2005-03-07, 21:20
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Naples, FL
Posts: 1,916
Syrians withdrawing from Lebanon
What do you all think about Syria liberating Lebanon? I think this will have an influence on the middle east (considering Lebanon is a very westernized realm, and strives for a secular society). I hope it will sort of help hinder the profuse terrorism in that area of the world. Oh well, I just wanted to see what anyone else thinks of this event.

2005-03-07, 23:04
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Las Vegas
Posts: 454
Isnt Syria an arabic country? thats cool that they liberated a non arab country(doeans seem like an arabic thing to do, to me atleast). who was occupying Lebannon before they steped in?

2005-03-07, 23:05
Join Date: Dec 2004
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The Lebanese...Syria has just held the nation for decades, but it looks like they'll finally regain sovereignty

2005-03-07, 23:10
Join Date: Dec 2004
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isreal and the us probably gave syria the same ultimatum it gave egypt like 30 years ago, they fax all the photos of the sights they may bomb very soon if the military doesnt fuck off immediatly
it has more to do with hezbollah and isreal than it does the lebanonese people, thats my feeling

2005-03-08, 00:13
El Diablo sin pantalones
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I'm not sure how it will affect stability in the middle east, but recent events in the area somehow hint that things are finaly progressing. Lets just hope there'll be no shit to hit the fan this time.
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-03-08, 07:04
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Fucking Syrians. About time.

2005-03-08, 07:18
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
*loads up gun*
i despise lebanon. absolutely loathe it. this is not a society like other muslims where a vast majority of decent, hard working people with a different culture are spoiled by a few bad ones (terrorists a dur), every lebanese person i have met has been BAD NEWS x10. and i'm in melbourne, this basically IS lebanon, so i've dealt with a few.
compare the vile little cock-suckers to other immigrants:
every indian i've come across has been a decent, pleasant person. they work hard and are friendly towards white people.
oriental asians
same with the work ethic and respecting the white people. there are some bad eggs, but on the whole, these are very good people.
other meditarraneans
at least some of the italians and greeks are decent. some get good jobs in high firms, they are a lot stricter but that is just their way. on the whole, usually one of these other people is fairly trustworthy except for our generation. and even then you get some pretty nice, non-gangster kids our age.
that's all i'm willing to justify.
every single fucken lebo i have ever had the bad fortune to meet is either:
exceptionally violent, picking random fights with innocent people in gangs
dodgy/not trustworthy
intolerant of other peoples opinions (not too terrible in itself, but this involves threats of violence for speaking out for something that isn't islam)
one or more of the above
again, this is not a case of win some, lose some, this is a case of every one of these nasty, abusive piles of puke are not worth a pinch of horse shit and they should all be shot to save the australian government many 1000's of $$$ a year in dole payments.
every bit of trouble i've ever had, bar one, is from lebos. we took them in out of the goodness of our hearts when the civil war started, and this is how they fucking well re-pay us. i say: call george dubya for a favour, ship them all back on to the so-leaky-the-prawns-were-wearing-life-jackets leaky boat, then nuke the place!!!!
NOW THEN!!! as for my opinion on this....


2005-03-09, 07:53
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: providence
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i like how bush waited a week to comment on the syria question in lebenon, totally exposing the politically machinary of it all, probably doesnt know that someone in the pentagon probably did the most pressuring, if syria doesnt entirely withdraw rummiod will probably order him to bomb them
im also convinced rummy and cheney run the country in entirety, they write the laws drafted to the house and congress, they decide the policy,they spent the long hours into the am scheming,logistically planning and organizing campaigns and adjustments in the iraq war, they have final word on everything. bush is like ronald mcdonald, hes a mascot. does a john wayne-lite impressionation at the podium, reads from the telepromter like a true texas robot

2005-03-09, 08:09
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 454
you think the next president is going to be any better? fuck i hate politics

2005-03-09, 08:40
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Originally Posted by low-tech
im also convinced rummy and cheney run the country in entirety, they write the laws drafted to the house and congress, they decide the policy,they spent the long hours into the am scheming,logistically planning and organizing campaigns and adjustments in the iraq war, they have final word on everything. bush is like ronald mcdonald, hes a mascot. does a john wayne-lite impressionation at the podium, reads from the telepromter like a true texas robot
Dude, I'm sure every president does this. Take Clinton for example, too busy having his cock sucked to run the country. Dan Quayle probably did it. Bush just doesn't do a very good job of convincing the world that it's him, and not 'Rummy' and Cheney running the country.

2005-03-09, 08:44
Join Date: Mar 2004
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Bush doesn't do much of a good job of anything.

