Good day fellow guitarists, drummers and so on.
It's been long since I started listening to metal music, and quite frankly, I've never been interested in playing any instruments myself, BUT - Last year at the start of december I had a turningpoint. I bought myself a guitar and began learning to play it.
At this point I've noticed a song from one of my favourite funeral doom metal bands, Forgotten Tomb, which is called Springtime Depression. Now, it may sound as an easy song to tab for some, for some it may not. No matter what, I want to learn to play this song(it is in fact instrumental, with only 2 guitars) from Forgotten Tomb. If ANYONE has this song and are able to make a tab for it I would be greatful.
So, if anyone has the ears and skills for this, to help a poor man become happy, by him learning to play this song, I would infininitely happy.
Forgotten Tomb - Springtime Depression
Thats the song

- Cheers and stuff like that
- Me
Edit: Just for the record, yes - I did use the search engine on the site, and I did use any possible search engine elsewhere on the net (well, google says it all, really.)