlfriend to learn french!

2005-03-06, 03:12
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
Originally Posted by Kalmahswamp
yea, chinese would be a horror...i wish i had the patience to learn as many languages as you are attempting, i just know a little spanish and polish besides english...i'd love to learn russian because a hear russian literature is great (cant be too different from polish)
you gotta get your girlfriend to learn french!
ahh swedish is just for a hobby. yeah, russian would be cool, i listen to a ukrainian band so i know about 3 words of ukrainian, haha!!
my girlfriend's mate is teaching her portuguese, he just moved there from brazil, but apparently she's "the worst learner he's ever seen" 

2005-03-06, 03:13
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I dated a guy straight out of Ukraine. Now that was a hot accent.

2005-03-06, 03:15
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Originally Posted by andrewc
ahh swedish is just for a hobby. yeah, russian would be cool, i listen to a ukrainian band so i know about 3 words of ukrainian, haha!!
my girlfriend's mate is teaching her portuguese, he just moved there from brazil, but apparently she's "the worst learner he's ever seen" 
heh, my friend who moved to the U.S. from germany at age 12 or so tried to teach me some portuguese, but he spoke portuguese in a german accent...so it was pretty odd (his dad was german and his mom was portuguese) he's quite a languist...can fluently speak german, french, russian, english, german, portuguese, and can speak spanish pretty well.

2005-03-06, 03:17
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Originally Posted by DameFraMorkum
I dated a guy straight out of Ukraine. Now that was a hot accent.
my grandma had a brutal polish accent...sounded tough
i still think the best accent is french, even if youre speaking english with a french accent
unless its all snooty and pretentious

2005-03-06, 03:17
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Originally Posted by Kalmahswamp
heh, my friend who moved to the U.S. from germany at age 12 or so tried to teach me some portuguese, but he spoke portuguese in a german accent...so it was pretty odd (his dad was german and his mom was portuguese) he's quite a languist...can fluently speak german, french, russian, english, german, portuguese, and can speak spanish pretty well.
lol you mentioned german twice, i thought that was a lot  but seriously, that's amazing. he could be the next pope 

2005-03-06, 03:21
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Originally Posted by andrewc
lol you mentioned german twice

2005-03-06, 03:21
Join Date: Jan 2004
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Originally Posted by DameFraMorkum
I dated a guy straight out of Ukraine. Now that was a hot accent.
ukrainians would be pretty stern people....but hey whatever floats your boat
i haven't got any special accents in my family  my mum is kiwi and so is that whole side of my family, my dad's aussie and so is THAT whole side of my family.....although NZ accents (exents  ) do it for me the most. go them  i personally talk with a lower-class australian accent. it's cheap and boring, haha.

2005-03-06, 03:25
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i speak with no accent at all

2005-03-06, 03:37
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Accents are so hot.

2005-03-06, 03:47
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I like American accents, except fucking redneck accents

2005-03-06, 03:50
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Originally Posted by SmotPoker
I like American accents, except fucking redneck accents
i hate redneck and boston accents

2005-03-06, 03:53
Senior Metalhead
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yeah and those shity new york accents and ebonics.

2005-03-06, 08:42
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Originally Posted by Kalmahswamp
i speak with no accent at all
Wouldn't you speak with an American one?
Andrew, I don't like the over-the-top bogan accent, but find myself talking like that sometimes.

2005-03-06, 08:58
Pokémon Master
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It is hard to describe your own accent, because its the only thing you are used to. Not all Australians sound like "The Crocadile Hunter". Personally, i like to speak somewhat elequently, using much of my vocabulary and avoiding slang, though I have found myself using the phrase "cheers" a lot lately. I blame mansley, he has corrupted my elequent speech!
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2005-03-06, 18:25
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All you guys speak English dammit.

2005-03-07, 02:23
Join Date: Jan 2004
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Originally Posted by BeastOfCarrion
It is hard to describe your own accent, because its the only thing you are used to. Not all Australians sound like "The Crocadile Hunter". Personally, i like to speak somewhat elequently, using much of my vocabulary and avoiding slang, though I have found myself using the phrase "cheers" a lot lately. I blame mansley, he has corrupted my elequent speech!
yeah it is. and thank god we don't all sound like steve irwin the cock hunter.
i have a big vocabulary and use it sometimes, but also use slang. yeh the over-the-top bogan accent can be annoying except for when i talk like it  which is basically all the time.

2005-03-07, 02:49
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a boston accent and an australian accent both dont usually pronounce r's,say it more like an h, which is wierd cause the accents are nothing alike, except words that end with er, which are pronounced exactly the same

2005-03-08, 20:14
New Blood
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the initial question was...who speaks spanish ?????
yo hablo español ya que vivo y soy de México....vivo a 10 min de la frontera con Estados Unidos y lo mejor de acá son las gringas que vienen a ponerse bien pedas con cerveza corona y con tequila..
Arriba la cerveza y el Metal cabrones !!!!!!!!!!! 

2005-03-08, 22:24
Join Date: Dec 2004
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Originally Posted by uide5041
the initial question was...who speaks spanish ?????
yo hablo español ya que vivo y soy de México....vivo a 10 min de la frontera con Estados Unidos y lo mejor de acá son las gringas que vienen a ponerse bien pedas con cerveza corona y con tequila..
Arriba la cerveza y el Metal cabrones !!!!!!!!!!! 
Dónde está en Mexico?

2005-03-09, 12:45
New Blood
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en Reynosa, Tamaulipas...........

2005-03-09, 15:21
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Originally Posted by uide5041
Arriba la cerveza y el Metal cabrones !!!!!!!!!!! 
Arriba también las CHICAS!!!!!!! 
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