2005-03-09, 11:32
El Diablo sin pantalones
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Yggdrassyl
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After Bush's 1st election, half of the US was asking for a recount. After his re-election, the whole world was asking for a recount 
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-03-09, 23:11
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: providence
Posts: 1,863
clinton was a snake, a brilliant one at that, we all seen bush in debate, he gets pissed,postures,frowns, repeats the same dumbed down mantra. clinton on the other hand could break down every major point on NAFTA, could name anyone worth a damn in serbia without studdering, could spit out accurate statistics on anything from murder per capita rates in american cities to pro-democracy activists jailed in china. he destroyed bush sr. in debate, hammered him on taxes due to the first gulf war. Al Gore played a minor part as compared to cheney, al gore is a fucking museam piece where as cheney is a fucking underboss, hes the one to flex the brain muscle at the debates, tells senators to go fuck themselves, shrugs off haliburton like it aint shit.....this would normally bury anyone else, that guy is the chief architect of the iraq war, no doubt, this is what happens when military and pentagon officials get side stepped by a political idealogue,democracy administered at gunpoint, a republicans wet dream. he makes all the hard decisions because he has no presidential ambitions, retires after this term
he also called the shots during 9/11, bush got flown to camp david hung out in a bunk while cheney was in the board rooms grilling everyone, deploying fighter jets, putting the entire country on alert etc.

2005-03-10, 00:35
Muffin Ass
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Sugar Britches
Posts: 2,340
I know nothing of Lebanon.....
All this chatter about Bush Clinton / repubs/dems for me is simple.
Dems are mostly fakeass expert liars....that makes climbing up to power easy.
Repubs dont give a fuck when you can see through their lies and bully their way around.
Both parties suck and are crammed with liars and overzealous wannabes.
But that is fine by me......apathy reigns supreme these days with me......banging my head and busting out power chords is one of the few things keeping me from going on killing sprees and that too is fine by me!
Fuck Lebanon and fuck you.


2005-03-10, 00:38
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Chicago
Posts: 8,705
Originally Posted by SmotPoker
you think the next president is going to be any better? fuck i hate politics
Its not possible to be worse..
Originally Posted by Cloaca
Take Clinton for example, too busy having his cock sucked to run the country.
Clinton ran the country fine, whether you like him or not you cant deny what he did to help our economy (not knowing Bush would completly fuck it up) Clinton wasent caught up with fighting wars, instead he did his job, he ran the U.S. he devoted all his efforts to HIS country, not someone elses.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-03-10, 20:20
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Naples, FL
Posts: 1,916
Originally Posted by Bia
I know nothing of Lebanon.....
All this chatter about Bush Clinton / repubs/dems for me is simple.
Dems are mostly fakeass expert liars....that makes climbing up to power easy.
Repubs dont give a fuck when you can see through their lies and bully their way around.
Both parties suck and are crammed with liars and overzealous wannabes.
But that is fine by me......apathy reigns supreme these days with me......banging my head and busting out power chords is one of the few things keeping me from going on killing sprees and that too is fine by me!
Fuck Lebanon and fuck you.

what an arbitrary showing of stupidity

2005-03-10, 20:23
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Naples, FL
Posts: 1,916
Originally Posted by low-tech
clinton was a snake, a brilliant one at that, we all seen bush in debate, he gets pissed,postures,frowns, repeats the same dumbed down mantra. clinton on the other hand could break down every major point on NAFTA, could name anyone worth a damn in serbia without studdering, could spit out accurate statistics on anything from murder per capita rates in american cities to pro-democracy activists jailed in china. he destroyed bush sr. in debate, hammered him on taxes due to the first gulf war. Al Gore played a minor part as compared to cheney, al gore is a fucking museam piece where as cheney is a fucking underboss, hes the one to flex the brain muscle at the debates, tells senators to go fuck themselves, shrugs off haliburton like it aint shit.....this would normally bury anyone else, that guy is the chief architect of the iraq war, no doubt, this is what happens when military and pentagon officials get side stepped by a political idealogue,democracy administered at gunpoint, a republicans wet dream. he makes all the hard decisions because he has no presidential ambitions, retires after this term
he also called the shots during 9/11, bush got flown to camp david hung out in a bunk while cheney was in the board rooms grilling everyone, deploying fighter jets, putting the entire country on alert etc.
Clinton and Gore were a great team...
Anyway speaking of Bush slurring and mispronouncing everyone's name and being a bad speaker...He recently called "Lebanon" Lebonebonon now wonder theres been a sudden surge of upheaval and hatred towards the U.S. over there 

2005-03-10, 20:55
Muffin Ass
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Sugar Britches
Posts: 2,340
Originally Posted by Kalmahswamp
what an arbitrary showing of stupidity
You're welcome....and that "fuck you" was not directed towards you or anyone specific.....and my "stupidity" you point out is of course your opinion.
Also...you failed to see the humor intended.......however it's not my style to call someones opinion stupid.

2005-03-11, 02:08
New Blood
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Niggerville
Posts: 5
fuck both countrys we need to drop an atom bomb on both them.

2005-03-11, 10:36
El Diablo sin pantalones
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Yggdrassyl
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Isn't there some way we can IP ban that guy 
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!
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