2005-03-05, 08:08
Join Date: Dec 2004
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Custom Shirts
You know those places that can make custom shirts for you? Like you take a photo or something and they can print it out on a shirt for you. I was just wondering, would it be illegal in any way, if you got like a band pic,band album cover pic, or whatever and put it on a shirt?

2005-03-05, 08:11
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Most places wont print copyrighted shit, so a CD cover is a no no... a picture might be possible.
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2005-03-05, 12:55
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Screen printing is easily done yourself if simple.
Professionals, even in dodgy little print-shops, usually won't violate copyright by making up 'band shirts'.
Best way of doing it is to make your own artwork, even if heavily influenced by something else, and then getting it printed.
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2005-03-05, 15:15
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what if you did the logo but not dead on?
like say you did nile, but you left out the spear thing that goes through the letters
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Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
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2005-03-05, 16:34
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No screen printing shop is ever gonna' know who Nile is or any other death metal bands. Just draw it up and tell them it's your own band... 

2005-03-05, 16:41
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no such probs here.....i can get anything printed on a shirt.....only problem being that the print doesnt show at all on black tee or on a black background for some wierd reason which sux
those guys genrally tell you to get something printed on a white or grey tee as ot would stand out more and also not to have black backgrounds which i learnt my self after spending 500 bucks
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2005-03-05, 16:46
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I learned how to do screen printing in art. You can't get details very well though.

2005-03-05, 17:14
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yes you can, theres alot to screen printing. i know people who learned this in art school and could do far better out of thier house than what printing shops can do, if you live near an art school, find someone there
edit:iron-on transfers, try that, i never have so cant comment if they work well
Last edited by low-tech : 2005-03-05 at 17:18.

2005-03-05, 17:27
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Godspeed You Black Emperor have some thing against band merchandise, so they don't sell any. They encourage you to go draw your own logo, and go to a screen printing shop. As long as its not a copyrighted image, you shouldn't get too much shit. And if you aren't selling them, its not a fringe of the copyright. You are taking your own money, and "designing" your own shirt. Most bands would say "hey, thats pretty cool." I dunno, its your call.
I'd actually like to learn if anyone has any websites that show you how to.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-03-05, 17:50
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i never done basic silk screening<i cant draw wortha damn, most printers are sick artists aside from thier printing abilities>, but its real easy,you got your silk stapled to a frame, a few chemical solutions, a ascetate transparency of the image and a heat lamp, make sure you got a big sink or tub to wash the screen afterwards. ive lived with people who printed thier own shirts and vinyl,cd inlay covers, kinda feel dumb to never learn it from them myself. go to a nearby community college, they probably have a class on it or something. or if your broke, dont have the time, go to an art supply store and talk to the person behind the counter, they usually know how since they sell the shit and they usually are informative

2005-03-05, 17:51
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Originally Posted by low-tech
edit:iron-on transfers, try that, i never have so cant comment if they work well
they work generally well but you have to trim around the picture or else you will get a square shaped box (the blank part of the iron-on). and after a while they usually start to peel, but ive had a iron on shirt for 2 years now and it hasnt peeled yet and the shirt will probably wear out before the decal.

2005-03-05, 18:06
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Rabbi, I like your icon.

2005-03-05, 18:07
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Iron on transfers are shit, at least the ones I've used (kodak). They only work for white/light grey, and you have to be extremely precise with your ironing and timing. With mine, there usually was some kind of blank marks/fading, due to this fact.

2005-03-05, 18:55
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i dont know anything that teaches you printing online
check the poster archive,some local artist flyers for shows in my area
id like to have t-shirts of some of these flyers, that'd be weird

2005-03-05, 22:21
Supreme Metalhead
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Originally Posted by DameFraMorkum
Rabbi, I like your icon.
why thank you! 

2005-03-06, 02:44
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I'm going to have some shirts made of my band pretty soon. Just a basic logo type deal.
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2005-03-06, 19:52
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Originally Posted by rabbifoodslicer
they work generally well but you have to trim around the picture or else you will get a square shaped box (the blank part of the iron-on). and after a while they usually start to peel, but ive had a iron on shirt for 2 years now and it hasnt peeled yet and the shirt will probably wear out before the decal.
I tried the trimming deal once, and it didn't work out very well. It was on a black t-shirt with a transfer that was designed for black t-shirts, and when I peeled the fucker off, all I had were pieces of paper stuck to my shirt. It's been like two months or more since then, and I still haven't mannaged to get the shit off. However, I did a few white ones with no trimming, and they came out looking great.
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